中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2019, Vol. 30 Issue (6): 661-664, 681



刘国平, 许红彬, 程睿, 章少在, 陈克非, 刘珊珊, 严雨涵, 梁国栋
LIU Guo-ping, XU Hong-bin, CHENG Rui, ZHANG Shao-zai, CHEN Ke-fei, LIU Shan-shan, YAN Yu-han, LIANG Guo-dong
An investigation of hematophagous midges in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2019, 30(6): 661-664, 681
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2019, 30(6): 661-664, 681


收稿日期: 2019-07-23
网络出版时间: 2019-10-15 09:48
刘国平1 , 许红彬2 , 程睿3 , 章少在2 , 陈克非4 , 刘珊珊5 , 严雨涵6 , 梁国栋3     
1 北部战区疾病预防控制中心, 辽宁 沈阳 110034;
2 江西省疾病预防控制中心, 江西 南昌 330029;
3 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所, 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室, 北京 102206;
4 鹰潭市疾病预防控制中心, 江西 鹰潭 335000;
5 吉安市疾病预防控制中心, 江西 吉安 343000;
6 上饶市疾病预防控制中心, 江西 上饶 334000
摘要: 目的 调查江西省东北部及中西部10县(市)的吸血蠓种类分布和生态习性。方法 在江西省东北部黎川、资溪、鹰潭、铅山、玉山、浮梁及中西部永丰、峡江、安福、井冈山10县(市)采用诱虫灯诱集吸血蠓类;选择吸血蠓完整个体,采用加拿大树胶酚封片法制作玻片标本,并进行分类鉴定。结果 2018年6-7月在江西省东北部6县(市)和中西部4县(市)采获吸血蠓45 999只,计2属27种,其中库蠓属25种,蠛蠓属2种;江西省首次记录11种,包括棒须库蠓、黄盾库蠓、无害库蠓、连斑库蠓、卢特库蠓、缘斑库蠓、新替库蠓、褐肩库蠓、条带库蠓、细须库蠓和吊罗蠛蠓;东北部6县(市)分布26种,中西部4县(市)分布13种。优势种为荒川库蠓(45.31%)和尖喙库蠓(16.71%);东北部地区优势种为荒川库蠓(28.54%)和尖喙库蠓(22.05%);中西部地区优势种为荒川库蠓(91.91%)。不同场所的吸血蠓种分布和主要种群组成不同。7种主要吸血蠓的总吸血率为16.56%;其中尖喙库蠓最高(43.90%),荒川库蠓最低(6.06%)。6种场所灯诱吸血蠓总指数为943.54只/灯;其中牛舍最高(1 297.78只/灯),羊舍最低(684.25只/灯)。不同蠓种及不同场所的吸血率和灯诱指数不同。结论 掌握了江西省吸血蠓的区系分布和生态习性,为蠓媒疾病研究和防治提供了参考依据。
关键词: 吸血蠓    种类分布    生态研究    
An investigation of hematophagous midges in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province, China
LIU Guo-ping1 , XU Hong-bin2 , CHENG Rui3 , ZHANG Shao-zai2 , CHEN Ke-fei4 , LIU Shan-shan5 , YAN Yu-han6 , LIANG Guo-dong3     
1 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Northern Theater Command, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning Province, China;
2 Jiangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
3 State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
4 Yingtan Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
5 Ji'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
6 Shangrao Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species distribution and ecological habit of hematophagous midges in 10 counties or cities in the northeastern and midwestern Jiangxi province, China. Methods Hematophagous midges were captured in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi (Lichuan, Zixi, Yingtan, Qianshan, Yushan, and Fuliang in the northeast as well as Yongfeng, Xiajiang, Anfu, and Jinggangshan in the midwest) using the light-trap method. The intact individuals of hematophagous midges were selected, and the specimens were slide-mounted in Canada balsam-phenol and subjected to taxonomic identification. Results A total 45 999 hematophagous midges belonging to 27 species in 2 genera were captured in the 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi from June to July, 2018, including 25 species in Culicoides and 2 species in Lasiohelea. Of the 27 species, 11 were recorded for the first time in Jiangxi:C. clavipalpis, C. flaviscutatus, C. innoxius, C. jacobsoni, C. luteolus, C. marginus, C. newsteadi, C. parahumeralis, C. tainanus, C. tenuipalpis, and Lasiohelea diaoluoensis. There were 26 species in the northeastern region and 13 species in the midwestern region. The dominant species were C. arakawai (45.31%) and C. oxystoma (16.71%). The dominant species in the northeastern region were C. arakawai (28.54%) and C. oxystoma (22.05%), and the dominant species in the midwestern region was C. arakawai (91.91%). The species distribution and dominant species varied in different places. The overall blood-sucking rate of 7 dominant species was 16.56%, of which, C. oxystoma had the highest blood-sucking rate (43.90%) and C. arakawai had the lowest blood-sucking rate (6.06%). The total light-trap index of hematophagous midges was 943.54/lamp in six sites, with the highest index in the cattle pen (1 297.78/lamp) and the lowest index in sheepfold (684.25/lamp). The blood-sucking rate and light-trap index varied with different midges species and places. Conclusion The faunal distribution and ecological habit of hematophagous midges in Jiangxi province have been mastered, which provides a reference for investigation as well as prevention and control of midge-borne diseases.
Key words: Hematophagous midges    Species distribution    Ecological research    


