吉林大学学报(医学版)  2018, Vol. 44 Issue (02): 421-424



焦鹏, 陈飞, 金权, 陈楠楠, 张莉, 马宁
JIAO Peng, CHEN Fei, JIN Quan, CHEN Nannan, ZHANG Li, MA Ning
Comprehensive treatment of anterior esthetic zone in patient with loosening and falling of teeth induced by severe periodontitis: A case reeport and literature review
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2018, 44(02): 421-424
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2018, 44(02): 421-424


收稿日期: 2017-09-12
焦鹏1 , 陈飞1 , 金权1 , 陈楠楠2 , 张莉2 , 马宁1     
1. 吉林大学口腔医院牙周病科, 吉林 长春 130021;
2. 吉林大学口腔医院急诊科, 吉林 长春 130021
[摘要]: 目的: 探讨重度牙周炎致前牙松动脱落患者的治疗和美学修复,阐明多学科综合治疗对前牙美学区的治疗效果,为其临床应用提供参考。方法: 患者,男性,57岁,因上下前牙松动不适半年余就诊。专科检查见11、21、22、41松动Ⅲ°,42松动Ⅱ°。经多学科会诊后,行牙周基础治疗,炎症控制后,拔除11、21、22、41、42并行即刻种植,富血小板纤维蛋白(PRF)联合引导骨再生(GBR)技术修复种植体周围骨缺损。因患者美学要求,12、13、23、31、32、33、43根管治疗后行牙体预备,13-23、33-43行固定修复。结果: 种植术后显示种植体位置良好,种植体周围骨量充足,口内见牙龈软组织愈合良好,牙槽嵴丰满度较好;修复完成后较好地恢复了患牙的咀嚼发音功能,患者对美学效果满意。结论: 通过多学科综合治疗的应用,成功实现了对重度牙周炎患者前牙美学区的种植修复,为前牙美学区的诊疗开辟了新途径。
关键词: 牙周炎    牙齿松动    牙齿脱落    即刻种植    引导骨再生    美学修复    病例报告    
Comprehensive treatment of anterior esthetic zone in patient with loosening and falling of teeth induced by severe periodontitis: A case reeport and literature review
JIAO Peng1, CHEN Fei1, JIN Quan1, CHEN Nannan2, ZHANG Li2, MA Ning1     
1. Department of Periodontics, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;
2. Department of Emergency, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
[Abstract]: Objective: To investigate the treatment and aesthetic restoration of anterior tooth loosening and falling in the patient with severe periodontitis, and to clarify the curative effect of multidisciplinary treatment in the anterior esthetic zone, and to provide reference for its clinical application. Methods: The male patients was 57 years old, and saw a dcotor becasuse of anterior teeth loosening and discomfort for more than half a year. The specialized examination:11, 21, 22, 41 Ⅲ° loose, 42 Ⅱ° loose. After multidisciplinary consultation, the teeth were treated with periodontal therapy. After inflammation was controlled, 11, 21, 22, 41, 42 were removed for immediate implantation. The platelet rich fibrin (PRF) combined with guided bone regeneration (GBR) was used to repair the bone defect around the implants. Because of the aesthetic requirements of the patients, tooth preparation was performed for 12, 13, 23, 31, 32, 33, 43 after root canal therapy. Fixed restorations were performed in 13-23 and 33-43. Results: After operation, the implant was well positioned and the bone surrounding the implant was adequate. The soft tissue in the mouth healed well and the degree of the alveolar ridge was better. After restoration, the masticatory and phonation function of the teeth were restored, and the patients were satisfied with the aesthetic effect. Conclusion: Through the application of multidisciplinary treatment, the implant repair of the anterior esthetic zone of the patient with severe periodontitis is successfully achieved, which opens a new way for the diagnosis and treatment of the anterior esthetic zone.
Key words: periodontitis     teeth loosening     teeth falling     immediate implantation     guided bone regeneration     aesthetic repair     case report    


1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料


1.2 专科检查

全口口腔卫生较差,软垢指数(debris index,DI)为2,牙石指数(alculus index, CI)为2~3,可探及龈下牙石,牙龈色暗红,牙龈乳头水肿,质地松软,探针出血(bleeding on probing, BOP)(+)。11、21、22、41探针深度(probing depth,PD)为6~8 mm,附着丧失(attachment loss, AL)为8~11 mm,牙龈萎缩2~3 mm,松动Ⅲ°。42松动Ⅱ°。PD为8~10 mm,AL为2~3 mm,牙龈退缩2~3 mm,松动Ⅲ°,根分叉病变Ⅲ°。浅覆牙合,浅覆盖,低位笑线,无明显露龈笑。

