中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (4): 461-463,474



刘仰青, 虞以新, 陈海婴
LIU Yang-qing, YU Yi-xin, CHEN Hai-ying
A collection directory and one new species of the genus Atrichopogon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Jiangxi province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(4): 461-463,474
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(4): 461-463,474


收稿日期: 2021-02-19
刘仰青1 , 虞以新2 , 陈海婴1     
1 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室研究基地, 江西省动物源与媒介生物性传染病重点实验室, 南昌市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物防制科, 江西南昌 330038;
2 军事科学院军事医学研究院 微生物流行病研究所, 北京 100071
摘要: 目的 调查了解江西省内裸蠓属的种类及其分布状况,为该地区裸蠓生物学等方面的研究提供基础资料。方法 2008-2017年采用网捕法和灯诱法采集蠓类。结果 共鉴定出裸蠓5亚属共16种;美岛裸蠓、散布裸蠓和毡帽裸蠓是江西省内分布较广的蠓种;其中发现蠓类1新种:瑞金裸蠓〔Atrichopogon(Psilokempia) ruijinensis sp. nov.〕,并对其形态学特征进行了描述,新种模式标本保存于南昌市疾病预防控制中心(南昌330038)。结论 随着调查和分类研究的深入,江西省裸蠓属的种类将会进一步增加。
关键词: 江西省    蠓科    裸蠓属    种类分布    新种    
A collection directory and one new species of the genus Atrichopogon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Jiangxi province, China
LIU Yang-qing1 , YU Yi-xin2 , CHEN Hai-ying1     
1 The Collaboration Unit for Field Epidemiology of State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Jiangxi Provincal Key Laboratory of Animal-rigin and Vector-borne Diseases, Disinfection and Vector Control Section, Nanchang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330038, China;
2 Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Beijing 100071, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species and distribution of the genus Atrichopogon in Jiangxi province, China, and to provide basic data for the biological research of Atrichopogon in this area. Methods The netting and light trapping methods were used to collect midges from 2008 to 2017. Results A total of 16 species belonging to 5 subgenera from the genus Atrichopogon were identified. Atrichopogon formosanus, A. spartos, and A. pileolus were the widely distributed species in Jiangxi province. One new species from the genus Atrichopogon was reported, which was named as A. (Psilokempia) ruijinensis, sp. nov., and its morphological characteristics were described. The type specimens of the new species were deposited at Nanchang Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Nanchang 330038). Conclusion With the deepening of taxonomic research and investigation, more species from the genus Atrichopogon will be discovered in Jiangxi province.
Key words: Jiangxi province    Ceratopogonidae    Genus Atrichopogon    Species distribution    New species    

蠓是一类微小型昆虫,属双翅目(Diptera)蠓科(Ceratopogonidae),体长多为1~5 mm。在我国有细蠓亚科(Leptoconopinae)、蠓亚科(Ceratopogoninae)和铗蠓亚科(Forcipomyiinae)。毛蠓亚科已并入铗蠓亚科毛蠓族(Tribe Dasyheleini Lenz)毛蠓属(Genus Dasyhelea Kieffer)[1]。铗蠓亚科是蠓科昆虫中仅次于蠓亚科的一大类群。目前有4个现存属包括裸蠓属(Atrichopogon)、蠛蠓属(Lasiohelea)、毛蠓属和铗蠓属(Forcipomyia),而裸蠓属是铗蠓亚科中数量较多,分布较广的类群。2005年中国共记载已知裸蠓85种,其中江西省仅记录1种[2]

江西省地处长江以南,属亚热带季风湿润气候,四季分明,雨量充沛,境内植被葱郁,丘陵起伏,溪流纵横,适宜蠓类的孳生。为调查江西省蠓科昆虫的种群构成,笔者于2008-2017年的5-11月在江西省10个地市共32个县(区、市)开展了蠓类调查,采集到数量较多的蠓类标本。在整理鉴定江西省裸蠓属标本时发现一新种命名为瑞金裸蠓〔Atrichopogon (Psilokempia) ruijinensis sp. nov.〕。经研究整理江西省裸蠓属现已知有16种,现将其分布及调查采集发现的新种描述报告如下。

