中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 219-222



张文童, 杨嘉理, 王瑊, 荣飞, 王文晶, 张新平, 杨志兰, 姚栋昌
ZHANG Wen-tong, YANG Jia-li, WANG Jian, RONG Fei, WANG Wen-jing, ZHANG Xin-ping, YANG Zhi-lan, YAO Dong-chang
An investigation of termite damage to ancient buildings in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(2): 219-222
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(2): 219-222


收稿日期: 2019-10-30
网络出版时间: 2020-03-04 08:44
张文童 , 杨嘉理 , 王瑊 , 荣飞 , 王文晶 , 张新平 , 杨志兰 , 姚栋昌     
南通市白蚁防治管理中心, 江苏 南通 226001
摘要: 目的 了解和掌握南通市古建筑白蚁危害现状,加强南通市古建筑的保护。方法 采用现场普查的方法,并采取全面调查和重点调查相结合的方式,对南通市崇川、港闸、通州和经济开发区范围内43处市级以上文物保护单位的古建筑进行白蚁危害现状调查。将在古建筑内和外围环境中采集的白蚁制作成标本,带回实验室进行形态学鉴定,并依据相关评定标准,对古建筑白蚁危害等级进行评定。结果 2019年3月4日至7月15日共计调查古建筑43处,发现其中25处古建筑遭受了不同程度的白蚁危害,古建筑白蚁危害率为58.1%。对采集到的白蚁标本进行鉴定,发现古建筑白蚁危害种类有1科2属3种,其中鼻白蚁科散白蚁属有2种,为黑胸散白蚁和黄胸散白蚁;鼻白蚁科乳白蚁属有1种,为台湾乳白蚁。经过统计分析,古建筑危害主要以散白蚁属为主,其中黑胸散白蚁为优势种,危害率为44.2%,明显高于黄胸散白蚁(14.0%)和台湾乳白蚁(4.7%)。25处古建筑白蚁危害等级评定结果显示,白蚁危害等级Ⅰ~Ⅲ级分别占调查总数的30.2%、18.6%和9.3%,其中2处古建筑危害程度已达3级,危害较严重,亟需进行古建筑的白蚁综合治理。结论 初步掌握了南通市古建筑白蚁危害情况,为南通市古建筑白蚁防治综合治理决策和实施提供了科学依据。
关键词: 古建筑    白蚁    危害    调查    南通市    
An investigation of termite damage to ancient buildings in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China
ZHANG Wen-tong , YANG Jia-li , WANG Jian , RONG Fei , WANG Wen-jing , ZHANG Xin-ping , YANG Zhi-lan , YAO Dong-chang     
Nantong City Termite Control and Management Center, Nantong 226001, Jiangsu Province, China
Abstract: Objective To grasp the current status of termite damage to ancient buildings in Nantong, China, and to strengthen the protection of these ancient buildings in Nantong. Methods The method of field survey combined with comprehensive and focused surveys were used to investigate the current status of termite damage to the ancient buildings in 43 cultural relic protection units above the municipal level in Chongchuan, Gangzha, Tongzhou, and the Economic Development District of Nantong. The termites collected inside and outside the ancient buildings were made into specimens and brought back to the laboratory for morphological identification, and the termite damage grade to ancient buildings was evaluated according to the relevant evaluation standards. Results A total of 43 ancient buildings were investigated from March 4 to July 15, 2019, and 25 of them were found to have suffered from varying degrees of termite damage, with a termite damage rate of 58.1%. Based on the identification of the termite specimens collected, it was found that the harmful species for ancient buildings belonged to 3 species, 2 genera, 1 family; two species of them were Reticulitermes chinensis and R. flaviceps belonging to the family Rhinotermitidae, genus Reticulitermes, and the other one species was Coptotermes formosanus belonging to the family Rhinotermitidae, genus Coptotermes. According to a statistical analysis, the damage to ancient buildings was mainly caused by Reticulitermes, of which R. chinensis was the dominant species with a damage rate of 44.2%, which was substantially higher than that of R. flaviceps (14.0%) and C. formosanus (4.7%). The grade assessment of termite damage was carried out in 25 ancient buildings, and the results showed that the termite damage levels belonging to grade Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ accounted for 30.2%, 18.6%, and 9.3% of the total number of surveys, respectively; among them, 2 ancient buildings were seriously damaged with a damage level of gradeⅢ, so it is urgent to carry out comprehensive termite control. Conclusion The status of termite damage to ancient buildings in Nantong has been preliminarily grasped, which provides a scientific basis for the decision-making and implementation of comprehensive termite prevention and control in ancient buildings in Nantong, China.
Key words: Ancient building    Termite    Damage    Investigation    Nantong    



1 材料与方法 1.1 调查地点和对象


1.2 调查工具


1.3 调查方法


1.4 白蚁危害等级评定

根据现场调查结果及相关文献报道[8],并参照中华人民共和国国家标准《GB/T 51253—2017建设工程白蚁危害评定标准》,综合考虑古建筑白蚁的危害特性和潜在的白蚁危害风险,进行古建筑的白蚁危害等级评定,古建筑的白蚁危害等级分为3级:


Ⅱ级:白蚁中度危害,如危害高度≥2 m,等级指数记为2;


2 结果 2.1 白蚁危害情况

本次白蚁危害调查涉及南通市崇川、港闸、通州和经济开发区43处市级以上古建筑,经对南通市古建筑进行系统、全面、仔细的现场调查发现,其中有25处古建筑遭受到不同程度的白蚁危害,危害率达58.1%,其余18处暂未发现白蚁,南通市古建筑白蚁危害率较高,是本市白蚁危害的高发区和重灾区。另外根据南通市古建筑的结构特点,主要对古建筑的近地木构件、梁柱结构、展陈物品及外围环境的危害点、危害情况进行统计(表 1),发现南通市古建筑主要的危害点在近地木构件,占本次调查古建筑总数的25.6%,其次是展陈物品占16.3%。

表 1 江苏省南通市古建筑白蚁危害点危害情况 Table 1 The status of damaged points of ancient buildings caused by termites in Nantong, Jiangsu province
2.2 白蚁危害种类

将从现场采集的白蚁标本带回南通市城市有害生物重点实验室,经过昆虫分类学专业人士镜检鉴定,并进行统计分析,南通市古建筑的白蚁危害种类有1科2属3种,即鼻白蚁科(Rhinotermitidae)的散白蚁属(Reticulitermes)和乳白蚁属(Coptotermes),在发现的3种白蚁种类中,其中2种属于鼻白蚁科散白蚁属,为黑胸散白蚁(R. chinensis)和黄胸散白蚁(R. flaviceps);1种属于鼻白蚁科乳白蚁属,为台湾乳白蚁(C. formosanus)。在本次43处古建筑调查过程中,25处有白蚁危害的古建筑均发现了散白蚁危害,且其中2处还同时发现有乳白蚁属危害,黑胸散白蚁占调查总数的44.2%(19/43),黄胸散白蚁占14.0%(6/43),台湾乳白蚁占4.7%(2/43)。

2.3 古建筑白蚁危害等级评定


3 讨论




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