中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (5): 599-603



胡远峰, 谭梁飞
HU Yuan-feng, TAN Liang-fei
Surveillance results of cockroach density and insecticide resistance in Ezhou of Hubei province, China, 2016-2020
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(5): 599-603
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(5): 599-603


收稿日期: 2021-03-30
胡远峰1 , 谭梁飞2     
1 鄂州市疾病预防控制中心公共卫生科, 湖北鄂州 436000;
2 湖北省疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物防制部, 湖北 武汉 430079
摘要: 目的 了解湖北省鄂州市蜚蠊的密度、侵害率、季节消长、分布及种群构成和德国小蠊对8种杀虫剂的抗药性情况,为科学防制蜚蠊提供依据。方法 2016-2020年采用粘捕法对鄂州市农贸市场、超市、宾馆、餐饮环境、医院、居民区6种不同生境进行蜚蠊密度监测,2018和2020年采用世界卫生组织推荐的药膜法测定德国小蠊的抗药性。利用Excel 2007软件进行数据统计,SPSS 17.0软件对蜚蠊密度、侵害率及构成比进行χ2检验,对抗药性结果计算半数击倒时间(KT50)。结果 2016-2020年鄂州市蜚蠊密度和侵害率呈逐年降低趋势,2016年密度和侵害率最高,2020年最低,分别为0.28只/张、14.37%和0.14只/张、6.37%;蜚蠊季节消长规律较明显,7月为高峰期,密度和侵害率分别为0.41只/张和17.37%;不同生境中以餐饮环境和农贸市场的密度及侵害率较高,分别为0.46只/张、19.51%和0.31只/张、15.57%,其次是宾馆和超市,居民区和医院较低;捕获的蜚蠊以德国小蠊为主,占捕获总数的93.55%,其次为黑胸大蠊和美洲大蠊,分别占5.54%和0.91%。2018和2020年德国小蠊对溴氰菊酯、高效氟氯氰菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯、胺菊酯、氯菊酯、甲基吡恶磷、顺式氯氰菊酯和乙酰甲胺磷的抗性倍数分别为9.86、5.08、3.61、2.34、1.76、1.52、1.27和1.18倍。结论 湖北省鄂州市蜚蠊的优势种为德国小蠊,密度高峰在7月,以餐饮环境和农贸市场等场所侵害最为严重。德国小蠊对溴氰菊酯、高效氟氯氰菊酯的抗药性为中度抗性,对高效氯氟氰菊酯、胺菊酯、氯菊酯、甲基吡恶磷、顺式氯氰菊酯和乙酰甲胺磷为低度抗性。
关键词: 蜚蠊    密度    德国小蠊    抗药性    
Surveillance results of cockroach density and insecticide resistance in Ezhou of Hubei province, China, 2016-2020
HU Yuan-feng1 , TAN Liang-fei2     
1 Department of Public Health, Ezhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ezhou, Hubei 436000, China;
2 Department of Disinfection and Vector Control, Hubei Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the density, infestation rate, seasonal variation, distribution, and population composition of cockroaches in Ezhou of Hubei province, China, and the insecticide resistance of Blattella germanica to eight insecticides, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of cockroach. Methods In 2016-2020, the sticky trap method was used to monitor the density of cockroaches in six types of habitats, i.e., farmers' market, supermarket, hotel, catering environment, hospital, and residential area, in Ezhou, and in 2018 and 2020, the residual film method recommended by the World Health Organization was used to determine the insecticide resistance of B. germanica. Excel 2007 software was used for statistical analysis, SPSS 17.0 software was used to perform the Chi-square test of the density, infestation rate, and composition ratio of cockroaches, and median knockdown time (KT50) was calculated for the results of insecticide resistance. Results The density and infestation rate of cockroaches showed a trend of gradual reduction year by year in Ezhou in 2016-2020, with the highest density of 0.28 cockroaches/trap and the highest infestation rate of 14.37% in 2016, and the lowest density of 0.14 cockroaches/trap and the lowest infestation rate of 6.37% in 2020. Seasonal variation was observed for cockroaches, and a peak was observed in July, with a density of 0.41 cockroaches/trap and an infestation rate of 17.37%. The highest density and infestation rate of cockroaches were observed in catering environment (with a density of 0.46 cockroaches/trap and an infestation rate of 19.51%) and farmers' market (with a density of 0.31 cockroaches/trap and an infestation rate of 15.57%), followed by hotel and supermarket, and the low density and infestation rate were observed in residential area and hospital. B. germanica was the most numerous species and accounted for 93.55% of total catch, followed by Periplaneta fuliginosa and P. americana, accounting for 5.54% and 0.91%, respectively. The resistance ratios of B. germanica to deltamethrin, beta-cyfluthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, tetramethrin, permethrin, azamethiphos, alpha-cypermethrin, and acephate were 9.86, 5.08, 3.61, 2.34, 1.76, 1.52, 1.27, and 1.18 between 2018 and 2020, respectively. Conclusion B. germanica is the dominant species of cockroaches in Ezhou of Hubei province, with peak density in July, and catering environment and farmers' market have the highest infestation rate. B. germanica has moderate resistance to deltamethrin and beta-cyfluthrin and low resistance to lambda-cyfluthrin, tetramethrin, permethrin, azamethiphos, alpha-cypermethrin, and acephate.
Key words: Cockroach    Density    Blattella germanica    Insecticide resistance    

