中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2025, Vol. 36 Issue (1): 116-121



程明基, 黄旭和, 邓惠, 陈宗晶, 芦瑞鹏, 沈秀婷, 胡盛钧, 段金花
CHENG Ming-ji, HUANG Xu-he, DENG Hui, CHEN Zong-jing, LU Rui-peng, SHEN Xiu-ting, HU Sheng-jun, DUAN Jin-hua
Proficiency assessment and training demand analysis of disinfection and vector control professional teams in Guangdong Province, China
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2025, 36(1): 116-121
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2025, 36(1): 116-121


收稿日期: 2024-02-23
程明基 , 黄旭和 , 邓惠 , 陈宗晶 , 芦瑞鹏 , 沈秀婷 , 胡盛钧 , 段金花     
广东省疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物预防控制所, 广东 广州 511430
摘要: 目的 了解广东省消毒与病媒生物防制专业队伍的知识水平和薄弱环节,为进一步强化队伍专业技能建设、制定靶向式培训策略提供参考。方法 以2023年广东省首届消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛为素材,根据21个地市105名参赛选手的理论测试和技能操作得分情况,分析不同地区、不同性质机构、不同学科领域及知识点的得分差异。使用WPS 2019软件进行数据录入及整理,SPSS 26.0进行统计分析。方差齐性检验采用Levene检验,均值的比较采用t检验、单因素方差分析及重复测量方差分析,相关性分析采用Pearson相关性分析。结果 21支队伍的理论测试得分平均为59.70分,技能操作平均得分45.37分,理论测试得分高于技能操作得分(t=8.097,P < 0.001)。将理论测试按照不同地区分组比较,不同地区得分差异有统计学意义(F=12.436,P < 0.001),珠三角地区得分高于粤东、粤西、粤北3个地区;按照不同性质机构分组比较,疾病预防控制机构理论测试成绩高于有害生物防制机构(t=2.982,P=0.004);将理论测试分为消毒与感染控制和病媒生物防制2个学科领域6类知识点进行比较,其中消毒领域的现场消毒技术得分最高,消毒领域的消毒药物及评价得分最低,6类知识点得分差异有统计学意义(F=58.570,P < 0.001)。理论测试的2个学科领域得分具有显著相关性(r=0.570,P < 0.001)。60.95%选手的2个学科领域得分较均衡;39.05%选手存在“偏科”的情况。对5组技能操作得分进行比较,其中药械得分最高,病媒生物鉴别得分最低,5组得分差异有统计学意义(F=6.246,P < 0.001)。结论 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制专业队伍理论知识覆盖面不足,尤其是消毒领域的消毒与药物评价;技能操作存在薄弱项,如病媒生物监测与鉴别、规划与评价能力;未来应根据各地区、不同机构的知识结构及需求和薄弱项开展针对性培训。
关键词: 消毒    病媒生物防制    技能竞赛    培训需求    分析评估    
Proficiency assessment and training demand analysis of disinfection and vector control professional teams in Guangdong Province, China
CHENG Ming-ji , HUANG Xu-he , DENG Hui , CHEN Zong-jing , LU Rui-peng , SHEN Xiu-ting , HU Sheng-jun , DUAN Jin-hua     
Institute of Disinfection and Vector Control, Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou, Guangdong 511430, China
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the knowledge level and identify areas of weakness in the professional teams responsible for disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province, China, so as to provide a reference for enhancing professional skill development and formulating targeted training strategies. Methods Theoretical and on-site operation scores of 105 contestants from 21 cities in the first Disinfection and Vector Control Professional Skill Competition held in Guangdong Province in 2023 were used for analysis of differences in scores across different regions, types of institutions, subjects, and knowledge areas. Data entry and processing were performed using WPS 2019 software. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 26.0 software. Homogeneity of variance were tested using the Levene's test. Comparison of means was made using t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and repeated measures analysis of variance. Correlation analysis was conducted using Pearson correlation analysis. Results The mean score for the theoretical test was 59.70 and the mean score for on-site operation was 45.37. The theoretical test scores were significantly higher than on-site operation scores (t=8.097, P < 0.001). Moreover, the differences in scores across various regions are statistically significant (F=12.436, P < 0.001). The Pearl River Delta region exhibited significantly higher theoretical test scores compared to the eastern, western, and northern regions of Guangdong Province. Additionally, disease control and prevention institutions achieved significantly higher theoretical test scores than pest control operation institutions (t =2.982, P=0.004). The theoretical test is divided into six knowledge areas in two academic fields: disinfection and infection control and vector control. Scores on the theoretical test are compared separately within each field and knowledge area. Among these, on-site disinfection technology scored the highest while disinfection drugs and evaluation scored the lowest, and the score differences across the six knowledge areas were statistically significant (F=58.570, P < 0.001). There was a significant correlation between the scores of the two subject fields of the theoretical test (r=0.570, P < 0.001). Furthermore, 60.95% of the contestants had balanced scores in the two subjects while 39.05% of contestants showed biased scores. In terms of scores for the five skill groups of on-site operations, equipment had the highest score whereas vector identification had the lowest score, the score differences among the five skill groups were statistically significant (F=6.246, P < 0.001). Conclusions There is an insufficient coverage of theoretical knowledge in professional teams of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province, particularly in disinfection and drug evaluation in the disinfection field. Weaknesses are identified in on-site operations such as vector surveillance and identification as well as programming and evaluation capabilities. Targeted training should be conducted based on the knowledge structures, needs, and weaknesses of different regions and institutions.
Key words: Disinfection    Vector control    Skill competition    Training demand    Analysis and assessment    

