中国辐射卫生  2022, Vol. 31 Issue (3): 358-361  DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.03.019


任彦红, 方德根, 李春雷. X线钼靶与超声诊断乳腺疑似病变价值比较[J]. 中国辐射卫生, 2022, 31(3): 358-361. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.03.019.
REN Yanhong, FANG Degen, LI Chunlei. Comparison of X-ray mammography and ultrasound in the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiological Health, 2022, 31(3): 358-361. DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2022.03.019.


任彦红 , 方德根 , 李春雷     
宣城市人民医院心胸甲乳外科,安徽 宣城 242000
摘要目的 评价并比较X线钼靶和乳腺超声用于乳腺疑似病变的诊断效能。方法 以经X线钼靶或乳腺超声诊断的80例女性疑似乳腺病变患者作为研究对象,以组织病理学检测结果作为金标准,计算并比较X线钼靶和乳腺超声检测乳腺病变的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值(PPV)、阴性预测值(NPV)及准确度。结果 80例疑似女性乳腺病变患者中,经组织病理学检查确诊乳腺癌57例、乳腺良性病变23例。X线钼靶诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度、特异度、NPV、PPV和准确度分别为63.16%、73.91%、44.74%、85.71%和66.25%,乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度、特异度、NPV、PPV和准确度分别为78.95%、21.74%、29.41%、71.43%和62.50%。X线钼靶和乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度(χ2 = 3.45,P > 0.05)、NPV( χ2 = 1.15,P > 0.05)、PPV( χ2 = 2.92,P > 0.05)、准确度( χ2 = 0.25,P > 0.05)差异均无统计学意义,但两者检测特异度差异有统计学意义(χ 2 = 12.55,P < 0.01)。结论 X线钼靶和乳腺超声用于疑似女性乳腺病变诊断准确度类似,但X线钼靶诊断疑似女性乳腺病变特异度明显高于乳腺超声。
关键词X线钼靶    乳腺病变    乳腺超声    诊断效能    
Comparison of X-ray mammography and ultrasound in the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions
REN Yanhong , FANG Degen , LI Chunlei     
Department of Cardiothoracic, Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Xuancheng People’s Hospital, Xuancheng 242000 China
Abstract: Objective To evaluate and compare the diagnostic efficiency of X-ray mammography and breast ultrasound for suspected breast lesions. Methods A total of 80 female patients with suspected breast lesions diagnosed by X-ray mammography or breast ultrasound were selected as the study subjects. The histopathological testresults served as the gold standard, and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of X-ray mammography and breast ultrasound for the diagnosis of breast lesions were estimated and compared. Results Among the 80 female patients with suspected breast lesions, 57 patients were histopathologically diagnosed with breast cancer and 23 patients with benign breast lesions. The sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV, and accuracy of X-ray mammography for the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions in women were 63.16%, 73.91%, 44.74%, 85.71%, and 66.25%, respectively, and those of breast ultrasound were 78.95%, 21.74%, 29.41%, 71.43%, and 62.50%, respectively. There were no significant differences between X-ray mammography and breast ultrasound for the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions in women in terms of sensitivity (χ2 = 3.45, P > 0.05), NPV ( χ2 = 1.15, P > 0.05), PPV ( χ2 = 2.92, P > 0.05), and accuracy ( χ2 = 0.25, P > 0.05). However, specificity showed a significant difference between X-ray mammography and breast ultrasound ( χ2 = 12.55, P < 0.01). Conclusion A comparable accuracy of X-ray mammography and breast ultrasound is found for the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions in women. However, X-ray mammography presents a significantly higher specificity than breast ultrasound for the diagnosis of suspected breast lesions in women.
Key words: X-ray mammography    Breast lesion    Breast ultrasound    Diagnostic efficiency    

乳腺癌是由于乳腺组织导管或小叶中上皮细胞异常增殖导致的一种恶性肿瘤[1]。国际癌症研究署(International Agency for Research on Cancer,IARC)数据显示,2020年乳腺癌已成为全球发病率最高的恶性肿瘤,全年确诊230万新发乳腺癌病例,68.5万人死于乳腺癌[2]。既往研究证实遗传、环境、激素、个人等因素均与乳腺癌发病有关,但其确切发病机制至今仍不清楚[3]。乳腺癌患者预后取决于肿瘤分期[3],早期患者5年生存率可达到99%,而晚期转移患者5年生存率仅10%[4]


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法


1.3 质量控制


图 1 右侧头尾位乳腺X线钼靶检查 Figure 1 X-ray mammography of the right breast in a craniocaudal view

