中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (1): 52-55



袁爽, 葛涛, 唐磊, 尹世辉, 邢智锋
YUAN Shuang, GE Tao, TANG Lei, YIN Shi-hui, XING Zhi-feng
An analysis of mosquito surveillance results from vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, China, 2007-2017
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2021, 32(1): 52-55
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2021, 32(1): 52-55


收稿日期: 2020-08-21
袁爽 , 葛涛 , 唐磊 , 尹世辉 , 邢智锋     
黑龙江省疾病预防控制中心地方病与病媒生物控制所, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030
摘要: 目的 了解和掌握黑龙江省病媒生物监测点蚊虫常见种类、密度和季节消长规律,为蚊媒传染病的风险评估和蚊虫防制提供依据。方法 收集2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点蚊虫监测数据,比较不同种类、不同环境蚊虫密度差异及季节消长规律,应用Excel 2016软件进行统计分析。结果 2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点蚊虫平均密度为2.26只/(灯·h);蚊种构成以中华按蚊为主,占捕蚊总数的40.15%;中华按蚊密度最高,达0.91只/(灯·h);牲畜棚蚊密度最高,达6.12只/(灯·h),其次是农户为2.70只/(灯·h);不同蚊种、不同环境蚊虫密度季节消长趋势均呈单峰曲线,7-8月密度最高。结论 黑龙江省病媒生物监测点蚊密度除2007年较高外,2008-2017年呈小幅度波浪式下降趋势;优势蚊种为中华按蚊;农村蚊密度较高,是防制的重点地区;7-8月为蚊虫活动高峰期,是采取防制措施的重点时间段。
关键词: 蚊虫    监测    构成比    密度    季节消长    
An analysis of mosquito surveillance results from vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, China, 2007-2017
YUAN Shuang , GE Tao , TANG Lei , YIN Shi-hui , XING Zhi-feng     
Institute for Endemic and Vector Control, Heilongjiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haerbin, Heilongjiang 150030, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the common species and density of mosquitoes and their seasonal variation at vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, China, and to provide a basis for risk assessment of mosquito-borne diseases and scientific development of mosquito prevention and control measures. Methods Mosquito surveillance data from 2007 to 2017 were collected from vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province; the data were compared for the differences in mosquito density between various species and habitats as well as their seasonal variation; Microsoft Excel 2016 software was used for statistical analysis. Results From 2006 to 2017, the total mosquito density was 2.26 mosquitoes/lamp·hour at the vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province; the mosquito species composition was dominated by Anopheles sinensis, accounting for 40.15% of the mosquitoes captured; the density of An. sinensis was highest, up to 0.91 mosquitoes/lamp·hour; the highest density was in livestock sheds (up to 6.12 mosquitoes/lamp·hour), followed by rural households (2.70 mosquitoes/lamp·hour); the seasonal variation in mosquito density of different species and habitats showed a single-peak trend, with the highest density in July and August. Conclusion Except for the density in 2007 (which is relatively high), the density of mosquitoes at the vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province from 2008-2017 shows a small-amplitude wavy decline; An. sinensis is the dominant species; the density is highest in rural areas, which are the key areas for mosquito prevention and control; mosquito activity peaks in July and August, which are the key periods for prevention and control measures.
Key words: Mosquito    Surveillance    Composition ratio    Density    Seasonal variation    


1 材料与方法 1.1 数据来源


1.2 监测点设置


1.3 监测方法

诱蚊灯法,统一采用功夫小帅诱蚊灯(武汉市吉星环保科技有限公司生产,波长2537 Å,功率8 W),于2007-2017年每年的5-10月监测,每月2次,相邻2次间隔15 d,遇风雨天气(风力五级以上)顺延。每处生境选择远离干扰光源且避风的场所作为挂灯点,诱蚊灯光源应距地1.5 m,日落20 min后开启电源,连续诱集6 h,关闭电源,收集蚊虫进行种类、性别鉴定并计数。

1.4 统计学分析

应用Excel 2016软件对蚊虫密度、蚊种构成和不同种类、不同生境蚊虫密度等进行统计分析。计算公式:蚊密度〔只/(灯·h)〕=捕获蚊虫数(只)/〔捕蚊时间(h)×灯数〕。