1.3 曲面断层片


1.4 临床诊断


1.5 治疗计划(主诉牙)

对患者进行术前评估,告知患者可能存在的美学风险,应患者美学要求,经牙周、种植、牙体和修复科会诊,制订以下治疗方案。牙周基础治疗:对患者进行口腔卫生指导,行洁治、刮治和根面平整。种植治疗:行11、21、22、41、42拔除术、即刻种植术;由于患者唇侧软硬组织有明显缺损,建议采用引导骨再生(guided bone regeneration, GBR)进行骨增量,拟行自体骨移植(autogenous bone graft, ABG);采用膜龈手术增宽附着龈,拟行游离龈移植,但患者拒绝接受ABG及游离龈移植术,最终决定采用人工骨粉修复骨缺损,对于牙龈退缩的情况,拟采用龈瓷材料修复。对于非主诉牙46,行46拔除术后,采用GBR进行骨增量,行延期种植。牙体、修复治疗:在二期术后,应患者美学要求,考虑到前牙区牙龈退缩、牙齿变色、扭转、间隙过大等一系列问题,经牙体、修复科会诊后,取消术前修复治疗方案,拟行12、13、23、31、32、33、43根管治疗术,13-23、33-43固定修复。

1.6 治疗程序(主诉牙)

2015年9—10月行牙周基础治疗,对患者进行口腔卫生指导后,行洁治、刮治和根面平整,辅以药物治疗。牙周治疗后2个月行手术治疗,术前采集患者静脉血,离心备用,常规消毒、铺巾,局麻下微创拔除11、21、22、41和42,搔刮牙槽窝,切开翻瓣,彻底清除拔牙窝内肉芽组织,常规逐级备洞,植入ITI种植体5枚,11、21和22采用骨水平种植体,接入愈合螺丝,41和42采用一段式种植体。于骨缺损处放置Bio-oss骨粉,覆盖在暴露的种植体表面及缺损的牙槽骨间,制备富血小板纤维蛋白(platelet rich fibrin, PRF)膜,将PRF膜覆盖于创口处,表面覆盖Bio-Gide生物膜,严密缝合,术后口服抗生素5d,氯已定含漱液含漱,术后2周拆线。


2 结果

牙周基础治疗后情况:牙周状况稳定,牙周组织炎症得到了有效控制(图 1,见插页八);一期术后曲面断层显示种植体位置良好,种植体周围骨量充足,牙槽嵴高度恢复正常水平(图 23,见插页八);术后2周拆线见:牙龈软组织愈合良好,未见红肿渗出及生物膜外露,牙槽嵴丰满度较好;二期术后:袖口形态良好,牙龈颜色及形态未见明显异常;种植修复完成后:边缘龈水平与笑线基本一致、牙龈颜色及形态良好,前牙颜色与邻牙基本协调,牙体形态协调对称、排列整齐(图 4,见插页八)。曲面断层显示种植体颈部和顶端有新生骨生成。修复后较好地恢复了患牙的咀嚼发音功能,无明显的异物感,患者对美学修复效果满意;疗效追踪观察:修复后2个月复查,所有修复体形态及功能完好,种植体与周围骨结合牢固,无松动不适症状,种植体周围软组织无明显炎症,效果较稳定。

图 1 重度牙周炎致牙齿松动脱落患者术前的口内照片(A-E)及X线片(F) Figure 1 Intraoral photographs(A-E) and radiographs(F) of patient with loosening teeth induced by severe periodontitis before operation
图 2 重度牙周炎致牙齿松动脱落患者术中口内照片(A-E)及X线片(F)(上颌) Figure 2 Intraoral photographs(A-E) and radiographs(F) of patient with loosening teeth induced by severe periodontitis during operation (Maxillary)
图 3 重度牙周炎致牙齿松动脱落患者术中口内照片(A-D)及X线片(E、F)(下颌) Figure 3 Intraoral photographs(A-D) and radiographs(E, F) of patient with loosening teeth induced by severe periodontitis during operation (Mandible)
图 4 重度牙周炎致牙齿松动脱落患者二期术中(A-D)及修复后(E、F)的口内照片 Figure 4 Intraoral photographs of patient with loosening teeth induced by severe periodontitis during second stage operation (A-D) and after repair(E, F)
3 讨论



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