中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2022, Vol. 33 Issue (4): 485-488



张乾通, 孙继民, 凌锋, 施旭光, 任江萍, 郭颂, 张蓉, 刘营
ZHANG Qian-tong, SUN Ji-min, LING Feng, SHI Xu-guang, REN Jiang-ping, GUO Song, ZHANG Rong, LIU Ying
Analysis of reported cases of fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome and tick vectors surveillance results in Zhejiang province of China in 2021
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2022, 33(4): 485-488
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2022, 33(4): 485-488


收稿日期: 2022-02-14
张乾通1 , 孙继民2 , 凌锋2 , 施旭光2 , 任江萍2 , 郭颂2 , 张蓉2 , 刘营2     
1 浙江省舟山市急救指挥中心, 浙江 舟山 316021;
2 浙江省疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 浙江 杭州 310051
摘要: 目的 了解浙江省2021年发热伴血小板减少综合征(SFTS)流行病学特征及蜱媒监测情况。方法 浙江省2021年SFTS病例数据来源于中国疾病预防控制信息系统,采用描述性流行病学方法分析SFTS病例的时间、人群、地区分布特征。2021年3-10月选择浙江省8个县(市、区)设置蜱媒监测点,利用人工布旗法和动物体表检蜱法采集游离蜱和寄生蜱。利用Excel 2013、SPSS 17.0软件对全省SFTS病例和媒介监测数据进行整理、统计分析,运用ArcGIS 10.0软件绘制以区(县)为单位发病率地图。结果 2021年浙江省累计报告SFTS病例85例,报告发病率为0.15/10万,病死率为8.24%(7/85)。病例分布于8个地市的23个县(市、区),报告病例数居前3位的地区为金华市(27例)、台州市(27例)和宁波市(11例)。发病时间主要集中在4-10月,5-7月为发病高峰期。报告病例中男性和女性发病率差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.347,P=0.246);发病年龄以中老年为主,中位年龄67岁;职业以农民为主,占80.00%(68/85)。发病前2周有明确蜱叮咬史的病例占17.65%(15/85)。农村外环境游离蜱共采集590只,平均游离蜱密度为18.44只/(布旗·人工时);共计监测动物数量688只(头),采集蜱2 406只,平均寄生蜱密度3.50只/宿主。结论 浙江省SFTS以散发为主,发病具有明显的地区性和季节性,主要发病人群为中老年和农民。传播媒介游离蜱和寄生蜱密度较高。
关键词: 发热伴血小板减少综合征    监测    流行特征    蜱媒    
Analysis of reported cases of fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome and tick vectors surveillance results in Zhejiang province of China in 2021
ZHANG Qian-tong1 , SUN Ji-min2 , LING Feng2 , SHI Xu-guang2 , REN Jiang-ping2 , GUO Song2 , ZHANG Rong2 , LIU Ying2     
1 Zhoushan Emergency Command Center, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316021, China;
2 Department of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310051, China
Abstract: Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) and tick vectors in Zhejiang province of China in 2021. Methods The data on SFTS cases in Zhejiang province in 2021 were obtained from China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention, and descriptive epidemiological methods were used to describe the temporal, population, and regional distributions of SFTS cases. Tick surveillance sites were set up in 8 counties (cities/districts) of Zhejiang province from March to October 2021, and the drag-flag method was used to collect free-living ticks and the body surface examination method for on-host ticks. Excel 2013 and SPSS17.0 softwares were used to perform a statistical analysis of the data on SFTS cases and vector surveillance data, and ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to draw the map of SFTS incidence rate in districts and counties. Results A total of 85 SFTS cases were reported in Zhejiang province in 2021, with a reported incidence rate of 0.15/100 000 and a fatality rate of 8.24% (7/85). The cases were distributed in 23 counties (cities/districts) in 8 prefectures, and the top 3 prefectures in terms of the number of cases were Jinhua (27 cases), Taizhou (27 cases), and Ningbo (11 cases) cities. The cases mainly occurred in April to October, with a peak in May to July. There was no significant difference in incidence rate between the male patients and the female patients (χ2=1.347, P=0.246); as for the age of onset of SFTS, most cases were middle-aged and elderly patients, with a median age of 67 years; most of the patients were farmers, accounting for 80.00% (68/85). The patients with a clear history of tick bites within 2 weeks before SFTS onset accounted for 17.65% (15/85). A total of 590 free-living ticks were collected in the unpopulated rural area, and the mean density of free-living ticks was 18.44 ticks/flag·h. A total of 688 animals were monitored and 2 406 on-host ticks were collected, with a mean density of 3.50 ticks per host. Conclusion Sporadic cases of SFTS are mainly observed in Zhejiang province, with obvious regional and seasonal characteristics. The middle-aged and elderly people and farmers were the main affected populations. Free-living ticks and on-host ticks show a relatively high density as the vector for SFTS.
Key words: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome    Surveillance    Epidemiological characteristics    Tick vector    

