中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (5): 571-574



陈红, 周毅彬, 单宁
CHEN Hong, ZHOU Yi-bin, SHAN Ning
A study of mosquito composition and control in underground spaces of Jing'an district, Shanghai, China in winter
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(5): 571-574
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(5): 571-574


收稿日期: 2020-04-24
陈红1 , 周毅彬2 , 单宁1     
1 上海市静安区疾病预防控制中心病媒寄防科, 上海 200072;
2 上海市疾病预防控制中心, 上海 200336
摘要: 目的 调查上海市静安区冬季地下空间(包括停车库、防空洞等)蚊虫组成,并探索有效的控制蚊虫方法。方法 2019年1月在上海市静安区选择既往冬季有蚊虫活动的15处地下空间,采用1%双硫磷颗粒剂对阳性积水实施控制,并使用人工小时法和勺舀法调查,采用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较蚊虫密度变化来评估其控制效果。结果 实施控制前实验组各场所平均温度为10.76℃,平均湿度为56.96%;积水阳性率为25.93%,勺舀指数为3.17条/勺;平均成蚊密度为5.39只/(间·h),捕获雌蚊92只(占91.09%),均为尖音库蚊复合组,卵巢发育比例为5.43%;吸血比例为1.09%,脂肪体积累比例为15.22%;控制后积水阳性率为0,平均成蚊密度为0.21只/(间·h),控制后成蚊密度显著降低(F=3.186,P=0.001);同期未控制地下空间成蚊密度为6.49只/(间·h),显著高于控制场所(F=2.823,P=0.005)。结论 上海市冬季地下区域仍有蚊虫繁殖,对雨水井、集水井等蚊虫孳生地采用1%双硫磷颗粒剂控制能有效降低蚊密度。
关键词: 地下空间    骚扰库蚊    控制    越冬    
A study of mosquito composition and control in underground spaces of Jing'an district, Shanghai, China in winter
CHEN Hong1 , ZHOU Yi-bin2 , SHAN Ning1     
1 Jing'an District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200072, China;
2 Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To study the composition of mosquitoes in underground spaces (including parking garages and air-raid shelters) of Jing'an district, Shanghai, China in winter, and to explore effective methods for mosquito control. Methods In January 2019, 15 underground spaces, which had mosquito infestation in winter before, were selected from Jing'an district, Shanghai, and 1% temephos granules were used to control the mosquito-positive standing water habitats. An investigation was performed using the labor hour method and ladle method. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare the mosquito density changes to evaluate the control effect. Results Before control, the mean temperature and humidity of the selected sites in the experimental group were 10.76℃ and 56.96%, respectively. The positive rate of mosquitoes in standing water habitats was 25.93%, and the ladle index was 3.17 mosquito larvae/scoop. The mean adult mosquito density was 5.39 mosquitoes/room·h. A total of 92 female mosquitoes (91.09%) were captured, all of which were Culex pipiens complex, with an ovarian development ratio of 5.43%. The proportions of blood sucking and fat body accumulation were 1.09% and 15.22%, respectively. After control, the positive rate of mosquitoes in standing water habitats was 0, and the mean adult mosquito density was 0.21 mosquitoes/room·h, which was significantly lower than that before control (F=3.186, P=0.001). During the same period, the adult mosquito density in the uncontrolled underground space was 6.49 mosquitoes/room·h, which was significantly higher than that in the controlled sites (F=2.823, P=0.005). Conclusion In winter, there are still mosquito breeding in the underground areas of Jing'an district, Shanghai. Using 1% temephos granules to control the breeding sites such as rainwater wells and water-collecting wells can effectively reduce the mosquito density.
Key words: Underground space    Culex pipiens molestus    Control    Overwintering    

越冬蚊虫是次年蚊虫孳生的基础,其数量直接影响次年早春首代蚊虫的密度,进而影响蚊媒传染病的传播与流行风险[1]。近年来,随着经济发展,大型城市的房屋类型也随之改变,地下区域成为蚊虫越冬的主要场所。调查结果显示,大型城市蚊虫越冬的场所中地下空间(包括停车库、防空洞等)占较高比例[2-3]。城市建设的推进以及蚊虫越冬场所的变化,导致了冬季蚊虫构成的变化,并有可能直接影响蚊虫的越冬行为。近年研究指出,地下空间由于四季温度较高,冬季仍有尖音库蚊复合组(Culex pipiens complex)繁殖[4-5],在上海市地下车库发现的尖音库蚊复合组主要包括淡色库蚊(Cx. pipiens pallens)、骚扰库蚊(Cx. pipiens molestus)和致倦库蚊(Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus)[6],不同车库类型蚊种组成也各不相同。不同蚊种中,淡色库蚊以滞育方式越冬[7],而骚扰库蚊则自育继续繁殖[8]。冬季地下空间蚊种组成的差异将进一步导致不同场所蚊虫越冬行为的差异,为开展冬季蚊虫控制带来新的挑战。


