中国医科大学学报  2022, Vol. 51 Issue (9): 788-793,799


张宁馨, 丁雅洁, 刘洋, 魏薇, 孙琦, 贾丽红
ZHANG Ningxin, DING Yajie, LIU Yang, WEI Wei, SUN Qi, JIA Lihong
Effects of early-life factors and diet-related behaviors on overweight and obesity in primary school students
中国医科大学学报, 2022, 51(9): 788-793,799
Journal of China Medical University, 2022, 51(9): 788-793,799


网络出版时间:2022-08-15 10:01
张宁馨1,2 , 丁雅洁1,2 , 刘洋2,3 , 魏薇1 , 孙琦1 , 贾丽红1,2     
1. 中国医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学教研室,沈阳 110122;
2. 辽宁省肥胖与糖脂代谢疾病重点实验室,沈阳 110122;
3. 中国医科大学健康科学研究院,沈阳 110122
摘要目的 探讨生命早期因素与饮食相关行为对小学生超重、肥胖的影响。方法 选取沈阳市大东区2所小学1 736名在校学生作为研究对象, 检测学生身高、体质量并进行发育早期因素和饮食相关行为因素的问卷调查。采用多因素logistic回归分析学生超重、肥胖的影响因素。结果 超重和肥胖检出率分别为18.8%、21.4%, 男生超重、肥胖率(48.8%)明显高于女生(31.2%, P < 0.01)。多因素logistic回归分析显示, 喜欢清淡口味(OR=0.553, 95% CI: 0.410~0.745, P < 0.001)是小学生超重、肥胖的保护因素; 剖宫产(OR=1.550, 95% CI: 1.155~2.079, P < 0.01)、首次添加辅食时间 < 4月龄(OR=1.904, 95% CI: 1.048~3.459, P < 0.05)、喜欢油腻口味(OR=1.905, 95% CI: 1.285~2.825, P < 0.001)、吃饭速度快(OR=1.671, 95% CI: 1.112~2.513, P < 0.05)、食欲好(OR=4.508, 95% CI: 3.190~6.371, P < 0.001)、不挑食(OR=1.743, 95% CI: 1.252~2.427, P < 0.05)是小学生超重、肥胖的危险因素。结论 沈阳市小学生超重、肥胖检出率较高。剖宫产、< 4月龄添加辅助食物、喜欢油腻食物、吃饭速度快、食欲好是儿童超重、肥胖的危险因素; 喜欢清淡口味是儿童超重、肥胖的保护因素。
关键词小学生    超重    肥胖    饮食行为    生命早期因素    
Effects of early-life factors and diet-related behaviors on overweight and obesity in primary school students
ZHANG Ningxin1,2 , DING Yajie1,2 , LIU Yang2,3 , WEI Wei1 , SUN Qi1 , JIA Lihong1,2     
1. Department of Child and Adolescent Health, School of Public Health, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China;
2. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Obesity and Glucose/Lipid Associated Metabolic Diseases, Shenyang 110122, China;
3. Institute of Health Science, China Medical University, Shenyang 110122, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the effects of early-life factors and diet-related behaviors on overweight and obesity among primary school students. Methods A total of 1 736 students from two primary schools in the Dadong district of Shenyang were selected as the study subjects.Their heights and weights were measured.A questionnaire was administered on early life-and dietary-related behavioral factors.Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the factors influencing overweight and obesity among the students. Results The detection rates of overweight and obesity were 18.8% and 21.4%, respectively.The overweight and obesity rates of boys (48.8%) were significantly higher than those of girls (31.2%;P < 0.01).Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that a preference for light tastes (OR=0.553, 95% CI: 0.410-0.745, P < 0.001) was a protective factor for overweight and obesity among primary school students.Cesarean delivery (OR=1.550, 95% CI: 1.155-2.079, P < 0.05), adding supplementary food for the first time at < 4 months of age (OR=1.904, 95% CI: 1.048-3.459, P < 0.05), preference for fried food (OR=1.905, 95% CI: 1.285-2.825, P < 0.001), fast eating (OR=1.671, 95% CI: 1.112-2.513, P < 0.05), good appetite (OR=4.508, 95% CI: 3.190-6.371, P < 0.001), and not being a picky eater (OR=1.743, 95% CI: 1.252-2.427, P < 0.05) were risk factors for overweight and obesity in primary school students. Conclusion The detection rate of overweight and obesity among primary school students in Shenyang was high.Cesarean delivery, adding supplementary food at < 4 months of age, preference for fried food, fast eating, and good appetite are risk factors for overweight and obesity in children; a preference for light tastes is a protective factor for overweight and obesity in children.
Keywords: primary school students    overweight    obesity    dietary behavior    early-life factor    