2 结果 2.1 蚊虫总密度及蚊种构成

2007-2017年共放置诱蚊灯5 644盏,捕获蚊虫76 576只,总密度为2.26只/(灯·h),其中2007年蚊密度最高,达7.36只/(灯·h),2015年最低,为0.87只/(灯·h),蚊密度除2007年较高外,2008-2017年呈小幅度波浪式下降趋势。蚊虫总构成比以中华按蚊(Anopheles sinensis)最高,占捕获总数的40.15%,淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens pallens)占25.16%。见表 1图 1

表 1 2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点蚊种密度及构成 Table 1 Density and composition of mosquito species at vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, 2007-2017
图 1 2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点不同蚊种密度 Figure 1 Density of different mosquito species at vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, 2007-2017
2.2 不同种类蚊密度

2007-2017年蚊虫总密度以中华按蚊最高,为0.91只/(灯·h),淡色库蚊为0.57只/(灯·h)。不同年份中除2014和2015年淡色库蚊密度位于第1位以外,其余年份均以中华按蚊和其他蚊虫密度交替位于前2位。见图 1

2.3 不同生境蚊密度

2007-2017年蚊虫总密度以牲畜棚最高,达6.12只/(灯·h),其次是农户为2.70只/(灯·h),公园、居民区和医院分别为0.97、0.75和0.64只/(灯·h)。不同年份中牲畜棚蚊密度均处于第1位。见图 2

图 2 2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点不同环境类型蚊虫密度 Figure 2 Density of mosquitoes in different habitats at vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, 2007-2017
2.4 不同蚊种季节消长

2007-2017年蚊虫总密度季节消长呈明显单峰曲线,8月达到高峰。各蚊种中中华按蚊和淡色库蚊密度季节消长高峰期集中在7-8月。见图 3

图 3 2007-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点不同蚊种密度季节消长 Figure 3 Seasonal fluctuations of different species of mosquitoes from surveillance sites in Heilongjiang in 2007-2017
2.5 不同生境季节消长

2006-2017年不同生境蚊密度季节消长均呈单峰曲线。牲畜棚蚊密度从7月开始明显升高,8月达到高峰;其他生境均从6月开始缓慢升高,8月达到高峰。见图 4

图 4 2006-2017年黑龙江省病媒生物监测点不同生境蚊密度季节消长 Figure 4 Seasonal variation in the density of mosquitoes in different habitats at vector surveillance sites in Heilongjiang province, 2007-2017
3 讨论

3个国家级监测点2007-2017年的监测结果显示,蚊虫总密度为2.26只/(灯·h),其中2007年密度最高,达7.36只/(灯·h),2008年以后密度基本维持在相近的水平,且呈波浪式缓慢下降趋势,与监测初期县、区CDC监测人员蚊虫分类鉴定技术不熟练,可能误将诱蚊灯捕获的与蚊虫形态相似的其他昆虫鉴定为蚊虫所致。蚊虫总构成比以中华按蚊所占比例最高,淡色库蚊位于第3位,但在不同年份蚊虫构成比位次不固定,交替出现。据以往调查结果显示,中华按蚊、刺扰伊蚊(Aedes vexans)和淡色库蚊是黑龙江省优势蚊种[7-9],但由于监测方案未将刺扰伊蚊单独列出,统一计入其他蚊虫,因此呈现出中华按蚊、其他蚊虫和淡色库蚊各占1/3左右的构成比。


监测方案中列出的8种蚊虫中,白纹伊蚊(Ae. albopictus)、埃及伊蚊(Ae. aegypti)、雷氏按蚊(An. lesteri)、大劣按蚊(An. dirus)和微小按蚊(An. minimus)黑龙江省近些年一直未监测到,但在全球气候变暖的大趋势下,蚊虫活动范围也在逐渐呈现由南方向北方扩大趋势,持续进行蚊虫生态学监测,及时发现和掌握新入侵蚊种的动态,将对及时应对和有效预防蚊媒传染病具有重要指导意义。

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