中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 203-208



多吉卓玛, 卓玛央金, 永建, 扎西卓玛, 杨晓东, 杨贵荣, 王剑, 周红宁, 龚正达
DUOJI Zhuo-ma, ZHUOMA Yang-jin, YONC Jian, ZHAXI Zhuo-ma, YANG Xiao-dong, YANG Gui-rong, WANG Jian, ZHOU Hong-ning, GONG Zheng-da
A study of the taxonomy and fauna of mosquitoes in Tibet autonomous region, China IX: New records of 3 subgenera and 6 species of Aedes
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(2): 203-208
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(2): 203-208


收稿日期: 2019-12-24
网络出版时间: 2020-03-04 08:39
多吉卓玛1 , 卓玛央金1 , 永建2 , 扎西卓玛2 , 杨晓东1 , 杨贵荣3 , 王剑3 , 周红宁3 , 龚正达3,4     
1 林芝市疾病预防控制中心流行病科, 西藏 林芝 860100;
2 墨脱县疾病预防控制中心, 西藏 墨脱 855300;
3 云南省寄生虫病防治所, 云南省虫媒病毒研究中心, 云南省虫媒传染病防控研究重点实验室, 云南 普洱 665099;
4 云南省地方病防治所, 云南 大理 671000
摘要: 目的 调查和了解西藏自治区(西藏)的蚊类区系。方法 2017年8-9月,对藏东南地区各类型孳生地的伊蚊进行调查取样、标本制作和分类鉴定。结果 在鉴定墨脱县采获的伊蚊属(Genus Aedes)标本中,发现有丹蚊亚属(Subgenus Danielsia)的白带伊蚊〔Ae.(Dan.) albotaeniatus (Leicester,1904)〕、花纹亚属(Subgenus Phagomyia)的阿萨姆伊蚊〔Ae.(Pha.)assanensis (Theobald,1908)〕、奈蚊亚属(Subgenus Kenknightia)的异形伊蚊〔Ae.(Ken.)dissimilis (Leiceaster,1908)〕、科蚊亚属(Subgenus Collessius)的乳点伊蚊〔Ae.(Col.) macfarlanei(Edwands,1914)〕、覆蚊亚属(Subgenus Stegomyia)的马立伊蚊〔Ae.(Ste.)malikuli (Huang,1973)〕和伪白纹伊蚊〔Ae.(Ste.) pseudalbopictus Borel,1928〕共5亚属6种。其中,丹蚊亚属、花蚊亚属、奈蚊亚属和6种蚊种为西藏地区首次发现,为西藏蚊类亚属和物种新纪录。该文将这6种蚊种的重要形态特征、分布区、孳生环境及其雄蚊尾器结构图等内容分别进行了简述和报道。此外,并对西藏现知伊蚊属13亚属和23种(亚种)列出了名录。结论 迄今,西藏分布有伊蚊共13亚属23种(亚种),分别约占国内伊蚊属亚属和物种总数的46%和20%。
关键词: 伊蚊属    新纪录    西藏自治区    
A study of the taxonomy and fauna of mosquitoes in Tibet autonomous region, China IX: New records of 3 subgenera and 6 species of Aedes
DUOJI Zhuo-ma1 , ZHUOMA Yang-jin1 , YONC Jian2 , ZHAXI Zhuo-ma2 , YANG Xiao-dong1 , YANG Gui-rong3 , WANG Jian3 , ZHOU Hong-ning3 , GONG Zheng-da3,4     
1 Linzhi City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Linzhi 860100, Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region, China;
2 Motuo County Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
3 Yunnan Institute of Parasitic Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Provincial, Center of Arborvirus Research, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Vector borne Diseases Control and Research;
4 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To investigate the fauna of mosquitoes in Tibet autonomous region, China. Methods From August to September, 2017, Aedes in various breeding sites of Southeastern Tibet were sampled, made into specimens, and subjected to taxonomic identification. Results Among the genus Aedes collected in Motuo county, a total of 6 species from 5 subgenera were identified, i.e., Ae. (Dan.) albotaeniatus (Leicester, 1904) from the subgenus Danielsia, Ae. (Pha.) assamensis (Theobald, 1908) from the subgenus Phagomyia, Ae. (Ken.) dissimilis (Leiceaster, 1908) from the subgenus Kenknightia, Ae. (Col.) macfarlanei (Edwands, 1914) from the subgenus Collessius, and Ae. (Ste.) malikuli (Huang, 1973) and Ae. (Ste.) pseudalbopictus (Borel, 1928) from the subgenus Stegomyia. Among them, the subgenera Danielsia, Phagomyia, and Kenknightia and the six mosquito species were first identified in Tibet, which were new records of the subgenera and species of mosquitoes in Tibet. In this article, a brief description and report was made on the important morphological characteristics, distribution areas, breeding sites, and the structural diagram of male terminalia of these six mosquito species. In addition, a directory was provided for the 13 subgenera and 23 species (subspecies) of Aedes currently known in Tibet. Conclusion There are 13 subgenera and 23 species (subspecies) of Aedes in Tibet, which account for 46% and 20%, respectively, of the total numbers of subgenera and species of Aedes in China.
Key words: Genus Aedes    New record    Tibet autonomous region    

