中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (2): 161-164



闫东, 陈永明, 孙飞, 马勇, 周松, 刘冠纯, 杨顺林, 郭超, 戴宏, 张进一, 张晓磊, 温林, 王晓燕, 杜国义, 史献明
YAN Dong, CHEN Yong-ming, SUN Fei, MA Yong, ZHOU Song, LIU Guan-chun, YANG Shun-lin, GUO Chao, DAI Hong, ZHANG Jin-yi, ZHANG Xiao-lei, WEN Lin, WANG Xiao-yan, DU Guo-yi, SHI Xian-ming
An investigation of the species composition and distribution of rodents and their parasitic fleas in the Winter Olympic Games zone and surrounding areas in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(2): 161-164
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(2): 161-164


收稿日期: 2020-05-09
闫东1 , 陈永明1 , 孙飞2 , 马勇3 , 周松1 , 刘冠纯1 , 杨顺林1 , 郭超3 , 戴宏3 , 张进一2 , 张晓磊2 , 温林4 , 王晓燕4 , 杜国义1 , 史献明1     
1 河北省鼠疫防治所流行病科, 河北 张家口 075000;
2 张家口市疾病预防控制中心, 河北 张家口 075000;
3 张家口市地方病防治所, 河北 张家口 075000;
4 崇礼区疾病预防控制中心, 河北 张家口 076350
摘要: 目的 了解河北省张家口市2022年冬奥会赛区(张家口赛区)及周边区域鼠类及其寄生蚤物种构成、数量分布及季节变化等情况,为冬奥会举办期间媒介生物传染病的预测预报和应急处理工作提供基础数据。方法 2018年9月至2019年9月,在张家口赛区周边及整个崇礼区利用5 m夹线法和样方法调查鼠类物种构成及密度,同时收集鼠体寄生蚤并分类。采用生态学方法,分析鼠种构成、分布和密度季节消长,Excel 2010软件用于数据整理和绘制图表。结果 采用样方法共调查样点20个,未捕到鼠。采用5 m夹线法共计调查样点166个,布鼠夹16 600夹次,捕获鼠266只,隶属3科5属8种,捕获率为1.60%。从时间变化来看,10月到次年6月鼠密度均 < 1.00%,尤其是12月到次年4月鼠密度较低。鼠种以黑线姬鼠和黑线仓鼠为主;7和9月鼠密度分别为6.14%、5.93%,处在较高的水平,鼠类种类丰富,以黑线姬鼠、灰仓鼠、黑线仓鼠、大林姬鼠和中华姬鼠为主。共检查鼠体266只,其中带蚤鼠36只,染蚤率为13.53%,共获蚤100匹,隶属3科5属7种,平均蚤指数为0.38。全部材料进行细菌学和血清学检验,结果均为阴性。结论 张家口赛区及其周边地区未发现河北省及周边鼠疫自然疫源地主要宿主动物和媒介蚤类的分布,并且其自然景观、鼠种构成、媒介蚤种组成均与河北省鼠疫自然疫源地存在明显差异,当地发生原发性动物间鼠疫的风险较小。
关键词: 鼠类    蚤类    张家口赛区    
An investigation of the species composition and distribution of rodents and their parasitic fleas in the Winter Olympic Games zone and surrounding areas in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, China
YAN Dong1 , CHEN Yong-ming1 , SUN Fei2 , MA Yong3 , ZHOU Song1 , LIU Guan-chun1 , YANG Shun-lin1 , GUO Chao3 , DAI Hong3 , ZHANG Jin-yi2 , ZHANG Xiao-lei2 , WEN Lin4 , WANG Xiao-yan4 , DU Guo-yi1 , SHI Xian-ming1     
1 Department of Epidemiology, Anti-plague Institute of Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
2 Zhangjiakou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
3 Zhangjiakou Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevetion, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
4 Chongli Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 076350, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species composition, quantitative distribution, and seasonal variation of rodents and their parasitic fleas in the Zhangjiakou 2022 Winter Olympic Games zone (hereinafter referred to as the Zhangjiakou competition zone) and the surrounding areas in Hebei province, China, and to provide basic data for the prediction and emergency treatment of vector-borne diseases during the Winter Olympic Games. Methods From September 2018 to September 2019, the five-meter traping method and the quadrat method were used to investigate the species composition and density of rodents in Chongli district and the area around the Zhangjiakou competition zone, and parasitic fleas were collected and classified. The ecological method was used to analyze the species composition, distribution, and seasonal density variation of rodents, and Excel 2010 software was used to analyze data and draw charts. Results The quadrat method was used to investigate 20 quadrats, and no rodents were captured. The five-meter traping method was used to investigate 166 sites, and 266 rodents were captured by 16 600 traps and were classified into 8 species, 5 genera, and 3 families, with a capture rate of 1.60%. Time variation showed a rodent density of < 1.00% from October to June in the next year, especially from December to April in the next year. Apodemus agrarius and Cricetulus barabensis were the main rodent species, and the rodent density was 6.14% in July and 5.93% in September. There was a variety of rodent species, mainly A. agrarius, C. migratorius, C. barabensis, A. peninsulae, and A. draco. A total of 266 rodents were examined, among which 36 were found to have fleas, with a flea infestation rate of 13.53%, and a total of 100 fleas were collected and classified into 7 species, 5 genera, and 3 families, with a mean flea index of 0.38. Bacteriological and serological tests were performed for all materials and yielded negative results. Conclusion Main host animals and fleas in Hebei province and surrounding natural plague foci are not found in the Zhangjiakou competition area and the surrounding area, and there are differences in natural landscape, the species composition of rodents, and the composition of fleas between the Zhangjiakou competition zone and natural plague foci in Hebei province. Therefore, there is a relatively low risk of primary animal plague in the local area.
Key words: Rodent    Flea    Zhangjiakou competition zone    

