中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 227-230



周冰, 曹殿起, 付慧英, 彭素标, 史文静, 刘缘
ZHOU Bing, CAO Dian-qi, FU Hui-ying, PENG Su-biao, SHI Wen-jing, LIU Yuan
An investigation of current pet keeping status of permanent residents in Mentougou district, Beijing, China and the influencing factors
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(2): 227-230
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(2): 227-230


收稿日期: 2019-10-07
网络出版时间: 2020-03-03 17:34
周冰1 , 曹殿起1 , 付慧英1 , 彭素标2 , 史文静1 , 刘缘1     
1 北京市门头沟区疾病预防控制中心计划免疫科, 北京 102300;
2 北京市东城区疾病预防控制中心, 北京 100050
摘要: 目的 调查北京市门头沟区常住居民宠物饲养现状,为制定宠物相关传染病防控策略、减少宠物伤害及人畜共患病的传播提供科学依据。方法 2018年2-8月,采取分层抽样的方式,随机抽取门头沟区3个乡镇,从3个乡镇中随机抽取620户家庭,每个家庭由1人参与调查,使用自主编制的问卷开展调查。宠物饲养现状采用描述性分析方法,SPSS 22.0软件用于数据分析,率的比较采用χ2检验。结果 共收回有效问卷596份,总有效率为96.13%。212个家庭中饲养宠物,占全部调查家庭的35.57%。其中养犬107人,占17.95%;养猫64人,占10.74%;同时饲养多种宠物的占8.05%。平房住户比楼房住户饲养率更高(χ2=23.525,P < 0.001),不同户籍和家中是否有5岁以下儿童饲养率差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.296,P=0.130;χ2=3.288,P=0.070)。养宠物的主要目的为兴趣爱好的占50.47%,61.79%被调查者处理宠物尸体会埋入野外。养犬户中犬只免疫率为76.64%,犬只登记率为57.94%。结论 门头沟区宠物饲养普遍,犬只登记率和免疫率较低,需加强相关管理和宣传。
关键词: 宠物饲养    狂犬病    影响因素    
An investigation of current pet keeping status of permanent residents in Mentougou district, Beijing, China and the influencing factors
ZHOU Bing1 , CAO Dian-qi1 , FU Hui-ying1 , PENG Su-biao2 , SHI Wen-jing1 , LIU Yuan1     
1 Mentougou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Beijing, Beijing 102300, China;
2 Dongcheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Beijing
Abstract: Objective To investigate the current pet keeping status of permanent residents in Mentougou district, Beijing, China, and to provide a scientific basis for formulating prevention and control strategies of pet-related communicable diseases and reducing pet-related injuries and the spread of zoonoses. Methods From February to August, 2018, 620 households (represented by one of the family members) were randomly selected from three townships in Mentougou district using stratified sampling method. An independently designed questionnaire was used for the survey. Descriptive statistical methods were used for analysis of current pet keeping status. SPSS 22.0 software was used for data analysis. The chi-square test was used for rate comparison. Results A total of 596 valid questionnaires were collected with an overall validity rate of 96.13%. A total of 212 households kept pets, accounting for 35.57% of all households investigated. Among them, 107 (17.95%) households kept dogs, 64 (10.74%) households kept cats, and 8.05% of the households kept multiple types of pets. The pet keeping rate of residents living in bungalows was higher than living in apartment (χ2=23.525, P < 0.001), and pet keeping rate were no statistical significance between households of different household registration types and households with/without children under 5 years (χ2=2.296, P=0.130; χ2=3.288, P=0.070). Fifty point four seven percent of the investigated people took keeping pets mainly as a hobby, and most people would bury their pet bodies in parks or in the green field when they had to dispose of dead pets. The immunization rate of dogs was 76.64% and dog registration rate was 57.94% in households with dogs. Conclusion Pet keeping was popular in Mentougou district. The dog registration rate and immunization rate were low, making it necessary to strengthen relevant pet keeping management and propaganda campaign.
Key words: Pet keeping    Rabies    Influencing factor    


1 对象与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 调查方法


1.3 统计学分析

采用EpiData 3.2软件建立数据库,统计分析使用SPSS 22.0软件,被调查者的基本情况和宠物饲养情况使用描述性统计方法,率的比较使用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 基本情况

本次调查共计620户家庭,发出问卷620份,收回有效问卷596份,有效率为96.13%。其中被调查者中男性占38.42%,女性占61.58%;本市户籍占84.73%;文化程度以大学本科最多,占61.40%;住房类型为楼房最多,占68.12%;185个家庭中有5岁以下儿童,占31.04%,见表 1

表 1 北京市门头沟区宠物饲养及影响因素现状调查基本情况 Table 1 Basic investigation results of current pet keeping status in Mentougou district, Beijing and the influencing factors
2.2 宠物饲养情况 2.2.1 宠物饲养率及影响因素

212户家庭中饲养宠物,占全部调查户的35.57%(212/596)。其中养犬107人,占17.95%(107/596);养猫64人,占10.74%(64/596);48人同时饲养多种宠物,占8.05%(48/596),见表 2。楼房居民宠物饲养率为29.06%,平房居民宠物饲养率为49.47%,不同住房类型饲养率差异有统计学意义(χ2=23.525,P<0.001);不同户籍和家中是否有5岁以下儿童差异均无统计学意义(χ2=2.296,P=0.130;χ2=3.288,P=0.070),见表 3

表 2 北京市门头沟区居民宠物饲养情况 Table 2 Pet keeping status of residents in Mentougou district, Beijing
表 3 北京市门头沟区不同住房类型、户籍、是否有5岁以下儿童居民的宠物饲养情况 Table 3 Pet keeping status of residents with different housing types, household registration types, and children under 5 years raising status
2.2.2 养宠物的目的、支出、与相处方式和宠物尸体处理方式

养宠物的主要目的为兴趣爱好的最多,占50.47%(107/212);每月养宠物支出在50元以下的最多,占43.87%(93/212)。在与宠物的相处方式上,存在很多危险做法,12人与宠物亲密无间甚至可以亲吻,占5.66%(12/212);30人可以与宠物同眠或同居,占14.15%(30/212);在处理宠物尸体的方式上,选择埋到野外的人最多,占61.79%(131/212),见表 4

表 4 北京市门头沟区常住居民的宠物饲养情况 Table 4 Pet keeping of permanent residents in Mentougou district, Beijing
2.2.3 养犬户登记和免疫情况




3 讨论





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