中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2016, Vol. 27 Issue (3): 244-247



张博茹, 张肖钰, 张玲, 贺雷, 王臣, 王振山, 张东, 李凯
ZHANG Bo-ru, ZHANG Xiao-yu, ZHANG Ling, HE Lei, WANG Chen, WANG Zhen-shan, ZHANG Dong, LI Kai
Analysis of annual horse gastrointestinal myiasis occurrence in wild and captive populations of Equus przewalskii
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2016, 27(3): 244-247
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2016, 27(3): 244-247


收稿日期: 2016-01-06
网络出版时间: 2016-04-14 12:00
张博茹1, 张肖钰2, 张玲2, 贺雷3, 王臣4, 王振山4, 张东1, 李凯1     
1 北京林业大学自然保护区学院, 北京 100083;
2 北京市第十四中学, 北京 100055;
3 新疆阿勒泰林业局, 新疆 阿勒泰 836599;
4 新疆普氏野马繁殖研究中心, 乌鲁木齐 830000
摘要: 目的 对普氏野马野化种群和圈养种群进行驱虫,研究不同生存条件下普氏野马感染马胃蝇的多样性和感染特点。 方法 于2015年1月进行野马驱虫保健工作,对野马群驱虫采用随机抽样、对野马个体采用全程采集粪便中的马胃蝇幼虫。 结果 保护区内野马在排虫高峰期粪便平均排虫(140.8±62.8)只/堆,同期野马中心圈养野马平均排虫(1.8±0.9)只/堆,两者差异有统计学意义(u=-4.997,P=0.000),显示野马中心周边的马科动物隔离区和专供饲草可有效降低马胃蝇蛆病的感染;于保护区内采集马胃蝇5 357只,经鉴定为黑腹胃蝇、鼻胃蝇、黑角胃蝇、肠胃蝇和红尾胃蝇,其中黑腹胃蝇(96.84%)为优势种;野马中心采集马胃蝇83只,鉴定为肠胃蝇、红尾胃蝇、鼻胃蝇、黑角胃蝇和裸节胃蝇,肠胃蝇(48.19%)为优势种,红尾胃蝇(39.76%)次之,在野马中心未发现黑腹胃蝇,说明其基于食草的传播链被切断,两者物种构成存在差异;马胃蝇多样性指数和均匀度显示不同生存条件下野马感染马胃蝇的多样性差异明显,保护区马胃蝇区系处于极端状态。 结论 同处于准噶尔盆地的保护区和野马中心,野马生活环境的异质性使马胃蝇感染特点分明,黑腹胃蝇在干旱荒漠草原有极强的适应性。
关键词: 普氏野马     马胃蝇     马胃蝇蛆病     感染     多样性    
Analysis of annual horse gastrointestinal myiasis occurrence in wild and captive populations of Equus przewalskii
ZHANG Bo-ru1, ZHANG Xiao-yu2, ZHANG Ling2, HE Lei3, WANG Chen4, WANG Zhen-shan4, ZHANG Dong1, LI Kai1     
1 College of Nature Conversation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
2 Beijing No. 14 Middle School;
3 Forestry Bureau of Altay Prefecture;
4 Xinjiang Research Center for Breeding Przewalski's Horse
Abstract: Objective A parasitological survey was conducted in wild and captive populations of Equus przewalskii with treatment of antiparasitics to investigate the infection, diversity and parasitic characteristics of Gasterophilus spp. in E. przewalskii which lives in different conditions. Methods Gasterophilus spp. larvae were collected and counted from the random fecal samples of E. przewalskii populations and all the fecal samples of E. przewalskii individuals after antiparasitic treatment in January 2015. Results There was a statistically significant difference in the mean number of Gasterophilus spp. larvae at the peak of larvae expelled between wild and captive populations (140.8±62.8 and 1.8±0.9, respectively) (u=-4.997, P=0.000). Larval burdens of captive population were reduced by establishing isolated zone and providing special forage grasses. A total of 5 357 larvae were collected from wild population, which were identified as the following 5 species of Gasterophilus spp.: G. pecorum, G. nasalis, G. nigricornis, G. intestinalis and G. haemorrhoidalis. Gasterophilus pecorum (96.84%) was the predominant species in the wild population. In total 83 larvae were collected from captive population, and 5 species of Gasterophilus spp. were identified as follows: G. intestinalis, G. haemorrhoidalis, G. nasalis, G. nigricornis, and G. inermis. The prevailing species were G. intestinalis (48.19%) and G. haemorrhoidalis (39.76%). There was an obvious difference between wild and captive population in species composition of Gasterophilus. Shannon-Wiener index of Gasterophilus spp. was 1.07 in the captive population, significantly higher than the wild one(0.17). The evenness index of Gasterophilus spp. was higher in the captive population (0.66) similarly, while it was 0.10 in the wild population. The results shown a striking difference of Gasterophilus spp. diversity between wild and captive populations, while the latter was rigorous infected by horse gastrointestinal myiasis. Gasterophilus pecorum was the predominant species in the wild population while it was absent in the captive population, which indicated that unique transmission cycle with grass was intyerrupted. Conclusion Equus przewalskii populations in different living environments have distinctly different infective charsacteristics of Gasterophilus spp., G. pecorum has extremely strong adaptability to the desert steppe.
Key words: Equus przewalskii     Gasterophilus spp.     Horse gastrointestinal myiasis     Infection     Diversity    

