《空气动力学学报》 2018年总目次

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童秉纲, 余永亮
寇家庆, 张伟伟
谌君谋, 陈 星, 毕志献, 马汉东
王江峰, 王旭东, 李佳伟, 杨天鹏, 李龙飞, 程克明
孟宣市, 宋 科, 龙玥霄, 李华星
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陈 杰, 赵 磊
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郭洪涛, 陈德华, 张昌荣, 吕彬彬, 王晓冰
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陈 浩, 李林颖, 张 斌, 刘 洪
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 22)
李斌斌, 姚 勇, 顾蕴松, 程克明
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李 多, 曹军义, 张征宇, 黄叙辉
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马鸿儒, 穆志韬, 李洪伟, 孙文胜
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 35)
宋文斌, 李 响, 王晓鹏, 左英桃
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 41)
贾亚雷, 韩中合, 安 鹏, 李恒凡, 董 帅
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 47)
文 琪, 谷正气, 黄泰明, 陈 阵, 唐江明
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 52)
屈 程, 王江峰
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 57)
王 娜, 叶 靓, 戚姝妮
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-294)
陈 海, 钱炜祺, 何 磊
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-300)
侯志泉, 杨明智, 梁习锋, 温殿忠
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王晓栋, 卢德勇
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-315)
杜 涛, 陈闽慷, 李凰立, 苏 虹
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聂春生, 黄建栋, 徐晓亮, 曹占伟
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-327)
郝 璇, 苏 诚, 刘 芳, 周家检
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-334)
李鹏飞, 冷智辉, 魏 闯, 任园军, 梁 斌
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张显雄, 张志田, 张伟峰, 陈政清
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-350)
戎 瑞, 刘顺超, 王松岭, 吴正人, 崔 可
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侯英昱, 付志超, 朱 剑, 刘子强, 吕计男
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张宇飞, 陈海昕, 方晓明
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吴 杰
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-493)
赵 林, 王志男, 梁誉文, 葛耀君
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-505)
余永刚, 周 铸, 黄江涛, 牟 斌, 黄 勇, 王运涛
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陈 政, 倪招勇, 王军旗
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叶 坤, 叶正寅, 武 洁, 屈 展
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陈 皓, 陆志良, 郭同庆
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党亚斌, 刘凯礼, 孙一峰, 杨小权
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赵荣娟, 吕治国, 黄 军, 刘施然
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陈广强, 刘吴月, 豆修鑫, 周伟江, 杨云军, 豆国辉
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韩 鹏, 刘晓晨, 胡赞远, 闫中午
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罗 颖, 黄国庆, 李明水, 彭留留
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叶 靓, 张 颖, 杨 硕, 董 军
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马小乐, 曹 伟
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张文英, 常士楠, 蒋 斌, 雷梦龙
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王俊伟, 夏智勋, 罗振兵, 邓 雄, 杨升科
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石 磊, 杨云军, 周伟江
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杜 骞, 赵伟伟, 刘 宇, 蔡玉飞, 朱春玲
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刘 君, 董海波, 张文昊
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刘庆宗, 董维中, 丁明松, 江 涛, 高铁锁
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干雨新, 赵 宁
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付军泉, 史志伟, 陈 坤, 朱佳晨, 陈 杰, 董益章
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姚军锴, 何承军, 周丹杰, 何海波, 史志伟, 杜 海
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王旭东, 高 峰, 朱柏银, 张 涵
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张伟峰, 张志田, 张显雄
