Development and characterization of 43 microsatellite markers for the critically endangered primrose Primula reinii using MiSeq sequencing
Masaya Yamamotoa , Yoshihiro Handab , Hiroki Aiharab , Hiroaki Setoguchia     
a. Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Yoshida Nihonmatsu, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan;
b. FASMAC Co., Ltd., 5-1-3 Midorigaoka, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0041, Japan
Abstract: Primula reinii (Primulaceae), a perennial herb belonging to the Primula section Reinii, occurs on wet, shaded rocky cliffs in the mountains of Japan. This threatened species comprises four varieties; these plants are very localized and rare in the wild. In this study, 43 microsatellite markers were developed using MiSeq sequencing to facilitate conservation genetics of these critically endangered primroses. We developed novel microsatellite markers for three varieties of P. reinii, and tested its polymorphism and genetic diversity using natural populations. These novel markers displayed relatively high polymorphism; the number of alleles and expected heterozygosities ranged from 2 to 6 (mean=3.2) and 0.13 to 0.82 (mean=0.45), respectively. All loci were in HardyeWeinberg equilibrium. These microsatellite markers will be powerful tools to assess P. reinii genetic diversity and develop effective conservation and management strategies.
Key words: Microsatellites     Polymorphism     MiSeq     Critically endangered plant     Primula reinii    
1. Introduction

Primula reinii Franch. et Sav., a perennial herb belonging to the Primula section Reinii, occurs on wet shaded rocky cliffs in the mountains of Japan (Richards, 2003). The species comprises four narrow endemic varieties (Fig. 1, Yamazaki, 1993): P. reinii var. reinii, P. reinii var. myogiensis Hara, P. reinii var. kitadakensis (Hara) Ohwi, and P. reinii var. rhodotricha (Nakai et Maek.) Yamaz. In addition, P. reinii var. okamotoi (Koidz.) Murata., which is found on the Kii Peninsula, is a synonym of var. reinii (Fig. 1). However, molecular phylogenic analyses using both chloroplast and nuclear DNA have shown distinct sequence divergence between vars. reinii and okamotoi (Yamamoto et al., 2017b).

Fig. 1 Presumed range of Primula sect. Reinii species. Black arrows indicate the populations sampled.

P. reinii is the most attractive representative in sect. Reinii because these primrose plants have a small number of relatively large flowers just above their very dwarf emerging foliage (Richards, 2003). Furthermore, these plants, which are threatened species, are very localized and rare in the wild. Based on their rarity, and reductions in the numbers of individuals and populations, due to anthropogenic activities, all four varieties of P. reinii are listed on the latest Japanese Red List (Ministry of the Environment, 2017), and are assigned to the 'Critically Endangered' (vars. rhodotricha and myogiensis) or 'Vulnerable' (vars. reinii and kitadakensis) categories. Despite the need for conservation, little is known of the life history, reproductive system, or vegetative characteristics of these plants.

Recent ecological and genetic studies have examined P. reinii var. rhodotricha, a typical species in sect. Reinii that faces a risk of extinction (Yamamoto et al., 2013, 2017a). Yamamoto et al. (2017a) reported molecular evidence of population depletion of the critically endangered primrose using 11 microsatellite markers that were originally developed for Primula sieboldii E. Morren. Furthermore, they also revealed a relationship between genetic diversity and the population sizes of Reinii species, and suggested that a purge of recessive detrimental genes to increase homozygosity could prevent additional genetic degradation in their wild habitat (Yamamoto et al., 2017a). However, only six microsatellite loci were used in that study to assess the genetic diversity of these species. Therefore, additional highly polymorphic molecular markers are required to investigate genetic status more reliably and to conduct effective conservation activities for P. reinii. Even in var. rhodotricha, additional microsatellite markers are needed to measure the degree of inbreeding and inbreeding depression (e.g., pedigree analysis) to improve their low fertility (approximately 5% in fruition, Yamamoto et al., 2017a). In this study, we isolated and characterized 43 genomic microsatellite markers for P. reinii, which will be powerful tools aiding assessment of their genetic diversity.

2. Materials and methods

To develop useful microsatellite markers for P. reinii, which comprises several narrow endemic taxa, genomic DNA from three varieties (vars. reinii, okamotoi, and rhodotricha) was extracted from leaf tissues collected from each population (Fig. 1) using a modified CTAB protocol (Doyle, 1990). Each genomic DNA sample was used for library preparation with the KAPA HyperPlus Kit (Kapa Biosystems, Wilmington, MA, USA). Sequencing analyses was performed on the MiSeq Benchtop Sequencer (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) using a 2 × 250-bp read length for each DNA sample. Raw reads of each sample were quality trimmed (Q > 20) using Sickle ( High-quality reads from the three samples, vars. reinii, okamotoi, and rhodotricha, were assembled, using Velvet (Zerbino and Birney, 2008), into 246, 887, 313, 719, and 285, 839 contigs, respectively. Potential microsatellite regions with at least five repeats were detected in each assembled draft genome sequence using QDD ver. 2.1 (Meglécz et al., 2010). QDD was the most versatile software for estimating microsatellites based on next generation sequencing datasets in our pipeline. In total, 505, 732, and 562 microsatellite markers were predicted for each taxon, of which 73, 70, and 65 markers were selected as candidate microsatellite markers for vars. reinii, okamotoi, and rhodotricha, respectively. Primers were designed automatically using the Primer3 algorithm (Rozen and Skaletsky, 2000) implemented in QDD. Due possibly to low coverage (attributed to the large genome size of these plants), as well as lineage divergence among taxa (Yamamoto et al., 2017b), common microsatellite regions were not found in this study.