1 材料与方法 1.1 调查点选择


1.2 研究内容

2019年1月,通过对实验组地下空间阳性积水投放1%双硫磷颗粒剂(安备)实施控制,按照2 g/m2(严重污染水体按照5 g/m2)投药。投药前及投药后每隔10 d对实验组重复人工小时法及勺舀法调查,在控制前及控制后30 d对对照组开展人工小时法调查,调查后解剖捕获成蚊,并记录成蚊卵巢发育、吸血和脂肪体发育情况,通过与控制前密度比较、同期对照组地下场所成蚊密度比较,评估控制效果。

1.3 调查方法

按照GB/T 23797-2009 《病媒生物密度监测方法蚊虫》进行[9]

1.3.1 人工小时法

在地下空间采用手电筒照明,并使用电动吸蚊器捕获栖息的蚊虫,捕获蚊虫15 min,记录捕获场所类型、捕获蚊虫数量及种类等,并现场记录温度、湿度。

1.3.2 勺舀法

在地下空间内查找各类积水,并采用勺舀法调查幼蚊密度。采用500 ml采水勺迅速从水体中舀水,每处积水舀5勺水,记录捞勺数及阳性勺数,吸出阳性勺中幼蚊并放入已编号的采样管中,分类、计数。同时记录日期、场所及积水类型。

1.4 气象数据


1.5 统计学分析

采用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析,成蚊密度采用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 成蚊调查结果


实验组调查点平均温度为10.76 ℃,平均湿度为56.96%,共计捕获成蚊101只,平均成蚊密度为5.39只/(间·h),均为尖音库蚊复合组,其中雌蚊92只,占91.09%,调查场所中捕获成蚊的有12处(占80.00%),其中捕获雄蚊的场所占33.33%;对照组平均温度为8.58 ℃,平均湿度为58.67%,捕蚊情况见表 1,控制前实验组与对照组成蚊密度差异无统计学意义(F=1.084,P=0.278)。

表 1 上海市静安区地下空间成蚊密度及其构成(人工小时法) Table 1 Density and composition of adult mosquitoes in underground spaces of Jing' an district, Shanghai (labor hour method)

对捕获雌蚊进行解剖,实验组解剖92只,卵巢发育雌蚊5只,占5.43%;吸血雌蚊1只,占1.09%,脂肪体积累雌蚊14只,占15.22%,调查场所中,有4处地下空间查见卵巢发育或吸血雌蚊,占26.67%。对照组解剖182只,卵巢发育雌蚊4只,占2.20%;吸血雌蚊1只,占0.55%,脂肪体积累雌蚊35只,占19.23%,见表 2

表 2 上海市静安区地下空间捕获雌蚊解剖结果 Table 2 Anatomical results of female mosquitoes captured in underground spaces of Jing an district, Shangt hai
2.2 幼蚊孳生情况

实验组地下空间蚊虫孳生地调查查见27处积水,均为雨水井/集水井,查见阳性7处,阳性率为25.93%;舀135勺,阳性12勺,勺舀指数为3.17条/勺。见表 3

表 3 上海市静安区地下空间积水幼蚊孳生情况(勺舀法) Table 3 Breeding of mosquito larvae in underground standing water habitats of Jing' an district, Shanghai(ladle method)
2.3 控制效果评估

实施控制后,实验组每10 d开展1次勺舀法及人工小时法调查,调查发现雨水井、集水井在重复调查中均未发现阳性;首次现场捕获成蚊的12处场所在实施雨水井控制后,成蚊密度均有下降,其中仅4处(33.33%)在后续重复调查中捕获成蚊,成蚊密度在第1次控制后下降至0.16只/(间·h),第2次下降至0.05只/(间·h),第3次密度有所回升,为0.21只/(间·h),控制完成前、后成蚊密度差异有统计学意义(F=3.186,P=0.001)。见表 4

表 4 上海市静安区地下空间实验组蚊虫控制后不同时间成蚊密度比较 Table 4 Comparison of adult mosquito density in the experimental group be tween different time points after control in underground spaces of Jing an district, Shanghai

控制30 d后,采用人工小时法调查对照组地下空间27处,捕获成蚊219只,平均成蚊密度为6.49只/(间·h)。控制后对照组高于实验组(F=2.823,P=0.005)。见表 5

表 5 上海市静安区地下空间控制后实验组与对照组成蚊密度比较 Table 5 Comparison of adult mosquito density between the control group and the ex perimental group after control in underground spaces of Jing' an district,Shanghai
3 讨论 3.1 冬季地下空间蚊虫孳生情况

本研究发现,冬季地下空间温度较高,有73.33%的场所温度高于10.00 ℃,最高达14.50 ℃,同期静安区平均气温最低2.00 ℃,最高8.00 ℃,提示地下区域温度显著高于室外温度,为蚊虫提供了有利条件。而此次研究在地下区域雨水井和集水井中发现幼蚊孳生,说明冬季在温度和湿度适宜的地下区域仍有蚊虫繁殖。

3.2 冬季地下空间蚊虫构成


3.3 地下空间蚊虫控制特点及措施



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