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象

将2019年5月至8月于沈阳市大东区随机抽取2所小学的1 736名在校学生作为研究对象,其中男884名(50.9%),女852名(49.1%)。所有学生家长均知情同意并签署知情同意书。本研究获得中国医科大学医学伦理委员会批准。

1.2 研究方法

测量并记录学生的身高和体质量,计算体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)。由校医统一发放调查问卷,并指导家长和学生共同填写。共发放调查问卷1 736份,回收问卷1 736份,根据文献[5],内容缺失的问卷亦纳入研究。调查问卷参考文献[6-7]设计,问卷内容包括:(1)生命早期因素,分娩方式、出生体质量、从出生到4个月的喂养方式、母乳喂养时间、首次添加辅食时间;(2)饮食行为及饮水情况,是否经常吃早餐、吃饭速度、食欲、是否挑食、喜欢食物的口味、饮水种类;(3)近6个月内零食(坚果类、甜食、小食品、快餐食品、油炸食品、雪糕冷饮类、罐头食品等)的摄入频率。食物摄入频率划分:经常,≥6 d/周;偶尔,5 d/周;不经常,≤4 d/周。超重、肥胖判定依据中国肥胖问题工作组制定的中国学龄儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查BMI分类标准[8]

1.3 统计学分析

采用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计学分析,计数资料采用率(%)表示,单因素分析采用χ2检验,将单因素分析有统计学意义(P < 0.05)数据再进行多因素logistic回归分析,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 超重、肥胖率比较

结果显示,超重学生327名(18.8%),其中男192名(21.7%),女135名(15.8%);肥胖学生371名(21.4%),其中男240名(27.1%),女131名(15.4%)。男、女生超重、肥胖率总体比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=58.689,P < 0.001)。7~9岁、10~12岁组超重率分别为17.6%、20.6%,肥胖率分别为23.0%、19.1%,不同年龄组超重、肥胖率差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.077,P= 0.079)。见表 1

表 1 不同年龄组超重、肥胖率比较[n(%)] Tab.1 Comparisons of overweight and obesity rates among different age groups [n(%)]
Group Normal weight Overweight Obese Total
7-9 years 608(59.4) 180(17.6) 235(23.0) 1 023(58.9)
10-12 years 430(60.3) 147(20.6) 136(19.1) 713(41.1)
Total 1 038(59.8) 327(18.8) 371(21.4) 1 736(100.0)

2.2 生命早期因素对超重、肥胖的影响

结果显示,与正常组比较,超重、肥胖组剖宫产、首次添加辅食时间 < 4月龄的比例增高;母乳喂养比例降低,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05),见表 2

表 2 超重、肥胖组和正常组生命早期指标比较[n(%)] Tab.2 Comparison of early-life indices between the overweight and obese group and the normal weight group [n(%)]
Item n Overweight and obese group Normal weight group χ2 P
Mode of delivery 14.739 < 0.001
  Vaginal delivery 566 189(29.5) 377(38.9)
  Cesarean delivery 1 044 451(70.5) 593(61.1)
Birth weight 1.683 0.431
   < 2 500 g 44 22(3.4) 22(2.4)
  2 500- < 4 000 g 1 399 566(88.3) 833(89.0)
  ≥4 000 g 134 53(8.3) 81(8.7)
Feeding patterns from birth to 4 months 7.037 0.030
  Breast feeding 984 375(59.7) 609(63.1)
  Formula milk 280 130(20.7) 150(15.5)
  Mixed feeding 329 150(19.6) 206(21.3)
Breast feeding time 4.297 0.231
   < 6 months 423 170(29.0) 253(27.8)
  6- < 12 months 634 238(40.6) 396(43.5)
  12- < 24 months 363 140(23.9) 223(24.5)
  ≥24 month 77 38(6.5) 39(4.3)
The first time to add supplementary food 6.586 0.037
   < 4 months of age 85 43(7.3) 42(4.7)
  4- < 6 months of age 1 070 407(69.5) 663(74.7)
  ≥6 months of age 319 136(23.2) 183(20.6)

2.3 饮食行为对超重肥胖的影响

结果显示,与正常组比较,超重肥胖组经常吃早饭、喜欢油腻口味、常喝塑料桶装水、吃饭速度快、食欲好的比例增高;挑食、喜欢清淡口味、常喝烧开自来水的比例降低,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05),见表 3