发热伴血小板减少综合征(severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome,SFTS)是一种由发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒(Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus,SFTSV)感染引起,以发热伴血小板和白细胞减少为主要临床表现的新发蜱媒传染病[1-2]。2009年在中国大陆首次被发现以来,其发病范围逐步扩大。近年来,SFTS报告病例逐年上升,且病死率维持较高水平,严重威胁人民群众生命安全,成为重要的公共卫生问题[3-5]。本文旨在分析浙江省2021年通过疫情网络报告的SFTS病例的流行特征及蜱媒监测现状,为进一步开展SFTS防控工作提供基础数据。

1 材料与方法 1.1 资料来源


1.2 诊断标准


1.3 媒介蜱监测方法

游离蜱采用布旗法,用90 cm×60 cm的白色布旗,窄的一边两端用杆子固定,在监测生境中均匀地拖或挥旗,每步行10 m停下检视附着的蜱,将附着在布旗上和拖蜱者身上的蜱用镊子捡起装入管内,一般每一样地拖(挥)旗不能少于500 m,时间不能少于30 min,记录捕获蜱的数量,计算游离蜱密度。寄生蜱采用动物体表检蜱法,肉眼观察或用手触摸蜱,采集宿主体表上的所有蜱[7]

1.4 统计学分析

应用描述流行病学方法对浙江省2021年SFTS的流行特征进行分析。采用Excel 2013软件进行病例和媒介蜱监测数据整理、清洗,并建立数据库。使用ArcGIS 10.0软件绘制以区(县)为单位的SFTS发病率地图。应用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析,不同特征发病人群率的比较采用χ2检验,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 发病概况


2.2 病例地区分布

2021年浙江省除温州、嘉兴和衢州市外,全省11个地市中共计8个地市有SFTS病例报告,主要分布在金华(27例)、台州(27例)和宁波市(11例),占总报告病例数的76.47%(65/85)。病例分布在23个县(市、区),除桐庐、德清和缙云县为新增报告病例县外,其余20个县(市、区)既往均有病例报告。报告发病率居前3位的县(市)为天台县(3.94/10万)、岱山县(1.86/10万)和兰溪市(1.41/10万)。见图 1

图 1 2021年浙江省发热伴血小板减少综合征病例报告地区分布 Figure 1 Spatial distribution of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) cases in Zhejiang province in 2021
2.3 时间分布

除1月和12月外,其余月份均有SFTS病例报告,主要分布在4-10月,占总报告病例数的91.76%(78/85)。5-7月为发病高峰期,占总报告病例数的62.35%(53/85);11月至次年2月为相对静息期,发病数较少。见图 2

图 2 2021年浙江省发热伴血小板减少综合征病例发病时间分布 Figure 2 Temporal distribution of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) cases in Zhejiang province in 2021
2.4 病例人群特征


2.5 媒介监测结果

2021年3-10月全省8个县(市、区)的农村外环境和农村居民区同时开展游离蜱和寄生蜱监测,共计捕获游离蜱590只,平均蜱密度为18.44只/(布旗∙人工时),其中4和9月密度较高,分别为28.50和27.75只/(布旗·人工时)(图 3)。共计监测动物688只(头),捕获寄生蜱2 406只,平均寄生蜱密度为3.50只/宿主,其中羊(山羊)、牛和犬寄生蜱密度分别为3.05只/宿主(1 450/475)、8.04只/宿主(539/67)和2.67只/宿主(417/156)。

图 3 2021年浙江省发热伴血小板减少综合征监测点游离蜱密度月变化 Figure 3 Monthly change of free tick density at severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) surveillance sites in Zhejiang province in 2021
3 讨论


监测结果显示,SFTS发病具有一定的季节性,但主要分布在4-10月,5-7月达到发病高峰期;发病人群以50岁以上中老年农民为主,与黄晓霞等[9]报告的2018年全国SFTS流行特征相似,也与浙江省既往年份监测结果相似[10]。SFTS作为一种蜱传疾病,其发病时间与蜱的活跃期以及人群野外劳作(暴露)密切相关[9]。从传播媒介来看,蜱在浙江省各地区均有分布,本研究监测结果显示在SFTS的流行期(4-10月)自然环境游离蜱和寄生蜱密度均较高。从发病人群来看,中老年农民作为浙江省山区农村的主要劳动力,加之饲养家畜,增加了蜱暴露的概率和感染风险,提示在蜱活跃期,丘陵、山区、森林等地区从事生产生活或赴这些地区旅游、户外活动的人群要做好个人防护,避免蜱叮咬[9, 11-12]。监测结果显示病例发病前14 d内有明确蜱叮咬史的仅占17.65%,大部分病例叮咬史不详或无蜱叮咬,一方面可能为蜱叮咬时其唾液腺分泌的抗凝物质和局部麻醉剂使受害者不易察觉,致使对蜱叮咬情况进行调查时,部分调查对象提供“叮咬情况不详”或“否认蜱叮咬”的答案;另一方面该病是否存在除蜱叮咬传播和有限的人传人外的其他传播机制也有待进一步研究[7, 13]


志谢 感谢浙江省平阳、安吉、浦江、定海、岱山、椒江、临海和景宁等县(市、区)SFTS监测点同仁对监测工作的支持。

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