2022年冬奥会张家口赛区位于河北省张家口市崇礼区,与河北省鼠疫自然疫源地康保县直线距离约100 km。由于崇礼区从未进行过鼠疫自然疫源地、宿主和媒介调查,缺乏相关病媒生物的基础数据。为准确了解崇礼区是否存在鼠疫疫源地和发生动物间鼠疫流行等问题,并做出科学的预测预警,我们于2018年9月至2019年9月对张家口赛区及周边地区鼠类及其寄生蚤的物种构成、分布及时间变化等情况进行了为期1年的调查工作。

1 材料与方法 1.1 调查区概述

崇礼区隶属河北省张家口市,位于河北省西北部,北倚内蒙古高原,距离张家口50 km,距离北京市和天津市分别为220和340 km。崇礼区属中温带半干旱大陆季风气候,冬季冷空气活动频繁,春季气温回升快[1]。境内80%为山地,地貌主要以中山为主,部分为低山、丘陵,海拔从814 m延伸至2 174 m,年平均降水量为477 mm,降雨主要集中在6-9月,全境年平均气温为3.9 ℃,存雪期达150 d。土壤类型主要为棕壤和褐土[2]

1.2 调查方法 1.2.1 调查时间


1.2.2 小型鼠类调查

每月随机选择1个奥运赛场场地或距离场地1 km范围内进行调查,每个场地根据位置及生境不同,分别选择2个样点,2个样点之间距离 > 200 m,在山区垂直距离 > 50 m,共计调查200夹次;崇礼区范围其他地区内,每月选取6~8个样方点,每个样点根据生境或海拔高度不同,选择1~2种有代表性的生境,每种生境布放鼠夹100个;以生花生米为诱饵,采用5 m夹线法布放鼠夹,晚放晨收[3-5]

1.2.3 鼠密度调查

采用样方法,每月在崇礼区随机抽取10个样方点调查,样方大小为1 hm2,样方内见洞布夹,清晨布夹,第2天清晨全部收回,放置时间为24 h[6]。并根据调查结果,开展相应监测工作。

