中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2025, Vol. 36 Issue (1): 122-128



邵宗体, 李兴能, 段兴德, 李玉琼, 张荣兵, 耿天顺, 毛美娟, 程盼, 刘美琪, 高子厚, 刘正祥
SHAO Zong-ti, LI Xing-neng, DUAN Xing-de, LI Yu-qiong, ZHANG Rong-bing, GENG Tian-shun, MAO Mei-juan, CHENG Pan, LIU Mei-qi, GAO Zi-hou, LIU Zheng-xiang
Community structure and distribution of parasitic fleas of small mammals in Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2025, 36(1): 122-128
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2025, 36(1): 122-128


收稿日期: 2024-05-11
邵宗体1 , 李兴能2 , 段兴德1 , 李玉琼1 , 张荣兵3 , 耿天顺2 , 毛美娟4 , 程盼1 , 刘美琪1 , 高子厚1 , 刘正祥1     
1 云南省地方病防治所医学动物昆虫防制科, 云南省自然疫源性疾病防控技术重点实验室, 云南 大理 671000;
2 禄劝彝族苗族自治县疾病预防控制中心, 云南 禄劝 651500;
3 昆明市疾病预防控制中心,云南 昆明 650100;
4 临沧市疾病预防控制中心,云南 临沧 677000
摘要: 目的 了解云南省禄劝彝族苗族自治县(禄劝县)小型兽类(小兽)体表寄生蚤的组成和分布,摸清其蚤类群落结构及分布状况,为探讨禄劝县是否存在鼠疫、地方性斑疹伤寒等蚤传疾病提供基础资料。方法 在禄劝县辖区海拔1 000~3 700 m区间,按每间隔500 m划分1个海拔梯度带(海拔带),共划分为6个海拔带,选取不同海拔带中的居民区、农耕区和林区3种不同生境进行小兽体表寄生蚤调查取样,采用形态学分类法鉴定种类。所获数据运用群落生态学方法进行统计分析,数据整理统计采用Excel 2010、SPSS 21.0软件,率的比较采用χ2检验。结果 共捕获小兽408只,获体表寄生蚤259匹,隶属6科15属19种。小兽体表平均染蚤率为25.49%,不同小兽体表染蚤率差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.116,P < 0.01);小兽平均蚤指数为0.63;优势蚤种为方叶栉眼蚤和特新蚤指名亚种,不同生境和海拔的优势蚤种分布存在差异。3种生境中,居民区小兽染蚤率和蚤指数均最高;林区小兽染蚤率次之,蚤指数最低;农耕区染蚤率最低,蚤指数次之;不同生境小兽体表染蚤率差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.052,P=0.217)。不同海拔带小兽体表染蚤率在7.69%~44.44%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=22.914,P < 0.001),蚤指数为0.09~1.24。小兽体表寄生蚤物种丰富度和数量分布呈随海拔升高逐步增加的趋势;多样性指数在0.544~1.712,并随海拔带Ⅰ~Ⅲ带逐步升高后下降,Ⅳ海拔带降至最低后,在Ⅴ带升为最高,Ⅵ带又逐步降低;均匀度与多样性变化趋势一致,优势度则相反,呈现随不同海拔带生境异质变化而变化的分布格局。3种生境多样性指数为0.681~1.591,以农耕区最高,林区次之,居民区最低;丰富度与多样性指数变化趋势一致,其他指标的变化趋势与海拔的基本相似。结论 禄劝县小兽体表寄生蚤物种丰富度和多样性较高,存在云南家鼠、野鼠两型鼠疫主要媒介印鼠客蚤和特新蚤指名亚种,并存在其他多种自然疫源性人畜共患病的媒介蚤类,为鼠疫等疾病自然疫源地的存在及疾病的流行传播提供了媒介条件,应加强鼠疫等鼠源疾病的监测和防控。
关键词: 体表寄生蚤    物种多样性    小型兽类    群落结构    分布格局    
Community structure and distribution of parasitic fleas of small mammals in Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, China
SHAO Zong-ti1 , LI Xing-neng2 , DUAN Xing-de1 , LI Yu-qiong1 , ZHANG Rong-bing3 , GENG Tian-shun2 , MAO Mei-juan4 , CHENG Pan1 , LIU Mei-qi1 , GAO Zi-hou1 , LIU Zheng-xiang1     
1 Department of Medical Vector Prevention and Control, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Natural Focal Disease, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China;
2 Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Luquan, Yunnan 651500, China;
3 Kunming Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kunming, Yunnan 650100, China;
4 Lincang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Lincang, Yunnan 677000, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the composition and distribution of parasitic fleas of small mammals in Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, China, identify the community structure and distribution of fleas, so as to provide basic data for exploring whether there are plague, endemic typhus, and other flea-borne diseases in Luquan County. Methods In Luquan County, an altitude range of 1 000 to 3 700 meters was divided into 6 vertical gradient zones at intervals of 500 meters. Three different habitats in residential areas, farming areas, and forest areas at varying altitudes were selected for the sampling of parasitic fleas of small mammals. Species were identified through