中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (6): 710-713



陶晓颖, 赵欣, 涂涛田
TAO Xiao-ying, ZHAO Xin, TU Tao-tian
An analysis of surveillance results of adult mosquitoes in Shapingba district, Chongqing, China, 2017-2019
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(6): 710-713
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(6): 710-713


收稿日期: 2020-07-31
陶晓颖1 , 赵欣1 , 涂涛田2     
1 重庆市沙坪坝区疾病预防控制中心公共卫生二科, 重庆 400038;
2 重庆市疾病预防控制中心, 重庆 400042
摘要: 目的 了解重庆市沙坪坝区成蚊密度、种群构成和季节消长规律,为蚊虫防控提供建议和决策依据。方法 2017-2019年每年的4-11月采用诱蚊灯法捕获成蚊,计算成蚊密度;采用Levene检验对各年度成蚊密度方差齐性进行检验;采用多配对样本的Friedman检验对各年度成蚊密度季节消长情况进行比较;采用χ2检验对不同生境成蚊构成比进行比较。结果 沙坪坝区主要蚊种有致倦库蚊、三带喙库蚊、骚扰阿蚊、白纹伊蚊和中华按蚊,致倦库蚊为优势蚊种;2017-2019年共捕获成蚊6 076只,成蚊总密度为12.66只/(灯·夜)。其中,农村牲畜棚的成蚊密度最高为42.50只/(灯·夜),其次是农户为10.18只/(灯·夜)。各类生境蚊种均以致倦库蚊为主,其构成比均>77.00%。2017-2019年成蚊密度最高峰均在6月,其中2018年6月成蚊密度最高,为64.20只/(灯·夜)。结论 重庆市沙坪坝区成蚊密度特征及季节消长情况与当地气候、生境类型、蚊虫控制活动开展情况相关。建议全区在每年的5-9月开展环境治理、成蚊灭杀,且重点整治对象为农村牲畜棚和农户,并将成蚊密度和蚊媒传染病进行关联分析。
关键词: 成蚊密度    监测    种群构成    季节消长    
An analysis of surveillance results of adult mosquitoes in Shapingba district, Chongqing, China, 2017-2019
TAO Xiao-ying1 , ZHAO Xin1 , TU Tao-tian2     
1 Shapingba Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing 400038, China;
2 Chongqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To investigate the density, population composition, and seasonal variation of adult mosquitoes in Shapingba district, Chongqing, China, and to provide advice and decision basis for mosquito prevention and control. Methods The lamp trapping method was used to capture adult mosquitoes from April to November during 2017-2019, and the mosquito density was calculated. The Levene's test was used to assess the homogeneity of variance for adult mosquito density each year; the Friedman test for multiple paired samples was used to compare the seasonal variations in adult mosquito densities each year; the chi-square test was used to compare the composition ratios of adult mosquitoes in different habitats. Results The main mosquito species in Shapingba district were Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Armigeres subalbatus, Aedes albopictus, and Anopheles sinensis, with Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus as the dominant species. A total of 6 076 adult mosquitoes were captured from 2017 to 2019, and the total density of adult mosquitoes was 12.66 mosquitoes/lamp·night, with the highest density being 42.50 mosquitoes/lamp·night in rural livestock sheds, followed by 10.18 mosquitoes/lamp·night in rural households. Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus was the dominant mosquito species in all habitats, with a composition ratio of >77.00%. The peak density of adult mosquitoes was in June from 2017 to 2019, with the highest density being 64.20 mosquitoes/lamp·night in June 2018. Conclusion The density and seasonal variation of adult mosquitoes in Shapingba district, Chongqing are associated with local climate, types of habitats, and implementation of mosquito control activities. It is suggested that environmental management and adult mosquito eradication activities should be conducted throughout the district from May to September each year, with a focus on rural livestock sheds and rural households; meanwhile, a correlation analysis should be performed between adult mosquito density and mosquito-borne diseases.
Key words: Adult mosquito density    Surveillance    Population composition    Seasonal variation    


