中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (1): 83-87



袁明, 高艳青, 王大川, 周小洁
YUAN Ming, GAO Yan-qing, WANG Da-chuan, ZHOU Xiao-jie
An analysis of the surveillance results of mosquito vectors surrounding the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2020, 31(1): 83-87
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2020, 31(1): 83-87


收稿日期: 2019-09-11
网络出版时间: 2019-12-30 09:35
袁明1 , 高艳青1 , 王大川1 , 周小洁2     
1 北京市大兴区疾病预防控制中心消毒科, 北京 102600;
2 北京市疾病预防控制中心、北京市预防医学研究中心, 消毒与有害生物防制所, 北京 100013
摘要: 目的 了解北京大兴国际机场建设地区蚊媒种类、密度和季节消长情况,建立蚊媒基础档案,同时为机场建设及未来运行中预警蚊媒传染病发生风险提供可靠依据。方法 在2014年完成大兴区科学技术委员会项目《大兴区新机场建设地区病媒生物现状调查研究》的基础上,2015年选取与媒介传染病关系密切的蚊媒作为主要监测指标,继续在大兴国际机场北京区域开展监测,至2017年10底结束。监测范围以该机场航站楼为核心,在其116°21'49″~116°26'50″E,39°29'26″~39°33'25″N内开展监测,包括北京市大兴区礼贤和榆垡镇,连续监测4年,每年5月上旬开始至10月底结束,每旬监测1次。每年在监测范围内随机选取6个自然村,受拆迁影响,6个自然村每年都有调整,但总数不变。每村设3个监测点(农户外环境),采用CO2诱蚊灯法诱捕成蚊,成蚊鉴别计数在实验室完成。结果 2014-2017年连续4年成蚊监测,共涉及2镇17个村,捕蚊4属6种26 687只,蚊密度为11.01只/(灯·h),淡色库蚊为优势种,构成比为85.63%;其次是骚扰阿蚊和白纹伊蚊,三带喙库蚊和中华按蚊均监测到,但数量较少;蚊密度高峰集中在6月下旬至9月上旬,白纹伊蚊高峰在8月。结论 获得了北京大兴国际机场航站楼周边蚊种、数量和密度等基线数据,为新机场国际口岸输入蚊虫及蚊媒传染病风险评估、未来蚊媒监测与控制项目规划和效果评价提供了科学基础。
关键词: 北京大兴国际机场    蚊媒    监测    预警    
An analysis of the surveillance results of mosquito vectors surrounding the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
YUAN Ming1 , GAO Yan-qing1 , WANG Da-chuan1 , ZHOU Xiao-jie2     
1 Daxing District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102600, China;
2 Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species, density, and seasonality of mosquito vectors in the construction area of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China and establish basic records for mosquito vectors, and to provide a reliable basis for early warning of the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in the construction and future operation of the airport. Methods On the basis of the accomplished project of the Science and Technology Committee of Daxing District in 2014-"An investigation into the baseline status of vectors in the construction area of Daxing new airport", we selected mosquitoes as the major surveillance target in 2015 as they are closely related to vector-borne diseases, and carried out surveillance in the area of the new airport restricted in Beijing till the end of October 2017. Surveillance surrounded the terminal of the new airport and covered an area between 116°21'49″ and 116°26'50″ eastern longitudes and between 39°29'26″ and 39°33'25″ northern latitudes, consisting of Lixian town and Yufa town in Daxing district, Beijing. Surveillance was done once per 10 days from the beginning of May to the end of October in each year, continuing for 4 years. Six villages were randomly selected within the surveillance area, and they were adjusted every year because of demolition and relocation, but the total number remained unchanged. Three surveillance points (the environment outside farmhouses) were set up in each village. Adult mosquitoes were collected by the carbon dioxide lamp trapping method, and were identified and counted in the laboratory. Results Surveillance of adult mosquitoes continued for 4 years from 2014 to 2017, collecting 26 687 mosquitoes from 17 villages of 2 towns, with a density of 11.01 mosquitoes/lamp·hour. Those adult mosquitoes involved 4 genera and 6 species; Cx. pipiens pallens was the dominant species, accounting for 85.63%; minor species were Armigeres subalbatus and Aedes albopictus; Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and Anopheles sinensis were observed in relatively small numbers. The peak period of mosquito density was between late June and early September, with Ae. albopictus later in August. Conclusion The baseline data of the mosquito species, density and distribution were collected from the surrounding area of the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport. The data will provide the scientific basis for risk assessment, control planning and and efficacy evaluation for mosquito and mosquito borne diseases in this area.
Key words: Beijing Daxing International Airport    Mosquito vector    Surveillance    Early warning    

