中国媒介生物学及控制杂志  2022, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 405-408



代培芳, 田晓东, 赵俊英, 董海原, 程璟侠
DAI Pei-fang, TIAN Xiao-dong, ZHAO Jun-ying, DONG Hai-yuan, CHENG Jing-xia
Epidemiological characteristics of visceral leishmaniasis in Shanxi province, China, 2020
中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2022, 33(3): 405-408
Chin J Vector Biol & Control, 2022, 33(3): 405-408


收稿日期: 2021-11-26
代培芳 , 田晓东 , 赵俊英 , 董海原 , 程璟侠     
山西省疾病预防控制中心病媒生物防控科, 山西 太原 030012
摘要: 目的 分析2020年山西省黑热病流行特征,为有效防控黑热病提供参考依据。方法 收集整理国家传染病报告信息系统中2020年山西省黑热病报告病例信息,采用Excel 2010软件对数据整理和作图,SPSS 18.0软件对不同地区报告病例数的年龄组间差异进行单因素方差分析。结果 2020年山西省6市18个县(区)共报告黑热病87例,较2019年增加85.11%,年发病率为0.23/10万;病例主要分布在阳泉(68例)、长治(7例)和临汾(6例)3个市;年发病率 > 1/10万的有平定县、阳泉市郊区、阳泉市城区、阳泉市矿区、襄垣县和大宁县,6县(区)病例数占总报告病例数的80.46%。除12月外,其他月份均有病例报告,报告病例发病高峰分别为5和7月。报告病例中男性57例,女性30例;5岁以下年龄组发病数占报告总病例数的25.29%,≥60岁年龄组占32.18%,40~59岁发病人群占26.44%;农民为主要发病人群,占报告总病例数的43.68%,散居儿童占26.44%,家务及待业人员占12.64%。结论 2020年山西省黑热病流行强度增加,流行范围扩大,疫情形势严峻,社会各方需加强防控意识和防控力度。
关键词: 黑热病    流行特征    山西省    
Epidemiological characteristics of visceral leishmaniasis in Shanxi province, China, 2020
DAI Pei-fang , TIAN Xiao-dong , ZHAO Jun-ying , DONG Hai-yuan , CHENG Jing-xia     
Vector Control Section, Shanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030012, China
Abstract: Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Shanxi province, China in 2020, and to provide a reference for the effective prevention and control of VL. Methods The data of VL cases reported in Shanxi province in 2020 were collected from the National Disease Reporting Information System and were collated. Excel 2010 software was used to process and plot the data, and SPSS 18.0 software was used to perform one-way analysis of variance for comparison of the number of reported cases between different age groups in different regions. Results In 2020, a total of 87 VL cases were reported in 18 counties of 6 prefectures in Shanxi province, which increased by 85.11% compared with the year 2019, with an annual incidence rate of 0.23/100 000. The cases were mainly distributed in Yangquan (68 cases), Changzhi (7 cases), and Linfen (6 cases). The counties/districts with an annual incidence rate of > 1/100 000 included Pingding county, suburban, urban, and mining districts of Yangquan, Xiangyuan county, and Daning county, and 80.46% of the total reported cases happened in these counties/districts. The peaks of reported cases were in May and July, respectively, and no cases were reported in December. Among the reported cases, 57 were males and 30 were females; 25.29% of them were aged < 5 years, 32.18% aged 60 and older, and 26.44% aged 40-59; farmers (43.68%) were the main susceptible population, followed by scattered children (26.44%) and unemployed persons (12.64%). Conclusion In 2020, the prevalence of VL increased and the epidemic area became wider in Shanxi province. It is a serious situation and awareness, prevention, and control should be strengthened.
Key words: Visceral leishmaniasis    Epidemiological characteristic    Shanxi province    

