中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (2): 199-202



段金花, 陈宗晶, 周静雅, 黄亮宇, 吴军, 蔡松武, 张绍华, 邓惠, 林立丰, 刘礼平
DUAN Jin-hua, CHEN Zong-jing, ZHOU Jing-ya, HUANG Liang-yu, WU Jun, CAI Song-wu, ZHANG Shao-hua, DENG Hui, LIN Li-feng, LIU Li-ping
A study of mosquito infestation in the mouths of manholes under the municipal administration networks in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, 2017
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(2): 199-202
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(2): 199-202


收稿日期: 2019-10-27
网络出版时间: 2020-03-03 15:39
段金花1 , 陈宗晶1 , 周静雅2 , 黄亮宇3 , 吴军1 , 蔡松武1 , 张绍华4 , 邓惠1 , 林立丰1 , 刘礼平1     
1 广东省疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物预防控制所, 广东 广州 510300;
2 佛山市禅城区疾病预防控制中心, 广东 佛山 528000;
3 广州越秀区疾病预防控制中心, 广东 广州 510055;
4 深圳市疾病预防控制中心, 广东 深圳 518055
摘要: 目的 了解深圳市各种市政管网沙井口的蚊虫孳生现状,为城镇蚊媒的防控提供依据。方法 调查深圳市新城区、老城区和城中村有代表性街道的市政管网各种沙井口的积水情况、蚊虫孳生率与密度,以500 ml孑孓勺捕捞幼虫计算密度(条/勺)。结果 2017年11月共调查各种市政管网沙井口508个,蚊虫孳生的平均阳性率为4.7%,其中伊蚊的孳生阳性率为3.3%;防蚊贴(四防设施,包括防蚊闸、防蚊纱网等)的安装率为27.4%,维护完整率为76.3%。阳性沙井口中未安装防蚊贴(四防设施)的占83.3%,阳性沙井的幼虫最高密度为43条/勺,最低密度为1条/勺。供水沙井、沉沙井和市政排污井的阳性率较高,分别为5.9%、5.7%和5.5%。沉沙井、市政排污井和市政排雨水井的调查数构成比及阳性构成比较大,此3类沙井口占总调查数的84.8%,占阳性沙井数的87.5%。燃气、通讯、供电等沙井口均未发现有蚊虫孳生。结论 四防设施有利于减少下水道蚊虫的孳生;沉沙井、市政排污井和市政排雨水井是城市市政管网中蚊虫重要的孳生环境,防蚊贴(四防设施)能有效减少市政地下管网中蚊虫的孳生。
关键词: 蚊虫    市政管网    沙井口    密度    
A study of mosquito infestation in the mouths of manholes under the municipal administration networks in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, 2017
DUAN Jin-hua1 , CHEN Zong-jing1 , ZHOU Jing-ya2 , HUANG Liang-yu3 , WU Jun1 , CAI Song-wu1 , ZHANG Shao-hua4 , DENG Hui1 , LIN Li-feng1 , LIU Li-ping1     
1 Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou 510300, Guangdong Province, China;
2 Chancheng District Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Foshan City;
3 Yuexiu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangzhou City;
4 Shenzhen City Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To investigate the mosquito infestation in the mouths of manholes under the municipal administration networks in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, and to provide a basis for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases in urban areas. Methods The ponding status, mosquito infestation rate, and mosquito density were investigated in the mouths of manholes under the municipal administration networks of representative subdistricts in the new town areas, old town areas, and urban villages in Shenzhen. The larvae were captured with a 500-ml larva sampling spoon for density (larvae/spoon) calculation. Results A total of 508 mouths of manholes under the municipal administration networks were investigated in November 2017; the mean positive rate of mosquito infestation was 4.7% (including a mean positive rate of Aedes infestation of 3.3%). The mounting rate and maintenance rate of Mosquito Proof Set (the four types of mosquito proof facilities, including mosquito repellent sticks, mosquito proof sluices and nets) were 27.4% and 76.3%, respectively. Of the mouths of positive manholes, 83.3% were not equipped with Mosquito Proof Set. The highest and lowest densities of larvae in the positive manholes were 43 larvae/spoon and 1 larva/spoon, respectively. Relatively high positive rates were observed in water supply manholes (5.9%), sediment manholes (5.7%), and municipal sewage manholes (5.5%). The sediment manholes, municipal sewage manholes, and municipal rainwater manholes had a relatively high constituent ratio both in the overall manholes investigated (84.8%) and in the positive manholes (87.5%). No mosquito infestation was found in the mouths of gas, communication, and power supply manholes. Conclusion The Mosquito Proof Sets are conducive to reducing mosquito infestation in the sewers. Places most seriously infested with mosquitoes are sediment manholes, municipal sewage manholes, and municipal rainwater manholes under the municipal administration networks. The Mosquito Proof Sets can effectively reduce mosquito infestation.
Key words: Mosquito    Municipal administration networks    Mouth of manhole    Density    