蜚蠊俗称“蟑螂”,可携带和传播细菌、病毒、霉菌、寄生虫卵和原虫等多种病原体,能污染食品、引起过敏,是重要的公共卫生害虫[1-2]。化学防治作为蜚蠊防制的重要手段,由于长期不合理用药等因素,特别是德国小蠊(Blattella germanica),因其繁殖周期快、隐蔽性好、适应能力强等原因,其抗药性问题变得日趋严重,已成为世界性难题[3-5]。鄂州市在2014年获得了湖北省首个“除四害先进城区”称号,并在2017年成功创建国家卫生城市,但在对鄂州市病媒生物防制工作的调查中发现,蜚蠊防制还存在一些不足,比如不重视日常防制、用药不规范、重点场所密度较高等。本研究旨在了解鄂州市蜚蠊的季节消长、种群构成、侵害情况及德国小蠊对常用杀虫剂的抗性情况,为鄂州市的蜚蠊防制提供科学有效的指导。

1 材料与方法 1.1 方法 1.1.1 密度监测

根据《湖北省病媒生物监测实施方案》(2016版)的要求,2016-2020年在农贸市场、超市、宾馆、餐饮环境、医院、居民区等生境各选择2处,每2个月监测1次,使用粘蟑纸(规格:17 cm×10 cm,一次性使用)和新鲜面包屑2 g作为诱饵,每15 m2房间布放1张,< 15 m2的单独房间按15 m2计算,> 15 m2房间按15 m2为1间折算,粘蟑纸放置12 h,晚放晨收,记录房间总数、阳性间数、有效粘蟑纸张数、阳性张数和蜚蠊数量及种类。

1.1.2 抗药性监测

测试药剂浓度为0.05%,实验室温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度(65±10)%。称取适量杀虫剂原药,以丙酮为溶剂,配制成0.5%的母液,置于4 ℃冰箱保存。实验前,取2.5 ml的0.5%母液于25 ml容量瓶中,加入丙酮后混匀,配制成0.05%测试液。取2.5 ml测试液(对照组为2.5 ml丙酮)加入容量为500 ml的广口瓶中,在桌面上不停地滚动,直至丙酮挥发,使广口瓶内壁均匀涂上一层药膜,放置12 h后使用。每次测试时,在广口瓶瓶口涂上一层石蜡油与凡士林的混合液,防止蜚蠊外逃。每个处理重复3次,以丙酮作为对照,每个广口瓶放入10只德国小蠊雄性成虫,每隔1~2 min观察并记录击倒试虫数,直至95%的试虫被击倒,将击倒的试虫移入干净的玻璃缸中,放入饲料盘和水盘正常饲养,观察24、48和72 h的致死率。

1.2 抗药性试虫来源

在鄂州市城区的农贸市场、餐饮环境等蜚蠊监测点,使用诱捕盒采集德国小蠊的成若虫,在病媒生物饲养室饲养。实验室培养1代后,选择7~15 d肢体完整、大小相近的健康雄性成虫或接近成虫的高龄若虫进行抗药性测定。

