中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (3): 374-377



任志华, 刘天, 陈家昕, 王玉峰, 陈紫旖, 周毅彬
REN Zhi-hua, LIU Tian, CHEN Jia-xin, WANG Yu-feng, CHEN Zi-yi, ZHOU Yi-bin
A study of effectiveness of 5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion granules in controlling mosquito larvae in rainwater wells in residential areas
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(3): 374-377
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(3): 374-377


收稿日期: 2020-08-11
任志华1 , 刘天1 , 陈家昕1 , 王玉峰1 , 陈紫旖1 , 周毅彬2     
1 上海市青浦区疾病预防控制中心病媒消毒科, 上海 201799;
2 上海市疾病预防控制中心传染病防治所, 上海 200336
摘要: 目的 研究蚊虫密度高峰期居民小区雨水井积水、幼蚊孳生情况及5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂控制效果,为居民小区雨水井幼蚊控制提供依据。方法 2019年8-9月选择上海市青浦区1处居民小区,小区南部的64个和北部的58个雨水井分别作为实验组和对照组。实验组投入5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂,分别于投药前、投药后1、3、7、14、21和28 d,共计7次调查雨水井积水情况及其幼蚊孳生情况。结果 该居民小区122个雨水井连续7次调查,积水次数7次的雨水井共有35个,占28.69%,积水次数1~6次的有12个,占9.83%,7次均无积水的有75个,占61.48%;雨水井积水率维持在30.33%~36.89%(χ2=1.176,P=0.278),积水率与调查前3 d降水量无相关性(r=0.558,P=0.193)。实验组在药物控制后第1天,雨水井幼蚊孳生阳性率下降至16.67%,与控制前62.50%相比,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.689,P=0.027);同期对照组的幼蚊孳生阳性率维持在41.18%~55.56%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.252,P=0.769)。在药物控制后,实验组雨水井14 d后幼蚊阳性率为0;21和28 d后分别为23.81%和38.46%,与对照组差别均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论 8-9月该居民小区雨水井积水情况相对稳定,5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂雨水井蚊虫控制时间约为2周,可对长期积水雨水井定期投药,科学防控雨水井幼蚊孳生。
关键词: 居民小区    雨水井    积水率    幼蚊    5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷    
A study of effectiveness of 5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion granules in controlling mosquito larvae in rainwater wells in residential areas
REN Zhi-hua1 , LIU Tian1 , CHEN Jia-xin1 , WANG Yu-feng1 , CHEN Zi-yi1 , ZHOU Yi-bin2     
1 Department of Vector Control and Disinfection, Qingpu Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shanghai, Shanghai 201799, China;
2 Institute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200336, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate water accumulation and mosquito larvae breeding in rainwater wells in residential areas at mosquito density peaks as well as the effectiveness of 5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion granules in controlling the mosquitoes, and to provide a basis for the control of mosquito larvae in rainwater wells in the residential areas. Methods From August to September, 2019, 64 rainwater wells in the south and 58 rainwater wells in the north of a residential area in Qingpu, Shanghai, China were selected as experimental group and control group, respectively. The experimental group was given 5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion granules; water accumulation and mosquito larvae breeding in the rainwater wells were investigated before insecticide application and 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after insecticide application (7 investigations in total). Results Thirty-five (28.69%) rainwater wells had water accumulation during all the 7 consecutive investigations of 122 rainwater wells in the residential area, 12 (9.83%) rainwater wells had water accumulation during 1-6 of the 7 investigations, and 75 (61.48%) rainwater wells had no water accumulation during all the 7 investigations; the water accumulation rate of the rainwater wells were 30.33%-36.89% (χ2=1.176, P=0.278), and there was no significant correlation between water accumulation rate and precipitation 3 days before investigation (r=0.558, P=0.193). The positive rate of mosquito larvae breeding in the rainwater wells in the experimental group decreased to 16.67% 1 day after insecticide application, showing a significant difference compared to the positive rate (62.50%) before insecticide application (χ2=4.689, P=0.027); the concurrent positive rate of mosquito larvae breeding in the control group was 41.18%-55.56%, showing no significant difference (χ2=0.252, P=0.769); the positive rate of mosquito larvae breeding in the rainwater wells in the experimental group was 0 14 days after insecticide application; 23.81% 21 days and 38.46% 28 days after insecticide application, there were no significant difference compared to the control groups (all P>0.05). Conclusion From August to September, the water accumulation in the rainwater wells in the residential area in Qingpu is stable; 5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion granules can control the mosquitoes in the rainwater wells for about 2 weeks; therefore, it is recommended to regularly apply insecticides in long-term water accumulation to scientifically control mosquito larvae breeding in the rainwater wells.
Key words: Residential area    Rainwater well    Water accumulation rate    Mosquito larvae    5% pyriproxyfen and fenthion    


2017年7月,上海市虹口、黄浦及松江区疾病预防控制中心联合开展了上海市地面排水系统的蚊虫状况调查,结果显示居民小区雨水井蚊虫孳生阳性率最高[5],同时根据病媒生物日常监测及调查发现,上海市城区白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)在7—8月达密度高峰[6]。为掌握白纹伊蚊高峰期居民小区雨水井积水情况、蚊虫孳生情况及5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂对幼蚊的控制效果,我们于2019年8—9月对1处居民区雨水井开展了积水情况观察和药物控制效果研究。