表 3 超重肥胖组和正常组饮食行为各项指标比较[n(%)] Tab.3 Comparison of dietary behavior indices between the overweight and obese group and the normal weight group[n(%)]
Item n Overweight and obese group Normal weight group χ2 P
Breakfast 8.009 0.018
  Regularly 1 530 623(96.1) 907(93.3)
  Occasionally 69 22(3.4) 47(4.8)
  Barely 21 3(0.5) 18(1.9)
Eating speed 83.649 < 0.001
  Fast 225 136(21.1) 89(9.2)
  Slow 336 75(11.6) 261(26.9)
  Normal 1 054 435(67.3) 619(63.9)
Appetite 204.808 < 0.001
  Good 855 461(87.3) 394(45.8)
  Normal 513 88(16.0) 425(49.4)
  Bad 44 2(4.5) 42(4.9)
Picky eating 84.424 < 0.001
  Regularly 317 89(13.9) 228(23.4)
  Barely 776 398(62.1) 378(38.8)
  Occasionally 523 154(24.0) 369(37.8)
Preference for light taste 17.828 < 0.001
  Yes 568 186(29.2) 382(39.5)
  No 1 036 451(70.8) 585(60.5)
Preference for fried taste 25.463 < 0.001
  Yes 217 120(18.8) 97(10.0)
  No 1 387 517(81.2) 870(90.0)
Preference for salty taste 0.249 0.618
  Yes 325 133(20.9) 192(19.9)
  No 1 279 504(79.1) 775(80.1)
Preference for sweet taste 1.657 0.198
  Yes 767 292(45.8) 475(49.1)
  No 837 345(54.2) 492(50.9)
Preference for spicy taste 0.610 0.435
  Yes 279 105(16.5) 174(18.0)
  No 1 325 532(83.5) 793(82.0)
Preference for other taste food 2.009 0.156
  Yes 99 46(7.2) 53(5.5)
  No 1 505 591(92.8) 914(94.5)
Drink plastic barreled water regularly 8.621 0.003
  Yes 416 192(29.6) 224(23.1)
  No 1 201 456(70.4) 745(76.9)
Drink boiled water regularly 8.455 0.004
  Yes 1 236 471(72.7) 765(78.9)
  No 381 177(27.3) 204(21.1)
Drink sweet drinks regularly 0.578 0.447
  Yes 19 6(0.9) 13(1.3)
  No 1 598 642(99.1) 956(98.7)
Drink juice regularly 0.226 0.635
  Yes 28 10(1.5) 18(1.9)
  No 1 589 638(98.5) 951(98.1)

2.4 零食类食物摄入情况对超重肥胖的影响

结果显示,在近6个月内超重肥胖组经常吃雪糕冷饮类食品的比例高于正常组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表 4

表 4 超重肥胖组和正常组零食摄入频率比较[n(%)] Tab.4 Comparison of snack intake frequencies between the overweight and obese group and the normal weight group [n(%)]
Item n Overweight and obese group Normal weight group χ2 P
Nuts 2.718 0.257
  Barely 1 345 536(83.6) 809(85.7)
  Occasionally 204 86(13.4) 118(12.5)
  Regularly 36 19(3.0) 17(1.8)
Sweets 3.296 0.192
  Barely 1 453 582(93.6) 871(93.4)
  Occasionally 85 30(4.8) 55(5.9)
  Regularly 17 10(1.6) 7(0.8)
Puffed food 0.101 0.951
  Barely 1 502 600(96.8) 902(97.0)
  Occasionally 32 13(2.1) 19(2.0)
  Regularly 16 7(1.1) 9(1.0)
Fast food 2.943 0.230
  Barely 1 506 598(98.7) 908(99.2)
  Occasionally 8 3(0.5) 5(0.5)
  Regularly 7 5(0.8) 2(0.2)
Fried food 5.538 0.063
  Barely 1 472 590(97.4) 882(98.4)
  Occasionally 20 13(2.1) 7(0.8)
  Regularly 10 3(0.5) 7(0.8)
Beverage 7.630 0.022
  Barely 1 174 450(70.5) 724(76.5)
  Occasionally 303 135(21.2) 186(17.7)
  Regularly 108 53(8.3) 55(5.8)
Canned food 1.862 0.394
  Barely 1 354 539(95.7) 815(97.0)
  Occasionally 27 14(2.5) 13(1.5)
  Regularly 22 10(1.8) 12(1.4)