1.3 抗药性供试药剂


1.4 统计与计算 1.4.1 密度监测

利用Excel 2007软件进行数据整理与制图,SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析,对蜚蠊密度、侵害率及构成比采用χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。密度和侵害率的计算公式:

1.4.2 抗药性监测

利用Excel 2007软件进行数据整理,利用SPSS 17.0软件计算半数击倒时间(KT50)及其95%可信区间(CI)、毒力回归方程及抗性倍数。抗性倍数(R/S)=现场种群KT50/敏感品系KT50

1.5 抗性判定标准

根据文献[6]判定抗性标准,R/S≤1为敏感,1 < R/S≤5为低度抗性,5 < R/S≤10为中度抗性,10 < R/S≤50为高度抗性,R/S > 50为极高抗性。

2 结果 2.1 蜚蠊密度和侵害率变化趋势及消长情况

2016-2020年累计监测6 914间房间,阳性房间数为751间,平均侵害率为10.86%,回收有效粘蟑纸7 697张,阳性张数1 044张,共捕获蜚蠊1 751只,平均密度为0.23只/张。蜚蠊密度和侵害率均呈现逐年降低趋势,经χ2检验,差异有统计学意义(密度:χ2=77.447,P < 0.001;侵害率:χ2=70.366,P < 0.001)。见图 1

图 1 湖北省鄂州市2016-2020年蜚蠊密度及侵害率变化趋势 Figure 1 Annual variation of cockroach density and infestation rate in Ezhou of Hubei province, 2016-2020
2.2 蜚蠊的季节消长情况

全年蜚蠊密度及侵害率均呈单峰分布,在7月达到最高峰,分别为0.41只/张和17.37%,1月最低,分别为0.08只/张和7.02%。见图 2

图 2 湖北省鄂州市2016-2020年蜚蠊密度及侵害率季节消长情况 Figure 2 Seasonal variation of cockroach density and infestation rate in Ezhou of Hubei province, 2016-2020
2.3 不同生境的侵害情况

2016-2020年,鄂州市的蜚蠊密度和侵害率以餐饮环境最高,分别为0.46只/张和19.51%,其次为农贸市场、宾馆和超市,居民区和医院较低,6种生境蜚蠊密度和侵害率差异均有统计学意义(密度:χ2=325.126,P < 0.001;侵害率:χ2=248.108,P < 0.001)。见图 3

图 3 湖北省鄂州市2016-2020年不同生境蜚蠊密度及侵害率情况 Figure 3 Density and infestation rate of cockroaches in different habitats in Ezhou of Hubei province, 2016-2020
2.4 不同生境的种群构成情况

捕获的蜚蠊中德国小蠊为优势种,占捕获总数的93.55%,其次为黑胸大蠊(Periplaneta fuliginosa)和美洲大蠊(P. americana),分别占5.54%和0.91%。在居民区和医院捕获的蜚蠊中,黑胸大蠊所占比例高于农贸市场、餐饮环境、宾馆和超市,分别为37.63%、19.35%、3.93%、3.48%、2.95%和1.37%。不同生境蜚蠊种群构成差异有统计学意义(χ2=264.184,P < 0.001)。

2.5 德国小蠊对8种杀虫剂的抗药性测定结果

鄂州市的德国小蠊对8种杀虫剂在不同程度上产生了抗性,其中对溴氰菊酯和高效氟氯氰菊酯的抗性较高,抗性倍数分别为9.86和5.08,属于中度抗性;对高效氯氟氰菊酯、胺菊酯、氯菊酯、甲基吡恶磷、顺式氯氰菊酯和乙酰甲胺磷的抗性倍数分别为3.61、2.34、1.76、1.52、1.27和1.18,属于低度抗性。见表 1

表 1 湖北省鄂州市2018和2020年德国小蠊对8种常用杀虫剂的抗药性监测结果 Table 1 Insecticide resistance of Blattella germanica to eight commonly used insecticides in Ezhou of Hubei province, between 2018 and 2020
3 讨论




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