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朱 鹏, 柯世堂
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叶学民, 张建坤, 李春曦
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于哲峰, 孙良奎, 马 平, 梁世昌, 张志成, 黄 洁
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薛榕融, 叶正寅, 王 刚, 武 洁
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回庆龙, 曹博超
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-749)
郝 颜, 江 雄, 邱 名, 王子维
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陈 琦, 谢昱飞, 袁先旭, 陈坚强
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林 鹏, 刘冬雪
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-774)
王开春, 马洪林, 赵 凡, 官 睿
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卢吉承, 宋文滨, 郑彭军
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楼文娟, 梁洪超, 李正昊, 章李刚, 卞 荣
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肖春华, 梁 鉴, 林 伟, 王 茂, 刘 蓓
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陈 亮, 刘荣忠, 郭 锐, 陈福红, 侯俊亮, 杨永亮, 邢柏阳, 高 科
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刘 君, 韩 芳, 夏 冰
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刘 磊, 杨肖锋, 肖光明, 魏 东, 唐 伟
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张彦军, 段卓毅, 魏剑龙, 雷武涛, 赵 轲
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-941)
薛帮猛, 张文升, 张志雄
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-949)
徐 倩, 蔡萌琦, 周林抒, 严 波, 王清远
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雷桂林, 郑 梅, 董 威, 郭之强
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-966)
吴玖荣, 钟文坤, 徐 安
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樊孝峰, 王江峰, 赵法明, 杨天鹏
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吴江浩, 周 超
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 80)
肖天航, 罗东明, 郑祥明, 昂海松, 吉爱红
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅰ- 88)
薛 栋, 宋笔锋, 宋文萍, 杨文青
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乔渭阳, 仝 帆, 陈伟杰, 王勋年, 陈正武
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孙 茂
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常兴华, 马 戎, 张来平
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汪 睿, 李 典, 刘小民
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戴龙珍, 张 星
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苑宗敬, 韩佳坤, 陈 刚
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周 恒
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杨武兵, 沈 清, 朱德华, 禹 旻, 刘智勇
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-196)
刘向宏, 赖光伟, 吴 杰
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宋文萍, 吴猛猛, 朱 震, 吴 涛, 聂 晗, 范天伦, 韩忠华
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余 明, 黄伟希, 许春晓
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-238)
欧吉辉, 万兵兵, 刘建新, 曹 伟
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-247)
万兵兵, 罗纪生
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-254)
向星皓, 张毅锋, 陈坚强, 袁先旭, 何 琨
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-265)
李晓虎, 张绍龙, 刘建新, 黄章峰, 罗纪生 , 张永明
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-273)
涂国华, 陈坚强, 袁先旭, 杨 强, 张毅锋
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-279)
黄章峰, 肖凌晨, 罗纪生
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅱ-286)
袁先旭, 何 琨, 陈坚强, 张毅锋, 王安龄, 国义军
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-363)
钟思阳, 黄 迅
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孙振旭, 姚永芳, 杨 焱, 杨国伟, 郭迪龙
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-398)
李晓东, 徐希海, 高军辉, 何敬玉
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倪同兵, 招启军, 马 砾
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-432)
杨党国, 刘 俊, 王显圣, 施 傲, 周方奇, 郑晓东
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-440)
