中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (2): 170-175  DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.02.011


李朝晖, 张远浩, 谈嘉桦, 徐志远, 王珺, 王洁琼, 游晨文, 刘彬, 邱丽丽, 邓君. 南平市口腔医疗照射频率调查分析[J]. 中国辐射卫生, 2024, 33(2): 170-175. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.02.011.
LI Chaohui, ZHANG Yuanhao, TAN Jiahua, XU Zhiyuan, WANG Jun, WANG Jieqiong, YOU Chenwen, LIU Bin, QIU Lili, DENG Jun. Analysis of the frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in Nanping, China[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiological Health, 2024, 33(2): 170-175. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.02.011.






李朝晖 1, 张远浩 1, 谈嘉桦 1, 徐志远 1, 王珺 1, 王洁琼 1, 游晨文 1, 刘彬 1, 邱丽丽 1, 邓君 2     
1. 南平市疾病预防控制中心, 福建 南平 353000;
2. 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所, 北京 100088
摘要目的 掌握南平市口腔医疗照射频率水平及其分布,为南平市口腔医疗照射的合理应用及资源的有效配置提供依据。方法 设计调查表对南平市所有口腔放射诊疗单位开展口腔医疗照射频次调查。结果 2021年南平市口腔放射诊疗机构54家,口腔放射设备79台,口腔医疗照射总频次:61593人次,照射频率:19.54人次/千人口;各级医疗单位年均频次:721.87 ~ 3713.25人次/单位;2021年12月男女的口腔医疗照射频次构成比:50.5%和49.5%;不同设备照射频次比例:口内牙片:38.7%,口腔全景:46.5%,口腔CT:10.3%,头颅摄影:4.5%。患者照射频次占比:0 ~ 15岁:17.1%,15 ~ 40岁:48.2%,40岁以上:34.7%;2015—2021年的口腔医疗照射频次每2年增长率为77.43%、35.18%、8.16%。结论 南平市口腔医疗照射频率水平处于Ⅱ类保健水平;口腔医疗照射分布极不均衡,与经济发展水平相关;民营医疗机构快速成长,二级以上公立医疗机构占据主要的医疗资源;口腔全景占比最高,头颅摄影最少,口腔CT增长最快;口腔医疗照射以青、中年为主,与性别无关;除口内牙片外,总体呈增长趋势。
关键词口腔诊疗    医疗照射    频率    调查    
Analysis of the frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in Nanping, China
LI Chaohui 1, ZHANG Yuanhao 1, TAN Jiahua 1, XU Zhiyuan 1, WANG Jun 1, WANG Jieqiong 1, YOU Chenwen 1, LIU Bin 1, QIU Lili 1, DENG Jun 2     
1. Nanping Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanping 353000 China;
2. National Institute for Radiological Protection, China CDC, Beijing 100088 China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in Nanping, China and its distribution, and to provide a basis for the rational application of therapy-oriented oral radiation and the effective allocation of resources in Nanping. Methods A questionnaire was designed to investigate the frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in all oral radiation diagnosis and treatment institutions in Nanping. Results In 2021, there were 54 oral radiation diagnosis and treatment institutions and 79 oral radiation machines in Nanping. The total frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation was 61593 visits and the radiation frequency was 19.54 visits per thousand patients. The average annual frequency of medical institutions at all levels was 721.87 to 3713.25 visits per institution; the male-to-female composition ratio of frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in December 2021 was 50.5%:49.5%. The proportion of radiation frequency of different devices was as follows: 38.7% (intraoral dental film), 46.5% (oral panorama), 10.3% (oral computed tomography [CT]), and 4.5% (cranial photography). The proportion of radiation frequency in patients of different ages was as follows: 17.1% (0−15 years), 48.2% (15−40 years), and 34.7% (over 40 years). The frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation grew by 77.43%, 35.18%, and 8.16% every two years from 2015 to 2021, respectively. Conclusion The frequency level of therapy-oriented oral radiation in Nanping is at the level of Class II health care. The distribution of therapy-oriented oral radiation is highly unbalanced and is related to the level of economic development. Private healthcare institutions are growing rapidly, and public healthcare institutions of grade two and above occupy the main healthcare resources. The oral panorama accounts for the most, cranial photography accounts for the least, and oral CT is the fastest-growing portion. Therapy-oriented oral radiation is predominantly performed in the young and middle-aged populations, regardless of sex. Except for intraoral dental films, the general trend is upward.
Key words: Oral diagnosis and treatment    Medical radiation    Frequency    Survey    


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究方法 1.2.1 调查方法


1.2.2 调查内容


1.3 质量控制


1.4 统计学方法

Microsoft EXCEL 2007电子表格建立数据库,应用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计分析,组间比较采用χ²检验。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结 果 2.1 研究结果 2.1.1 调查对象基本情况


2.1.2 医疗照射频率的地区分布


表 1 2021年南平各县市口腔医疗照射频次构成及频率 Table 1 Frequency composition and frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation in each county and city of Nanping, 2021
2.1.3 口腔医疗照射医院等级分布


表 2 2021年各等级口腔医疗卫生机构照射频次构成及年均频次 Table 2 Frequency composition and average annual frequency of radiation in oral healthcare institutions at all levels, 2021
2.1.4 口腔医疗照射不同诊疗项目分布


表 3 2021年不同口腔设备类型医疗照射频次构成 Table 3 Frequency composition of medical radiation by dental equipment type, 2021
2.1.5 2021年12月南平市医疗照射的年龄、性别的分布

2021年12月份的口腔医疗照射总频次男女构成比分别为50.5%与49.5%,其比值为 1∶0.98;0~15岁的患者占17.1%,15~40岁的患者占48.2%,40岁以上的患者占34.7%。详见表4

表 4 2021年12月南平市口腔医疗照射频次性别年龄构成 Table 4 Frequency composition of therapy-oriented oral radiation by sex and age in Nanping, December 2021
2.1.6 2015—2021年南平市口腔医疗照射频次增长比较

2015—2021年口腔医疗照射总频次两年增长率分别为77.43%、35.18%和8.16%,除口内牙片呈下降趋势外其他类型口腔照射均表现为环比增长,总体而言呈逐年增长的趋势(χ² = 8232.97,P < 0.05)。具体结果见表5图1

表 5 2015—2021年间各摄影类型口腔医疗照射频次及增长率 Table 5 Frequency and growth rate of therapy-oriented oral radiation by photographic type, 2015—2021

图 1 2015—2021年间各摄影类型口腔医疗照射频次变化趋势图 Figure 1 Changes in the trend of frequency of therapy-oriented oral radiation by photographic type, 2015-2021
3 讨 论







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