morphological classification. The data were statistically analyzed using community ecology methods. Excel 2010 and SPSS 21.0 softwares were used for data collection and analysis, and rates were compared using the Chi-square test. Results A total of 259 parasitic fleas were captured from 408 small mammals, belonging to 19 species, 15 genera, and 6 families. The average flea infestation rate was 25.49%, with significant differences between the different small mammal species groups (χ2=52.116, P < 0.01). The flea index of small mammals was 0.63. The dominant species were Ctenophthalmus quadratus and Neopsylla specialis specialis. The distribution of dominant flea species varied across different habitats and altitudes. Among the three habitats, the flea infestation rate and flea index of small mammals in residential areas were the highest. The flea infestation rate of small mammals in forest areas ranked second, with the flea index ranking third. The rate of flea infestation in farming areas was the lowest, with the flea index ranking second. There was no significant difference in the flea infestation rate on the body surface of small mammals in different habitats (χ2 = 3.052, P=0.217). In different altitude zones, the flea infestation rates on the body surface of small mammals ranged from 7.69% to 44.44%, with significant differences observed between the different altitude zones (χ2 = 22.914, P < 0.001) and a flea index ranging from 0.09 to 1.24. The species richness and quantity distribution of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals increased gradually with the increase in altitude. The diversity index ranged from 0.544 to 1.712, gradually increasing and then decreasing with the increase in altitude within zones Ⅰ to Ⅲ; the index decreased to the lowest level within altitude zone Ⅳ, increased to the highest level in altitude zone Ⅴ, and gradually decreased in altitude zone Ⅵ. The trends in evenness and diversity were consistent, while the trend in the dominance was opposite, exhibiting a distribution pattern changing with the habitat heterogeneity at different altitudes. The diversity index of the three habitats ranged from 0.681 to 1.591, with the highest in farming areas, followed by forest areas, and then residential areas. The trends in richness and diversity index were consistent, and other indices varied by altitudes. Conclusions In Luquan County, the species richness and diversity of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals are relatively high. Two major vectors of both domestic rodent and wild rodent plagues in Yunnan, Xenopsylla cheopis and N. specialis specialis, and various other natural zoonotic vector fleas exist, which provide vector conditions for the existence and epidemic transmission of plague and other epidemic diseases in natural foci. Therefore, the surveillance, prevention, and control of rodent-borne diseases such as plague should be strengthened.
Key words: Parasitic flea    Species diversity    Small mammal    Community structure    Distribution pattern    



1 材料与方法 1.1 调查范围

根据禄劝县辖区自然地理和乡镇分布,选择7个乡镇作为调查样区,海拔范围在1 000~3 700 m区间,按每间隔500 m划分1个海拔梯度带(海拔带),共分成6个海拔带(Ⅰ:海拔1 000~ < 1 500 m,Ⅱ:海拔1 500~ < 2 000 m,Ⅲ:海拔2 000~ < 2 500 m,Ⅳ:海拔2 500~ < 3 000 m,Ⅴ:海拔3 000~ < 3 500 m,Ⅵ:海拔≥3 500 m),分别在不同海拔带选取居民区、农耕区和林区3种不同生境进行小兽及其体表寄生蚤调查和取样。

