中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2019, Vol. 30 Issue (6): 672-674



Vilayvone Maniphousay, 王剑, 邓艳, 周红宁
Vilayvone Maniphousay, WANG Jian, DENG Yan, ZHOU Hong-ning
An investigation of species composition of adult mosquitoes in residential areas of Nong county of Savannakhet province in southern Lao PDR
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2019, 30(6): 672-674
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2019, 30(6): 672-674


收稿日期: 2019-08-15
网络出版时间: 2019-10-15 9:48
Vilayvone Maniphousay1,2 , 王剑2 , 邓艳2 , 周红宁1,2     
1 大理大学病原与媒介生物研究所(普洱分部), 云南 普洱 665000;
2 云南省虫媒传染病防控关键技术创新团队(培育), 金宁一院士工作站, 面向南亚东南亚热带病国际科技人才教育培训基地, 云南省虫媒传染病防控研究重点实验室, 云南省寄生虫病防治所, 云南 普洱 665000
摘要: 目的 调查老挝南部沙湾拿吉省农县居民区成蚊种类构成,为制定当地重要蚊媒传染病防控对策与措施提供科学依据。方法 采用诱蚊灯通宵捕蚊法和电动捕蚊器法在居民区采集成蚊,并采用形态学方法鉴定蚊虫种类。结果 2018年8-9月在沙湾拿吉省农县居民区共捕获成蚊3亚科11属44种9 415只,其中骚扰阿蚊和三带喙库蚊属于当地优势蚊种,分别占捕获总数的44.43%(4 183/9 415)和20.73%(1 952/9 415),重要疾病媒介微小按蚊、白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊所占比例相对较低,仅占捕获总数的1.96%(184/9 415)、1.09%(103/9 415)和0.54%(51/9 415)。结论 老挝南部沙湾拿吉省农县蚊虫种类丰富,且流行性乙型脑炎媒介三带喙库蚊、疟疾媒介微小按蚊、登革热媒介白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊均有分布,建议当地卫生部门加强重要蚊媒传染病媒介监测。
关键词: 蚊种构成    诱蚊灯法    优势蚊种    老挝沙湾拿吉省农县    
An investigation of species composition of adult mosquitoes in residential areas of Nong county of Savannakhet province in southern Lao PDR
Vilayvone Maniphousay1,2 , WANG Jian2 , DENG Yan2 , ZHOU Hong-ning1,2     
1 Institution of Pathogens and Vectors, Pu'er Division, Dali University, Pu'er 665000, Yunnan Province, China;
2 Yunnan Provincial Key Technology Innovation Team of Vector-borne Disease Control(in establishment), The Academician Workstation of Jin Ning-yi, The International Training & Training Base for Science & Technology Talents for Tropical Diseases in South Asia & Southeast Asia, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Vector-borne Disease Control & Research of Yunnan Institute of Parasitic Diseases
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species composition of adult mosquitoes in residential areas of Nong county of Savannakhet province in southern Lao PDR, and to provide a scientific basis for developing prevention and control strategies and measures for local important mosquito-borne diseases. Methods Adult mosquitoes were captured using the light-trap method (overnight) and electric mosquito trap method in residential areas, and all mosquitoes were identified by morphological classification. Results A total of 9 415 mosquitoes belonging to 44 species in 11 genera of 3 subfamilies were captured in residential areas of Nong county of Savannakhet province from August to September, 2018. Armigeres subalbatus and Culex tritaeniorhynchus were dominant species, accounting for 44.43% (4 183/9 415) and 20.73% (1 952/9 415) of total collected adult mosquitoes, respectively; Anopheles minimus, Aedes albopictus, and Ae. aegypti had lower proportions, accounting for 1.96% (184/9 415), 1.09% (103/9 415), and 0.54% (51/9 415) of total collected adult mosquitoes, respectively. Conclusion Mosquito species are abundant in Nong county of Savannakhet province in southern Lao PDR. Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Japanese encephalitis vector), An. minimus (malaria vector), and Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti (dengue vectors) are distributed in this region, so it is suggested that the local healthy department should strengthen the monitoring of important mosquito-borne disease vectors mentioned above.
Key words: Mosquito species composition    Light-trap method    Dominant mosquito species    Nong county of Savannakhet province in southern Lao PDR    

沙湾拿吉省位于老挝南部,西与泰国莫达汉省相望,东邻越南广治省,气温25~37 ℃,降雨量丰富,适合蚊虫孳生繁衍,属老挝疟疾和登革热主要流行省份。2010-2017年,该省卫生厅报告疟疾及登革热病例数分别为42 888和9 495例。为了解当地蚊虫种类构成,2018年8-9月,我们在沙湾拿吉省农县居民区开展了蚊虫种类调查。

