中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2016, Vol. 27 Issue (5): 436-442



岳巧云, 邱德义, 单振菊, 汪小东, 胡佳, 张文庆
YUE Qiao-yun, QIU De-yi, SHAN Zhen-ju, WANG Xiao-dong, HU Jia, ZHANG Wen-qing
Identification of 8 female Sarcopha flies based on mitochondrial DNA and signum morphological characteristics
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2016, 27(5): 436-442
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2016, 27(5): 436-442


收稿日期: 2016-06-16
网络出版时间: 2016-08-11
岳巧云1,2, 邱德义2, 单振菊2, 汪小东2, 胡佳2, 张文庆1     
1 中山大学有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室, 广东 广州 510275;
2 中山出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心, 广东 中山 528403
摘要: 目的 建立一种准确鉴定雌性麻蝇物种的可靠方法。 方法 2011年10月25日至2013年10月27日,共收集35对正在交配的8种麻蝇及57只雄性个体并获取其DNA条形码序列,依据雄性麻蝇的尾器特征进行种类鉴定;从GenBank下载11条该8种麻蝇序列,比较种内所有个体、雌雄个体及不同种类间DNA条形码序列的差异度。雌性个体的种类根据与其交配的雄性个体,并结合DNA条形码确定,详细描述8种雌性麻蝇子宫骨片的主要形态特征,并依据其物证编写种类鉴定检索表。 结果 8种麻蝇的同种雌雄个体间DNA条形码序列差异范围为0~1.37%,与同种个体间的差异范围相符,且<2%的DNA条形码种类鉴定的界限,不同种类间DNA条形码差异范围为4.56%~8.81%,与种内不同个体间有明显差异。不同种类雌性麻蝇的子宫骨片结构具有种的特异性,可作为雌性麻蝇种类鉴定的依据。 结论 DNA条形码可准确地鉴定雌性个体,并进一步发展雌性的某种独特的形态特性,为实现雌性个体的直接形态鉴定提供依据。
关键词: 雌性麻蝇     DNA条形码     子宫骨片形态特征    
Identification of 8 female Sarcopha flies based on mitochondrial DNA and signum morphological characteristics
YUE Qiao-yun1,2, QIU De-yi2, SHAN Zhen-ju2, WANG Xiao-dong2, HU Jia2, ZHANG Wen-qing1     
1 State Key Laboratory of Pest Control and Resources Utilization, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong Province, China;
2 Zhongshan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center
Abstract: Objective To establish a method to accurately identify the species of the female Sarcopha. Methods Thirty five mating pairs of eight Sarcopha species and 57 single male individuals of these 8 species were collected from October 25 in 2011 to October 27 in 2013. Their DNA barcodes were sequenced and 11 DNA barcodes sequences of these 8 species were also downloaded from the GenBank. Males were identified according to their genitalia, DNA barcodes differences between the intra-species, inter-sexes and inter-species were compared. Females were identified according to their mating males and the DNA barcodes, female's signum morphological characteristics of these eight species were illustrated and a key based on it was constructed. Results Inter-sexes DNA barcodes differences were 0-1.37% of these 8 species, and were comparable to the intra-species variations, and were lower than the 2% species limitation. The inter-species DNA barcodes differences were 4.56%-8.81%, there are distinct gaps between the intra-species and inter-species. The signum morphological characteristics were species-specific and could be used to identify the females. Conclusion DNA barcoding is a practical tool to identify the female Sarcopha. Species-specific morphological characters of the female could be developed based on the identification result of DNA barcoding, then provides references for the direct morphological identification of the females.
Key words: Female Sarcopha flies     DNA barcoding     Signum morphological characteristics    



1 材料与方法 1.1 蝇的收集

2011年10月25日至2013年10月27日,以腐鱼作诱饵用诱捕笼或者昆虫网共采集8种麻蝇127只,包括35对正在交配的蝇类〔其中6对白头亚麻蝇(Parasarcophaga albiceps),2对拉萨细麻蝇(Pierretia lhasae),4对波突亚麻蝇(P. jaroschevskyi),4对绯角亚麻蝇(P. ruficornis),7对多突亚麻蝇(P. polystylata),4对野亚麻蝇(P. similis),4对酱亚麻蝇(P. dux)和4对短角亚麻蝇(P. brevicornis)〕。将麻蝇置95%乙醇中或制成针插标本,标本存放在国家质检总局医学媒介生物监测重点实验室(中山)。

1.2 DNA条形码鉴定

每只蝇各取1条后足放入1.5 ml离心管中,用200 μl PBS缓冲液洗2次,置入95%乙醇中。拔掉后腿的蝇标本做成针插的凭证标本,做好唯一性标识,保存于国家质检总局医学媒介生物监测重点实验室(中山),备用。基因组DNA的提取、扩增、PCR产物纯化及测序按文献[21]操作。扩增引物:LCO1490:5′-GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA AAG ATA TTG G-3′;HCO2198:5′-TAA ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3′[22]。由宝生物工程(大连)有限公司合成。EX-Taq DNA 聚合酶、dNTP 及其他PCR 试剂均购自宝生物工程(大连)有限公司。

