中国辐射卫生  2022, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 424-427, 447  DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.04.007


王嘉莹, 马奎, 李玉文, 陈飞, 佟林全, 张震. 我国部分地区煤矿原煤中天然放射性水平调查分析[J]. 中国辐射卫生, 2022, 31(4): 424-427, 447. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.04.007.
WANG Jiaying, MA Kui, LI Yuwen, CHEN Fei, TONG Linquan, ZHANG Zhen. Natural radioactive level in raw coal of coal mines in some regions of China[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiological Health, 2022, 31(4): 424-427, 447. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.04.007.




王嘉莹 , 马奎 , 李玉文 , 陈飞 , 佟林全 , 张震     
国家卫生健康委职业安全卫生研究中心,国家卫生健康委粉尘危害工程防护重点实验室,北京 102308
摘要目的 了解我国部分地区煤矿原煤中天然放射性核素40K、226Ra、232Th和238U的活度浓度,探讨不同活度浓度的矿石与工作场所氡及其子体浓度的关联性。方法 采集5省12家煤矿的原煤样品,使用高纯锗γ能谱测量系统测量其中的40K、226Ra、232Th和238U活度浓度。结果 12家煤矿原煤样品中4种天然放射性核素活度浓度均低于1000 Bq/kg,其中有1家煤矿238U活度浓度接近100 Bq/kg;不同煤矿40K、226Ra、232Th和238U的含量差别很大,但对同一煤矿226Ra、232Th和238U含量基本在相同水平上。结论 12家煤矿均不属于伴生放射性矿,有1家煤矿接近限制使用管理类矿山标准限值,建议开展原矿、中间产品、尾矿(渣)或者其他残留物中226Ra的含量与氡及其子体浓度的关联性研究,并对226Ra、232Th和238U 3种天然放射性核素活度浓度较高的煤矿加强其衰变链中氡及其子体监测与防护。
关键词原煤    活度浓度    伴生放射性矿    氡及其子体    
Natural radioactive level in raw coal of coal mines in some regions of China
WANG Jiaying , MA Kui , LI Yuwen , CHEN Fei , TONG Linquan , ZHANG Zhen     
National Center for Occupational Safety and Health, Nation Health Comission of the People's Republic of China; Key Laboratory of Dust Hazard Engineering Protection, Nation Health Comission of the People's Republic of China, Beijing 102308 China
Abstract: Objective To understand the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U in raw coal of coal mines in some regions of China, and to explore the correlation between ore with different activity concentrations and the concentration of radon and its progeny in the workplace. Methods Raw coal samples were collected in twelve coal mines in five provinces, and the activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U were measured by a high-purity germanium γ-ray spectrometric system. Results The activity concentrations of four natural radionuclides in the raw coal samples of twelve coal mines were all lower than 1000 Bq/kg, and the activity concentration of 238U in one coal mine was close to 100 Bq/kg. The content of 40K, 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U in different coal mines varied greatly, but 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U were basically at the same level in the same coal mine. Conclusion None of the 12 coal mines belong to radio active mines. One of the coal mines investigated has the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U close to the standard limit for restricted-use management mines. It is suggested to study the correlation between the content of 226Ra in raw ore, intermediate products, tailings(slag), or other residues and the concentration of radon and its progeny in mines. Monitoring and protection of radon and its progeny in the decay chain should be strengthened for coal mines with high activity concentrations of natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th, and 238U.
Key words: Raw coal    Activity concentration    Radioactive mines    Radon and its progeny    


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 仪器与材料

测量仪器为CANBERRA公司生产的GR5021型高纯锗γ能谱测量系统,其相对探测效率大于50%,对Co-60 1 332.5 keV γ射线的能量分辨力为1.74 keV,选取探测器能量响应范围为30~2 000 keV。能量刻度时所发射的γ射线尽量均匀分布在30~2 000 keV能区,选择7个能量点进行刻度;效率刻度时能量分布在30~2 000 keV能区内,选择10个能量的γ射线进行刻度[15-16]。采用直径75 mm、高70 mm的样品盒装样。

1.3 测量方法


$ {Q_j} = \frac{{{A_{ji}} - {A_{jib}}}}{{{P_{ji}}{\eta _i}W{D_j}}} $ (1)



$ {A_D} = \frac{{4.66}}{{{P_{ji}}{\eta _i}W}}\sqrt {{A_{jib}}} $ (2)


1.4 质量控制


2 结 果 2.1 原煤放射性核素活度浓度测定结果

12家煤矿所采集的原煤样品中40K、226Ra、232Th和238U活度浓度检测结果见表1,表中“<”后值为该核素检测的最小探测下限。天然放射性核素40K的测值范围为7.62~360 Bq/kg,平均值为140 Bq/kg;226Ra检测结果最大值(51.0 ± 6.4)Bq/kg,232Th检测结果最大值(46.5 ± 6.0)Bq/kg,238U检测结果最大值(83.8 ± 17.6)Bq/kg。12家煤矿原煤样品4种天然放射性核素中,单个核素含量均低于1 000 Bq/kg,其中10#煤矿238U活度浓度接近100 Bq/kg,226Ra、232Th活度浓度也高于其他煤矿,这可能是由该煤矿形成时的地质背景、煤层形成期等[17]因素引起,根据文献[11-12, 18-20]调查,我国部分地区甚至出现伴生放射性煤矿。

表 1 原煤样品天然放射性核素活度浓度检测结果 Table 1 Activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in raw coal samples
2.2 原煤放射性核素活度浓度分布规律


图 1 煤矿天然放射性核素活度浓度分布图 Figure 1 Distribution diagram of activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in coal mines
3 讨 论


根据新疆《煤炭资源开采天然放射性核素限量》(DB65/T 3471—2013)标准规定:226Ra、232Th、238U单个天然放射性核素的附加比活度超过0.1 Bq/g[21]的矿山属于限制使用管理类,即各级生态环境部门对其进行放射性监督管理,本文调查的煤矿中有1家煤矿接近了该限值。

226Ra、232Th和238U 3种天然放射性核素含量较高时,尤其是226Ra含量较高,煤矿应加强其衰变链中氡及其子体的放射性监测。目前我国关于工作场所中氡及其子体浓度与矿石中226Ra含量关联性研究报道较少,建议从天然放射性核素226Ra活度浓度大于0.1 Bq/g矿山研究做起,开展原矿、中间产品、尾矿(渣)或者其他残留物中226Ra的含量与氡及其子体浓度的关联性研究,目的是评估矿石中226Ra含量与矿山工作场所中氡及其子体所致内照射剂量关系,为226Ra不同含量矿山的放射管理提供基础数据支持。

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