Correlation Analysis for γ-ray and Broad Line Emissions of Fermi Blazars
Zhang Lixia1,2, Fan Junhui1,2, Yuan Yuhai1,2     
1. Center for Astrophysics, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2. Astronomy Science and Technology Research Laboratory of Department of Education of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract: In a standard model of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), there is a supermassive central black hole surrounded by an accretion disk with the jet coming out perpendicularly to the disk plane. Theoretical works suggest that there is a connection between the jet and the accretion disk. To investigate such a connection, people use the correlation between the radio emission (or γ-ray emission) and the broad line emission. However, it is well known that the radio (or γ-ray) emission is strongly beamed in blazars. In this sense, we should consider the beaming effect when we discuss the jet-accretion disk connection. In this work, we compiled a sample of 202 Fermi/LAT blazars with available broad line emissions. Out of the 202 sources, 66 have known Doppler factors. The correlation between γ-ray and broad-line emission, and that between radio and broad-line emission are investigated by removing the effects of redshift and beaming boosting for the whole sample and the subclasses, flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) respectively. Our analysis suggests that (1) There are strong correlations between the γ-ray and the broad line emission for the whole blazar sample and their subclasses. The correlations exist after the redshift effect is removed for the whole sample and their subclasses, confirming the results in the literatures. (2) For the 66 blazars with available Doppler factors, a strong correlation between the broad line emission and the Doppler factor is found. The correlation between the γ-ray and the broad line emission exists after the Doppler factor effect is removed. Similar results for 1 and 2 are also obtained between radio and broad-line emission. (3) Our analysis suggests a robust connection between the accretion process and the jet.
Key words: Broad-line emission    Active Galactic Nuclei    BL Lacertae objects    Gamma-ray emission    
张丽霞1,2, 樊军辉1,2, 袁聿海1,2     
1. 广州大学天体物理中心, 广东 广州 510006;
2. 广东省高等学校天文观测与技术重点实验室, 广东 广州 510006
摘要: 在活动星系核的标准模型中,中心有一个超大质量黑洞,黑洞周围是一个吸积盘,喷流处在垂直于吸积盘的平面上。理论研究表明,喷流和吸积盘之间存在一定的联系,许多学者利用射电(或伽马)辐射与发射线辐射之间的相关性研究这种关系。然而,耀变体的射电或伽马辐射具有强烈的成束效应,使得在讨论喷流-吸积盘的联系时,应该考虑成束效应。收集了202个FERMI/LAT耀变体的宽发射线数据研究喷流与吸积的关系。202个源中,66个具有多普勒因子。对整个样本和平谱射电类星体与蝎虎座BL型天体2个子样本,分别研究了去除红移影响和成束放大效应时,伽马射线与宽发射线以及射电波段与宽发射线的相关关系,得到整个样本202个源的伽马射线与宽发射线以及射电波段与宽发射线之间存在强的正相关,而且这种相关性在去除红移效应之后仍然存在。对于66个有多普勒因子的源,在去除多普勒因子的影响之后,伽马射线与宽发射线以及射电波段与宽发射线之间仍然存在正相关。分析结果表明:(1)整个样本和各个子类的伽马射线与宽发射线之间都存在强相关。这些相关性在红移效应去除后仍然存在,并且证实了文献中他们所研究的结果。(2)对于66个有多普勒因子的耀变体,宽发射线与多普勒因子之间存在强的相关性,伽马射线与宽发射线在去除多普勒因子的影响之后存在相关性。在射电和宽发射线之间也得到了类似的结果。(3)吸积过程与喷流之间存在强关联性。
关键词: 宽发射线    活动星系核    蝎虎座BL型天体    伽马射线辐射    
1 Introduction