To assess amplification and polymorphism at all 208 candidate microsatellite loci, additional leaf tissues from 32 individuals were collected from a natural population for each taxon. PCR amplifications were conducted in 10-μL reaction mixtures containing 1.0 μL of DNA solution (0.1 ng/μL), 0.20 μL of each primer (10 μmol/L), 2.0 μL of 5 × PCR buffer, 0.80 μL of dNTP mixture (each 2.5 mM), 0.20 μL of PrimeSTAR GXL polymerase (0.25 U; Takara Bio, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan), and 5.6 μL distilled water. Each forward primer was labeled using FAM, VIC, NED, and/or PET. Amplifications consisted of an initial denaturation at 98 ℃ for 5 min, 39 amplification cycles using a touchdown protocol of 98 ℃ for 30 s, annealing for 30 s, 68 ℃ for 40 s, and a final extension at 68 ℃ for 2 min. The annealing temperatures were 63, 62, and 61 ℃ for 9 cycles and 59, 58, and 53 ℃ for 30 cycles. Fragment analysis was performed using the 3730xl DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). For each locus, the number of alleles (NA), expected heterozygosity (HE), inbreeding coefficient (FIS), and deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were calculated using Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer, 2010).

3. Results and discussion

Of 208 candidate microsatellite markers, 98 (47%), 71 (34%), and 39 (19%) were di-, tri-, and tetranucleotides, respectively. The most common di-and trinucleotide repeats were (AG)n(25%) and (TTA)n (13%), respectively. No common motif was found among the tetranucleotide repeats. The motifs (AG)n, (CT)n, (TC)n, and (AT)n accounted for 35% of the 208 candidate microsatellite markers.

Of the 208 candidate primer pairs tested, a total of 43 loci were amplified, displayed a clear polymorphism, and were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (p > 0.05). All sequences were deposited in GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL (Table 1). The 19 loci developed for P. reinii var. reiniidisplayed relatively high polymorphism; the average values for NA, HE, and FIS were 4.16, 0.56, and 0.05, respectively. Meanwhile, the 10 loci for var. rhodotricha showed relatively low polymorphism, with values of 2.60, 0.39, and 0.08 for NA, HE, and FIS, respectively. Similarly, the 14 loci for var. okamotoi showed low polymorphism, with average values for NA, HE, and FIS of 2.14, 0.35, and 0.03, respectively.