1.2 调查方法


1.3 分类鉴定


1.4 数据处理及统计分析

应用Excel 2010软件建立小兽及体表寄生蚤数据库,对调查数据进行整理分析,参照文献[7, 9]计算染蚤率(%)、蚤指数(FI)和构成比(Cr,%)。将Cr≥10%的种类定为某区域的优势种,1%≤Cr < 10%为常见种,Cr < l%为稀有种;测算群落生态指标[9-10],丰富度直接用物种数S表示,多样性指数采用Shannon-Wiener指数(1949)公式计算,均匀度指数按Pielou(1969)公式J=H′/ln S计算,生态优势度按Simpson(1949)公式计算。式中,Pi=ni/N,为第i种占总个体数N的比例,S为物种数,ni为某一种的个体数,N为总个体数。群落相似性指数依据Jaccard公式q=c/(a+b-c)计算,式中q为群落相似性指数,c表示两个群落中共同物种数,ab分别表示不同群落物种数。当q为0.00~ < 0.25时表示两个种群的物种极不相似,当q为0.25~ < 0.50时表示中等不相似,当q为0.50~ < 0.75时表示中等相似,当q为0.75~1.00时表示极相似。应用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析,率的比较采用χ2检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 小兽体表寄生蚤种类和分布

共捕获小兽3目7科14属27种共408只,其中16种104只染带寄生蚤。检获蚤259匹,属6科15属19种,平均染蚤率为25.49%,平均蚤指数为0.63;优势种为方叶栉眼蚤(Ctenophthalmus quadratus)、特新蚤指名亚种(Neopsylla specialis specialis)2种,分别占47.88%和22.78%,常见种为缓慢细蚤(Leptopsylla segnis)、印鼠客蚤(Xenopsylla cheopis)等8种,合计占25.09%,稀有种为偏远古蚤(Palaeopsylla remota)、低地狭臀蚤(Stenischia humilis)等9种,合计占4.27%。

野外捕获较多的大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)和高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)体表检获寄生蚤相对较多,分别占52.12%和14.67%,大绒鼠体表寄生蚤以方叶栉眼蚤和特新蚤指名亚种为主,高山姬鼠体表寄生蚤以特新蚤指名亚种为主。室内捕获较多的黄胸鼠(Rattus tanezumi)和褐家鼠(R. norvegicus)体表寄生蚤以缓慢细蚤和印鼠客蚤为主。从染蚤率看,染蚤小兽中锡金小鼠(Mus pahari)和白尾梢大麝鼩(Crocidur dracula)染蚤率相对较低(均 < 10%),其余小兽染蚤率均较高。其中又以大绒鼠、滇绒鼠(E.eleusis)、黄胸鼠和褐家鼠等8种小兽体表染蚤率较高,均 > 30%。蚤指数以珀氏长吻松鼠(Dremomys pernyi)、克钦绒鼠(E. cachinus)、大绒鼠、印支小麝鼩(C. indochinensis)和黄胸鼠的较高。不同小兽体表寄生蚤染蚤率差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.116,P < 0.01)。见表 1

表 1 云南省禄劝县小型兽类体表寄生蚤种类和分布 Table 1 Species and distribution of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
2.2 不同生境小兽体表寄生蚤分布

不同生境中,染蚤小兽数分别为居民区9只、农耕区73只和林区22只。农耕区获蚤种类最多,为15种,其次是林区10种,居民区种类数最少,仅2种。居民区小兽体表染蚤率最高40.91%,其次是林区26.19%,农耕区最低24.17%。3种生境中小兽染蚤率差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.052,P=0.217)。居民区检获的缓慢细蚤和印鼠客蚤均为优势蚤种;农耕区优势种为方叶栉眼蚤和特新蚤指名亚种,常见种为缓慢细蚤、迪庆额蚤(Frontopsylla diqingensis)等8种,其余为稀有种;林区优势蚤种仅方叶栉眼蚤1种,数量占比高达72.92%,其余均为常见种。见表 2