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) have some special observation properties, such as core-dominated non-thermal continuum, superluminal motions, high and variable luminosity, high and variable polarization, γ-ray emissions and so on[1-4]. Their properties are explained using a jet model with jet pointing close to the line of sight. As the most powerful subclass of AGNs, blazars can be divided into flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) with strong emission lines and BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) with weak emission lines or no emission lines at all. From the Fermi detected blazars, Ghisellini & Tavecchio[5] proposed that the BL Lacs and FSRQs can be separated in the plot of γ-ray photon index from the γ-ray luminosity[6-8]. Ghisellini, et al.[9] also pointed out that BL Lacs and FSRQs can be classified based on the luminosity of the broad line region (LBLR) measured in Eddington, and the dividing value is about LBLR/LEdd~5 × 10-4, which was confirmed by Sbarrato et al.[10], see also Yang et al. [11-12].

In the theoretical models of jet formation a correlation between jet and accretion process is expected. The power converted into the kinetic power of jet is produced from a spinning black hole which can release its rotational energy[13], or produced from accretion process and disc[14]. In order to understand these relationships, a key way is to search for the connection between accretion process and jet, which has been studied in the literatures[6, 10, 15-19].The accretion disc produces radiation to ionize the surrounding clouds, and further to form the broad emission lines, so the accretion disc luminosity has a certain connection with the broad line region luminosity. In this case, we can use the broad line region luminosity (LBLR) to measure the accretion disc luminosity (Ld), so LBLR can be a proxy for the invisible accretion disk luminosity (Ld)[10].

For a sample of 159 steep-and flat-spectrum quasars, Serjeant et al.[20] proposed that the radio luminosity LR is a good agent for the jet. On the other hand, the γ-ray luminosity (Lγ) can represent for bolometric luminosity since that the γ-ray luminosity dominates the bolometric luminosity in Fermi blazars[9-10, 21-24], so the γ-ray luminosity (Lγ) is an agent for the jet.

Therefore, (LBLR) is an proxy for accretion disc luminosity while LR and Lγ are proxies for the jet. In order to explore the connection between jet and accretion radiation, a feasible way is to explore the relationship between radio (or γ-ray) luminosity and broad-line luminosity. In 1999, Cao and Jiang[17] collected a sample of 198 radio-loud quasars, estimated the total broad-line flux, and obtained a significant correlation between radio and broad-line emission. If the redshift was limited to the range 0.5 < z < 1.5, a correlation with a significant level of 99.93% was obtained between the radio and broad-line fluxes, while a significant level of 99.7% was obtained between the radio and broad-line luminosities. One should note that the effect of the synchrotron self-absorption in blazars can lead to measured radio fluxes lower than the intrinsic radio fluxes, at least at lower frequencies, thus underestimating the radio luminosity. On the other hand, the γ-ray luminosity (Lγ) can represent for bolometric luminosity since that the γ-ray emissions dominate the bolometric luminosity in γ-ray loud blazars[9-10, 21], so the γ-ray luminosity (Lγ) is a good proxy for the jet.

Therefore, LBLR is a proxy for accretion disc luminosity while Lγ is a proxy for the jet luminosity. In order to explore the connection between jet and accretion process, a feasible way is to explore the relationship between γ-ray luminosity and broad-line luminosity. Sbarrato et al.[10] collected 78 blazars (with measured LBLR, Lγ and black hole mass) detected by the Fermi/LAT and presented in SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey), searched the logarithmic relationship between the Lγ and LBLR, and found that log Lγ correlates well with log LBLR. In 2014, Ghisellini et al[15]. complied a large sample of γ-ray detected sources with measured broad emission lines, and found a correlation between jet power as measured through the γ-ray luminosity, and accretion luminosity as measured by the broad emission lines, and that the jet power dominate over the disk luminosity.