1 材料与方法 1.1 监测点设置


1.2 监测时间

2017-2019年每年的4-11月进行监测,每月开展2次,相邻2次的间隔时间不少于10 d,全年共计监测16次。

1.3 监测方法

采用诱蚊灯法。每处监测生境放置诱蚊灯1盏。选择远离干扰光源和避风的场所作为挂灯点,诱蚊灯光源离地1.5 m。于日落前1 h接通电源,开启诱蚊灯诱捕蚊虫,直至次日日出后1 h。密闭收集器后,再关闭电源,收集、分类和记录雌蚊数[5]。蚊密度计算公式:蚊密度〔只/(灯·夜)〕=捕获雌蚊数(只)/(布放灯数×诱蚊夜数)。

1.4 统计学分析

利用SPSS 20.0软件进行数据分析,各年度成蚊密度方差齐性采用Levene检验,成蚊密度季节消长比较采用多配对样本的Friedman检验,不同生境成蚊构成比采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 蚊种构成

2017-2019年沙坪坝区共捕获成蚊6 076只,其中,致倦库蚊(Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus)4 833只,占捕获总数的79.54%,为优势蚊种; 其次是三带喙库蚊(Cx. tritaeniorhynchus)占10.68%;骚扰阿蚊(Armigeres obturbans)、白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)、中华按蚊(Anophelus sinensis)分别占6.24%、1.81%和1.73%。见表 1

表 1 2017-2019年重庆市沙坪坝区蚊类数量及其构成 Table 1 Quantity and composition of mosquitoes in Shapingba district, Chongqing, 2017-2019
2.2 成蚊密度季节消长

沙坪坝区2018、2019年成蚊密度呈单峰分布,2017年呈双峰分布。各年度5月成蚊密度开始呈大幅度增长,6月达到最高峰,其中,2018年6月成蚊密度最高,为64.20只/(灯·夜),7月后逐渐下降,2017年9月成蚊密度有所回升,但密度水平较低,4和11月因气温较低、降水较少,成蚊密度均维持在较低水平。采用Levene检验,各年度成蚊密度方差不齐(F=4.139,P<0.05),因此采用多配对样本的Friedman检验,结果显示,2017-2019年成蚊密度消长差异有统计学意义(χ2=14.214,P<0.05)。各年度成蚊密度季节消长情况见图 1

图 1 2017-2019年重庆市沙坪坝区成蚊密度季节消长 Figure 1 Seasonal variation of adult mosquito density in Shapingba district, Chongqing, 2017-2019
2.3 不同生境蚊种构成

2017-2019年居民区、公园、医院、农户及牲畜棚均以致倦库蚊为主,构成比分别为77.78%、86.40%、89.27%、78.51%和78.11%。不同生境蚊种构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2=355.999,P<0.05),各生境蚊种构成见表 2

表 2 2017-2019年重庆市沙坪坝区不同生境蚊种数量及其构成 Table 2 Quantity and composition of mosquitoes in different habitats in Shapingba district, Chongqing, 2017-2019
2.4 不同生境成蚊密度

2017-2019年沙坪坝区5种生境成蚊总密度为12.66只/(灯·夜)。其中,牲畜棚成蚊密度最高,为42.50只/(灯·夜),其次是农户,为10.18只/(灯·夜),各年度不同生境成蚊密度见表 3

表 3 2017-2019年重庆市沙坪坝区不同生境成蚊密度〔只/(灯·夜)〕 Table 3 Density of adult mosquitoes (mosquitoes/lamp·night) in different habitats in Shapingba district, Chongqing, 2017-2019
3 讨论



不同生境蚊类构成不同,但均以致倦库蚊为优势种。其中,公园、医院致倦库蚊构成比均>80%,而其他蚊种构成比均<6%。除致倦库蚊外,居民区、农户及牲畜棚还有一定数量的其他蚊种; 居民区内小型积水较多,易形成白纹伊蚊的孳生地,加之该蚊种嗜吸人血,因此,白纹伊蚊构成比其他生境高; 骚扰阿蚊兼吸畜、禽及人血[8],多在室内、畜禽舍内栖息,有的村民将家禽、家畜放养在屋内或院落,造成生境污染孳生骚扰阿蚊,这可能是农户骚扰阿蚊占比较高的原因之一; 牲畜棚内三带喙库蚊密度较高,主要是由于该蚊种属人、畜兼吸型蚊虫,猪是其主要扩散宿主[9],而监测的牲畜棚是猪圈,其卫生环境较差,积水难以清理,为该蚊种孳生提供了场所。



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