中国医科大学学报  2022, Vol. 51 Issue (2): 163-168


武俊波, 马亮, 许楠, 张慧生, 杜可仆, 乔英, 赵军
WU Junbo, MA Liang, XU Nan, ZHANG Huisheng, DU Kepu, QIAO Ying, ZHAO Jun
Comparison of CT imaging features of primary mediastinal bronchial, thymic, and pericardial cysts
中国医科大学学报, 2022, 51(2): 163-168
Journal of China Medical University, 2022, 51(2): 163-168


网络出版时间:2021-12-30 19:03
武俊波1 , 马亮1 , 许楠1 , 张慧生1 , 杜可仆2 , 乔英3 , 赵军1     
1. 山西医科大学附属长治市人民医院肿瘤中心, 山西 长治 046000;
2. 郑州大学第一附属医院放射与核医学科, 郑州 450003;
3. 山西医科大学附属第一医院放射科, 太原 030001
摘要目的 比较原发性纵隔支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿CT影像学特征,为纵隔囊肿影像学诊断及鉴别诊断提供依据。方法 收集2015年1月至2020年12月山西医科大学附属长治市人民医院及郑州大学第一附属医院经病理证实的纵隔支气管囊肿28例、胸腺囊肿21例、心包囊肿25例患者的临床资料。所有患者均行胸部CT平扫及增强扫描,比较囊肿部位、大小、密度、分隔、钙化等影像学特征,并对囊肿大小与临床症状的相关性进行分析。结果 原发性支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿及心包囊肿在纵隔的位置分布及是否合并囊壁钙化比较差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05),但在性别及是否合并囊壁分隔比较差异均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。原发性支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿及心包囊肿最小径/最大径比值分别为0.72±0.18、0.68±0.18、0.69±0.22;平扫CT值分别为(19.67±10.70)Hu、(13.83±8.37)Hu、(14.67±9.50)Hu;增强后CT值分别为(21.69±11.92)Hu、(16.88±11.83)Hu、(15.66±8.94)Hu,差异均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。囊肿最大径≥5 cm组与囊肿最大径 < 5 cm组比较合并临床症状差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论 原发性纵隔支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿及心包囊肿的影像学表现各有特点,但利用CT平扫、CT增强扫描及囊内有无分隔无法区分。囊肿所处位置和囊壁有无钙化可能为临床鉴别纵隔囊肿提供信息。囊肿大小和临床症状之间可能存在相关性,提示肿瘤大小可作为临床干预的指标。
关键词计算机断层扫描    纵隔囊肿    支气管囊肿    心包囊肿    胸腺囊肿    影像学特征    
Comparison of CT imaging features of primary mediastinal bronchial, thymic, and pericardial cysts
1. The Cancer Centre, Changzhi People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanxi Medical University, Changzhi 046000, China;
2. Department of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450003, China;
3. Department of Radiation, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China
Abstract: Objective This study aimed to compare the CT imaging characteristics of primary mediastinal bronchial, thymic, and pericardial cysts in order to provide evidence for the clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of mediastinal cysts. Methods Twenty-eight cases of mediastinal bronchogenic cyst, 21 cases of thymic cyst, and 25 cases of pericardial cyst were collected from Changzhi People's Hospital, the first affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou University. All cases had plain chest CT and enhanced CT imaging. Imaging features, such as location, size, morphology, density, separation, and calcification, of all cysts were observed, and any correlations between cyst size and clinical symptoms were analyzed. Results Comparison of primary bronchial mediastinal cysts, thymic cysts, and pericardial cysts showed that the location of the three cysts in the mediastinum and whether they were combined with cyst wall calcification, were different. Differences that were found were statistically significant (P < 0.05); however, there was no statistically significant difference in sex distribution and whether it was combined with cyst wall separation (P > 0.05). The minimum diameter/maximum diameter ratios of the above three types of cysts were 0.72±0.18, 0.68±0.18, and 0.69±0.22, respectively; the plain chest CT values were 19.67±10.70 Hu, 13.83±8.37 Hu, and 14.67±9.50 Hu, and the enhanced CT values were 21.69±11.92 Hu, 16.88±11.83 Hu, and 15.66±8.94 Hu, respectively. Their difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). However, the enhanced CT values of the three types of cysts were seen to be significantly higher than that of the plain chest CT scan (P < 0.01); clinical symptoms were significantly different between cysts of maximum diameter ≥ 5 cm and those < 5 cm (P < 0.05). Conclusion The imaging findings of primary bronchial, thymic, and pericardial cysts have their own characteristics. The plain chest CT values and changes after enhancement, considering the presence or absence of separation in the cyst, cannot distinguish the three types of cysts. However, the location and the presence or absence of calcification in the cyst wall may provide more information that may guide clinical work-up and management. There is a possible correlation between size of the cyst and clinical symptoms, suggesting that tumor size may possibly be recognized as an indicator of clinical intervention.