1.2.4 鼠体表寄生蚤调查


1.3 调查样点的选择

调查样点采用随机抽样的方法,利用ArcGIS 10.3软件空间处理模块,以崇礼区电子地图为底图,随机抽取96个点作为本次调查的样方点。每月调查时,以崇礼区政府所在地为中心,按照东、南、西、北4个方位开展调查,每个方位调查2~4个样点。

1.4 实验室检测


1.5 统计分析

采用生态学方法分析鼠种构成、分布和密度季节消长,Excel 2010软件用于数据整理和绘制图表。

2 结果 2.1 鼠类构成

采用5 m夹线法共计调查样点166个,布放鼠夹16 600夹次,捕获鼠266只,总捕获率为1.60%,隶属3科5属8种。其中黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)91只,占34.21%;灰仓鼠(Circetulus migratorius)43只,占16.16%;黑线仓鼠(C. barabensis)38只,占14.29%;棕背䶄(Myodes rufocanus)33只,占12.41%;中华姬鼠(A. draco)30只,占11.28%;大林姬鼠(A. speciosus)25只,占9.39%;明纹花鼠(Tamiops macclellandi)5只,占1.88%;大仓鼠(Tscherskia triton)1只,占0.38%。黑线姬鼠为优势种;黑线仓鼠、棕背䶄、中华姬鼠、大林姬鼠、灰仓鼠的数量占比在9.40%~16.17%之间,均为常见种。采用样方法调查20个样点,未捕到鼠。

2.2 崇礼区鼠密度季节变化

从时间变化来看,10月到次年6月鼠密度均 < 1.00%,尤其12月到次年4月鼠密度较低,其中4月最低,为0.27%,鼠种类较少,以黑线姬鼠和黑线仓鼠为主;7和9月鼠密度分别为6.14%和5.93%,处在较高的水平,鼠种类丰富,以黑线姬鼠、灰仓鼠、黑线仓鼠、大林姬鼠和中华姬鼠为主。见图 1

图 1 2018—2019年张家口市崇礼区捕获鼠种群构成 Figure 1 Species composition of the rodents captured during 2018—2019 in Chongli district, Zhangjiakou
2.3 崇礼区鼠体蚤类的组成

共检测鼠体266只,带蚤鼠为36只,染蚤率为13.53%,捡获100匹蚤,平均蚤指数为0.38。其中丛鬃双蚤指名亚种(Amphipsylla vinogradovi vinogradovi)43匹,占43.00%;二齿新蚤(Neopsylla bidentatiformis)26匹,占26.00%;栉头细蚤指名亚种(Leptopsylla pectioniceps pectiniceps)16匹,占16.00 %;花鼠单蚤(Monopsyllus indages)6匹,占6.00%;窄板额蚤华北亚种(Frontopsylla nakagawai borealosinica)4匹,占4.00%;光亮额蚤(F. luculenta)4匹,占4.00%;盔状新蚤(N. galea)1匹,占1.00%。

2.4 实验室细菌学检验


3 讨论

调查结果表明,张家口赛区及周边区域未发现河北省及周边鼠疫自然疫源地主要宿主动物长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)和达乌尔黄鼠(Citellus daurius)分布,也未发现秃病蚤蒙冀亚种(Nosopsyllus laeviceps kuzenkovi)、同型客蚤指名亚种(Xenopsylla conformis conformis)和方形黄鼠蚤蒙古亚种(Citellophilus tesquorum mongolicus)等鼠疫主要媒介蚤分布,并且崇礼区奥运赛区周边的自然景观、鼠类物种构成、媒介蚤种构成与河北省鼠疫自然疫源地存在着明显差异[9-12]。因此,我们认为当地发生原发性动物间鼠疫流行的风险较小。但当地7和9月鼠密度分别为6.14%、5.93%,鼠密度较高,一旦出现输入性的动物鼠疫疫情或生物恐怖,也可能引起动物间鼠疫流行。


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