Since there is a correlation between luminosity and redshift, then, even if there is no correlation existing in intrinsic luminosity-luminosity, a correlation still presents itself on observed luminosity-luminosity[25]. Feigelson and Berg[26] obtained the correlations on mutual bands, and came to another conclusion that if there is no correlation between the luminosity-luminosity, nor is it in the flux-flux densities. Many works have been done to study the relationship between the γ-ray emission and other monochromatic emission of AGNs[2, 22, 27-30]. Some of the monochromatic emissions in blazars are strongly beamed. When the jet direction is close to the line of sight at rest frame, the luminosity will be enhanced by the beaming effect, which presents as a beaming factor (or a Doppler factor). Therefore the luminosity-luminosity correlations will also be influenced by the correlations between the luminosity and the beaming factor. In this sense, we should consider the effect of the beaming effect when we investigate the luminosity-luminosity correlations.

In the present paper, we compile a large sample of 202 Fermi blazars with available redshift, radio, γ-ray, and broad-line emissions to study the correlation between jet and accretion disk process. The paper is arranged as follows: in section 2, we give the sample and some results; In section 3, some discussions and conclusions are given. The cosmological parameters H0 = 70 km·s-1·Mpc-1, Ωm = 0.27 and ΩΛ = 0.73 have been adopted in this work.

2 Samples and Results 2.1 Samples

In order to investigate the connection between the accretion process and jet, we collected the broad-line data for Fermi blazars from the literatures[10, 16-18, 31-33], and the radio and γ-ray data from Fan et al.[2]. The total broad-line luminosity can be calculated by the total observed luminosities from all broad lines[16], for some original data with flux density but no luminosity of broad-line emission, the broad-line flux density (fBLR) are converted into luminosity (LBLR): LBLR=4πνdL2 fBLR, considering K-correction for broad-line flux density: LBLR=4πνdL2 fBLR /(1 + z), where ν is the frequency, dL is the luminosity distance, z is the redshift.

Therefore, we obtained a sample of 202 blazars with available monochromatic radio, γ-ray emissions and broad-line data, and listed them in Table 1. In Table 1,

Table 1 Fermi blazars Sample
Source name z class logLR ΔlogLR logLγ ΔlogLγ Ref logLBLR Ref δ Ref
J0017.6 - 0512 0.23 FI 41.46 0.02 44.48 0.05 F16 43.79 X14
J0023.5 + 4454 1.06 FL 42.74 0.01 46.01 0.07 F16 44.28 X14
J0024.4 + 0350 0.55 FL 41.35 0.02 45.01 0.09 F16 43.8 X14
J0043.8 + 3425 0.97 FI 42.48 0.01 46.11 0.03 F16 44.02 X14
J0046.7 - 8419 1.03 FL 43.29 0.04 45.89 0.11 F16 44.88 X14
J0048.0 + 2236 1.16 FL 42.59 0.01 46.27 0.05 F16 44.29 X14
J0050.4 - 0449 0.92 FL 42.88 0.01 45.83 0.07 F16 44.35 X14
J0058.3 + 3315 1.37 FI 43.02 0.01 46.21 0.07 F16 44.21 X14
J0105.1 - 2415 1.75 FL 43.38 0.02 46.71 0.06 F16 44.95 X14
J0108.7 + 0134 2.1 FI 44.57 0.01 47.66 0.02 F16 46.13 X14 18 S10
J0137.0 + 4752 0.86 FL 43.47 0.01 46.55 0.02 F16 44.44 X14 21 S10
J0137.6 - 2430 0.84 FI 43.46 0.02 46.04 0.04 F16 45.34 X14
J0208.6 + 3522 0.32 HB 40.2 0.05 43.89 0.13 F16 42.14 W02
J0210.7 - 5101 1 UI 44.08 0.04 46.7 0.02 F16 45.28 Sb12
J0217.1 - 0833 0.61 FL 42.72 0.01 45.01 0.1 F16 43.07 X14
J0217.5 + 7349 2.37 FL 44.6 0.01 47.47 0.02 F16 44.42 C99 8.4 S10
J0237.9 + 2848 1.21 FL 44.05 0.01 47.22 0.01 F16 45.39 Sh12 12 L17
J0238.6 + 1636 0.94 LB 43.43 0.01 46.89 0.01 F16 43.92 X14 29 L17
J0245.4 + 2410 2.24 FI 43.76 0.04 47.13 0.06 F16 45.34 X14
J0259.5 + 0746 0.89 FI 43.35 0.01 45.89 0.05 F16 43.5 X14
J0303.7 - 6211 1.35 FL 44.18 0.04 46.5 0.04 F16 45.65 X14
J0309.9 - 6057 1.48 FL 44.18 0.04 46.5 0.03 F16 44.88 X14
J0325.5 + 2223 2.07 FL 43.86 0.01 47.22 0.04 F16 45.81 X14
J0336.5 + 3210 1.26 FL 44.17 0.01 46.62 0.07 F16 46.36 C97 2.9 L17
J0339.5 - 0146 0.85 FL 43.78 0.01 46.42 0.02 F16 45 X14 17 L17
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