刘秋洪, 覃梦阳, 毛义军, 李 波
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-449)
张树海, 李 虎, 王益民
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅲ-463)
朱文庆, 肖志祥, 符 松
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-816)
方 方, 田 园, 赵 攀, 李志辉
李志辉, 梁 杰, 李中华, 李海燕, 吴俊林, 戴金雯, 唐志共
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-848)
梁 杰, 李志辉, 李 齐, 杜波强
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-856)
方 明, 杜波强, 李中华, 李丹杨
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-863)
刘中玉, 李 齐, 魏昊功, 耿云飞
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-871)
王贵东, 李 齐, 王 超
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-878)
粟斯尧, 石义雷, 柳 森, 彭治雨, 黎作武
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-885)
李诗一, 张 潮, 谭 爽, 李启兵, 符 松
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅴ-891)
党雷宁, 白智勇, 柳 森
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-984)
叶正寅, 孟宪宗, 刘 成, 叶柳青
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-995)
杨希明, 刘 南, 郭承鹏, 张 颖, 孙 健, 张 戈, 于贤鹏, 于金革, 侯良学
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1009)
杨 超, 杨 澜, 谢长川
王运涛, 孟德虹, 孙 岩, 洪俊武
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1027)
刘 成, 叶正寅
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1034)
吕 振, 刘芙群, 张伟伟, 李新涛, 第五强强
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1041)
邓旭东, 胡和平
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1047)
吕计男, 郭 力, 范学领, 陈 刚, 刘子强
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1052)
王林鹏, 戴玉婷, 唐长红
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ⅵ-1061)
张 章, 吴 杰, 侯安平, 王立武, 竺梅芳


Editor-in-Chief Recommend
Applied theory building is still required in fluid mechanics research
TONG Binggang, YU Yongliang
Dynamic mode decomposition and its applications in fluid dynamics
KOU Jiaqing, ZHANG Weiwei
Review on experimental technology of high enthalpy shock tunnel
SHEN Junmou, CHEN Xing, BI Zhixian, MA Handong
Overview on aerodynamic design of cruising waverider configuration for hypersonic vehicles
WANG Jiangfeng, WANG Xudong, LI Jiawei, YANG Tianpeng, LI Longfei, CHENG Keming
Airflow control by NS-SDBD plasma actuators
MENG Xuanshi, SONG Ke, LONG Yuexiao, LI Huaxing
Research Articles
A criterion for the existence of local rarefaction effect in a hypersonic flow field and the corresponding flow characteristics
Numerical applications on transonic static areoelasticity based on CFD/CSD method
GUO Hongtao, CHEN Dehua, ZHANG Changrong, LYU Binbin, WANG Xiaobing
Assessment of Q-K model for nitrogen and oxygen dissociation-recombination
CHEN Hao, LI Linyin, ZHANG Bin, LIU Hong
PIV experiments on vector deflection control of lowspeed synthetic jet
LI Binbin, YAO Yong, GU Yunsong, CHENG Keming
Applications of modern design of experiment method in transonic wind tunnel
LI Duo, CAO Junyi, ZHANG Zhengyu, HUANG Xuhui
Revised calculation method for helicopter vortex-ring state boundary based on flight attitude
MA Hongru, MU Zhitao, LI Hongwei, SUN Wensheng
Trajectory optimization for airborne missile separation based on parametric aerodynamic model
SONG Wenbin, LI Xiang, WANG Xiaopeng, ZUO Yingtao
Influence of gap size of trailing-edge-flap on aerodynamic performance of wind turbine airfoil
JIA Yalei, HAN Zhonghe, AN Peng, LI Hengfan, DONG Shuai
A new drag reduction method based on trailing vortex control by exhaust emissions
WEN Qi, GU Zhengqi, HUANG Taiming, CHEN Zhen, TANG Jiangming
High efficient processing method for DSMC calculation in chains of collision pair selection and time integration
QU Cheng, WANG Jiangfeng