1 材料与方法 1.1 调查生境


1.2 调查工具

500 ml长柄勺、小白搪瓷盆(?25 cm)、蚊虫收集瓶(空矿泉水瓶)、手电筒、铁钩、记录表等。

1.3 调查方法

先观察沙井盖是否安装有防蚊设施,了解四防设施(包括防蚊闸、防蚊纱网等)的年限及是否密闭。再移开四防装置或用铁钩类工具撬开沙井盖,观察沙井内的积水及其清浊和流动性情况及幼蚊孳生情况。积水中发现有幼蚊和(或)蛹孳生定为阳性。发现有幼蚊孳生的环境,均用500 ml的孑孓勺于幼蚊集中的水表面迅速捕捞,每处阳性孳生环境捕捞2勺,第1勺观察计数后倒至沙井外,待幼蚊基本浮至水面后再取第2勺计数(取第1勺后约2 min),主要计数幼蚊数和蛹数,以最低和最高捕获幼蚊及蛹数代表某种孳生环境的幼蚊密度(条/勺)。

1.4 统计学分析

对四防设施、阴性及阳性孳生场所的数量统一记录,使用SPSS 20.0软件对蚊虫孳生率进行χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 各类型沙井口蚊虫孳生情况

共调查沙井口508个,蚊虫孳生的平均阳性率为4.7%,其中伊蚊的孳生阳性率为3.3%,防蚊贴(四防设施)维护完好的沙井蚊虫孳生阳性率为2.8%;防蚊贴(四防设施)的安装率为27.4%,防蚊贴(四防设施)的维护完整率为76.3%。调查显示,供水沙井、沉沙井和市政排污井的阳性率较高,分别为5.9%、5.7%和5.5%。沉沙井、市政排污井和市政排雨水井的调查数构成比和阳性构成比较高,这3类沙井口占总调查数的84.8%,占阳性沙井数的87.5%。通讯和燃气沙井口均未发现有蚊虫孳生(表 1)。

表 1 2017年11月广东省深圳市各类型沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况 Table 1 Mosquito infestation in the mouths of different types of manholes in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, in November 2017
2.2 不同类型城区沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况

调查结果表明,新城区蚊虫阳性率最低为3.5%,其次为老城区和城中村,阳性率分别为4.4%和5.9%(表 2)。经χ2检验,3个不同类型城区的蚊虫孳生率差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.124,P=0.570)。

表 2 表 2 2017年11月广东省深圳市不同类型城区沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况 Table 2 Mosquito infestation in the mouths of manholes in different types of urban areas in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, in November 2017
2.3 各类环境沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况

沙井口阳性率较高的依次为居民区、主干道、医院、内街和学校(幼儿园)(表 3);公园的沙井口调查数量较少,共5个沙井口,均未安装防蚊闸。

表 3 2017年11月广东省深圳市不同环境类型沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况 Table 3 Mosquito infestation in the mouths of manholes in different types of environments in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, in November 2017
2.4 阳性沙井口蚊虫的孳生情况

共24个阳性沙井口,安装防蚊闸的有4个(占16.7%),其中1个防蚊闸档板不完整,2个不能与下水道口完全契合;17个阳性沙井口孳生的蚊虫为白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus),占总阳性数的70.8%(17/24),包括所有的阳性供水沙井、大部分的阳性排雨水井和沉沙井及部分阳性排污井;幼蚊最高密度为43.0条/勺,最低密度为1.0条/勺。


3 讨论 3.1 蚊虫孳生阳性的沙井口防蚊设施安装率低


调查结果显示,深圳市各沙井口防蚊贴(四防设施)的安装率为27.4%,阳性沙井口防蚊闸的安装率为16.7%,安装并维护良好防蚊闸的沙井口蚊虫孳生率低于未安装或安装防蚊闸维护不良的沙井口(χ2=4.254,P=0.039),初步认为防蚊闸的安装有利于减少蚊虫孳生,与2012年海口市的调查结果一致[3],2012年海口市调查表明,因当时的下水道多数为开放式的排水沟或加盖不严密的排水口,极易造成排水不畅而积水,为致倦库蚊(Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus)提供了很好的孳生环境,蚊虫孳生阳性率高达80.0%。

3.2 燃气和通讯类型的沙井口未发现蚊虫孳生



3.3 新城区的蚊虫孳生率较低

随着我国城市建设的快速发展,人们的生活习惯和环境发生了变化,城市蚊虫的生态学亦随着都市化的发展而变化[3-4]。城市化对生物群落的影响已经引起人们的关注[5-6],城市下水道成为蚊虫的重要孳生地[1-2, 7-8],口岸和机场的下水道也有蚊虫孳生[9-10]


3.4 不同环境类型的沙井口蚊虫孳生情况不同



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