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


本研究共纳入74例。男38例,女36例;年龄5~87岁,平均年龄(44.84±15.67)岁。有临床症状的患者18例,其中胸痛6例,呼吸困难4例,胸闷3例,咳嗽2例,干咳1例,发热1例,心悸1例,病史4 d~5年。体检发现(无临床症状)53例。所有患者均经手术治疗,术后病理结果显示支气管囊肿28例,胸腺囊肿21例,心包囊肿25例。

1.2 CT检查

使用西门子128层螺旋CT扫描仪,管电压120 kV,管电流100 mA,螺距0.6,转速0.5 s,重建层厚0.75 mm,间隔0.5 mm。扫描范围从膈面以下至胸廓入口处,扫描层厚和层间距均为5 mm,先行平扫,经肘静脉穿刺,再高压注射器注入非离子型对比剂碘海醇(350 mg/mL),流率3~4 mL/s,延迟30 s行动脉期扫描,延迟60 s行静脉期扫描。食管钡餐造影检查3例(支气管囊肿2例、胸腺囊肿1例)。心脏彩超检查6例(胸腺囊肿2例,心包囊肿3例,支气管囊肿1例)。

1.3 图像分析

所得影像资料均由2位具有副高级职称医师分析判断,内容包括:病变部位、大小(最大径、最小径)、密度、分隔、钙化等,最终结果为2位医师测量结果的平均值,根据囊肿最大径进行分组[3],分为最大径≥5 cm组和最大径 < 5 cm组。

1.4 统计学分析

采用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计学处理。符合正态分布计量资料采用x±s表示,组间比较采用方差分析,同组不同处理比较采用配对t检验;计数资料采用率(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验,对于理论频数 < 1或样本量 < 40采用Fisher精确概率法。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者临床资料比较

结果显示,支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者年龄及性别比较差异无统计学意义(F = 1.341,P = 0.268;F = 0.705,P = 0.405),囊肿所处纵隔位置差异有统计学意义(F = 29.815,P < 0.001),囊肿囊壁有无钙化差异有统计学意义(F = 26.228,P = 0.036),而囊肿囊内有无分隔无统计学差异(F = 5.360,P = 0.171),见表 1

表 1 支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者临床资料比较 Tab.1 Comparison of baseline clinical characteristics and CT features of the three types of cysts patients
Item Bronchogenic cyst group(n = 28) Thymic cyst group(n = 21) Pericardial cyst group(n = 25)
Age(year) 41.29±14.47 48.48±17.80 45.76±14.84
Sex [n (%)]
  Male 15(53.6) 12(57.1) 11(44.0)
  Female 13(46.4) 9(42.9) 14(56.0)
Location(mediastinum)[n (%)]
  Anterior 6(21.4) 16(76.2) 4(16.0)
  Medial 18(64.3) 2(9.5) 21(84.0)
  Posterior 4(14.3) 3(14.3) 0(0)
Calcification of cyst wall [n (%)]
  Exist 6(21.4) 3(14.3) 0(0)
  None 22(78.6) 18(85.7) 25(100)
Division of cyst [n (%)]
  Exist 1(3.6) 3(14.3) 5(20.0)
  None 27(96.4) 18(85.7) 20(80.0)

支气管囊肿患者典型CT检查结果可见囊肿位于左后纵隔,大小约1.8 cm×1.6 cm,平扫病灶CT值约19.4 Hu,增强扫描无强化。病理结果显示,肉眼可见灰白灰黄样组织,大小约3.5 cm×2.0 cm ×0.5 cm,内壁厚约0.1~0.2 cm,内壁灰白、灰红稍粗糙。镜下可见囊肿被覆支气管腺上皮细胞,细胞呈单层立方状,其下可见平滑肌,见图 1

A, plain scan; B, enhanced scan; C, pathological results (HE×10). 图 1 支气管囊肿患者典型CT图像及病理结果 Fig.1 CT imaging and pathological results of bronchogenic cysts

胸腺囊肿患者典型CT检查结果可见囊肿位于右前纵隔,大小约2.0 cm×1.3 cm,平扫CT值约45.2 Hu,增强扫描无强化。病理结果显示,肉眼可见灰黄组织,大小约5.5 cm×3.5 cm×2.1 cm,切开可见大量豆腐渣样物。镜下可见纤维囊壁组织,内衬单层上皮,部分区域见胸腺小体,见图 2

A, plain scan; B, enhanced scan; C, pathological results (HE×10). 图 2 胸腺囊肿患者典型CT图像及病理结果 Fig.2 CT imaging and pathological results of thymic cysts

心包囊肿患者典型CT检查结果可见囊肿位于右中纵隔,大小约2.5 cm×1.9 cm,平扫CT值约18.2 Hu,增强扫描无强化。病理结果显示,肉眼可见灰白淡黄组织,其内可见囊性肿物,大小约4 cm×4 cm×3.5 cm,切开内为清亮液体。镜下可见囊肿壁被覆单层间皮细胞,外层为疏松结缔组织。见图 3