2.5 logistic回归分析超重、肥胖的影响因素

将单因素分析中P < 0.05的变量(分娩方式、喂养方式、首次添加辅食的时间、喜欢清淡口味、喜欢油腻口味、常喝塑料桶装水、常喝自来水烧开、吃早餐、吃饭速度、食欲、挑食情况、雪糕冷饮摄入情况)纳入多因素logistic回归模型。结果显示,剖宫产、首次添加辅食的时间 < 4个月、喜欢油腻口味、吃饭速度快、食欲好、不挑食为超重、肥胖的危险因素(均P < 0.05),喜欢清淡口味为超重肥胖的保护因素(P < 0.05),见表 5

表 5 超重、肥胖影响因素的logistic回归分析 Tab.5 Logistic regression analysis of impact factors of overweight and obesity
Item β Wald P OR(95%CI)
Mode of delivery
  Cesarean delivery 0.44 8.54 0.003 1.550(1.155-2.079)
  Vaginal delivery Ref.
Feeding patterns from birth to 4 months
  Formula milk 0.19 0.96 0.326 1.206(0.830-1.753)
  Mixed feeding -0.18 1.08 0.298 0.833(0.590-1.175)
  Breastfeeding Ref.
The first time to add supplementary food
   < 4 months of age 0.64 4.46 0.035 1.904(1.048-3.459)
  ≥6 months of age 0.29 2.90 0.089 1.334(0.957-1.860)
  4- < 6 months of age Ref.
Preference for light taste
  Yes -0.59 15.16 < 0.001 0.553(0.410-0.745)
  No Ref.
Preference for fried taste
  Yes 0.65 10.29 0.001 1.905(1.285-2.825)
  No Ref.
Drink plastic barreled water regularly
  Yes 0.08 0.05 0.824 1.078(0.555-2.094)
  No Ref.
Drink boiled water regularly
  Yes -0.28 0.62 0.430 0.758(0.381-1.508)
  No Ref.
  Regularly 0.32 0.21 0.649 1.377(0.347-5.459)
  Occasionally -0.36 0.21 0.648 0.695(0.146-3.312)
  Barely Ref.
Eating speed
  Fast 0.51 6.10 0.014 1.671(1.112-2.513)
  Slow -0.37 3.21 0.073 0.694(0.466-1.035)
  Normal Ref.
  Good 1.51 72.79 < 0.001 4.508(3.190-6.371)
  Bad -1.15 2.28 0.131 0.318(0.072-1.407)
  Normal Ref.
Picky eating
  Regularly 0.35 2.46 0.117 1.416(0.917-2.187)
  Barely 0.56 10.83 0.001 1.743(1.252-2.427)
  Occasionally Ref.
  Occasionally 0.22 1.62 0.203 1.252(0.886-1.768)
  Regularly 0.41 1.93 0.165 1.512(0.843-2.711)
  Barely Ref.

3 讨论


已有研究[11-12]显示,分娩方式、出生体质量、喂养方式以及首次添加辅食的时间等因素均与儿童肥胖的发生有关。本研究结果显示,剖宫产和首次添加辅食的时间 < 4月龄与超重、肥胖发生呈正相关;而出生体质量和喂养方式与超重、肥胖不相关。研究[13]显示,剖宫产分娩的婴儿将来肥胖发生风险高,可能与肠道菌群紊乱有关。首次添加辅食时间 < 4月龄的儿童发生超重、肥胖的风险增加,与周静等[14]研究结果一致。通常辅助食品中的热能要高于母乳,婴儿过早过多摄入热能可导致体质量增加。近年来,多数研究[15-16]支持高出生体质量(巨大儿)与儿童肥胖发生有关,但本研究没有得出两者具有相关性,可能是本次调查中约90%儿童属于出生体质量正常,出生体质量高儿童较少所致。


综上所述,剖宫产、< 4月龄添加辅助食物、喜欢油腻食物、吃饭速度快、食欲好、不挑食是儿童超重、肥胖发生的危险因素;而喜欢清淡口味是儿童超重、肥胖发生的保护因素。因此,从小培养良好的饮食行为对儿童超重、肥胖的预防具有重要意义。本研究的不足之处:调查对象仅来源于2所小学,其代表性有限;且研究为现况调查,研究结果得出的影响因素仅与超重、肥胖发生有关,但不是因果关系。因此,小学生超重、肥胖的发生原因需进一步研究探索。

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