伊蚊属(Genus Aedes)隶属库蚊亚科(Culicinae)伊蚊簇(Aedini)下的一个大属,全世界记录了约75亚属1 000多种[1]。如按最新的分类系统[1]对我国已知伊蚊属的物种进行统计[2-5],伊蚊属有28个亚属120多种。既往,西藏自治区(西藏)蚊类区系工作开展较少,据历年系列调查结果的统计和整理,报道当地伊蚊属共有15种(亚种)[6-8],加之近期研究报道了2亚属及2物种新纪录[5, 9],西藏伊蚊的物种数达17种(亚种)[9]

最近,在鉴定2017年在墨脱县采获的1批伊蚊属标本中共发现5亚属6种。其中,丹蚊亚属(Subgenus Danielsia Theobald,1904)、花纹亚属(Subgenus Phagomyia,Theobald,1905)和奈蚊亚属(Subgenus Kenknightia Reinert,1990)及6物种均为首次在西藏地区发现,为当地亚属和物种新纪录。本文将6新纪录种的主要鉴别特征、分布区、孳生环境及以实物作为凭证标本绘制的雄性尾器结构图等内容分别记述和报道。此外,采纳和参照了国际上新近的伊蚊族的分类系统[1],对西藏现知伊蚊各亚属及其物种分别进行了归类并列出名录,以便今后对该属的分类研究提供参考。

1 材料与方法 1.1 标本的调查与采集


1.2 分类与鉴定


1.3 伊蚊属各亚属及物种的归类

在参照文献[3-4, 10-12]的基础上,采用文献[1]伊蚊族最新的分类系统,对西藏现知伊蚊属各亚属及物种(亚种)进行归类并列出名录。

2 结果

对林芝市墨脱县1批伊蚊属标本成蚊的外部形态和雄性尾器特征鉴定后,发现其中有丹蚊亚属的白带伊蚊[Aedes(Danielsia)albotaeniatus(Leicester,1904)]、花纹亚属的阿萨姆伊蚊[Ae.(Pha.)assanensis(Theobald,1908)]、奈蚊亚属的异形伊蚊[Ae.(Ken.)dissimilis(Leiceaster,1908)]、科蚊亚属(Subgenus Collessius)的乳点伊蚊[Ae.(Col.) macfarlanei (Edwands,1914)]、覆蚊亚属(Subgenus Stegomyia)的马利伊蚊[Ae.(Ste.)malikuli (Huang,1973)]和伪白纹伊蚊[Ae.(Ste.)pseudalbopictus Borel,1928]共6种。现将6种蚊种的主要鉴别特征、地理分布、孳生环境及以实物作为凭证标本绘制的雄蚊尾器结构图等内容分别记述和报道。此外,对西藏现知伊蚊属的13亚属及其23种(亚种)进行了归类并列出名录。

2.1 白带伊蚊[Ae.(Dan.)albotaeniatus (Leicester,1904)](图 1)
图 1 白带伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,达木) Figure 1 Terminalia of male Aedes (Danielsia) albotaeniatus(Damu, Motuo county)




2.2 阿萨姆伊蚊[Ae.(Pha.)assanensis (Theobald,1908)](图 2)
图 2 阿萨姆伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,德兴) Figure 2 Terminalia of male Aedes (Phagomyia) assamensis(Dexing, Motuo county)




2.3 乳点伊蚊[Ae.(Col.)macfarlanei (Edwands,1914)](图 3)
图 3 乳点伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,德兴) Figure 3 Terminalia of male Aedes (Collessius) macfarlanei(Dexing, Motuo county)




2.4 异形伊蚊[Ae.(Ken.)dissimilis (Leiceaster,1908)](图 4)
图 4 异形伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,达木) Figure 4 Terminalia of male Aedes (Kenknightia) dissimilis(Damu, Motuo county)




2.5 马利伊蚊[Ae. (Ste.) malikuli (Huang,1973)](图 5)
图 5 马利伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,德兴) Figure 5 Terminalia of male Aedes (Stegomyia) malikuli(Dexing, Motuo county)




2.6 伪白纹伊蚊[Ae.(Ste.)pseudalbopictus Borel,1928](图 67)
图 6 伪白纹伊蚊雄蚊的尾器(墨脱县,亚东) Figure 6 Terminalia of male Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudalbopictus(Yadong, Motuo county)
图 7 伪白纹伊蚊雄蚊的阳茎(墨脱县,亚东) Figure 7 Aedeagi of male Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudalbopictus(Yadong, Motuo county)




