中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2024, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 401-404



郎静, 赵怡双, 张惠芬, 陈财荣
LANG Jing, ZHAO Yi-shuang, ZHANG Hui-fen, CHEN Cai-rong
Effects of water pH on the growth and development of Aedes albopictus
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2024, 35(4): 401-404
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2024, 35(4): 401-404


收稿日期: 2024-01-15
郎静 , 赵怡双 , 张惠芬 , 陈财荣     
台州市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物防制科, 浙江 台州 318000
摘要: 目的 探讨不同pH值水环境对白纹伊蚊卵孵化、幼虫和蛹生长发育的影响,为白纹伊蚊防治提供新的思路和方法。方法 在pH值为3.0、3.5、4.5、5.5、6.5、9.5、10.5、11.5和12.0的水中,观察白纹伊蚊卵期、幼虫和蛹期发育状况,记录各组孵化率、4龄幼虫存活率、化蛹率、蛹羽化率和各时期发育时间,以脱氯自来水为对照,分析水pH值改变对白纹伊蚊生长发育的影响。采用Excel 2010软件进行数据整理,SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。计数资料用率表示,计量资料以x ± s表示,用χ2检验和方差分析比较各组间差异。结果 当pH≥10.5或pH≤4.5时,白纹伊蚊卵孵化率明显低于对照组(pH=7.6±0.4)(χ2=1 646.693,P < 0.001),当pH≥11.5时,卵的孵化时间明显滞后(F=52.241,P < 0.001)。与对照组(pH=7.6±0.4)相比,当pH≥10.5或pH=4.5时,白纹伊蚊4龄幼虫存活率和化蛹率明显下降(χ2=94.088,P < 0.001;χ2=119.722,P < 0.001),当pH≥11.5时,化蛹时间明显延长(F=20.148,P < 0.001)。与对照组(pH=7.6±0.4)相比,不同pH值水环境中白纹伊蚊羽化率差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.861,P=0.556),但当pH≥10.5或pH=4.5时,羽化时间比对照组明显延长(F=150.398,P < 0.001)。结论 白纹伊蚊生长发育的水环境适宜pH值为5.5≤pH≤9.5,当水环境pH值超出适宜范围后会影响白纹伊蚊生长发育。
关键词: 白纹伊蚊    水pH值    生长发育    
Effects of water pH on the growth and development of Aedes albopictus
LANG Jing , ZHAO Yi-shuang , ZHANG Hui-fen , CHEN Cai-rong     
Department of Disinfection and Vector Control, Taizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318000, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of water pH on egg hatching, larva and pupa growth and development of Aedes albopictus, and to provide a new method for the control of Ae. albopictus. Methods In water of different pH (3.0, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, and 12.0), the development of mosquitoes through egg, larval, and pupal stages were observed. The hatching rate, larval survival rate, pupation rate, eclosion rate of pupae, and time for each developmental stage were recorded, and the effects of the pH of water on the development of Ae. albopictus in comparison with those placed in dechlorinated water were analyzed. Excel 2010 and SPSS 18.0 softwares were used for data collation and statistical analysis. Categorical data were described as rates, and continuous data were described as x ± s. The Chi-square test and one-way analysis of variance were used for inter-group comparison. Results For pH≥10.5 or pH≤4.5, the hatching rate of Ae. albopictus eggs was significantly lower than that of the control group (pH=7.6±0.4) (χ2=1 646.693, P < 0.001). The time to hatching was significantly longer at pH≥11.5 (F=52.241, P < 0.001). Compared with those of the control group (pH=7.6±0.4), the survival rate and pupation rate of the 4th-instar larvae of Ae. albopictus were significantly decreased at pH≥10.5 or pH=4.5 (χ2=94.088, P < 0.001; χ2=119.722, P < 0.001), and the time to pupation was significantly prolonged at pH≥11.5 (F=20.148, P < 0.001). Compared with the control group (pH=7.6±0.4), the eclosion rate had no significant difference in each group (χ2=5.861, P=0.556), but the time to eclosion was significantly longer than that of the control group for pH≥10.5 or pH=4.5 (F=150.398, P < 0.001). Conclusion The suitable water pH for the growth and development of Ae. albopictus ranges from 5.5 to 9.5, beyond which the growth and development of Ae. albopictus can be offected.
Key words: Aedes albopictus    Water pH    Growth and development    

白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)是一种重要的传病媒介,能传播登革热、寨卡病毒病等多种传染病[1]。以登革热为例,2016年以来浙江省台州市发生了多起本地登革热疫情,严重危害公众健康[2]。有效控制白纹伊蚊密度对于减少蚊媒传染病传播风险意义重大。当前,化学防治仍是蚊媒传染病疫情流行期间重要的防治手段,但由于化学药物的过度使用,蚊虫抗药性问题日益严重[3]。水的理化性质改变能影响蚊虫生长发育,主要包括水盐度、pH值、电导率和溶解性总固体等[4]。水pH值能通过影响蚊虫细胞功能和细胞膜的通透性,影响其密度和种群分布[5]。本研究探讨不同pH值水环境对白纹伊蚊生长发育的影响,为白纹伊蚊防治提供新的思路和方法。