Numerical study for tilt rotor in hover with detached eddy simulations
WANG Na, YE Liang, QI Shuni
Aerodynamic coefficient prediction of airfoils based on deep learning
CHEN Hai, QIAN Weiqi, HE Lei
Numerical analysis and design optimization of diagonal flow fan for locomotives
HOU Zhiquan , YANG Mingzhi, LIANG Xifeng, WEN Dianzhong
Numerical study of test medium effects based on HyShot scramjet
WANG Xiaodong, LU Deyong
Research on adaptive preconditioning method for variable complexity model
DU Tao, CHEN Mingkang, LI Huangli, SU Hong
Ground simulation method of full catalytic stagnation point aeroheating for hypersonic flow field
NIE Chunsheng, HUANG Jiandong, XU Xiaoliang, CAO Zhanwei
Optimization design research on low sonic boom configuration for supersonic transport
HAO Xuan, SU Cheng, LIU Fang, ZHOU Jiajian
Numerical analysis of transition effect on a supercritical wing
LI Pengfei, LENG Zhihui, WEI Chuang, REN Yuanjun, LIANG Bin
Comparison of five eddy viscosity turbulence models in numerical simulation of flow over a two-dimensional square cylinder
ZHANG Xianxiong, ZHANG Zhitian, ZHANG Weifeng, CHEN Zhengqing
Study on effects of riblet structure on airfoil boundary layer separation characteristics by LES
RONG Rui, LIU Shunchao, WANG Songling, WU Zhengren, CUI Ke
Research on contactless loading method for aerodynamic force test
HOU Yingyu, FU Zhichao, ZHU Jian, LIU Ziqiang, LYU Ji′nan
Thrust-drag bookkeeping method of turbo-fan engine and its application
ZHANG Yufei, CHEN Haixin, FANG Xiaoming
Extention of hypersonic Ludwieg tube to supersonic wind tunnel
WU Jie
Structural optimization considering various wind load distribution patterns of large cooling towers
ZHAO Lin, WANG Zhinan, LIANG Yuwei, GE Yaojun
Aerodynamic design of a standard model CHN-T1 for single-aisle passenger aircraft
YU Yonggang, ZHOU Zhu, HUANG Jiangtao, MOU Bin, HUANG Yong, WANG Yuntao
Numerical investigation of laminar separation induced by a control surface of HTV-2 like configuration
CHEN Zheng, NI Zhaoyong, WANG Junqi
Stability of stalled flow field at high angle of attack based on DMD method
YE Kun, YE Zhengyin, WU Jie, QU Zhan
Strategies for tiltrotor aircraft download reduction in hover using passive flow control
CHEN Hao, LU Zhiliang, GUO Tongqing
Implicit high order discontinuous Galerkin method for compressible laminar and turbulent flow simulation
DANG Yabin, LIU Kaili, SUN Yifeng, YANG Xiaoquan
Design of skin friction balance based on piezoelectric ceramics
ZHAO Rongjuan, LYU Zhiguo, HUANG Jun, LIU Shiran
Flush air data sensing system real-time solving design and verification for supersonic vehicle
CHEN Guangqiang, LIU Wuyue, DOU Xiuxin, ZHOU Weijiang, YANG Yunjun, LUO Xiaoyun, DOU Guohui
Grid-vector method for computation of aerodynamic loads on airplane components
HAN Peng, LIU Xiaochen, HU Zanyuan, YAN Zhongwu
Non-Gaussian characteristics of wind pressure for gable roof of low-rise buildings based on wind tunnel data
LUO Ying, HUANG Guoqing, LI Mingshui, PENG Liuliu
Improvement on parallel embedded grid assembly methods for rotor flow fields simulation
YE Liang, ZHANG Ying, YANG Shuo, DONG Jun
Discontinuous Galerkin method with quadrature-free formulation
MA Xiaole, CAO Wei
Numerical simulation of large droplets in bag breakup regime based on VOF method
ZHANG Wenying, CHANG Shinan, JIANG Bin, LEI Menglong
Numerical study on starting characteristics of hypersonic inlet with synthetic jet
WANG Junwei, XIA Zhixun, LUO Zhenbing, DENG Xiong, YANG Shengke