col. 1 gives the name of the source;

col. 2 the redshift;

col. 3 the classification,

   F stands for FSRQs,       IB for ISP-BLs,

   B for BL Lacs,       LB for LSP-BLs,

   U for unclassified sources;       HB for HSP-BLs,

   FL stands for LSP-FSRQs,       UI for ISP-unclassified sources,

   FI for ISP-FSRQs,       UL for LSP-unclassified sources;

col. 4 the logarithm of radio luminosity (log LR) in units of erg·s-1;

col. 5 the uncertainty for log LR;

col. 6 the logarithm of the γ-ray luminosity (log Lγ) in units of erg·s-1;

col. 7 the uncertainty for log Lγ;

col. 8 the references for data in col. 4 - col. 7;

col. 9 the logarithm of the broad line luminosity (log LBLR) in units of erg·s-1;

col. 10 references for col. 9,

   C97: CELOTTI et al.(1997)[16],       X12: XIE et al.(2012)[32],

   C99: CAO et al.(1999)[17],       X14: XIONG et al.(2014)[18],

   S12: SBARRATO et al.(2012)[10],       X16: XUE et al.(2016)[33];

col. 11 Doppler factor, δ;

col. 12 references for Doppler factor,

   F09: FAN et al. (2009)[30],       H09: HOVATTA et al. (2009)[34],

   LV99: LÄHTEENIMÄKI & VALTAOJA (1999)[35],

   L17: LIODAKIS et al. (2017)[36],       S10: SAVOLAINEN et al. (2010)[37].

For the 202 blazars, 165 are FSRQs, 35 are BL Lacs, and 2 are unclassified blazars. The redshift (z) is in a range from 0.031 to 3.104, the radio luminosity (log LR) is from 40.18 erg·s-1 to 44.71 erg·s-1, γ-ray luminosity (log Lγ) is from 43.39 erg·s-1 to 48.01 erg·s-1, and the broad-line luminosity (log LBLR) is from 41.70 erg·s-1 to 46.65 erg·s-1. We also obtained Doppler factors for 66 sources from the papers by FAN et al. (2009)[30], HOVATTA et al. (2009)[34], LÄHTEENIMÄKI & VALTAOJA (1999)[35], LIODAKIS et al. (2017)[36], and SAVOLAINEN et al. (2010)[37].

2.2 Results

For the relevant data in Table 1, a linear least regression is applied to the luminosity-luminosity correlation, following results are obtained:

$ \log {L_{\rm{ \mathsf{ γ} }}} = (0.79 \pm 0.05)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} + (11.21 \pm 2.30) $ (1)

with a correlation coefficient r = 0.73 and a chance probability p = 2.43 × 10-35, and

$ \log {L_{\rm{R}}} = (0.78 \pm 0.05)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} + (8.57 \pm 2.10) $ (2)

with r = 0.76 and p = 4.52 × 10-39 for the 202 blazars.