1 材料与方法 1.1 现场调查点

在沙湾拿吉省农县县城附近选择9个村寨作为调查点,调查点居民183~738人,周围为稻田、溪沟,植被以灌木林为主,106°41′~106°59′E,16°47′~16°59′N,海拔215~271 m(表 1)。

表 1 老挝沙湾拿吉省农县9个蚊虫调查点基本信息
1.2 成蚊采集方法

9个调查点采用诱蚊灯通宵捕蚊法和背负式电动捕蚊器白天捕捉法捕蚊。其中,诱蚊灯捕蚊法,按文献[1](功夫小帅,电压220 V,50 Hz,功率24 W,武汉市吉星环保科技有限公司生产)通宵采集成蚊(19:30-07:30),次日收集采蚊袋;电动捕蚊器捕捉法,按照文献[2]在调查点附近竹林、轮胎厂和居民区,在蚊虫活动高峰期16:00-18:00采用背负式电动捕蚊器(Model1412,美国John W Hock公司生产)捕蚊。所捕获成蚊放入冰箱冷冻层快速冰冻致死,然后置于解剖镜下进行形态种类鉴定及登记。

1.3 统计分析

利用Excel 2007软件进行蚊种构成比计算。计算公式:蚊虫种类构成比(%)=某种蚊虫捕获数/捕获的蚊虫总数×100%。

2 结果

2种捕蚊方法共捕获成蚊3亚科11属44种9 415只,其中骚扰阿蚊(Armigeres subalbatus)和三带喙库蚊(Culex tritaeniorhynchus)属于当地优势蚊种,分别占捕获总数的44.43%和20.73%;重要疾病媒介微小按蚊(Anopheles minimus)、白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)和埃及伊蚊(Ae. aegypti)所占比例较低,分别占捕获总数的1.96%、1.09%和0.54%。诱蚊灯捕蚊法和电动捕蚊器捕捉法捕获的蚊虫种类具有较大差异,见表 2

表 2 老挝南部沙湾拿吉省农县居民区成蚊种类组成
3 讨论

既往未见老挝沙湾拿吉省蚊虫种类调查文献,但与之相邻的泰国、越南边境地区,一些学者曾开展过大量按蚊种类调查。如Marasri等[3]在泰国-老挝边境地区的泰国Ubon Ratchathani省进行按蚊种类调查,共发现18种按蚊,其中赫坎种团占捕获按蚊总数的74.10%,疟疾媒介占捕获按蚊总数的21.90%;Garros等[4]在与该省相邻的越南中部和南部的按蚊调查中也捕获17种按蚊,其中乌头按蚊(An. aconitus)和迷糊按蚊(An. vagus)占比较高,疟疾媒介微小按蚊、中华按蚊(An. sinensis)和多斑按蚊(An. maculatus)分布较广;此外,Bortel等[5]对越南中南部的Ninh Thuan省按蚊调查共发现14种按蚊,其中,大劣按蚊(An. dirus)和微小按蚊全省均有分布。本次在沙湾拿吉省调查共捕获按蚊16种650只,其中微小按蚊和雪足按蚊(An. nivipes)在捕获的按蚊中占比较高,分别占捕获按蚊总数的28.31%和25.54%。

近年来,有学者在老挝北部开展过蚊虫种类调查,如王剑等[6]在老挝北部5省采用诱蚊灯捕蚊法对成蚊进行调查,共捕获成蚊2亚科10属11亚属37种,优势蚊种为三带喙库蚊(66.29%),次要优势蚊种为银足按蚊(An. argyropus,11.79%)、微小按蚊(5.23%)和中华按蚊(5.17%)。Sorchampa等[7]在老挝南塔省芒新县蚊虫调查中,采用诱蚊灯捕蚊法共捕获成蚊7属23种,其中三带喙库蚊和中华按蚊为当地优势蚊种,分别占捕获成蚊总数的54.39%和39.28%。本次在沙湾拿吉省农县蚊虫种类调查结果揭示,当地成蚊种类较上述北部地区较丰富,共捕获3亚科11属44种,其中骚扰阿蚊和三带喙库蚊为当地优势蚊种,分别占捕获总数的44.43%和20.73%,且重要疾病媒介微小按蚊、白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊也有分布,这可能与本次调查采用夜间诱蚊灯捕蚊法及白天电动捕蚊器捕蚊法密切相关,增加了捕获白天叮咬活动为主的一些蚊虫种类如白纹伊蚊、埃及伊蚊、紫腹巨蚊(Toxorhynchites gravelyi)和灰唇钩蚊(Malaya jacobsoni)等的概率;同时也与本次调查点附近具有丰富的蚊虫孳生环境(如稻田、溪沟及其植被等)相关。


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