吉林大学学报(医学版)  2018, Vol. 44 Issue (02): 401-403



谢金芳, 李天博, 耿文韬, 李晶, 李媛, 李雪洋, 高华丽, 张颖丽
XIE Jinfang, LI Tianbo, GENG Wentao, LI Jing, LI Yuan, LI Xueyang, GAO Huali, ZHANG Yingli
Bilateral maxillary fourth molars: A case report and literature review
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2018, 44(02): 401-403
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2018, 44(02): 401-403


收稿日期: 2017-08-31
谢金芳1 , 李天博1 , 耿文韬1 , 李晶1 , 李媛1 , 李雪洋1 , 高华丽2 , 张颖丽1     
1. 吉林大学口腔医院牙体牙髓病科, 吉林 长春 130021;
2. 吉林大学口腔医院儿童牙病科, 吉林 长春 130021
[摘要]: 目的: 报道1例双侧上颌第四磨牙病例,探讨多生第四磨牙的发生和治疗方案。方法: 收集1例双侧上颌第四磨牙患者的病历资料,记录患者的各项信息,结合文献复习,回顾性分析双侧上颌第四磨牙患者的临床资料和并发症及治疗方案。结果: 患者因左上颌后牙区间歇性隐痛数月,加重5 d就诊,专科检查未见可引起主诉症状的异常表现。全口曲面断层片可见双侧上颌区4颗磨牙,第四磨牙位于第三磨牙远中,完全阻生,牙冠较小,牙根较短,压迫使邻牙牙根吸收。拔出18、28和29,患者左上颌后牙区疼痛消失。结论: 多生第四磨牙是一种较少见的牙齿发育异常现象,但其存在较多可能的并发症,因此早期诊断及治疗至关重要。
关键词: 第四磨牙    牙齿发育异常    额外牙    病例报告    
Bilateral maxillary fourth molars: A case report and literature review
XIE Jinfang1, LI Tianbo1, GENG Wentao1, LI Jing1, LI Yuan1, LI Xueyang1, GAO Huali2, ZHANG Yingli1     
1. Department of Endodontics, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;
2. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
[Abstract]: Objective: To report one case of bilateral maxillary fourth molars, and to explore the occurrence and treatment method of additional fourth molar. Methods: The case materials of one patient with bilateral maxillary four molars were collected, and the information was record. Combined with reviewing the relevant literatures, the clinical data, complication and treatment of one patient with bilateral maxillary fourth molars were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The patient was diagnosed due to left maxillary posterior teeth area intermittent pain for several months and the increased pain for 5 d; at the same time, there was no abnormal appearance inducing the symptoms detected by speciality check-up. The pantomography showed the four molars in bilateral maxillary, and the fourth molars impacted the third molar root's absorption. The fourth molar crown was smaller and the root was shorter. The 18, 28, 29 teeth were removed, and the left maxillary posterior teeth area intermittent pain disppeared. Conclusion: The occurrence of additional fourth molar is a relatively rare demal dysplasia. However, there are some complications following with the fourth molar. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential.
Key words: fourth molar     teeth dysplasia     supemumerary teeth     case report    

多生牙(supernumerary teeth)也称额外牙,是一种牙齿发育异常现象,指比正常牙列多的牙[1];多生牙可发生于任何生牙区,最常见于切牙区(89.6%),其次是尖牙、前磨牙区(9.0%)及磨牙区(0.5%)[2-5]。多生牙可单个或多个、单侧或双侧发生,形态可同正常牙,也可是畸形牙、过小牙[6]。这种病症通常与系统性疾病如Gardner综合征、Ehlers-Danlos综合征、Cleidocranial发育不良、唇裂和裂腭裂、Tricho-rhino-phalangeal综合征、Ellis-van Creveld综合征和Fabry-Anderson综合征伴发[7]。虽然非综合征型多发病例罕见,但其发生可能引起多种临床症状,如拥挤、肿胀、延迟萌出、囊性病变、错位、旋转及邻牙吸收。因此,适当的临床和影像学评估后,恰当的治疗必不可少[8]。第四磨牙位于第三磨牙远中,也称远中磨牙,在现代人类中非常少见[9]。本文作者报道1例双侧上颌第四磨牙,并结合国内外研究现状对其并发症和治疗方案进行探讨。

1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料

患者,女性,32岁,汉族。主诉左上颌后牙间歇性隐痛数月,加重5 d。患者数月前出现左上后牙区间断性隐痛,有食物嵌塞史,冷热刺激痛,无夜间痛及自发痛等,自行服用消炎药(具体药物及剂量不详)后症状略有缓解,近5 d疼痛加重,来本院就诊。既往体健,否认药物过敏史和常规血液检查在内的家族遗传史,口外检查和全身性检查均未发现任何临床综合征。

1.2 检查结果

专科检查见:颌面部对称,张口及咬合关系基本正常;口内见牙弓左右对称,18、28、38和48正常萌出,18牙冠深龋露髓,大量腐质及食物残渣,仅近中余留少量牙体组织,探(-),温度测试无反应,叩痛(-),远中牙龈略红肿。28牙冠大面积龋坏达牙本质深层,探(±),温度测试进入龋洞内出现疼痛,刺激去除后症状消失,叩痛(±),Ⅰ°松动,牙龈颜色正常。全口曲面断层片(图 1)可见:双侧上颌区4颗磨牙,即第四磨牙(19、29)位于18、27远中,完全阻生,19、29牙根较短,29牙冠较其他磨牙小且压迫28, 28牙根吸收至根长2/3, 18可见较大龋洞达髓腔。

The arrow showed the fourth molars. 图 1 患者双侧上颌区曲面断层X线片 Figure 1 Panoramic radiograph of bilateral maxillary area of patient
1.3 临床诊断


1.4 治疗计划和治疗结果


2 讨论




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