1 材料与方法 1.1 实验材料

10%氢氧化钠和10%醋酸(飞净生物科技有限公司)、饲养笼(35 cm×35 cm×40 cm)、SZ61体视显微镜(奥林巴斯,日本)、PHB-5型便携式pH计(上海品技科学仪器有限公司)。幼虫饲料制作参考曹阳等[6]的研究。

1.2 试虫来源及饲养条件

白纹伊蚊幼蚊采集于台州市城镇和农村居民区,将幼蚊带回实验室饲养。白纹伊蚊羽化后3~5 d,将小白鼠放入蚊笼内,待雌蚊吸足血后放入卵杯供其产卵。成蚊饲喂10%蔗糖水,饲养条件:温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度(70±5)%,光周期(L∶D)=14h∶10 h。

1.3 试验方法 1.3.1 实验分组


1.3.2 蚊卵收集和孵化

每日收集蚊卵,在体视显微镜下挑选出饱满的蚊卵,计数后放入装有不同pH值脱氯水的烧杯中,每24 h观察蚊卵孵化情况并计数,计算幼虫孵化数量,当首批孵出的幼蚊长至3日龄认为所有卵孵化结束[7]

1.3.3 幼虫发育、化蛹和羽化


1.4 统计学处理

采用Excel 2010软件进行数据整理,SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。用χ2检验对不同组相应率进行比较,用方差分析对不同组相应天数进行比较,采用χ2分割和SNK-q检验分析实验组与对照组差异,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 水pH值对蚊卵孵化率和孵化时间的影响

不同pH值水环境下,白纹伊蚊卵孵化率差异有统计学意义(χ2=1 646.693,P < 0.001),当pH≥10.5或pH≤4.5时,蚊卵孵化率明显低于对照组(均P < 0.001;α'= 0.006)。各组蚊卵孵化时间差异有统计学意义(F=52.241,P < 0.001),与对照组比较,当pH≥11.5时,蚊卵孵化时间延长(均P < 0.001)。见表 1

表 1 水pH值对蚊卵孵化率和孵化时间的影响情况 Table 1 Effects of water pH on hatching rate and hatching time of Aedes albopictus eggs
2.2 水pH值对白纹伊蚊4龄幼虫存活率、化蛹率和蛹羽化率的影响

不同pH值水环境中白纹伊蚊4龄幼虫存活率和化蛹率差异均有统计学意义(χ2=94.088,P < 0.001;χ2=119.722,P < 0.001)。当pH≥10.5或pH=4.5时,4龄幼虫存活率和化蛹率明显低于对照组(均P < 0.007,α'=0.007)。但不同pH值环境中白纹伊蚊羽化率差异无统计学意义(χ2=5.861,P=0.556)。见表 2

表 2 水pH值对4龄幼虫存活率和化蛹率及蛹羽化率的影响 Table 2 Effects of water pH on survival rate and pupation rate e of 4th instar larvae, and eclosion rate of pupae
2.3 水pH值对白纹伊蚊4龄幼虫化蛹时间和羽化时间的影响

不同pH值水环境中,白纹伊蚊4龄幼虫化蛹时间和蛹羽化时间差异均有统计学意义(F=20.148,P < 0.001;F=150.398,P < 0.001)。与对照组比较,当pH≥11.5时4龄幼虫化蛹时间明显延长(均P < 0.001)。当pH≥10.5或pH=4.5时,与对照组比较,蛹羽化时间明显滞后(均P < 0.05)。见表 3

表 3 水pH值对4龄幼虫化蛹时间和蛹羽化时间的影响 Table 3 Effects of water pH on pupation time of 4th instar larvae and eclosion time of pupae
3 讨论



幼蚊的生长发育受到水中pH值、溶解氧、离子浓度等多方面因素综合影响[15]。有研究发现,碱性水环境会抑制白纹伊蚊幼虫生长,甚至会杀灭蚊幼[16]。另有研究表明,摇蚊(chironomid)幼虫在pH值为3的水中停止生长发育,pH > 4时可以正常生存,pH > 9时生长速度下降[17]。实验发现,极端的水pH值和硬度对致倦库蚊(Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus)发育有负向影响,会降低蚊卵孵化率、幼虫存活率和蛹的羽化率[15]。本研究发现,当pH≥10.5或pH=4.5时,幼蚊存活率和化蛹率明显降低。虽然幼蚊自身通过离子交换机制,如Na+/H+交换,对水pH值变化存在一定调节能力,可以耐受一定的酸性或碱性条件[18]。但当pH值变化超过其自身调节能力之后,会损害幼蚊生长发育。本次研究中,白纹伊蚊的羽化受水pH值变化影响较小,虽然在极端pH值条件下羽化率略有下降,但总体比较差异无统计学意义。究其原因可能是幼蚊化蛹后,增强了对外界环境干扰的抵御能力[14]


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