消毒与病媒生物防制是传染病控制、卫生应急处置、爱国卫生运动的关键技术和手段[1-3]。消毒与病媒生物防制队伍作为一支重要的专业力量,在抗击新型冠状病毒感染、登革热等疫情中发挥着重要的作用[4-6],队伍人员的业务素质直接关系到涉疫现场的控制效果[7-8]。广东省消毒与病媒生物防制队伍人员构成复杂,既有来自有害生物防制机构(pest control operation,PCO)的从业人员,也有疾病预防控制机构(疾控机构)、基层消杀站及医疗机构的人员,队伍专业水平参差不齐[9-10],目前常规的集中培训难以精准实施靶向培训。为规范广东省消毒与病媒生物防制队伍建设,提升各级机构队伍专业水平,本文以2023年广东省首届消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛为题材,首次对全省各地参赛选手竞赛成绩进行了多维度系统分析,了解目前广东省队伍的知识水平和薄弱环节,为进一步强化队伍专业技能建设、制定靶向式培训策略提供参考。

1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法 1.2.1 竞赛方式

竞赛包含2轮测试,分别为第1轮理论测试和第2轮技能操作。第1轮理论测试105名选手全部参赛,题目由单选题、多选题和判断题组成,共80道,笔试时间90 min,考察内容分为病媒生物防制和消毒与感染控制2个领域,病媒生物防制领域主要包括病媒生物监测技术与评价、病媒生物生态学和药械使用,消毒与感染控制领域主要包括隔离技术、现场消毒技术、消毒药物及评价。第2轮技能操作通过参赛选手现场实操展示,3名专业考官观察评分的方式进行,考试时间15 min,考察内容包括病媒生物现场监测技术、病媒生物鉴别、药械使用、消毒操作、规划与评价能力5个科目,由每队的5名队员各选择其中1项参加,每个科目均有21名参赛选手参加。

1.2.2 考核评分


1.3 统计学分析

利用WPS 2019软件录入及整理数据,SPSS 26.0软件进行统计分析。理论测试成绩每个领域或知识点得分按百分制标化后进行比较,方差齐性检验采用Levene检验,均值的比较采用t检验、单因素方差分析及重复测量方差分析,相关性分析采用Pearson相关分析,检验水准α=0.05。

2 结果 2.1 基本情况

广东省21个地市参赛选手105人中,疾控机构64人,PCO 41人;年龄23~59岁,平均年龄(37.69±8.47)岁;男性76人,女性29人,男女性别比为2.6∶1;博士1人、硕士12人、本科58人、大专19人、高中及以下15人;医学类58人(55.24%)、非医学47人(44.76%);从事消毒与病媒生物防制专业年限为0~30年,平均(6.95±6.69)年;副高及以上职称13人,中级职称35人,初级职称35人,无职称22人。

2.2 得分分析

本次参赛选手理论测试平均得分59.70分,技能操作平均得分45.37分,理论测试得分明显高于技能操作,二者差异有统计学意义(t=8.097,P < 0.001)。见表 1

表 1 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛参赛选手得分情况 Table 1 The scores of contestants in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province

将理论测试的2个学科领域6类知识点得分按百分制标化后进行比较,病媒生物防制领域平均得分59.58分,其中监测技术及评价、生态学、药械使用依次为65.79、57.97和58.13分;消毒与感染控制领域平均得分59.88分,其中隔离技术、现场消毒技术、消毒药物及评价依次为64.19、68.31和42.16分。病媒生物防制领域(59.58分)和消毒与感染控制领域(59.88分)之间得分差异无统计学意义(t=-0.259,P=0.796)。对6类知识点得分进行比较,得分差异有统计学意义(F=58.570,P < 0.001),其中消毒与感染控制领域的现场消毒技术得分最高,消毒药物及评价得分最低。见表 2

表 2 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛参赛选手理论测试6类知识点得分情况 Table 2 The scores of six key knowledge areas in the theoretical test for contestants in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province

