中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (1): 98-102



任清明, 刘国平, 王治, 周光智, 郑东春, 王峰
REN Qing-ming, LIU Guo-ping, WANG Zhi, ZHOU Guang-zhi, ZHENG Dong-chun, WANG Feng
An investigation and study of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 7 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(1): 98-102
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(1): 98-102


收稿日期: 2020-07-01
任清明 , 刘国平 , 王治 , 周光智 , 郑东春 , 王峰     
北部战区疾病预防控制中心有害生物控制科, 辽宁 沈阳 110034
摘要: 目的 调查我国东北3省牛舍吸血蠓的种类分布、种类组成、吸血率和灯诱指数。方法 2010-2019年,在东北3省7县(市),采用诱虫灯法在牛舍采集吸血蠓类。采用χ2检验进行吸血率比较。结果 在东北3省7县(市)采获吸血蠓322 505只,计2属29种,其中库蠓属28种,蠛蠓属1种。蠓种分布为宽甸县19种、东宁市15种、逊克县15种、敦化市8种、抚远县8种、清原县6种、集安市7种。优势种为兴安库蠓(38.42%)和刺螫库蠓(37.60%),不同县(市)蠓种类组成不同。4县(市)9种主要蠓种的总吸血率为54.63%,其中东方库蠓最高(71.87%),肩宏库蠓最低(14.68%)。5县(市)灯诱吸血蠓总指数为4 788.98只/(灯·夜),其中敦化市最高〔9 499.94只/(灯·夜)〕,逊克县最低〔1 408.62只/(灯·夜)〕。不同蠓种和不同县(市)的吸血率和灯诱指数不同。结论 东北3省7县(市)牛舍有吸血蠓2属29种,兴安库蠓、刺螫库蠓为优势种,东方库蠓吸血率最高,敦化市灯诱指数最高。
关键词: 吸血蠓    种类分布    种类组成    吸血率    灯诱指数    
An investigation and study of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 7 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China
REN Qing-ming , LIU Guo-ping , WANG Zhi , ZHOU Guang-zhi , ZHENG Dong-chun , WANG Feng     
Pest Control Department, Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Northern Theater Command, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species distribution, species composition, blood-sucking rate, and light-trap index in the cattle pens in three northeastern provinces of China. Methods From 2010 to 2019, hematophagous midges were captured with light traps from cattle pens in 7 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China. The Chi-square test was used to compare the blood-sucking rates. Results A total of 322 505 hematophagous midges were collected from 7 counties (cities) in northeast China, which belonged to 29 species from 2 genera, including 28 species of Culicoides and 1 species of Lasiohelea. Among them, Kuandian county had 19 species, Dongning city had 15 species, Xunke county had 15 species, Dunhua city had 8 species, Fuyuan county had 8 species, Qingyuan county had 6 species, and Ji'an city had 7 species. The dominant species were C. sinanoensis (38.42%) and C. punctatus (37.60%), and the species composition varied in different counties (cities). The overall blood-sucking rate of 9 main species in 4 counties (cities) was 54.63%. Specifically, C. orientalis had the highest blood-sucking rate (71.87%), and C. humeralis had the lowest (14.68%). The overall light-trap index in 5 counties (cities) was 4 788.98 midges/light·night. Specifically, Dunhua city had the highest light-trap index (9 499.94 midges/light·night), and Xunke county had the lowest (1 408.62 midges/light·night). The blood-sucking rate and light-trap index varied across different midge species and counties (cities). Conclusion There were 29 species from 2 genera of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 7 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China. The dominant species were C. sinanoensis and C. punctatus. C. orientalis had the highest blood-sucking rate, and Dunhua city had the highest light-trap index.
Key words: Hematophagous midges    Species distribution    Species composition    Blood-sucking rate    Light-trap index    