A, plain scan; B, enhanced scan; C, pathological results (HE×10). 图 3 胸腺囊肿患者典型CT图像及病理结果 Fig.3 CT imaging and pathological results of pericardial cyst

2.2 支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者囊肿直径、CT值比较

结果显示,支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者囊肿最大径、最小径及其比值,平扫CT值,增强CT值比较均无统计学差异(均P > 0.05)。而支气管囊肿、心包囊肿、胸腺囊肿患者组内比较结果显示,增强CT值均高于平扫,差异有统计学意义(t分别为-3.990、-4.561、-3.093,P分别为 < 0.001、< 0.001、0.006),见表 2

表 2 支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿患者囊肿直径、CT值比较 Tab.2 Comparison of diameters of the cysts and CT values of the three types of cysts patients
Item Bronchogenic cyst group Thymic cyst group Pericardial cyst group F P
Max(cm) 3.56±2.01 3.33±1.50 4.28±2.73 1.234 0.297
Min(cm) 2.55±1.47 2.12±0.76 2.66±1.26 1.173 0.315
Min/Max 0.72±0.18 0.68±0.18 0.69±0.22 0.342 0.712
CT value(plain scan,Hu) 19.67±10.70 13.83±8.37 14.67±9.50 2.820 0.066
CT value(enhanced scan,Hu) 21.69±11.92 16.88±11.83 15.66±8.94 2.231 0.115
Max,maximum diameter of cyst;min,minimum diameter of cyst.

2.3 囊肿直径与临床症状的相关性分析

结果显示,囊肿最大径≥5 cm组14例,其中有临床症状者7例。囊肿最大径 < 5 cm组60例,有临床症状者11例,2比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.583,P = 0.032)。

3 讨论

支气管囊肿是一种先天畸形,约占纵隔病变的20%,是由于胚胎发育过程中肺实质和肺芽脱落所致,一般分为肺内及纵隔支气管囊肿[4],异位支气管囊肿也可以发生在膈肌、腹部、颈部、腹膜后、皮肤等[5]。纵隔支气管囊肿中79%位于中纵隔,17%位于后纵隔,3%位于前纵隔[6],以气管右旁和隆突下多见[7]。大约90%纵隔支气管囊肿患者无症状,导致诊断延迟和并发症的发生率增加[8]。STEWART等[9]发现支气管囊肿最常见的症状是咳嗽、呼吸急促、喘息等,囊肿的延迟诊断甚至可以导致危及生命的并发症(囊肿破裂引起出血、囊肿过大压迫气管导致窒息、癌变等),因此早期的诊断和手术十分重要[10]。支气管囊肿在CT上通常呈现类似于水的均匀密度,有时囊肿壁也会有钙化,若囊肿和气管支气管的分支结构相连,则可能出现空气或液气平面,可能误诊为肺脓肿、癌或结核性空洞[9, 11]。本研究中支气管囊肿64.3%位于中纵隔,CT平扫60.7%为水样密度(CT值> 20 Hu),78.6%患者无症状,有症状患者中胸痛3例,胸闷1例,呼吸困难1例,干咳1例。

心包囊肿约占纵隔囊肿的33%,是间叶腔融合失败所致[12]。心包囊肿大多数位于中纵隔心膈脚,以右侧多见[13]。ALKHARABSHEH等[14]研究发现心包囊肿女性多发,且囊内会存在分隔。囊内容物通常为液体,也会伴有出血或感染。心包囊肿患者通常没有症状,囊肿的临床表现可能与囊肿的位置、大小有关,主要症状以胸痛、呼吸困难和心悸为主,此外患者心电图还可呈非特异性的ST段改变[15]。心包囊肿在CT上通常表现为边界清楚的无强化结构,密度呈水样,囊内可以有分隔[14, 16]。一些患者心包囊肿可以自行消退,当囊肿体积较大、临床症状明显时则需手术治疗。欧洲心脏协会推荐经皮穿刺和乙醇硬化作为一线治疗[17],但术后复发率较高。本研究中心包囊肿多位于中纵隔,占84.0%,以右侧多见;患者女性居多,占56.0%;76.0%CT平扫为水样密度;72.0%无症状;有症状的患者中胸痛2例,胸闷2例,呼吸困难2例,心悸伴心律失常1例。


支气管囊肿、胸腺囊肿、心包囊肿的好发部位、是否有钙化等特点存在差异,这与以往研究[6-7, 13, 18]结果一致。另外,囊肿是否有内部分隔和囊肿的CT值不能作为3种囊肿的特有属性。本研究结果显示囊肿大小和患者的临床表现可能存在相关性,推测可能是直径大的囊肿可以通过压迫邻近组织产生相应的症状,这与以往研究[8, 14]结果一致。


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