参赛选手5组技能操作得分依次为药械57.98分、消毒操作55.62分、规划与评价能力39.88分、病媒生物监测37.73分、病媒生物鉴别35.62分。对5组技能平均得分进行比较,差异有统计学意义(F=6.426,P < 0.001),其中药械得分最高,病媒生物鉴别得分最低。见表 3

表 3 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛参赛选手5组技能操作得分情况 Table 3 The scores of five groups of on-site operations for contestants in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province
2.3 不同地区得分情况

珠三角地区参赛选手理论测试得分(65.78±7.37)分,粤北地区得分(59.25±7.77)分,粤东地区得分(54.55±12.54)分,粤西地区得分(51.70±12.61)分,不同地区参赛选手的理论测试得分差异有统计学意义(F=12.436,P < 0.001),其中地区最高分和平均得分最高分均在珠三角地区,粤西地区平均得分最低。

对各区域参赛选手的理论测试6类知识点得分情况分别进行方差分析,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.001),所有地区参赛选手均在消毒与感染控制领域的消毒药物及评价类得分最低,与其他知识点得分比较,差值> 10分。见表 4

表 4 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛不同区域参赛选手理论测试6类知识点得分情况 Table 4 The scores of six key knowledge areas in the theoretical test for contestants from different regions in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province
2.4 不同性质机构得分情况

疾控机构参赛选手的理论测试平均分为62.41分,PCO参赛选手的平均分为55.46分,二者差异有统计学意义(t=2.982,P=0.004),即疾控机构参赛选手理论测试成绩高于PCO参赛选手。不同性质机构参赛选手,其学科领域知识点得分情况不同,疾控机构参赛选手在病媒生物防制领域得分为60.43分,低于消毒与感染控制领域得分65.50分,差异有统计学意义(t=-3.882,P < 0.001);PCO选手病媒生物防制领域得分为58.26分,高于消毒与感染控制领域得分51.09分,差异有统计学意义(t=4.596,P < 0.001)。见表 5

表 5 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛不同性质机构参赛选手理论测试得分比较 Table 5 Comparison of theoretical test scores of contestants from different types of institutions in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province

从不同性质机构6类知识点得分情况来看,无论是疾控还是PCO选手,消毒与感染控制领域的消毒药物及评价均得分最低,各机构内6类知识点得分差异均有统计学意义(F疾控=57.554,FPCO=17.126,均P < 0.001),其中疾控机构掌握较好的依次是现场消毒技术(76.04分)、隔离技术(69.69分)和监测技术与评价(69.27分),理论知识掌握相对欠缺的有消毒药物及评价、生态学和药械使用。PCO的监测技术及评价(60.37分)、药械使用(59.26分)、现场消毒技术(56.23分)得分较高,消毒药物及评价理论知识得分(38.58分)明显低于其他知识点。见表 6

表 6 广东省消毒与病媒生物防制职业技能竞赛不同性质机构参赛选手理论测试6类知识点得分情况 Table 6 The scores of six key knowledge areas in the theoretical test for contestants from different types of institutions in the professional skill competition of disinfection and vector control in Guangdong Province
2.5 理论测试2个学科领域得分的相关性分析

分析参赛选手的消毒与感染控制、病媒生物防制两个学科领域的得分,得分差值不超过理论测试得分标准差(11.17分)的有64人,占比60.95%;差值超过11.17分的有41人,占比39.05%。进一步分析学科得分相关性,发现参赛选手的消毒与感染控制、病媒生物防制领域的得分显著相关(r=0.570,P < 0.001),按不同性质机构拆分后进行分析,结果也呈显著相关(r疾控=0.456,rPCO=0.749,均P < 0.001),2个学科领域的得分呈正相关。散点图见图 1

图 1 参赛选手理论测试2个学科领域得分率散点图 Figure 1 Scatter plot of the score rates in two subjects of the theoretical test for contestants
3 讨论

近年来,新发与再发病媒生物传播疾病发病率不断攀升,全球病媒生物传播疾病负担占全球传染病负担构成比达17%以上,其中登革热是全球和我国最严重的蚊媒传染病,绝大多数病媒传染病至今尚无有效疫苗预防和特效药治疗[11],消毒与病媒生物防制是疫情防控的重要手段。广东省是我国的南大门,与东南亚、非洲等国家商旅联系紧密,人员交流频繁,增加了广东省病媒生物传播疾病的感染风险[10],故病媒生物防制队伍的专业能力在广东省越来越受到重视[12],由于疾控中心专业技术人员数量有限,往往需要借助PCO队伍力量参与到相关工作中来,这大大弥补了疾控机构消毒与病媒生物防制队伍人力不足的问题[13-14]。但目前广东省消毒与病媒生物防制行业存在队伍人员素质、专业能力参差不齐,流动性大,地区发展不均衡等问题[11, 15]。职业技能竞赛是主动发现队伍技能短板,引导人员和队伍专业技术水平提升的有效途径。





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