中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2023, Vol. 34 Issue (1): 114-116



孟锦昕, 王静林, 刘国平
MENG Jin-xin, WANG Jing-lin, LIU Guo-ping
A newly found male Alluaudomyia desma Yu, 2005 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2023, 34(1): 114-116
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2023, 34(1): 114-116


收稿日期: 2022-10-31
孟锦昕1 , 王静林1 , 刘国平2     
1 云南省畜牧兽医科学院, 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒病重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650224;
2 北部战区疾病预防控制中心, 辽宁 沈阳 110034
摘要: 目的 调查西藏自治区错那县蠓的种类分布。方法 采用诱虫灯诱法在牛舍和居住区采集蠓标本,用树胶酚封片法制作玻片标本。结果 描述了发现于西藏自治区错那县的纽结阿蠓(Alluaudomyia desma Yu,2005)雄虫。鉴别特征:两复眼的小眼面间有柔毛,翅径中横脉和径2室端部各有1个暗斑,尾器第9背板后缘中部有1对角突,阳茎中叶端部呈1对指状突,阳基侧突细杆状,基部有2对钩状弯曲,端部近侧弯曲。纽结阿蠓雄虫的翅斑与龙州阿蠓(All.longzhouensis Hao et Yu,1991)相近似,但后者雄虫尾器阳茎中叶和阳基侧突的形状与纽结阿蠓雄虫明显不同。观察标本1,保存于北部战区疾病预防控制中心(沈阳110034)。结论 新发现雄虫标本特征与原描述雌虫模式标本一致。结合形态特征、采集地点和时间,鉴定为纽结阿蠓,补充了原定种所缺乏的重要的雄虫信息,为该蠓种的分类鉴定提供了依据。
关键词: 蠓科    阿蠓属    纽结阿蠓    雄虫标本    
A newly found male Alluaudomyia desma Yu, 2005 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
MENG Jin-xin1 , WANG Jing-lin1 , LIU Guo-ping2     
1 Yunnan Tropical and Subtropical Animal Viral Disease Laboratory, Yunan Animal Science and Veterinary Institute, Kunming, Yunnan 650224, China;
2 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Northern Theater Command, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the species distribution of midges in Cona county, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Methods Midges were captured with light traps in cattle pens and residential areas in Cona county, followed by slide specimen preparation with phenol balsam. Results We described a male midge of Alluaudomyia desma Yu, 2005 found in Cona county. The identifying characteristics are: Eyes with interfacetal hairs. Wing with a dark spot in r-m cross-vein, and with a dark spot in distal portion of R2 cell. Genitalia ninthtergum apically with two angular process, adeagus with two digitate process in distal portion, parameres with rod-shaped, basal portiot with two hookted bend, and end with lateral curvature. The wing pattern of male All. desma is similar to that of All. longzhouensis Hao et Yu, 1991, but the latter male insect has distinct aedeagus and paramere appearances from male All. desma. The specimen is deposited in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Northern Theater Command (Shenyang, 110034). Conclusion The characteristics of the newly found male specimen, which are consistent with the original description of the female holotype specimen. Combined with morphological characteristics, collection location and time, it was identified as All. desma, which supplement important male information that was lacking in the original species, and provides a reference for the classification and identification of All. desma.
Key words: Ceratopogonidae    Alluaudomyia    Alluaudomyia desma    Male specimen    

阿蠓属(Alluaudomyia)属于蠓科(Ceratopogonidae)蠓亚科(Ceratopogoninae),世界阿蠓属已知有201种[1],中国的阿蠓属现知有36种[2-6]。纽结阿蠓(All. deama Yu,2005)[2]原描述仅依据雌虫标本,无雄虫信息。作者在鉴定整理采自西藏自治区(西藏)错那县的蠓类标本中发现了纽结阿蠓雄虫,为了完善该蠓种雌、雄标本的分类资料,对今后该蠓种的分类鉴定提供更充足的依据,现将纽结阿蠓雄虫描述如下。

1 材料与方法


2 结果

纽结阿蠓Alluaudomyia desma Yu,2005(图 1

注:a触角端部5节(apical 5 segment of antenna);b触须(maxillary palpi);c翅(wing);d各足股节–胫节(femera and tibiae of legs),d-f(前足),d-m(中足),d-h(后足);e阳基侧突(parameres);f前足跗节V(fat V);g额部(frons);h尾器(hypopygium)。 图 1 纽结阿蠓(雄虫) Figure 1 Alluaudomyia desma Yu, 2005()

Alluaudomyia desma Yu,2005:1346,中国(西藏)(♀)[2]



翅长0.88 mm,宽0.34 mm,前缘脉比(CR,前缘脉与翅长之比)0.42。


胸部:翅淡色,翅径中横脉和径2室端部各有1个暗斑,翅面大毛见于近端部1/4和径5室前缘。足棕褐色,前足股节、胫节基部和近端部各有2个淡环;中足近基部3/4淡色,亚端部有1个淡环,胫节近基部和近端部各有1个淡环;后足股节、胫节基部和近端部各有2个淡环,后足胫节端部长鬃6根,第2根最长。各足TR(足第1跗节长度与第2跗节长度的比值)和F-T(足胫节~第5跗节的相对长度)值见表 1

表 1 纽结阿蠓雄虫各足TR和F-T值 Table 1 The TR and F-T of all legs of Alluaudomyia desma Yu, 2005 ()



3 讨论

纽结阿蠓依据1988年9月采自西藏错那县勒乡的1♀标本建立。本文描述1标本,1988年9月采自西藏错那县,为该种模式产地相同时间采集。基本特征:两复眼的小眼面间有柔毛,翅径中横脉和径2室端部各有1个暗斑,各足股节和胫节基部和近端部有淡环,与原描述雌虫模式标本一致;第8腹节腹面无纽结状角质增厚斑,与雌性正模不同,应为雌性第8腹节为生殖节特化所致。结合形态特征、采集地点和时间,因此鉴定为纽结阿蠓,补充了原定种所缺乏的重要的雄虫信息。纽结阿蠓属于阿蠓属纽结阿蠓种团desma group(Yu,2005),现知1种。该种翅的形态与龙州阿蠓(All. longzhouensis Hao et Yu,1991)[2]和淡黄阿蠓[All. xanthocoma(Kieffer,1913)][7]相近似,但龙州阿蠓和淡黄阿蠓雄虫尾器第9背板、阳茎中叶和阳基侧突的形态特征与纽结阿蠓明显不同。

利益冲突  无

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