中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 231-233



王峰, 刘宏波, 刘国平, 王旭, 郭醉元, 任清明
WANG Feng, LIU Hong-bo, LIU Guo-ping, WANG Xu, GUO Zui-yuan, REN Qing-ming
Rodents and their control effectiveness in a working area of Japanese abandoned chemical weaponsin in eastern Jilin province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(2): 231-233
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(2): 231-233


收稿日期: 2019-10-02
网络出版时间: 2020-03-04 16:33
王峰 , 刘宏波 , 刘国平 , 王旭 , 郭醉元 , 任清明     
北部战区疾病预防控制中心有害生物控制科, 辽宁 沈阳 110034
摘要: 目的 调查吉林省东部某日本遗弃化学武器作业区的鼠形动物种群分布,观察灭鼠效果。方法 2016年6-8月在作业区内选择针阔混交林、耕地边缘、临时住区3种生境,采取鼠夹法调查鼠形动物,以χ2检验比较不同生境的捕获率;2017年7月在作业区内的4个区域开展毒饵灭鼠,计算灭鼠率,观察灭鼠效果。结果 共捕获鼠形动物398只,经鉴定为8属10种,其中黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠为优势种群,分别占37.19%和32.66%,其次是褐家鼠和朝鲜姬鼠,分别占9.30%和8.54%。毒饵灭鼠10 d后,4个区域灭鼠率依次为71.43%、84.85%、81.25%和91.30%,平均灭鼠率为84.79%。不同生境和月份捕鼠率差异有统计学意义(χ2=119.431,P < 0.001;χ2=15.872,P < 0.001)。结论 该作业区鼠形动物多样,密度较高,毒饵灭鼠效果显著。
关键词: 日本遗弃化学武器作业区    鼠类    种群分布    灭鼠率    
Rodents and their control effectiveness in a working area of Japanese abandoned chemical weaponsin in eastern Jilin province, China
WANG Feng , LIU Hong-bo , LIU Guo-ping , WANG Xu , GUO Zui-yuan , REN Qing-ming     
Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Northern Theater Command, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning Province, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate rodent population distribution and rodent control effectiveness in a working area of Japanese abandoned chemical weapons in eastern Jilin province, China. Methods The trapping method was used to capture rodents from June to August of 2016 in 3 habitats (mixed coniferous-broadleaf forests, marginal areas of cultivated land, and temporary settlements). The chi-square test was used to compare the capture rate of rodents in different habitats. Rodent control was conducted with poison baits in 4 zones of the working area and the control effectiveness was determined in July 2017. Results A total of 398 rodents were captured, involving 10 species from 8 genera. The dominant species were Apodemus agrarius (37.19%) and Tscherskia triton (32.66%), followed by Rattus norvegicus (9.30%) and A. peninsulae(8.54%). After 10 days of deratization, deratization rates in the 4 zones were 71.43%, 84.85%, 81.25%, and 91.30%, respectively, averaging 84.79%.The difference of mousetrap rate between different habitats and month was statistically significant (χ2=119.431, P < 0.001; χ2=15.872, P < 0.001). Conclusion There were many kinds of rodents in this area, the density of rodents was high, and the effect of poison bait is remarkable.
Key words: Working area of Japanese abandoned chemical weapons    Rodent    Population distribution    Deratization rate    


1 材料与方法 1.1 鼠形动物调查方法

根据作业区景观特征,选择针阔混交林、耕地边缘、临时住区3种生境作为调查点。采用鼠夹法捕获鼠形动物,布夹距离5 m,行距100 m以上,油炸花生米作诱饵,下午布放,次晨收回。依据文献[3]鉴定种类,分类计数。

1.2 灭鼠方法

根据工作特点将作业区设置为A、B、C、D 4个区域,其中A区域周围为针阔混交林,B区域紧邻耕地边缘,C、D区域生境为临时住区。各区之间距离1~4 km,总占地面积约0.20 km2。依据鼠形动物调查结果,选择鼠密度最高的7月开展灭鼠效果观察。采取毒饵灭鼠法,毒饵“立克命”膏剂由德国拜耳公司生产,有效成分为0.038%杀鼠醚。采取等距投药方法人工徒步投药,投药间隔5 m×5 m,投药量为25 g/堆。

1.3 灭鼠效果考核

以投药前、后鼠密度(投药后10 d)调查结果计算灭鼠率。

1.4 统计学分析

采用SPSS 16.0软件分析数据,不同生境、不同月份的捕鼠率采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 鼠形动物种群组成

共布放2 000夹次,捕获鼠形动物398只,经鉴定为8属10种,其中黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)和大仓鼠(Tscherskia triton)为优势种,分别占37.19%和32.66%;其次是褐家鼠(Rattus noruegicus)和朝鲜姬鼠(A. peninsulae),分别占9.30%和8.54%;莫氏田鼠(Microtus maximowiczii)、小家鼠(Mus musculus)、棕背䶄(Clethrionomys rufocanus)、红背䶄(C. rutilus)、花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)和鼩鼱(Sorex araneus)共占12.31%。不同生境鼠形动物种类组成不同,针阔混交林的优势种为朝鲜姬鼠(40.00%)和棕背䶄(20.00%);耕地边缘的优势种为大仓鼠(44.53%)和黑线姬鼠(39.06%);临时住区的优势种为黑线姬鼠(41.12%)和褐家鼠(20.56%)(表 1)。

表 1 吉林省东部某日本遗弃化学武器作业区不同生境鼠形动物种类组成 Table 1 Rodent species composition (%) in different habitats of a working area of Japanese abandoned chemical weapons in eastern Jilin province, China
2.2 不同生境、月份的捕鼠率


2.3 灭鼠效果

选择鼠密度最高的7月进行灭鼠。灭鼠后10 d,作业区内A、B、C、D区域灭鼠率依次为71.43%、84.85%、81.25%和91.30%,平均灭鼠率为84.79%。

3 讨论


“立克命”灭鼠剂属于第一代慢性抗凝血杀鼠剂,防治野栖鼠种可采用一次性投饵方式,对黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠等的杀灭效果良好[6-7]。本次灭鼠采用一次性投饵,灭鼠10 d后效果理想,该杀鼠剂具有防水等特点,适合野外环境鼠类防治。王晓东等[8]在外环境大面积使用溴敌隆毒饵灭鼠后20 d和6个月的灭鼠率分别达74.10%和95.90%,说明抗凝血杀鼠剂野外灭鼠效果可靠。但由于鼠形动物机智、适应性强,长期使用杀鼠剂会导致毒饵的适口性逐步下降[9]。黄英等[10]采用C型肉毒素在林区进行灭鼠试验,结果显示灭鼠率最高可达75.00%,防治效果较好。因此野外环境灭鼠可定期更换杀鼠剂,以保持良好的灭鼠效果。


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