2.7 西藏地区伊蚊属亚属和物种的组成


(1)伊状蚊亚属Subgenus Aedimorphus Theobald,1905

① 刺扰伊蚊Ae. (Aed.) vexans (Meigen,1830)

(2)唐蚊亚属Subgenus Downsiomyia Vargas,1950

② 侧北伊蚊Ae. (Dow.) albolateralis (Theobald,1908)

③ 新雪伊蚊Ae. (Dow.) novonivea Barraud,1934

(3)科蚊亚属Subgenus Collessius Reinert,Harbach et Kitching,2006

④ 棘刺伊蚊Ae. (Col.) elsiae (Barraud,1923)

⑤ 单棘伊蚊Ae. (Col.) shortti (Barrraud,1923)

⑥ 白部伊蚊Ae. (Col.) tonkinensis (Galliard et Ngu,1947)

⑦ 乳点伊蚊Ae. (Col.) macfarlanei (Edwands,1914)

(4)呼蚊亚属Subgenus Hulecoeteomyia Theobald,1904

⑧ 台湾伊蚊Ae. (Hul.) formosensis (Yamada,1921)

⑨ 哈维伊蚊Ae. (Hul.) harveyi (Barraud,1923)

(5)贾蚊亚属Subgenus Gilesinus Reinert,Harbach et Kitching,2006

⑩ 美腹伊蚊Ae. (Gil.) pulchriventer (Giles,1901)

(6)骚扰蚊亚属Subgenus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga,1891

⑪ 金叶伊蚊Ae. (Och.) oreophilus Edwards,1916

⑫ 拉萨伊蚊Ae. (Och.) lasaensis (Meng,1962)

⑬ 拉萨伊蚊吉隆亚种Ae. (Och.) lasaensis gyirongensis (Ma,1982)

(7)覆蚊亚属Subgenus Stegomyia Theobald,1901

⑭ 白纹伊蚊Ae. (Ste.) albopictus (Skuse,1895)

⑮ 伪白纹伊蚊Ae. (Ste.) pseudalbopictus Borel,1928)

⑯ 圆斑伊蚊Ae. (Ste.) annandalei Theobald,1910

⑰ 马利伊蚊Ae. (Ste.)malikuli (Huang,1973)

(8)新黑蚊亚属Subgenus Neomelaniconion Newstead,1907

⑱ 窄翅伊蚊Ae. (Neo.) lineatopennis (Ludlow,1905)

(9)双角蚊亚属Subgenus Diceromyia Theobald,1911

⑲ 沃氏伊蚊Ae. (Dic.) whartoni Mattingly,1965

(10)伊蚊亚属Subgenus Aedes Meigen,1818

⑳ 那坡伊蚊Ae. (Aed.) mubiensis Luh et Shih,1958

(11)丹蚊亚属Subgenus Danielsia Theobald,1904

㉑ 白带伊蚊Ae. (Dan.)albotaeniatus (Leicester,1904)

(12)花蚊亚属Subgenus Phagomyia Theobald,1905

㉒ 阿萨姆伊蚊Ae. (Pha.)assanensis (Theobald,1908)

(13)奈蚊亚属Subgenus Kenknightia Reinert,1990

㉓ 异形伊蚊Ae. (Ken.) dissimilis (Leiceaster,1908)


3 讨论

既往,我国的伊蚊属按照《中国动物志.蚊科(上卷)》的记载包含了14亚属的分类系统[2],陆宝麟[13]根据国外文献报道对我国伊蚊属进行了部分亚属的更改和提出新的分类系统。近年来,国内学者参考国外伊蚊族分类研究的新理论和进展[14-21],对我国伊蚊族已知170多种的分类地位(包括属、亚属、种)进行了多次校订、变更并提出新的建议[3-4, 12],形成原伊蚊属中许多亚属的分类地位及其物种归属都出现了许多重大的变更[3-4, 12]。但是,我们还是比较认同近年Wilkerson等[1]提出将Reinert等2000年及以后在伊蚊簇中除奇阳蚊属(Verrallina)之外建立的大部分新属重新调整和回归为伊蚊属亚属的新分类系统[12]。据此统计,全世界目前记录的伊蚊属约75亚属1 000多种,而我国现所知伊蚊属应为28个亚属120多种(亚种)。

既往,西藏地区蚊类区系工作开展较少,据文献记载[6-8]和通过近2年藏东南伊蚊属的调查和分类研究[5, 9],以及本文报道的3亚属6物种新纪录,西藏伊蚊属已知13亚属23种(亚种)。但随着该地区蚊类分类与区系研究的开展和深入,当地伊蚊属亚属或物种会进一步增加。

志谢 刘绍茂、徐慧梅和李春富同志参加现场标本采集或实验室标本制作,现场工作中得到墨脱县卫生健康委员会大力支持,一并志谢
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