普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)是世界上仅存的野马,原产于蒙古国西部科布多盆地和中国新疆准噶尔盆地东部,其野生种群于1969年野外灭绝[1]。为恢复普氏野马野生种群,我国积极参与普氏野马引入项目,先后在新疆准噶尔盆地东南部和东部建立了普氏野马繁殖研究中心(野马中心)和卡拉麦里有蹄类自然保护区(保护区)[2]。野马中心是普氏野马的圈养繁殖基地,周边设有5 km的马科动物隔离区。圈养野马饲草以苜蓿为主,冬季辅以少量玉米粉和胡萝卜①。保护区为野马的放归野化区域,区内还有常年生活的蒙古野驴(E. hemionus)和以此为冬牧场的家马(E. caballus)等马科动物[3-4]。寄生虫是马科动物生态链中重要因子,现在已知感染寄生虫超过150种[5],马胃蝇是常见和重要的一类。马胃蝇隶属于双翅目(Diptera)环列亚目(Cyclorrhapha)胃蝇科(Gasterophilidae)胃蝇属(Gasterophilus),全球已知9种[6],我国有6种[7],且6种马胃蝇在新疆普氏野马群体中均有发现[8]。马胃蝇幼虫主要寄生于马科动物消化道,引起胃肠溃疡、糜烂、脓肿和腹膜炎等,损害宿主消化、吸收、运动和分泌机能,致使宿主高度贫血、消瘦,严重时衰竭死亡[9-12]。马胃蝇蛆病在当地连年发生,严重威胁甚至侵害普氏野马群体,为年度保健性驱虫考察重要指标。在普氏野马野化和圈养种群中寄生虫病不同,本研究调查了不同生存条件下普氏野马种群马胃蝇蛆病的发生情况。

1 材料与方法 1.1 样品采集

通过保健性驱虫监测普氏野马寄生虫感染情况为目前评价普氏野马群体健康状况的主要手段[13]。本研究于2015年1月对保护区内的野放野马和野马中心的圈养野马进行驱虫保健工作,药剂为口服伊维菌素粉剂〔北京万丰药业有限公司,兽药GMP证字(2006)278号〕,投药剂量为1.0 g/10 kg体重。该药剂对马科动物肠道寄生虫药效良好,驱虫10 d后复用药无马胃蝇等寄生虫排出[14]。马胃蝇幼虫采自宿主服药后排出的粪便,针对野马群体的采样在排虫高峰期随机采集新排出未冻结粪便,由于同时进行新排粪便的采集,所采集的粪便样本来自等量的马匹;针对野马个体则采用全程采样,采集全部粪便的马胃蝇幼虫,后于室内分拣幼虫、形态学鉴定并分类统计。于保护区采集3匹野马的全部粪便以及10匹野马在排虫高峰期新排的10堆粪便,于野马中心采集8匹野马全部粪便及38匹野马在排虫高峰期新排的38堆粪便。

1.2 统计学处理

利用SPSS 20.0软件进行数据统计学分析,P<0.01为差异有统计学意义。统计马胃蝇数量、种类及不同种类马胃蝇比例。马胃蝇平均排虫量以(x±n)表示。利用Mann-Whitney U检验比较排虫高峰期野化种群与圈养种群马胃蝇感染量差异。采用Shannon?Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀性指数(J)和Jaccard相似性指数(q)对野放野马和圈养野马的马胃蝇多样性进行分析,计算公式:



2 结 果 2.1 普氏野马野化种群和圈养种群感染马胃蝇程度

宿主排虫情况一定程度上反映了其感染寄生虫状况。保护区和野马中心分别感染马胃蝇1 408只和69只。于野马服药后的排虫高峰期,随机采集野马新排粪便48堆,其中野化种群10匹马10堆、圈养种群38匹马38堆粪便样本。野化野马平均排虫(140.8±62.8)只/堆,圈养野马平均排虫(1.8±0.9)只/堆,野化种群与圈养种群之间高峰期平均排虫量差异有统计学意义(u=-4.997,P=0.000)。

2.2 普氏野马野化种群和圈养种群马胃蝇的种类

野马驱虫保健共采集马胃蝇6种,均为我国现有纪录种。除鼻胃蝇(G. nasalis)、黑角胃蝇(G. nigricornis)、肠胃蝇(G. intestinalis)和红尾胃蝇(G. haemorrhoidalis)为保护区和野马中心共同种外,保护区野马主要感染黑腹胃蝇(G. pecorum),占总数的96.84%;而圈养野马感染的马胃蝇种类除上述几种外,还包括裸节胃蝇(G. inermis),其感染程度以肠胃蝇(48.19%)居首位,其次是红尾胃蝇(39.76%),见表 1

表 1 野化种群和圈养种群感染马胃蝇种类 Table 1 Composition of Gasterophilus larvae that infected hosts from wild and captive population
2.3 普氏野马野化种群和圈养种群马胃蝇的多样性分析


3 讨 论

调查结果显示,普氏野马野化种群与圈养种群在马胃蝇感染数量、物种组成结构及多样性方面差异较大。野化种群在高峰期平均排虫量高于同期圈养种群,与世界其他地区马胃蝇蛆病调查比较,野马野化种群用药后单堆粪便中马胃蝇平均数量高于波兰、意大利和巴西等地区家马个体的平均感染强度(依次为52、108、11只)[16-18],显示新疆地区普氏野马野化种群马胃蝇蛆病感染情况极为严重。野化种群以黑腹胃蝇(96.84%)为绝对优势种,马胃蝇种间感染量差异明显,与澳大利亚、爱尔兰、波兰、巴西、意大利、英国及美国等以肠胃蝇或鼻胃蝇为优势种的国家和地区显著不同[11, 18-24];圈养种群中未发现感染黑腹胃蝇,优势种为肠胃蝇(48.19%),红尾胃蝇(39.76%)次之,未出现单一物种的大比例偏移,马胃蝇蛆病感染程度也较轻。野化种群与圈养种群感染马胃蝇种数相同,但黑腹胃蝇数量庞大,导致野化种群的马胃蝇多样性指数和均匀性指数较低。


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