An assessment of rotation and curvature correction for turbulence models for spinning projectile
SHI Lei, YANG Yunjun, ZHOU Weijiang
Investigation on medium volume diameter in a small icing wind tunnel
DU Qian, ZHAO Weiwei, LIU Yu, CAI Yufei, ZHU Chunling
Precision analysis and improvement of chemical non-equilibrium uncoupled method
LIU Jun, DONG Haibo, ZHANG Wenhao
Numerical simulation of aerothermal environments and aerodynamic characteristics for Mars entry capsules
LIU Qingzong, DONG Weizhong, DING Mingsong, JIANG Tao, GAO Tiesuo
Study of precondition method in hybrid Cartesian grid and its applications
GAN Yuxin, ZHAO Ning
Applications of real-time recurrent neural network based on extended Kalman filter in unsteady aerodynamics modeling
FU Junquan, SHI Zhiwei, CHEN Kun, ZHU Jiachen, CHEN Jie, DONG Yizhang
Experimental investigation of lift enhancement on flying wing aircraft using plasma actuator
YAO Junkai, HE Chengjun, ZHOU Danjie, HE Haibo, SHI Zhiwei, DU Hai
Investigation on the influence of injection angle in supersonic flow with hybrid flow control
WANG Xudong, GAO Feng, ZHU Boyin, ZHANG Han
Numerical investigation on the wind-field-dependence property of bridge section aerodynamic admittances
ZHANG Weifeng, ZHANG Zhitian, ZHANG Xianxiong
Wind-induced interference effects of two large cooling towers with air-deflectors
ZHU Peng, KE Shitang
Numerical investigation of blade tip shape on aerodynamic performance of a two-stage variable-pitch axial fan
YE Xuemin, ZHANG Jiankun, LI Chunxi
Discussion about the concept of aero-electromagnetics and introduction of typical research progress
YU Zhefeng, SUN Liangkui, MA Ping, LIANG Shichang, ZHANG Zhicheng, HUANG Jie
Flow mechanism of forward-swept wing with spanwise momentum method
XUE Rongrong, YE Zhengyin, WANG Gang, WU Jie
Efficient aeroelastic coupling computation based on proper orthogonal decomposition technique
HUI Qinglong, CAO Bochao
Numerical study on unsteady stator-rotor interaction in supersonic compressor
HAO Yan, JIANG Xiong, QIU Ming, WANG Ziwei
Numerical simulation on impact process of helmet in ejection test
CHEN Qi, XIE Yufei, YUAN Xianxu, CHEN Jianqiang
Reduction of aerodynamic drag on intercity railway through car bottom structure optimization
LIN Peng, LIU Dongxue
Numerical simulation for effects of submarine fairwater shape on flow-induced noise
WANG Kaichun, MA Honglin, ZHAO Fan, GUAN Rui
A visualization method for high-dimensional aerodynamic optimization
LU Jicheng, SONG Wenbin, ZHENG Pengjun
Vertical wind velocity distribution in typical hilly terrain
LOU Wenjuan, LIANG Hongchao, LI Zhenghao, ZHANG Ligang, BIAN Rong
Preliminary study on ice adhesion stress and strength on solid wall in icing wind tunnel
XIAO Chunhua, LIANG Jian, LIN Wei, WANG Mao, LIU Bei
Influence of rolling and coning motion on dynamic derivatives predictions for projectile
CHEN Liang, LIU Rongzhong, GUO Rui, CHEN Fuhong, HOU Junliang, YANG Yongliang, XING Boyang, GAO Ke
Mechanism and algorithm for geometric conservation law in finite difference method
LIU Jun, HAN Fang, XIA Bing
Weight and size estimation method of two-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles
LIU Lei, YANG Xiaofeng, XIAO Guangming, WEI Dong, TANG Wei
Research of Reynolds number correction for supercritical wing based on wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations
ZHANG Yanjun, DUAN Zhuoyi, WEI Jianlong, LEI Wutao, ZHAO Ke
Multi-objective wing optimization of civil aircrafts in engine-aircraft integration configuration
XUE Bangmeng, ZHANG Wensheng, ZHANG Zhixiong