For the subclasses, we have

$ \log {L_{\rm{ \mathsf{ γ} }}} = (0.72 \pm 0.08)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} + (14.28 \pm 3.54) $ (3)

with r = 0.58 and p = 4.25 × 10-16, and

$ \log {L_{\rm{R}}} = (0.79 \pm 0.07)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} + (8.33 \pm 3.02) $ (4)

with r = 0.67 and p = 4.39 × 10-23 for the 165 FSRQs; and

$ \log {L_{\rm{ \mathsf{ γ} }}} = (1.07 \pm 0.12)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} - (1.23 \pm 5.10) $ (5)

with r = 0.84 and p = 9.04 × 10-11, and

$ \log {L_{\rm{R}}} = (1.06 \pm 0.14)\log {L_{{\rm{BLR}}}} - (3.25 \pm 5.91) $ (6)

with r = 0.79 and p = 4.51 × 10-9 for the 35 BL Lacs. They are all shown Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

Fig. 1 Plot of radio luminosity against emission line luminosity. From the top to the bottom is for 202 Blazars, 165 FSRQs and 35 BL Lacs
Fig. 2 Plot of γ-ray luminosity against emission line luminosity. From the top to the bottom is for 202 Blazars, 165 FSRQs and 35 BL Lacs
3 Discussions and Conclusions

In the theoretical models of jet formation, if the squared magnetic field is proportional to the accretion rate, a correlation between jet and accretion process is expected[15], the power converted into the kinetic power of jet is produced from a spinning black hole which can release its rotational energy[13], or produced from accretion process and disc[14].

The broad-line region is photoionized by radiation from the disc, so the broad-line emission can be taken as a proxy of the accretion power of the source[16], and can be expressed as Ldisk=LBLR/φ, where φ~0.1[15]. For a simple one-zone leptonic model, the power that the jet spends in producing the non-thermal radiation is ${\mathit{P}_{{\rm{rad}}}} = 2f\frac{{L_{{\rm{jet}}}^{{\rm{bol}}}}}{{{\mathit{\Gamma }^2}}}$, where Lbol jet is bolometric jet luminosity, Γ is the bulk Lorentz factor of the outflowing plasma, the factor "2" accounts for two jets, and f is a factor of order unity. The power in radiation Prad is believed to be about 10% of the jet power Pjet, namely Pjet = 10Prad[15]. So, we can use the bolometric jet luminosity as the proxy of the jet power and the broad emission line luminosity as the proxy of the accretion power.

Based on the detections by EGRET and Fermi/LAT, a series of studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the γ-ray and radio emission[2, 7, 21, 38-43]. Those correlations suggest that the γ-ray emission has a beaming effect. We also find that the γ-ray luminosity and other monochromatic luminosities are strongly correlated with Doppler factor[23]. The beaming factor (Doppler factor) is an important parameter for blazars, but it is difficult to determine. Doppler factors can be obtained from a synchrotron self-Compton mechanism[44], from the radio variability[30, 34-37], or by model fitting the SED of the sources[45-46].

People think that the broad-line emission is taken as a good proxy for accretion disc. However, the radio emission is believed from the beamed jet, and it is also found that the γ-ray dominates the bolometric luminosity in Fermi blazars[15]. In this sense, the radio and γ-ray emissions are good proxies for the jet emission while the broad-line emission is a good proxy for accretion process. The correlation between radio and broad-line emission was studied in some literatures. Many authors think that the correlation between the beamed emission and the broad-line emission is due to the close link between the relativistic jet and accretion disk[10, 16-18]. Cao and Jiang[17] found a correlation between radio and broad-line flux densities for 198 radio-loud quasars. Sbarrato et al.[10] obtained a strong correlation between the γ-ray and broad-line luminosity. Fan[47] also investigated such a relationship using the EGRET data and broad-line emission.

