中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2022, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 414-417



陈永明, 康东梅, 兰晓宇, 闫东, 刘冠纯, 史献明, 杜国义, 周松, 杨顺林, 候芝林, 郑楠, 杨爱, 张晓磊, 张进一, 孙飞, 马勇, 郭超, 戴宏, 王晓燕
CHEN Yong-ming, KANG Dong-mei, LAN Xiao-yu, YAN Dong, LIU Guan-chun, SHI Xian-ming, DU Guo-yi, ZHOU Song, YANG Shun-lin, HOU Zhi-lin, ZHENG Nan, YANG Ai, ZHANG Xiao-lei, ZHANG Jin-yi, SUN Fei, MA Yong, GUO Chao, DAI Hong, WANG Xiao-yan
Investigation of parasitic fleas on wild rodents in Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, 2018-2021
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2022, 33(3): 414-417
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2022, 33(3): 414-417


收稿日期: 2021-11-20
陈永明1 , 康东梅1 , 兰晓宇1 , 闫东1 , 刘冠纯1 , 史献明1 , 杜国义1 , 周松1 , 杨顺林1 , 候芝林1 , 郑楠1 , 杨爱2 , 张晓磊2 , 张进一2 , 孙飞2 , 马勇3 , 郭超3 , 戴宏3 , 王晓燕4     
1 河北省鼠疫防治所, 河北 张家口 075000;
2 张家口市疾病预防控制中心, 河北 张家口 075000;
3 张家口市地方病防治所, 河北 张家口 075000;
4 崇礼区疾病预防控制中心, 河北 张家口 076350
摘要: 目的 了解第24届冬奥会张家口赛区2018-2021年野鼠寄生蚤种群数量和结构变化规律,为张家口赛区鼠类相关疾病的预测预警提供必要的依据。方法 在张家口市崇礼区采用夹夜法捕获野鼠,收取其体表寄生蚤进行分类鉴定;应用Excel 2010软件对野鼠及其寄生蚤调查数据进行总结和逐年逐月统计,采用弦图对野鼠及其寄生蚤相关关系进行分析,运用集中度法对蚤类季节分布特征进行分析。结果 2018-2021年在崇礼全区采用5 m夹线法共捕鼠302只,隶属于4科9属11种,除小家鼠未带蚤外,其他鼠种均带蚤;获蚤218匹,已确定蚤种隶属于4科8属13种,平均蚤指数为0.72;野鼠寄生蚤数量最高的是丛鬃双蚤指名亚种,与其关系最密切的是黑线仓鼠,另有长尾仓鼠、大仓鼠、黑线姬鼠等7种鼠检获该蚤;野鼠寄生蚤及雌雄蚤均具有很强的季节性(均M=0.72)。结论 张家口赛区野鼠寄生蚤的种群数量较高,结构丰富,季节性强,与黑线仓鼠关系密切,应在重点地区警惕其种群变化并密切关注相关鼠源性疾病的流行趋势及其传播带来的重要影响。
关键词: 第24届冬奥会    张家口赛区    寄生蚤    
Investigation of parasitic fleas on wild rodents in Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, 2018-2021
CHEN Yong-ming1 , KANG Dong-mei1 , LAN Xiao-yu1 , YAN Dong1 , LIU Guan-chun1 , SHI Xian-ming1 , DU Guo-yi1 , ZHOU Song1 , YANG Shun-lin1 , HOU Zhi-lin1 , ZHENG Nan1 , YANG Ai2 , ZHANG Xiao-lei2 , ZHANG Jin-yi2 , SUN Fei2 , MA Yong3 , GUO Chao3 , DAI Hong3 , WANG Xiao-yan4     
1 Anti-plague Institute of Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
2 Zhangjiakou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
3 Zhangjiakou Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China;
4 Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 076350, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the changes in the number and composition of parasitic flea populations on wild rodents in the Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games from 2018 to 2021, and to provide a basis for prediction and warning of rodent-borne diseases in the in Chongli district, Zhangjiakou competition zone. Methods Wild rodents were caught by the night traping method in Chongli district, Zhangjiakou city. Parasitic fleas on the rodents were collected and identified. Excel 2010 software was used to summarize the data and perform year-by-year and month-by-month analyses. A chordal graph was used to present the relationship between wild rodents and parasitic fleas. The seasonal distribution of fleas was analyzed by the concentration degree method. Results From 2018 to 2021, a total of 302 rodents were caught in Chongli district, belonging to 11 species of 9 genera under 4 families. All rodent species but Mus musculus carried fleas. A total of 218 fleas were collected, belonging to 13 species of 8 genera under 4 families. The average flea index was 0.72. The most dominant flea species was Amphipsylla vinogradovi, which had the closest relationship with Cricetulus barabensis and was also found on other seven rodent species including C. longicaudatus, Tscherskia triton, and Apodemus agrarius. Strong seasonality (all M=0.72) was observed in total, male, and female parasitic fleas on wild rodents. Conclusion Parasitic fleas on wild rodents in Zhangjiakou competition zone have large quantities, diverse species, and strong seasonality, with a close relationship with C. barabensis. Their population density and structure changes should be a warning in key areas. Attention should be paid to the trend and complications of rodent-borne disease epidemics.
Key words: The 24th Olympic Winter Games    Zhangjiakou competition zone    Parasitic flea    