表 2 云南省禄劝县不同生境小型兽类体表寄生蚤分布 Table 2 Distribution of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals in different habitats in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
2.3 不同海拔带小兽体表寄生蚤分布

从低到高6个海拔带染蚤小兽数分别为5、6、21、22、28和22只,获蚤种类数为3~10种,其中Ⅴ~Ⅵ带种类最多,均为10种,Ⅰ~Ⅱ带最少,均为3种;小兽染蚤率为7.69%~44.44%,Ⅴ带最高,Ⅰ带最低,不同海拔小兽体表染蚤率差异有统计学意义(χ2=22.914,P < 0.001)。Ⅰ带优势蚤种为印鼠客蚤、无孔微棒蚤(Stivalius aporus)和穗缘端蚤中缅亚种(Acropsylla episema girshami);Ⅱ带优势蚤种为印鼠客蚤、缓慢细蚤和无孔微棒蚤;Ⅲ带优势蚤种为特新蚤指名亚种、方叶栉眼蚤、缓慢细蚤;Ⅳ~Ⅴ带优势种均为方叶栉眼蚤、特新蚤指名亚种,其余均为常见种;Ⅵ带优势种仅方叶栉眼蚤1种,其余均为常见种。总体上看,Ⅴ带所获蚤数量最多,染蚤率和蚤指数均最高,2种优势种分布相对均衡。该县优势蚤种方叶栉眼蚤主要在Ⅲ~Ⅵ带分布,并在Ⅳ带和Ⅵ带中优势突出;特新蚤指名亚种主要在Ⅲ~Ⅴ带分布,在Ⅲ带优势突出。见表 3

表 3 云南省禄劝县不同海拔梯度带小兽体表寄生蚤分布 Table 3 Distribution of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals at different altitude zones in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
2.4 不同生境小兽体表寄生蚤多样性

不同生境中,小兽体表寄生蚤物种丰富度与多样性指数以农耕区最高,居民区最低;均匀度指数居民区最高,林区最低;优势度指数林区最高,农耕区最低。居民区蚤指数最高,农耕区次之,林区最低,见表 4。居民区和农耕区小兽体表寄生蚤群落相似性系数为0.13和0.32,均为中等不相似,蚤类的组成存在一定差异。

表 4 云南省禄劝县不同生境小兽体表寄生蚤生态学指标 Table 4 Ecological indices of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals in different habitats in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
2.5 不同海拔带小兽体表寄生蚤多样性

不同海拔带中,小兽体表寄生蚤多样性指数为0.544~1.712,其中Ⅴ带最高,Ⅳ带最低;均匀度指数为0.393~0.921,Ⅰ带最高,Ⅳ带最低;优势度指数为0.245~0.725,Ⅳ带最高,Ⅴ带最低;蚤指数为0.09~1.24,Ⅴ带最高,Ⅰ带最低。呈现多样性越高优势度越低,均匀度与优势度变化趋势相反;丰富度和蚤指数随海拔升高而增加,到一定海拔后则下降。见表 5图 12