8种雌性麻蝇的35对配对个体70条COⅠ序列,57条雄性个体的COⅠ序列和11条来自GenBank的性别未知个体的序列,共138条构建Neighbor-Joining(NJ)树。138条序列的凭证标本采集信息、雌雄及GenBank序列号见表 1。GenBank中无拉萨细麻蝇和波突亚麻蝇的序列,均为原始获得。利用Mega 6.0软件构建 NJ树,重复步数为5 000。

表 1 138条分析序列信息 Table 1 Details of the 138 sequences used in the analysis
1.3 形态学鉴定

雄性个体的种类鉴定依据《中国蝇类》检索表进行鉴定,并经过专家确认。雌性个体的种类通过与之交配的雄性个体进行确认。分类术语依照文献[3, 5, 23]

2 结果 2.1 8种雌性麻蝇的DNA条形码鉴定

所有个体COⅠ片段均为658 bp,无终止密码子、插入或缺失片段,可无间断地翻译成219个氨基酸,各碱基的平均含量为A(30.0%)、T(38.0%)、G(15.9%)、C(16.1%),(A+T)的平均含量为68.0%,高于(G+C)的含量(32.0%),与其他线粒体序列的碱基含量基本一致[24-26]

8种麻蝇中配对的雌性和雄性个体间最大的种内差异为1.37%,<2%,同种雌雄性个体间的碱基差异范围与同种间个体间的差异范围一致,不同种间的变异范围为4.56%~8.81%,高于种类鉴定界限(2%),种内个体间与种间有明显的差异间隔。8个种的同种两性间和种间的碱基对差异见表 2图 1

表 2 8种麻蝇的DNA条形码种内不同个体、雌雄个体间和种间的序列差异 Table 2 The differences of the intra-species,inter-sexes,and inter-species of the studied 8 species
图 1 种内个体间、雌雄个体间及种间DNA条形码序列碱基差异度比较 Figure 1 Intra-species,inter-sexes and inter-species differences of the DNA barcodes
2.2 8种麻蝇138只个体的DNA条形码序列NJ树构建

所有雌雄性个体和同种内未知雌雄的个体聚在同一个分支,置信度为100%,结果与形态学分类完全一致,见图 2

图 2 8种麻蝇138只个体的DNA条形码序列构建的NJ树 Figure 2 Neighbor-Joining based on the DNA barcodes of the 138 individuals of 8 species
2.3 基于子宫骨片的8种雌性麻蝇的种类检索表

1. 子宫骨片强烈骨化,结构空间立体感强,外形呈两熊合抱状,中部具1个膜状小窝(图 3a

注: a. 拉萨细麻蝇〔S (P). lhasae〕; b. 绯角亚麻蝇〔S (P). ruficornis〕; c. 多突亚麻蝇〔S (P). polystylata〕; d. 野亚麻蝇〔S (P). similis〕; e. 白头亚麻蝇 〔S (P). albiceps〕; f. 短角亚麻蝇〔S (P). brevicornis〕; g. 波突亚麻蝇〔S (P). jaroschevskyi〕; h. 酱亚麻蝇〔S (P). dux〕。 图 3 8种麻蝇的子宫骨片形态特征 Figure 3 Signum morphological characteristics of 8 species

…………………………拉萨细麻蝇S(P). lhasae子宫骨片扁平或具轻微的立体感,绝不呈现上述外形………………………………………………2

2. 子宫骨片骨化较弱,较柔软色浅………………3


3. 子宫骨片三角状,前端部分内卷(图 3b

……………………绯角亚麻蝇S (P). ruficornis子宫骨片梯形,后缘中部具有1个突起(图 3c

……………………多突亚麻蝇S (P). polystylata

4. 子宫骨片浅色,瓶状,微拱起(图 3d

……………………………野亚麻蝇S (P). similis


5. 子宫骨片具数条清晰的浅色骨化带……………6

子宫骨片黑褐色,不具浅色骨化带,2片(图 3e

………………………白头亚麻蝇S (P). albiceps

6. 子宫骨片长明显长于宽,基部骤窄,具3个骨化条带和1个板状的基部宽带,第1条骨化带最宽,基部的板状带骨化强烈(图 3f

……………………短角亚麻蝇S (P). brevicornis

子宫骨片宽度大于长度,具6条骨化带,其中1条或者3条断裂(图 3g3h)………………………7

7. 子宫骨片具3条完整的骨化带和3条断裂的骨化带,最后1条骨化带呈“V”形,子宫骨片前缘的凹陷宽浅(图 3g)……波突亚麻蝇S (P). jaroschevskyi

子宫骨片具5条完整骨化带和1条断裂骨化带,前缘具有1个乳状突起(图 3h

…………………………………酱亚麻蝇S (P). dux

3 讨论

雄性外生殖器的形态特征是麻蝇种类鉴定的金标准,但雌性麻蝇的形态鉴定存在困难,Povoln--和Verves[23]首次指出不同种雌性麻蝇间的子宫骨片形态特征差异较大,为根据子宫骨片的特征鉴定雌性麻蝇提供了可能。目前仅少数研究提及子宫骨片的特征但并无明确的表述[5, 27]


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