1 材料与方法 1.1 调查方法

2018年9月-2021年7月,采用5 m夹线法在崇礼区进行野鼠的调查取样,现场所获鼠类分别装入鼠袋,带回实验室用乙醚麻醉后收集寄生蚤并置于15 ml离心管中,然后在低倍镜下进行不透明标本分类鉴定、登记和计数。

1.2 数据分析

应用Excel 2010软件对野鼠寄生蚤调查数据进行归纳和逐年逐月统计并绘制图表,运用集中度法对野鼠寄生蚤季节分布特征进行分析,应用弦图表示鼠类与寄生蚤间的关系。

集中度(M[1-2]说明传染病的群体现象在1年中的集中程度。M值为1时,表示最大极限,说明1年内的疾病总数集中在1个月内;M值为0时,表示最小极限,说明1年内的疾病总数均匀分布在12个月内;M≥0.9时,说明疾病有严格的季节性;0.7≤M < 0.9,说明疾病有很强的季节性;0.5≤M < 0.7,说明疾病有较强的季节性;0.3≤M < 0.5,说明疾病有一定的季节性;M < 0.3,说明疾病的时间分布比较均匀。



2 结果 2.1 野鼠寄生蚤调查结果

2018-2021年在崇礼全区采用5 m夹线法共捕鼠302只,隶属于4科9属11种,获蚤218匹,确定蚤种202匹,隶属于4科8属13种,未确定蚤种16匹,平均蚤指数为0.72,雌雄性别比例为2.82∶1,其中除小家鼠(Mus musculus)未带蚤外,其他鼠种均带蚤。优势蚤种为丛鬃双蚤指名亚种(Amphipsylla vinog radovi),获蚤76匹(34.86%),其次是二齿新蚤(Neopsylla bidentatiformis)为53匹(24.31%),窄板额蚤华北亚种(Frontopsylla nakagawai nakagawai)为26匹(11.93%)。带蚤的优势鼠种是黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)为92只(30.46%),其次是长尾仓鼠(Cricetulus longicaudatus)为53只(17.55%),再次是中华姬鼠(A. draco)为39只和大林姬鼠(A. peninsulae)36只,分别占12.91%和11.92%。见表 1

表 1 第24届冬奥会张家口赛区2018-2021年野鼠与其寄生蚤的组成 Table 1 Wild rodent and parasitic flea compositions in Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, 2018-2021
2.2 野鼠与寄生蚤相关关系研究

2019-2021年蚤数量最高的蚤种是丛鬃双蚤指名亚种,与其相关关系最密切的是黑线仓鼠,另有长尾仓鼠、大仓鼠(C. triton)、黑线姬鼠等7种野鼠检获该蚤;二齿新蚤,与其关系密切的鼠是长尾仓鼠,其次是黑线仓鼠,另有黑线姬鼠、花鼠(Siberian chipmunk)等6种野鼠检获该蚤;窄板额蚤华北亚种与长尾仓鼠关系密切。鼠类与寄生蚤间关系见图 1

注:连接圆上任意两点的线段为弦,弦代表两者之间的关联关系,弦的宽度越宽代表两者间的相互关系越紧密。 图 1 第24届冬奥会张家口赛区2018-2021年野鼠与其寄生蚤关联关系图 Figure 1 Relationship graph of wild rodents and parasitic fleas in Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, 2018-2021
2.3 野鼠与寄生蚤的季节变化规律

2018-2021年张家口赛区野鼠总蚤数与雌、雄寄生蚤数量季节性变化趋势基本一致,均具有很强的季节性(图 2),M值均为0.72。野鼠寄生蚤优势蚤种丛鬃双蚤指名亚种具有很强的季节性(M=0.75),数量最高的是7-8月,其次是4月;常见蚤种二齿新蚤(M=0.85)有很强的季节性,以7-8月数量最高,其次是5月;窄板额蚤华北亚种(M=0.78)也有很强的季节性,最高的是5月,其次是8月;6月雌雄比例最高但数量最低。

图 2 第24届冬奥会张家口赛区2018-2021年野鼠寄生蚤季节变化规律 Figure 2 Seasonal variations of parasitic fleas on wild rodents in Zhangjiakou competition zone of the 24th Olympic Winter Games, 2018-2021
3 讨论

崇礼区位于张家口北部,北倚内蒙古高原,距离张家口市50 km,距离北京市220 km。属于中温带半干旱大陆季风气候,境内80%为山地,海拔从814 m延伸至2 174 m,年平均降水量为477 mm,降雨主要集中在6-9月,年平均气温3.9 ℃。闫东等[3]在当地调查发现黑线姬鼠是本地区的优势鼠种,其次是黑线仓鼠。本调查证实该区域的优势蚤种是丛鬃双蚤指名亚种,与黑线仓鼠关系密切,其次是黑线姬鼠,排第2位的二齿新蚤与二者的关系亦极其密切。



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