黑热病是由趋内脏的利什曼原虫寄生于人体的淋巴-巨噬细胞系统所引起的一种地方性传染病[1-2],以白蛉为传播媒介[3-4],在世界范围内广泛流行。新中国成立初期,黑热病在我国长江以北的山东、河南等16个省流行,经大规模防治,20世纪60年代已基本消除该病[5-6]。但在新疆、甘肃、四川、陕西、山西和内蒙古等6省(自治区)局部地区仍持续有病例报告[5, 7]。我国黑热病大体分为人源型、犬源型和野生动物源型3种类型,山西省属于犬源型黑热病流行区。2017年以来,山西省黑热病报告病例数逐年攀升,2019-2020年报告病例数位居全国第一,黑热病疫情防控形势严峻紧迫。本文对2020年山西省的黑热病流行特征进行分析,旨在为全省的黑热病防控提供参考依据。

1 材料与方法 1.1 数据来源


1.2 统计学分析

采用Excel 2010软件进行数据整理和作图,SPSS 18.0软件对不同地区报告病例数的年龄组间差异进行单因素方差分析,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 流行概况


2.2 时间分布

除12月外,其他月份均有病例报告;1-7月报告病例数逐渐增多,5、7月为高峰期,7个月共计报告病例65例,占全年报告病例的74.71%;8-11月共计报告病例22例,占全年报告病例的25.29%。见图 1

图 1 2020年山西省黑热病报告病例时间分布 Figure 1 Temporal distribution of visceral leishmaniasis cases reported in Shanxi province, 2020
2.3 地区分布


2020年全省黑热病有18个发病县(区),发病率 > 1/10万的县(区)有平定县(8.95/10万)、阳泉市郊区(6.49/10万)、阳泉市城区(3.50/10万)、阳泉市矿区(3.16/10万)、大宁县(1.49/10万)和襄垣县(1.43/10万)6个县(区),占报告病例数的80.46%。见表 1

表 1 2020年山西省黑热病报告病例地区分布 Table 1 Regional distribution of visceral leishmaniasis cases reported in Shanxi province, 2020
2.4 人群分布

2020年全省黑热病报告病例男性57例,女性30例,男女性别比例为1.90∶1。各年龄组均有病例报告,发病年龄最小为7月龄,最大为78岁。5岁以下年龄组发病数占25.29%(22/87),≥60岁年龄组占32.18%(28/87),40~59岁发病人群占26.44%(23/87),其他年龄组共占16.09%(14/87)(图 2)。农民为主要发病人群,占总病例数的43.68%(38/87),其次为散居儿童,占26.44%(23/87),家务及待业人员占12.64%(11/87),工人、离退等5类人群共占17.24%(15/87)。

以阳泉市平定县(31例)、阳泉市郊区(19例)、阳泉市其他县(区)(18例)、山西省其他县(区)(19例)分析发病年龄组间差异,经单因素方差分析,不同地区报告病例在年龄组间差异有统计学意义(F=15.559,P < 0.001)。

图 2 2020年山西省黑热病报告病例年龄、性别分布 Figure 2 Age and sex distribution of visceral leishmaniasis cases reported in Shanxi province, 2020
3 讨论



黑热病报告病例一般男性多于女性,在犬源型黑热病流行区更为明显,全国犬源型黑热病病例男女性别比为1∶0.5~1∶0.6[8, 10-12, 17],甘肃、陕西、四川省报告的病例数男性多于女性,2010-2019年山西省累计报告病例男女性别比为2.33∶1[9],2020年仍是男性远高于女性,结合发病年龄分析,男女病例数的差别主要在45~60岁,这可能与成年男性较多参与野外工作或活动有密切关系。

2005-2019年我国犬源型黑热病流行区主要发病人群是10岁以下儿童,农民和学龄前儿童是高发病人群[8, 10-12];甘肃[13]、四川[14-15]、陕西省[16]等犬源型黑热病流行区发病人群以学生、儿童及农民为主。山西省2010-2019年发病人群以散居儿童和农民为主[9],分别占41.13%和28.37%,2020年山西省发病人群以农民和散居儿童为主,年龄主要集中在 < 5岁、≥60岁和40~59岁人群,发病人群年龄与职业分布和陕西省及近年全国犬源型黑热病流行区情况相似。


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