1 材料与方法 1.1 采集地的选择


1.2 采集方法

采用LTS-M02型“功夫小帅”紫外光诱虫灯(武汉吉星环保科技有限责任公司生产)诱集吸血蠓。将诱虫灯悬挂于各种诱集场所,灯距地面高度约1.5 m,每次在每种场所挂灯3~5盏,日落时挂灯,次晨收回,将采集的吸血蠓浸泡于70%乙醇溶液并记录保存。

1.3 初步鉴定与玻片标本制作

将上述各种场所采获的蠓标本在生物显微镜下进行初步分类、记数,选择完整个体,采用加拿大树胶酚封片法制作玻片标本,依据文献[4, 11-12]进行分类鉴定。

2 结果 2.1 吸血蠓种类及地区分布

2018年6-7月在江西省东北部6县(市)和中西部4县(市)采获吸血蠓45 999只,计2属27种,其中库蠓属25种,蠛蠓属2种;江西省首次记录11种,包括棒须库蠓(C. clavipalpis)、黄盾库蠓(C. flaviscutatus)、无害库蠓(C. innoxius)、连斑库蠓(C. jacobsoni)、卢特库蠓(C. luteolus)、缘斑库蠓(C. marginus)、新替库蠓(C. newsteadi)、褐肩库蠓(C. parahumeralis)、条带库蠓(C. tainanus)、细须库蠓(C. tenuipalpis)和吊罗蠛蠓(L. diaoluoensis);东北部6县(市)分布26种,中西部4县(市)分布13种;不同县(市)吸血蠓种的分布不同(表 1)。

表 1 江西省10县(市)吸血蠓种分布 Table 1 Species distribution of hematophagous midges in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
2.2 不同场所蠓种分布

7种场所有27种吸血蠓种分布,其中住区24种,牛舍19种,羊舍17种,鸡舍15种,猪舍13种,菜地13种,鸭舍4种;分布在3种场所以上的吸血蠓有20种;不同场所的蠓种分布不同(表 2)。

表 2 江西省10县(市)不同场所吸血蠓种类分布 Table 2 Species distribution of hematophagous midges in different sites in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
2.3 吸血蠓种群组成

表 3可见,10县(市)吸血蠓优势种群为荒川库蠓(45.31%)和尖喙库蠓(16.71%),其次为刺螫库蠓(11.59%)和卢特库蠓(9.72%),其他蠓种占16.67%。江西省东北部地区优势种为荒川库蠓(28.54%)和尖喙库蠓(22.05%),中西部地区优势种为荒川库蠓(91.91%)。

表 3 江西省10县(市)吸血蠓种类组成 Table 3 Species composition of hematophagous midges in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
2.4 不同场所吸血蠓主要种群组成

7种不同场所主要吸血蠓种组成研究结果(表 4)表明,鸭舍、鸡舍、牛舍和菜地的优势种群均为荒川库蠓,分别占各类场所吸血蠓总数的96.51%、72.87%、53.31%和51.27%;猪舍的优势种群为尖喙库蠓,占82.98%;羊舍的优势种群为刺螫库蠓,占59.74%;住区的优势种群为卢特库蠓和荒川库蠓,分别占32.50%和23.91%。

表 4 江西省10县(市)不同场所吸血蠓主要种群组成 Table 4 Dominant species composition of hematophagous midges in different sites in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
2.5 不同场所吸血蠓主要种群的吸血率

表 5可见,7种主要种群的总吸血率为16.56%;各种群吸血率尖喙库蠓为43.90%,南山库蠓为25.51%,端斑库蠓为23.33%,卢特库蠓为22.26%,刺螫库蠓为14.40%,黄盾库蠓为9.48%,荒川库蠓为6.06%。5种不同场所吸血率,猪舍为49.07%,鸡舍为19.74%,牛舍为13.57%,羊舍为3.27%,住区为2.52%。

表 5 江西省10县(市)不同场所吸血蠓主要种群的吸血率 Table 5 Blood-sucking rates of dominant species of hematophagous midges in different sites in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
2.6 不同场所灯诱吸血蠓指数

在6种场所共灯诱46次,采获吸血蠓43 403只,总指数为943.54只/灯;其中牛舍、菜地、鸡舍、住区、猪舍和羊舍分别为1 297.78、981.67、980.50、726.15、704.83和684.25只/灯(表 6)。

表 6 江西省10县(市)不同场所灯诱吸血蠓指数 Table 6 Light-trap index of hematophagous midges in different sites in 10 counties or cities of Jiangxi province
3 讨论

本文记述了江西省东北部6县(市)和中西部4县(市)采获的吸血蠓2属27种,占江西省已知吸血蠓2属44种的61.36%[3, 10]。本次调查江西省吸血蠓首次记录的有11种,为江西省吸血蠓种类构成增添了新的内容;江西省的蠓科现知有3亚科10属114种,其中吸血蠓2属55种;本研究结果还记述了江西省东北部10县(市)分布27种,其中黎川、资溪、鹰潭、铅山、玉山、浮梁、永丰、峡江、安福9县(市)为首次记录有吸血蠓种分布的县(市)[2-3, 10]。本次调查结果记述了江西省10县(市)27种吸血蠓在7种不同场所中的分布,结果显示,分布在3种场所以上的吸血蠓有20种(74.07%),该结果表明,本次采获的27种吸血蠓大多数蠓种(20种)对栖息场所无明显的选择性。



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