1 材料与方法 1.1 材料

诱虫灯(功夫小帅,紫外灯,波长365 nm),捕虫网,解剖镜(Leica M205A,DFC550成像系统),显微镜(Leica DM750)。

1.2 采集生境和场所



1.3 方法 1.3.1 调查方法


1.3.2 蠓标本的保存、制作和鉴定


2 结果 2.1 江西省裸蠓属已知蠓种名录及分布

本次共鉴定出裸蠓属蠓种16种,分属裸蠓亚属(Subgenus Atrichopogon)、长喙亚属(Subgenus Lophomyidium)、肯蠓亚属(Subgenus Kempia)、刺甲亚属(Subgenus Melohelea)和多赘亚属(Subgenus Psilokempia)5个亚属(表 1)。其中毡帽裸蠓(A. pileolus)、美姿裸蠓(A. brenthus)、大尾裸蠓(A. largipenis)和杰克裸蠓(A. jacobsoni)隶属裸蠓亚属的杰蠓种团(A. jacobsoni group);壶状裸蠓(A. ollicula)和散布裸蠓(A. spartos)隶属裸蠓亚属的壶蠓种团(A. ollicula group);短尾裸蠓(A. brivecercus)隶属裸蠓亚属的短蠓种团(A. brevicercus group);异样裸蠓隶属肯蠓亚属双蠓种团(A. binipenis group);川西裸蠓(A. chuanxieensis)和岛屿裸蠓(A. insularis)隶属肯蠓亚属樟蠓种团(A. zhangmuensis group);棕色裸蠓(A. fusculus)、淡足裸蠓(A. pedipalens)和永新裸蠓(A. yongxinensis)隶属长喙亚属;温勒裸蠓隶属刺甲亚属;瑞金裸蠓隶属多赘亚属。

表 1 江西省裸蠓属已知16种蠓种名录及分布 Table 1 The directory and distribution of 16 known species from the genus Atrichopogon in Jiangxi province

从已鉴定蠓种分布情况来看,美岛裸蠓、散布裸蠓和毡帽裸蠓是江西省内分布较广的蠓种。见表 1

2.2 新种描述

瑞金裸蠓Atrichopogon (Psilokempia) ruijinensis sp. nov. (图 12)

注:a为翅(wing,×130);b为头部(head,×150),雄;c为尾器(genitalia,×150);d为后足胫节和跗节(hind tibia and tarsus,×150)。 图 1 瑞金裸蠓照片(雄,新种) Figure 1 Photos of Atrichopogon ruijinensis sp. nov. ()
注:a为额片(frontal sclerite);b为触须(palpus);c为尾器(genitalia);d为触角(端部5节,five last antennal segments)。 图 2 瑞金裸蠓(雄,新种) Figure 2 Atrichopogon ruijinensis sp. nov. ()



翅长0.96 mm,宽0.28 mm。


胸部:翅狭窄,径1室闭合,径2室明显,其端部超过翅前缘中点;小盾片后缘有2根粗鬃,各足色泽一致,无环斑,后足胫节端部长鬃5根,梳齿15枚,各足跗节比(TR)和F~T见表 2

表 2 瑞金裸蠓各足TR值和F~T值 Table 2 TR and F-T values of various legs of Atrichopogon ruijinensis sp. nov.



3 讨论


多赘亚属是裸蠓属形态特异的类群,以雌虫腹部尾端7~9节腹面有不同形态的赘生物为重要鉴别特征,雄虫尾器抱器基节窄长,阳茎中叶结构有所特异。经过查阅相关文献比较[4-7],本新种仅与发现于我国云南省思茅地区的琴形裸蠓〔Atrichopogon (Psilokempia) lyratus Yu and Yan,2005〕[2]的阳茎中叶有些近似,但后者抱器基节内侧有三角形踝突,阳茎中叶基部1/2处有覆膜,第9背板呈丘状,后缘中部隆起,均为显著鉴别特征。

利益冲突  无

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