表 5 云南省禄劝县不同海拔梯度带小兽体表寄生蚤生态学指标 Table 5 Ecological indices of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals at different altitude zones in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
注:Ⅰ~Ⅵ指海拔梯度带;Ⅰ海拔1 000~ < 1 500 m;Ⅱ海拔1 500~ < 2 000 m;Ⅲ海拔2 000~ < 2 500 m;Ⅳ海拔2 500~ < 3 000 m;Ⅴ海拔3 000~ < 3 500 m;Ⅵ海拔≥3 500 m。 图 1 云南省禄劝县不同海拔梯带度小兽体表寄生蚤生物种多样性变化趋势 Figure 1 Variation trend of species diversity of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals at different altitude zones in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
注:Ⅰ~Ⅵ指海拔梯度带;Ⅰ海拔1 000~ < 1 500 m;Ⅱ海拔1 500~ < 2 000 m;Ⅲ海拔2 000~ < 2 500 m;Ⅳ海拔2 500~ < 3 000 m;Ⅴ海拔3 000~ < 3 500 m;Ⅵ海拔≥3 500 m。 图 2 云南省禄劝县不同海拔梯度小兽体表寄生蚤物种丰富度与蚤指数变化趋势 Figure 2 Variation trend of richness and fleas index of parasitic fleas on the body surface of small mammals at different altitude zones in Luquan County, Yunnan Province
3 讨论


昆虫群落的稳定性需要通过多个指标的综合反映才能确定[14]。本调查发现该县居民区蚤类群落多样性指数和丰富度指数均明显低于农耕区和林区,而均匀度指数在3种生境中最高,优势度指数也较高,可能由于居民区长期受人类频繁活动干扰等因素影响,蚤类群落宿主动物种类及数量均较少导致寄生蚤丰富度低(仅2种),群落内物种分布均匀,且优势种优势较突出,表明居民区蚤类群落较为简单,而农耕区和林区蚤类群落结构相对更复杂稳定。不同海拔带的群落生态学指标变化趋势也不一致,呈现多样性越高优势度越低,均匀度与优势度则呈相反的变化趋势;丰富度和蚤指数随海拔升高而增加,到一定海拔梯度后即下降的分布格局。其中2 500~ < 3 000 m区间多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度均明显低于其他海拔带,但优势度指数最高,可能由于该海拔带以山地耕地为主,长期受耕作等人为活动干扰等因素的影响,其分布蚤种主要以优势蚤种方叶栉眼蚤(84.21%)和特新蚤指名亚种(12.28%)为主。而3 000 m以上的2个高海拔带则由于生境多为林区,森林植被较好,生境异质性较高,适合多种宿主动物及其寄生蚤类生存,且数量也多,所以丰富度、多样性指数和蚤指数均较高。以上结果表明宿主型的昆虫群落结构和稳定性更为复杂,不仅受自然环境条件和长期人为干扰的影响,还可能与宿主动物对栖境的选择有关,反映了不同蚤类对生境和海拔的选择及适应,此结果与相关研究结果基本一致[13, 15-17]。而关于宿主动物的群落结构、时空分布格局以及生境的适应性选择对蚤类群落结构和多样性的影响尚待进一步研究。

本次调查发现多种鼠疫媒介蚤类,其中印鼠客蚤和特新蚤指名亚种已被证实分别为云南家鼠、野鼠两型鼠疫的主要传播媒介,对鼠疫菌种群在疫源地内的延续起着决定性作用[18],且二者分别为当地居民区、农耕区优势蚤种,其宿主也分别为鼠疫主要宿主动物黄胸鼠、高山姬鼠和大绒鼠[1, 9]。提示该地区具备家鼠、野鼠两型鼠疫发生和流行的媒介和宿主条件。昆明市多县(区)属鼠疫历史疫区,辖区内宜良县和紧邻禄劝县的富民县曾先后发生过动物间鼠疫流行并波及人间[11, 19],毗邻的四川省石渠县、攀枝花市等地已证实为鼠疫自然疫源地[20]或有鼠疫相关线索[21]。此外,禄劝县境内目前正在建大型水电站,会影响周边生态及动物栖息地,可能诱发鼠疫等鼠源疾病的发生和流行[22]。因此,应加强该地区鼠源疾病宿主动物及媒介蚤类动态监测,以及时发现并控制有关疾病的发生流行。

志谢 参与本次专项调查的人员还有洪梅、李春霞、姚明国、耿占凯、杨志平、武志义、陈燕丽、王自顺、陈波等,谨此一并志谢。

利益冲突  无

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