北京大兴国际机场位于北京市大兴区与河北省廊坊市广阳区之间,是国家“十二五”规划确定的国家级重大基础设施项目,按2025年旅客吞吐量达7 200万人次、货邮吞吐量200万t、飞机起降量62万架次的总体目标设计。其航站楼面积70万m2,2014年破土动工,涉及拆迁13个村庄,近万亩农田耕作制度改变,同时天堂河京开路以东12.95 km改道。民居、农田、河流等原有自然环境被改变,对蚊媒种群数量势必将产生影响[1-3]。成蚊是多种媒介传染病发生纽带,如黄热病、登革热、流行性乙型脑炎等。为掌握该地区成蚊种类、密度及季节消长情况,大兴区疾病预防控制中心(CDC)自2014年5月开始在北京大兴国际机场航站楼建设核心地区周边开展蚊媒监测,为科学制定机场建设传染病防控保障方案提供数据支持,为建立该地区蚊媒本底档案积累翔实资料,为未来空港运行过程中防病保障工作的开展打下基础。

1 材料与方法 1.1 监测点概况

北京大兴国际机场航站楼主体位于北京市大兴区礼贤镇和榆垡镇界内,面积约230 km2,永定河冲击平原,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温11.6 ℃,海拔37 m。常住人口8万多人,辖103个行政村,以农业种植为主(无水稻田)。

1.2 监测点设置


1.3 监测工具


1.4 监测方法

CO2诱蚊灯法,依据GB/ T23797- 2009,每年5-10月每旬监测1次,每次连续监测2 h,晴天日落前1 h接通诱蚊灯电源,打开CO2气瓶,诱蚊灯悬挂离地1.5 m,远离光源,避风处悬挂。同时记录温度、湿度和风速。监测结束后将收集到的蚊虫放入冷藏箱带回分类,计数。形态学鉴定依据《中国重要医学昆虫分类与鉴别》[5]。遇雨天、风力4级以上监测工作顺延。

1.5 数据统计

利用Excel 2003软件录入各监测点捕蚊数,汇总监测成蚊总数,计算蚊种构成比、季节变化等数据。

2 结果 2.1 蚊种构成及密度

2014-2017年连续监测4年,共布灯69次,捕获成蚊26 687只,隶属库蚊属(Culex)、伊蚊属(Aedes)、阿蚊属(Armigeres)和按蚊属(Anopheles),共4属6种。其中优势蚊种为淡色库蚊(Cx. pipiens pallens,22 853只),构成比为85.63%,其次为骚扰阿蚊(Ar. subalbatus,2 800只),构成比为10.49%,白纹伊蚊(Ae. albopictus,813只)构成比为3.05%,背点伊蚊(Ae. dorsalis,132只)构成比为0.49%,三带喙库蚊(Cx. tritaeniorhynchus)、中华按蚊(An. sinensis)所占比例较小,另有44只残缺蚊虫不能鉴定。平均蚊密度为11.01只/(灯·h),各年蚊密度依次为12.26、7.11、15.24和9.75只/(灯·h),见表 1

表 1 2014-2017年北京大兴国际机场航站楼周边成蚊密度及蚊种构成 Table 1 The density and species proportion of adult mosquitoes around the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
2.2 不同监测点蚊密度情况

成蚊监测共17个村,以镇为单位,榆垡镇10个村,蚊密度为8.73只/(灯·h),礼贤镇7个村,蚊密度为13.26只/(灯·h)。以村为单位,成蚊密度最高为25.59只/(灯·h),最低为4.43只/(灯·h),不同村的蚊密度监测结果见表 2

表 2 2014-2017年北京大兴国际机场航站楼周边不同监测点成蚊密度监测结果 Table 2 The density of adult mosquitoes in different surveillance points around the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
2.3 不同监测点蚊种构成

17个监测点4年共捕蚊6种26 687只,淡色库蚊构成比在所有监测点均最高。东庄营、荆家务、李各庄3个监测点捕获蚊种最多,见表 3

表 3 2014-2017年北京大兴国际机场航站楼周边不同监测点蚊种构成 Table 3 The species proportion of adult mosquitoes in different surveillance points around the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
2.4 不同年度成蚊密度季节消长

2014-2017年平均蚊密度在6月下旬、7月下旬和9月上旬分别出现小高峰,后持续下降,见图 1

图 1 2014-2017年北京大兴国际机场航站楼周边成蚊监测季节消长趋势 Figure 1 Seasonal fluctuations in adult mosquitoes around the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport, China, 2014-2017
2.5 白纹伊蚊监测结果


3 讨论 3.1 成蚊种类构成及密度


3.2 不同区域蚊密度


3.3 季节变化


3.4 白纹伊蚊监测情况


3.5 建议病媒监测开展区域合作


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