In our present work, we compile a large sample with Fermi/LAT detections. Our results show a close correlation for logLγ-logLBLR with a coefficient r = 0.73 and a chance probability p = 2.43 × 10-35, and also a close correlation for logLR-logLBLR with r = 0.76 and p = 4.52 × 10-39 for the whole sample. Our result is consistent with those literatures[6, 10, 15] for the γ-ray and broad-line emissions. However, the sample from Cao and Jiang[17] was restricted to the radio flux at 5GHz and the total broad-line flux.

3.1 Redshift Effect

Redshift effect is an important factor influencing the luminosity-luminosity correlation. Considering the cross-correlation in luminosity-luminosity, it is necessary to remove redshift effect. It can be done using a formula: ${r_{ij,z}} = \frac{{{r_{ij}} - {r_{iz}}{r_{jz}}}}{{\sqrt {(1 - r_{iz}^2)\;(1 - r_{jz}^2)} }}$, here, rij is the correlation coefficient in luminosity-luminosity, riz (or rjz) is the correlation coefficient between redshift and luminosity and rij, z is the correlation coefficient in luminosity-luminosity after removing the redshift effect.

From our sample, we have got the correlation coefficients and listed them in Table 2 for the whole and subclasses, the coefficients after removing the redshift effect are: ${r_{{L_{\rm{ \mathsf{ γ} }}}{L_{\rm{B}}},{\rm{z}}}} = \frac{{{r_{{L_{\rm{R}}}{L_{\rm{B}}}}} - {r_L}_{_{{\rm{Rz}}}}{r_L}_{_{{\rm{Bz}}}}}}{{\sqrt {(1 - r_{{L_{{\rm{Rz}}}}}^2)\;(1 - r_{{L_{{\rm{Bz}}}}}^2)} }} = 0.28$ with p = 5.77 × 10-5 for logLγ- logLBLR, and rLRLB, z=0.45 with p = 1.33 × 10-10 for logLR-logLBLR for the whole sample. For FSRQ subclass, we have rLγLB, z=0.25 with p = 1.5 × 10-3 and rLRLB, z=0.49 with p = 3.36 × 10-10 for the 165 FSRQs. For BL Lac subclass, we obtain rLγLB, z=0.55 with p = 1.1 × 10-3 and rLRLB, z=0.47 with p = 5.9 × 10-3 for the 35 BL Lacs.

Table 2 Correlation Analysis Results
Class N rRB pRB rRz pRz rBz pBz rRB, z pRB, z
Blazars 202 0.76 4.52 × 10-39 0.77 4.23 × 10-41 0.73 1.06 × 10-34 0.45 1.33 × 10-10
FSRQs 165 0.67 4.39 × 10-23 0.67 1.17 × 10-22 0.55 1.12 × 10-14 0.49 3.36 × 10-10
BL 35 0.79 4.51 × 10-9 0.81 1.95 × 10-9 0.77 3.41 × 10-8 0.47 0.59%
Class N rγB pγB rγz pγz rBz pBz rγB, z pγB, z
Blazars 202 0.73 2.43 × 10-35 0.88 ~ 0 0.73 1.06 × 10-34 0.28 5.77 × 10-5
FSRQs 165 0.58 4.25 × 10-16 0.84 4.93 × 10-46 0.55 1.12 × 10-14 0.25 0.15%
BL 35 0.84 9.04 × 10-11 0.85 2.03 × 10-11 0.77 3.41 × 10-8 0.55 0.11%

So, after removing the redshift effect, we can see that there are still significant correlations in logLγ-logLBLR with p = 5.77 × 10-5 and in logLR-logLBLR with p = 1.33 × 10-10 for the whole sample. The correlations also exist for the 165 FSRQs and the 35 BL Lacs.