Table 1 Primer specifications for the 43 polymorphic microsatellite markers developed for P. reinii in this study.
Locus Primer sequence (5′→3′) Repeat motif Size range NA HE FIS Accession no.
For Primula reinii var. reinii
Pre_2 F: TGGCAAATGGGAGCTTAGCA (TA)9 228–236 5 0.756 0.198 LC217340
Pre_5 F: ACACTGCTTTCTGCTAGCTCT (CT)12 146–158 4 0.604 0.068 LC217341
Pre_7 F: TGACATTTGCATAATTGTTAATTTGGA (TC)11 144–160 5 0.699 0.240 LC217342
Pre_9 F: GGCAACCAAACAAACTCCTATAGT (GA)11 202–212 3 0.693 −0.173 LC217343
Pre_10 F: CAGTTGAGAAGATCGATCAGACT (AG)11 149–165 5 0.696 −0.033 LC217344
Pre_18 F: TTGGACTTTGCGCTCATAAGC (TC)10 200–210 6 0.825 0.129 LC217345
Pre_28 F: AGCCTTGCAGGAAGATCAAGAA (AG)9 253–263 4 0.398 −0.020 LC217346
Pre_31 F: ACGGCATGAATTTGAAGAATTGGA (GA)9 277–290 3 0.305 0.179 LC217347
Pre_33 F: TGAGGGACGCCATTGCTTAT (AG)9 170–188 4 0.756 −0.033 LC217348
Pre_36 F: CTAGCGAGCGAACACAATGC (CA)9 142–152 5 0.815 −0.008 LC217349
Pre_38 F: AGGCTTTCAACTGAACATAACGG (AG)9 218–226 6 0.540 −0.041 LC217350
Pre_40 F: AGTACCTGTAGTGGAGAGGG (AG)9 202–212 5 0.687 −0.047 LC217351
Pre_43 F: GGCATTACCTTAAAGTAAGAGGGT (GA)9 304–308 3 0.392 0.433 LC217352
Pre_47 F: AAGCCATCGATGAAGCTGCT (ATT)8 284–290 3 0.371 −0.262 LC217353
Pre_51 F: CCCTGTAATCTACCTCCACGG (TAT)7 152–158 3 0.595 −0.154 LC217354
Pre_52 F: TTGCAGGGCAAGTGAACTCA (CAG)7 242–272 5 0.567 −0.047 LC217355
Pre_57 F: TGGCTGTTTGTGGAATTAGCT (TCT)7 143–152 4 0.409 0.211 LC217356
Pre_61 F: TGACTGGATGGGAGGACGAT (TTC)6 266–278 4 0.489 0.148 LC217357
Pre_73 F: ACGGATCTTTGTGAGGAAGGAG (TATG)5 140–148 2 0.125 −0.034 LC217358
For P. reinii var. okamotoi
Pok_6 F: TGGTTCACAATTCACAACCCA (AG)11 160–162 2 0.474 0.116 LC217359
Pok_8 F: AAGGCAGTTGAGTCCCTTTCT (CT)11 308–312 2 0.495 0.088 LC217360
Pok_11 F: TGAAGGATAAGTTAGTAATTTGTGCCA (CT)11 192–210 2 0.354 0.123 LC217361
Pok_15 F: ATTTCTATGTTCTTATGCATGAACTCT (TA)10 206–212 2 0.497 −0.368 LC217362
Pok_24 F: ACACCATCATTCGGTTTAGTACCT (GA)10 151–157 2 0.382 −0.122 LC217363
Pok_25 F: GGTGTTCCATGAGACCAGAACA (GA)10 155–161 3 0.325 0.181 LC217364
Pok_27 F: ATCCGTCTCGCATCGTCTTC (CT)10 156–160 2 0.542 0.135 LC217365
Pok_31 F: ACCAATTGCAGCCCAATCAAC (AGT)9 164–176 2 0.155 −0.073 LC217366
Pok_32 F: CGAAACAATATTACCCGACCGG (CCA)8 159–162 2 0.222 −0.125 LC217367
Pok_39 F: CATCAAGATGCCACCAAGGG (GAA)7 283–286 2 0.235 0.432 LC217368
Pok_40 F: GCAAGCAATGAGACGAGTAACT (TCA)7 277–286 3 0.194 0.288 LC217369
Pok_45 F: GGAAACACCCAAGGCTTTCA (TTA)6 167–171 2 0.487 0.079 LC217370
Pok_58 F: GCCTTGTGAAACGCCGTTAA (ATAC)5 162–170 2 0.131 −0.056 LC217371
Pok_60 F: TGCCAGGTGTATTATCCGACG (TTTA)5 189–201 2 0.354 −0.267 LC217372
For P. reinii var. rhodotricha
Prh_1 F: AAACGTAGGCAGGAGCAACA (AT)12 254–256 4 0.514 0.089 LC217373
Prh_5 F: GCCGAAAGTGACAAATGAAAGC (AG)11 137–163 3 0.575 0.076 LC217374
Prh_6 F: ACGCAACGGCAAACTTCTTT (CT)11 165–167 2 0.146 −0.068 LC217375
Prh_17 F: GAGGGTGTATCTGAAGATTACTCT (CT)10 212–218 2 0.418 −0.078 LC217376
Prh_22 F: AGGCGGGTGTGATAAACCG (AG)10 254–256 2 0.253 −0.151 LC217377
Prh_30 F: GAGCCAGGTCATCAACACCC (CCA)7 220–229 2 0.275 0.296 LC217378
Prh_35 F: TGGTCTGAGGATCAACTGCG (GAT)6 158–167 3 0.468 −0.002 LC217379
Prh_46 F: GGCCGATCCACATATTCATCA (GAA)6 253–259 2 0.490 0.107 LC217380
Prh_60 F: CGTTGATCTACTGTTTCGGCAG (TGTA)5 130–154 3 0.352 0.337 LC217381
Prh_64 F: TGGGTGAAGAATTGGAGAAACT (TTTG)5 261–270 3 0.454 0.243 LC217382
NA, number of alleles; HE, expected heterozygosity; FIS, inbreeding coefficient.

The genetic status of var. rhodotricha determined using our newly developed microsatellite markers was nearly identical to that determined using previously established markers (Yamamoto et al., 2017a), whereas our results for var. reinii and okamotoi indicated a relatively lower genetic diversity than that in a previous study using only six loci (estimated HE of 0.620 and 0.412 for vars. reinii and okamotoi, respectively) (Yamamoto et al., 2017a). Therefore, our results imply that the genetic diversities of vars. reinii and okamotoi were overestimated in the previous study, possibly due to an insufficient number of loci.

In this study, we isolated 1799 microsatellite loci from P. reinii and its relatives. A total of 208 primer pairs were used for wild populations of these critically endangered plants, and 43 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of critically endangered primroses and develop effective conservation and management strategies.


This research was financially and technically supported by FASMAC Co., Ltd. (Kanagawa, Japan) and The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (#4-1403).

We are grateful to Chichibu Taiheiyo Cement Co. and Ryoko Lime Industry Co., Ltd. for their help with sample collection.

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