吸血蠓(Hematophagous midges)种类多,分布广,刺吸人、禽畜等动物血液,传播疾病,是重要的医学媒介昆虫。世界吸血蠓包括4属1 834种[1]。中国的吸血蠓依据相关文献统计整理已知有3属451种[2-11]。东北3省吸血蠓的研究自20世纪80年代以来有明显的进展,至2015年文献记载有3属91种[12],近年来我国学者又描述了5新种及1中国新纪录[13-18],至此,东北3省的吸血蠓有3属97种,其中细蠓属(Leptoconops)1种,蠛蠓属(Lasiohelea)4种,库蠓属(Culicoides)92种。在我国东北地区牛舍吸血蠓的研究尚未见全面的报道,为了解牛舍吸血蠓的分布及危害,笔者对2010-2019在东北3省7县(市)牛舍进行吸血蠓调查的资料进行了研究整理,现将结果报告如下。

1 材料与方法 1.1 采集地的选择


1.2 采集方法

采用紫外光诱虫灯(LTS-M02型“功夫小帅”,武汉吉星医疗科技有限公司生产)诱集吸血蠓。将诱虫灯悬挂于采集点牛舍避风处,灯距地面高度约1.5 m,每次挂灯2~3盏,日落时挂灯,次晨收回。将采集的吸血蠓浸泡于70%乙醇溶液并记录保存,在实验室采用加拿大树胶制作玻片标本,依据文献[2, 13-19]进行分类鉴定。

1.3 统计学分析

采用SPSS 16.0软件分析数据,不同县(市)、不同蠓种的吸血率比较采用χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 种类分布

2010-2019年在东北3省7县(市)牛舍共采获吸血蠓322 505只,计2属29种,其中库蠓属28种,蠛蠓属1种。各县(市)种类分布:宽甸县19种、东宁市15种、逊克县15种、敦化市8种、抚远县8种、清原市6种、集安市7种。不同县(市)蠓种的分布见表 1

表 1 东北3省7县(市)牛舍吸血蠓种分布 Table 1 Species distribution of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 7 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China
2.2 主要种类组成

7县(市)主要蠓种组成观察结果(表 2)表明,不同县(市)主要蠓种组成有所不同。其中集安市、清原县、宽甸县的优势蠓种均为兴安库蠓,分别占84.14%、83.00%和59.66%;敦化市为刺螫库蠓、兴安库蠓和灰黑库蠓,分别占35.58%、31.49%和27.31%;东宁市为刺螫库蠓和兴安库蠓,分别占46.79%和45.82%;逊克和抚远县均为刺螫库蠓,分别占94.98%和94.01%。

表 2 东北3省7县(市)牛舍主要吸血蠓种组成 Table 2 Dominant species composition of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 7counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China
2.3 主要蠓种吸血率

在4县(市)进行了9种蠓吸血率观察,结果见表 3。95 722只吸血蠓的总吸血率为54.63%,其中东方库蠓最高(71.87%),肩宏库蠓最低(14.68%)。经χ2检验,4县(市)蠓种吸血率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=1 451.7,P < 0.001);9种吸血蠓吸血率比较,差异亦有统计学意义(χ2=2 738.1,P < 0.001)。说明不同县(市)、主要蠓种吸血率均明显不同。

表 3 东北3省4县(市)牛舍主要吸血蠓种的吸血率 Table 3 Blood-sucking rates of the main hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 4 counties(cities)in three northeastern provinces of China
2.4 灯诱吸血蠓指数

在5县(市)灯诱57次,采获吸血蠓272 972只,吸血蠓总指数为4 788.98只/(灯·夜),其中敦化市最高为9 499.94只/(灯·夜),逊克县最低为1 408.62只/(灯·夜)(表 4)。不同县(市)吸血蠓指数有所不同。

表 4 东北3省5县(市)牛舍灯诱吸血蠓指数 Table 4 Light-trap index of hematophagous midges in the cattle pens of 5 counties (cities) in three northeastern provinces of China
3 讨论

本次调查记述了2010-2019年在东北3省7县(市)采获吸血蠓3属29种,其中新发现库蠓属2新种:哈尔巴岭库蠓(C. haerbalingensis Liu et Wang,2010)[20]和逊克库蠓(C. xunkeensis Yang,Li et Liu,2011)[21]。清原、集安、敦化、抚远4县(市)蠓种分布均 < 10种,分析认为与调查采集的次数少和采集时间较为集中有关,尚有待开展全面深入的调查研究。



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