3.2 Beaming Effect

Beaming effect is important for blazars, and included in the explanations of their observation properties. The emission in different energy bands is produced by different mechanisms with the radio emissions being from synchrotron emission, while the high energetic γ-rays from a synchrotron-self Compton or external Compton. Therefore, the emission at different band has a different dependence on the Doppler factor. In the correlation analysis of γ-ray and other low energy bands, the γ-ray vs radio relation is found to be very strong in many literatures[2, 21, 23, 38-39, 41]. The strong γ-ray and radio correlation is perhaps from the fact that γ-ray is from an SSC mechanism or that the γ-ray and radio emission are strongly beamed with the same Doppler factor[30]. So, the Doppler factor estimated from the radio variability is adopted in the discussions of beaming effect in the γ-rays.

In this work, Doppler factors from radio variability are available for 66 sources, and it is interesting to find that there is a correlation between the broad line luminosity and Doppler factor, see Fig. 3. Therefore, it is necessary that the Doppler factor dependence of the monochromatic luminosity and broad-line luminosity should be considered when we investigate the luminosity correlations.

Fig. 3 Correlation between monochro matic luminosity (logL) and Doppler factor (logδ). From the top to the bottom is for radio, γ-ray and broad-line luminosity against Doppler factor

For the 66 sources, we have r = 0.73 and p = 4.60 × 10-12 for logLγ-logLBLR, r = 0.75 and p = 3.89 × 10-13 for logLR-logLBLR. The correlation coefficients are r = 0.59 (p = 2.01 × 10-7), 0.39 (p = 1.24 × 10-3) and 0.42 (p = 5.15 × 10-4) for the correlations between γ-ray luminosity and Doppler factor, between the radio luminosity and Doppler factor, and between broad-line luminosity and Doppler factor. The observed radio and γ-ray luminosities are boosted in the jet, therefore they are correlated with Doppler factor. For the correlation between broad-line emission and Doppler factor, It is possible that some broad-line region enter the jet so that the emissions are boosted or the radiation from broad-line emission is produced by the plasma bubbles in relativistic motion, which show a hint that the broad-line emission clouds have relativistic motion in the direction of sight line, then there is an effect of jet on the broad-line clouds. So, it is not difficult to understand that broad-line vs Doppler factor correlation.

The correlation coefficients between the monoch-romatic luminosity and broad-line luminosity after removing the Doppler factors are: rLγLB, δ = 0.66 with p = 9.86 × 10-8 for logLγ- logLBLR, and rLRLB, δ = 0.70 with p = 1.12 × 10-8 for logLR-logLBLR. We can see clearly that the correlation between the γ-ray luminosity (or radio luminosity) and broad-line luminosity exists even after the Doppler factor effect is removed.

Therefore, there is really a connection between the accretion process and jet even when the redshift and Doppler boosting effects are removed. In this sense, the connection between the accretion process and jet is robust.

4 Conclusions

In this work, we compile a sample of 202 Fermi detected blazars with available radio and emission line data. Out of them, 66 sources have Doppler factors. The correlations between the γ-ray luminosity (radio luminosity) and broad-line luminosity are discussed for the whole sample and the subclasses. We also consider both redshift effect and beaming effect in our discussions. Following conclusions are reached:

(1) Strong correlations between the γ-ray (and radio) luminosity and broad-line luminosity are obtained for the whole and the subclass (FSRQs and BL Lacs) samples. Those correlations exist for the whole sample and FSRQs/BL Lac sub-samples when redshift effect is removed.

(2) The broad-line luminosity, the γ-ray, and the radio luminosities are all correlated with Doppler factor.

(3) The correlation between the γ-ray (and radio) luminosity and broad-line luminosity exists after the beaming effect /(redshift effect) is removed.

(4) There is a real connection between the accretion process and jet.

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张丽霞, 樊军辉, 袁聿海
Zhang Lixia, Fan Junhui, Yuan Yuhai
Correlation Analysis for γ-ray and Broad Line Emissions of Fermi Blazars
天文研究与技术, 2019, 16(4): 390-400.
Astronomical Research and Technology, 2019, 16(4): 390-400.
收稿日期: 2019-01-23
修订日期: 2019-02-28