Effects of turbulence on galloping iced 8-bundled conductor
XU Qian, CAI Mengqi, ZHOU Linshu, YAN Bo, WANG Qingyuan
Numerical investigation of ice density effects on airfoil de-icing process
LEI Guilin, ZHENG Mei, DONG Wei, GUO Zhiqiang
Wind-induced vibration response analysis of high-rise lattice structure by considering modification effect for three-dimensional spatial and nonlinear vibration mode shape
WU Jiurong, ZHONG Wenkun, XU An
Applications of reduced reaction mechanism for numerical calculations in supersonic combustion of kerosene fuel
FAN Xiaofeng, WANG Jiangfeng, ZHAO Faming, YANG Tianpeng
Column——Bionic Aerodynamica
Review on aerodynamics of bionic micro air vehicle in hovering flight
WU Jianghao, ZHOU Chao
Progress and challenges in unsteady aerodynamic optimization design of bionic flapping-wings
XIAO Tianhang, LUO Dongming, ZHENG Xiangming, ANG Haisong, JI Aihong
Advances in coupling aeroelasticity and flight dynamics of bird inspired FMAV
XUE Dong, SONG Bifeng, SONG Wenping, YANG Wenqing
Review on aerodynamic noise reduction with bionic configuration
QIAO Weiyang, TONG Fan, CHEN Weijie, WANG Xunnian, CHEN Zhengwu
Aerodynamics of animal flight
Progress in aerodynamics of bat flight
YU Yongliang
Numerical study on the folding mechanism of seagull’s flapping wing
CHANG Xinghua, MA Rong, ZHANG Laiping
Numerical study on flow control mechanism of non-smooth surface structures of bird wings
WANG Rui, LI Dian, LIU Xiaomin
Self-propulsion of a flapping foil powered by intermettent pitching motion
DAI Longzhen, ZHANG Xing
Investigation on the influence of aspect ratio on the thrust performance of bionic motion wing under low Reynolds number
YUAN Zongjing, HAN Jiakun, CHEN Gang
Column——Flow Stability and Transition
Preface of flow stability and transition column
Tendency and current status of hypersonic boundary layer transition
YANG Wubing, SHEN Qing, ZHU Dehua, YU Min, LIU Zhiyong
Boundary-layer transition experiments in hypersonic flow
LIU Xianghong, LAI Guangwei, WU Jie
Transition prediction methods towards significant drag reduction via laminar flow technology
SONG Wenping, WU Mengmeng, ZHU Zhen, WU Tao, NIE Han, FAN Tianlun, HAN Zhonghua
Modal analysis of late transition in supersonic/hypersonic boundary layer
YU Ming, HUANG Weixi, XU Chunxiao
Basic flow characteristics in entropy layer of hypersonic flow around blunt body
OU Jihui, WAN Bingbing, LIU Jianxin, CAO Wei
Entropy-layer instability over a blunt plate in supersonic flow
WAN Bingbing, LUO Jisheng
Progress in transition models for cross-flow instabilities
XIANG Xinghao, ZHANG Yifeng, CHEN Jianqiang, YUAN Xianxu, HE Kun
Bi-Global instability of streamwise vortices near minor-axis of hypersonic elliptic cone
LI Xiaohu, ZHANG Shaolong, LIU Jiangxin, HUANG Zhangfeng, LUO Jisheng , ZHANG Yongming
Optimal porosity and pore radius of porous surfaces for damping the second-mode instability
TU Guohua, CHEN Jianqiang, YUAN Xianxu, YANG Qiang, ZHANG Yifeng
Transition prediction eN method and its software development for supersonic boundary layers
HUANG Zhangfeng, XIAO Lingchen, LUO Jisheng
Preliminary transition research analysis of MF-1
YUAN Xianxu, HE Kun, CHEN Jianqiang, ZHANG Yifeng, WANG Anling, GUO Yijun
A review of aeroacoustics and flow-induced noise for beginners
Review of the mechanism and noise control of high-lift device noise
LI Weipeng
Overview of the research progress on aerodynamic noise of high speed trains in China
SUN Zhenxu, YAO Yongfang, YANG Yan, YANG Guowei, GUO Dilong