1 材料与方法 1.1 研究区域

在上海市青浦区选择1个雨水井类型较为统一的小区,小区占地面积约56 938 m2,总建筑面积约70 578 m2。本次共调查路旁竖篦雨水井122个,雨水井主要分为2种:55 cm×40 cm(115个)及55 cm×55 cm(7个)。小区中央有1条河流(宽度约40 m)穿过,将小区分为南、北两部分,南部64个雨水井作为实验组,北部58个雨水井作为对照组。

1.2 雨水井调查方法

参照上海市地方标准DB31/330.2-2006《鼠害与虫害预防与控制技术规范第2部分:蚊虫防制》,结合目测法与水勺法进行调查,调查人员用手电筒,对小区地面环境雨水井进行检查,发现有Ⅱ龄及以上的幼蚊或蛹的水体作为阳性孳生地,对发现阳性的雨水井用500 ml水勺捞取积水,每处捞取2勺,记录幼蚊数及蛹数,以平均数代表该阳性孳生地幼蚊密度(条/勺)。

1.3 雨水井积水、幼蚊控制及效果观察

调查小区全部雨水井积水情况,积水面积不足1/4按1/4记录,1/4~1/2按1/2记录,1/2~1按全积水记录。对照组不投放任何药物,实验组积水雨水井首次使用5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂,按沪爱卫办〔2018〕10号《上海市病媒生物应急处置预案(2018年版)》中推荐剂量20 g/m2投放。

在白纹伊蚊密度处于高峰的8月6日至9月3日,分别于投药前,投药后1、3、7、14、21和28 d,采用500 ml水勺调查雨水井,采集2次,记录每次各阳性雨水井幼蚊密度情况;同时记录温度、湿度、降水量等。

1.4 药物及工具选择

研究药物为5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂,由江苏功成生物科技有限公司生产。调查工具包括雨水井铁钩、强光手电筒、500 ml幼蚊调查水勺等。

1.5 统计学分析

利用Excel 2010软件记录整理现场试验数据,采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析,计数资料采用率和百分比,阳性率间的比较采用χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 实验期间气象因素

研究区域2019年8—9月气象因素从上海市青浦区气象局获取,包括日平均气温、日平均湿度及日降水量,实验期间为高温季节,降水也较频繁,调查前3 d相关气象因素见表 1

表 1 上海市青浦区试验街道调查前3d气象因素 Table 1 Meteorological factors of test subdistricts in Qingpu, Shanghai 3 days before investigation
2.2 小区雨水井积水情况

2019年8月6日至9月3日,分别对试验区域122个雨水井开展了7次积水调查,共调查雨水井854个,发现有积水284个,雨水井平均积水率为33.26%,试验区域总雨水井积水率在30.33%~36.89%,积水率差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.176,P=0.278),积水率与调查前3 d总降水量无相关性(r=0.558,P=0.193),实验组与对照组积水率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.567,P=0.110),居民小区雨水井具体积水情况见表 2

表 2 2019年8—9月上海市青浦区居民区雨水井积水情况 Table 2 Water accumulation in the rain water wells in the residential area of Qingpu district of Shanghai from August to September, 2019

该居民小区122个雨水井在7次调查中,均未积水的有75个(占61.48%),积水1~6和7次的分别有12和35个,分别占9.83%和28.69%。见图 1

图 1 2019年8—9月上海市青浦区居民区雨水井调查积水次数情况 Figure 1 Number of investigated water accumulations in the rainwater wells in the residential area of Qingpu district of Shanghai from August to September, 2019
2.3 小区雨水井蚊虫孳生及控制情况

2019年8月6日,共调查小区雨水井122个,发现有积水的43个,蚊虫孳生的25个,蚊虫孳生阳性率为58.14%。实验组雨水井在调查后立即开展了5%吡丙醚·倍硫磷颗粒剂投放控制工作,投放标准为20 g/m2。在投放药物后第1天,实验组雨水井幼蚊孳生阳性率由62.50%下降至16.67%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.689,P=0.027),投药后第3天雨水井未发现孳生阳性情况,药效持续14 d;21 d后蚊虫孳生阳性率为23.81%,28 d后为38.46%,与对照组比较差别均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。

8月6日至9月3日,对照组幼蚊孳生阳性率在41.18%~55.56%,幼蚊孳生阳性率无明显变化(χ2=0.252,P=0.769)。居民小区雨水井调查的积水率及幼蚊孳生情况见表 3

表 3 2019年8—9月上海市青浦区居民小区雨水井积水及幼蚊孳生情况 Table 3 Summary of water accumulation and mosquito larvae breeding in the rainwater wells in the residential area of Qingpu district of Shanghai from August to September, 2019
3 讨论


本研究发现,在8—9月高温季节雨水井积水率维持在30.33%~36.89%,与平均气温及前3 d降水量无相关性。蚊虫高峰期间7次调查中发现,该小区雨水井积水情况基本稳定,提示该居民小区雨水井积水与气候因素相关性较低,而幼蚊控制工作可重点对长期保持积水点位开展,同时可降低居民小区雨水井幼蚊控制总用药量和控制成本。



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