图 2 左侧头尾位乳腺X线钼靶检查 Figure 2 X-ray mammography of the left breast in a craniocaudal view

图 3 右侧内外斜位乳腺X线钼靶检查 Figure 3 X-ray mammography of the right breast in a mediolateral oblique view

图 4 左侧内外斜位乳腺X线钼靶检查 Figure 4 X-ray mammography of the left breast in a mediolateral oblique view
1.4 统计学分析

全部数据均采用Microsoft Excel 2010软件建立数据库,应用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。采用χ2检验比较X线钼靶和乳腺超声诊断灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值及准确度。检验水准α = 0.05。

2 结 果 2.1 病例特征

80例经X线钼靶或乳腺超声诊断为疑似女性乳腺病变患者中,经组织病理学检查确诊乳腺癌57例、乳腺良性病变23例。57例乳腺癌患者中,年龄35~77岁,平均(53.5 ± 10.1)岁;乳腺肿块大小在0.5~3.9 cm,平均(1.6 ± 0.7)cm。

2.2 X线钼靶诊断


表 1 X线钼靶诊断疑似女性乳腺病变效果 Table 1 Diagnostic efficiency of X-ray mammography for suspected breast lesions in women
2.3 乳腺超声诊断


表 2 乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变效果 Table 2 Diagnostic efficiency of breast ultrasound for suspected breast lesions in women
2.4 X线钼靶和乳腺超声诊断效果比较

X线钼靶和乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度(χ2 = 3.45,P > 0.05)、NPV( χ2 = 1.15,P > 0.05)、PPV( χ2 = 2.92,P > 0.05)、准确度( χ2 = 0.25,P > 0.05)差异均无统计学意义,但两者检测特异度差异有统计学意义( χ2 = 12.55,P < 0.01)。

3 讨 论

X线钼靶是目前用于乳腺癌早期筛查的最常用、最可靠手段[1],可有效降低乳腺癌死亡率[7]。为综合分析X线钼靶筛查对乳腺癌发病率和死亡率的影响,研究人员在PubMed数据库和世界卫生组织国际临床试验注册平台上检索截至2012年11月22日有关X线钼靶筛查乳腺癌的文献进行荟萃分析,在纳入的60万例39~74岁女性中,X线钼靶筛查可降低15%乳腺癌死亡率[8]。代丽萍等[9]采用乳腺钼靶X线摄影对1 034例健康体检妇女检测发现,乳腺钼靶X线摄影可发现早期乳腺癌变,减少早期乳腺癌误诊、漏诊。康敏等[10]系统分析了8718例接受常规体检的成都市社区女性乳腺X线钼靶检查资料,发现X线钼靶诊断乳腺癌的灵敏度为0.889、特异度为0.991。亦有报道,X线钼靶筛查与女性乳腺癌死亡率下降无相关性[11-12]。此外,乳腺X线钼靶筛查女性乳腺癌还存在假阳性率过高、过度诊断和过度治疗率增加等问题[13]

鉴于超声对致密乳腺组织的良好鉴别效果,而X线钼靶对致密乳腺组织检出敏感度较低,因此超声作为一种辅助筛查手段在乳腺癌筛查中得到了广泛应用[14]。2012—2016年对来自全国16个省的40~69岁72 250名高危乳腺癌女性采用超声筛查乳腺癌,其筛查准确度为55%[15]。梅银雨等[16]报道,超声筛查80例乳腺实质性肿块患者诊断符合率为85.37%。对2000年1月—2018年12月PubMed和Scopus数据库中发表的有关超声检查乳腺癌效果文献进行荟萃分析发现,超声诊断乳腺癌灵敏度、特异度分别为80.1%(95%置信区间:72.2%~86.3%)、88.4%(95%置信区间:79.8%~93.6%),在中低收入国家的诊断灵敏度、特异度分别为89.2%和99.1%[17]

为比较X线钼靶和超声诊断女性乳腺病变的效果,本研究对80例疑似女性乳腺病变患者进行X线钼靶和超声检查,并以组织病理学检查结果为金标准。结果发现,X线钼靶诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度、特异度、NPV、PPV和准确度分别为63.16%、73.91%、44.74%、85.71%和66.25%,乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度、特异度、NPV、PPV和准确度分别为78.95%、21.74%、29.41%、71.43%和62.50%;X线钼靶和乳腺超声诊断疑似女性乳腺病变灵敏度、NPV、PPV、准确度差异均无统计学意义(P均 > 0.05),但两者检测特异度差异有统计学意义( P < 0.01),本研究结果与既往研究结果不完全一致 [18-19],可能与研究对象、检测人员等有关。


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