Progress and prospect on jet noise study
LI Xiaodong, XU Xihai, GAO Junhui, HE Jingyu
Tentative explanation of the mechanism of noise reduction for jet engine with chevron at the trailing edge of the nacelle
SU Caihong
Parameter influence analyses of IBC active control on rotor BVI noise based upon an integrated CFD/CSD/FW-Hpds method
NI Tongbing, ZHAO Qijun, MA Li
Analysis of design method and aeroacoustics characteristics inside typical cavity
YANG Dangguo, LIU Jun, WANG Xiansheng, SHI Ao, ZHOU Fangqi, ZHENG Xiaodong
A review on the propagation of non-compact aerodynamic sound
LIU Qiuhong, QIN Mengyang, MAO Yijun, LI Bo
Numerical study for complex multi-scale flow with shock, vortex and sound wave
ZHANG Shuhai, LI Hu, WANG Yimin
Effects of flight velocity on jet noise predicted by IDDES method
ZHU Wenqing, XIAO Zhixiang, FU Song
Column——Reentry Aerodynamics Around Spaceship Covering Various Flow Regimes
Aerodynamic shape designs and requirement analysis of re-entry spacecraft
FANG Fang, TIAN Yuan, ZHAO Pan, LI Zhihui
Simulation methods of aerodynamics covering various flow regimes and applications to aerodynamic characteristics of re-entry spacecraft module
LI Zhihui, LIANG Jie, LI Zhonghua, LI Haiyan, WU Junlin, DAI Jinwen, TANG Zhigong
Numerical simulation of aerodynamic and trim characteristics across different flow regimes for reentry module
LIANG Jie, LI Zhihui, LI Qi, DU Boqiang
Weighting scheme for rare species in DSMC simulation involving ionization chemical reactions
FANG Ming, DU Boqiang, LI Zhonghua, LI Danyang
Performance comparison of typical semi-ballistic Mars entry vehicles
LIU Zhongyu, LI Qi, WEI Haogong, GENG Yunfei
Deviation analysis on aerodynamic identification data for lunar-earth high-speed reentry capsule
WANG Guidong, LI Qi, WANG Chao
Finite-rate surface catalysis effects on aero-heating environment of a reentry capsule
SU Siyao, SHI Yilei, LIU Sen, PENG Zhiyu, LI Zuowu
Gas-kinetic scheme and its applications in re-entry flows
LI Shiyi, ZHANG Chao, TAN Shuang, LI Qibing, FU Song
Computing implementation of DPLR implicit scheme on multi-block structured grid
DANG Leining, BAI Zhiyong, LIU Sen
Column——Aeroelasticity and Fluid-Structure Interaction
Progress and prospects on aeroelasticity of hypersonic vehicles
YE Zhengyin, MENG Xianzong, LIU Cheng, YE Liuqing
A survey of aeroelastic wind tunnel test techonlogy of flight vehicles
YANG Ximing, LIU Nan, GUO Chengpeng, ZHANG Ying, SUN Jian, ZHANG Ge, YU Xianpeng, YU Jin′ge, HOU Liangxue
Development of aerodynamic methods in aeroelastic analysis for high aspect ratio flexible wings
YANG Chao, YANG Lan, XIE Changchuan
Software development of ultra-scale numerical simulaiton for aero-elastic problem (2017)
WANG Yuntao, MENG Dehong, SUN Yan, HONG Junwo
Aerodynamic nonlinearity for surface vibration in supersonic flow
LIU Cheng, YE Zhengyin
Experiments on vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder in wind tunnel
LYU Zhen, LIU Fuqun, ZHANG Weiwei, Li Xintao, Diwu Qiangqiang
Study on whirl-flutter stability of a tiltrotor aircraft
DENG Xudong, HU Heping
Topology optimization of high-aspect-ratio wing section considering aeroelastic effect
LYU Ji′nan, GUO Li, FAN Xueling, CHEN Gang, LIU Ziqiang
Gust response analysis for helicopter rotors coupled with fuselage in different flights
WANG Linpeng, DAI Yuting, TANG Changhong
One way fluid-structure and thermo-structure interaction on an inflatable space re-entry aeroshell
ZHANG Zhang, WU Jie, HOU Anping, WANG Liwu, ZHU Meifang