吉林大学学报(医学版)  2017, Vol. 43 Issue (05): 1053-1058



杨依玲, 马跃, 纪诚, 孙小淳, 王业敏, 寇长贵
YANG Yiling, MA Yue, JI Cheng, SUN Xiaochun, WANG Yemin, KOU Changgui
Investigation of depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2017, 43(05): 1053-1058
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2017, 43(05): 1053-1058


收稿日期: 2016-08-31
杨依玲1 , 马跃2 , 纪诚1 , 孙小淳1 , 王业敏3 , 寇长贵2     
1. 吉林大学中日联谊医院妇产科, 吉林 长春 130021;
2. 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 吉林 长春 130021;
3. 吉林省抚松县人民医院手术室, 吉林 抚松 134500
[摘要]: 目的: 了解住院待产期孕妇的抑郁状况及其相关影响因素,为探讨待产期孕妇抑郁情绪干预提供理论依据。方法: 选择2014年11月-2015年5月在吉林大学中日联谊医院住院的待产期孕妇共203例,采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)对其进行问卷调查,并利用Logistic回归分析一般人口学资料、待产期孕妇孕产史和待产期孕妇孕前及孕期身体状况及保健情况对抑郁倾向的影响。结果: 203例住院待产期孕妇共检出抑郁倾向者53例,阳性率26.1%;< 30岁、30~39岁和≥ 40岁的待产期孕妇抑郁倾向阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);单因素分析,工作状况、超重或肥胖和孕前增补小剂量叶酸情况比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01);多因素分析,孕妇孕前超重或肥胖为抑郁倾向的危险因素,其危险性是非超重或非肥胖者的2.335倍(OR=2.335,95% CI:1.101~4.954,P < 0.05)。结论: 住院待产期孕妇存在一定程度的抑郁倾向,特别是孕前高体质量孕妇,应着重对其开展相应的心理健康教育。
关键词: 孕妇    待产期    抑郁    影响因素    
Investigation of depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
YANG Yiling1, MA Yue2, JI Cheng1, SUN Xiaochun1, WANG Yemin3, KOU Changgui2     
1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;
2. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;
3. Operating Room, People's Hospital of Fusong County, Baishan 134500, China
[Abstract]: Objective: To learn the depression status of the hospitalized pregnant women in labor and its related influencing factors, and to provide the theoretical basis for exploring depression intervention of the pregnant women in labor. Methods: Self-Rating Depression Scale was used for investigating the depression status of 203 hospitalized pregnant women in labor who were in hospital from November 2014 to May 2015, and the impacts of demographic characteristics, maternal history and physical condition and health care on depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor before pregnancy and during pregnancy were analyzed using Logistic regression. Results: Fifty-three people with depressive tendencies were detected among pregnant women in labor, and the positive rate was 26.1%. The differences in positive rates of depression tendency of the pregnant women between less than 30 years, 30-39 years and 40 years and above had no statistical significance (P>0.05). Univariate Logistic analysis showed that the differences of occupation, overweight or obesity, low-dose folic acid supplements before pregnancy were statistically significant (P < 0.01). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that risk factor for pregnant women was overweight or obesity pre-pregnancy, and the risk was 2.335 times to non-overweight or non-obesity pregnancy women (OR=2.335, 95%CI:1.101-4.954, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The pregnant women have the depression tendency, especially the pregnant women with high body mass index before pregnancy. The knowledge of psychological health education should be provided for them.
Key words: pregnant women     in labor     depression     influencing factors    


1 资料与方法 1.1 调查对象

选取2014年11月—2015年5月在吉林大学中日联谊医院产科住院待产期孕妇进行调查。纳入标准:① 待产孕妇年龄需年满18周岁;② 妊娠37~42周,定期在本院或外院进行系统的产前检查;③ 待产孕妇有基本的阅读能力和理解能力,并可以独立完成问卷的填写;④ 待产孕妇知情同意并自愿参与本次调查。排除标准:① 患有其他器质性疾病及妊娠并发症;② 既往有精神病病史、智力障碍者。

1.2 方法


1.3 调查内容 1.3.1 一般资料

研究者自行设计一般资料问卷,主要包括:① 孕妇一般人口学资料,包括待产孕妇年龄、文化程度、家庭人均月收入、婚姻状况、工作状况、是否为长春本市居民、目前主要居住地以及医疗费用支付方式等。② 孕妇孕产史,包括孕次、产次、受孕方式、异常孕史及流产史等。③ 孕妇孕前及孕期身体状况及保健情况,孕前调查因素包括是否超重或肥胖、是否增补小剂量叶酸、是否因生病服用过药物、丈夫孕前吸烟状况、丈夫孕前限酒;孕期调查因素包括是否因生病或感染服用药物、是否进行过放射线检查、是否进行唐氏筛查和是否出现先兆流产等。

1.3.2 抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale, SDS)[8]

SDS由华裔教授William W. K. Zung编制而成,由20个项目构成,是受试者用于心理咨询、抑郁症状严重程度筛查及精神药理学研究的量表之一。量表共分为4个等级,20个项目中有10个项目(第2、5、6、11、12、14、16、17、18和20题)是反向评分题,按4、3、2、1顺序进行计分,其余项目为l、2、3、4的正项计分。按中国常模抑郁评定的分界值为53分,分值越高,抑郁倾向越明显。

1.4 统计学分析

采用SPSS 21.0统计软件进行数据整理及统计学分析。将调查数据通过服务器后台调出并建立数据库,进行有效的核查与清理,利用SDS的评分标准及阳性界值判定调查对象的抑郁状况,分析待产期孕妇抑郁状况的分布特征及影响因素。符合正态分布的资料以x±s表示。组间抑郁倾向阳性率比较采用χ2检验。待产期孕妇一般人口学资料、孕产史、孕前及孕期身体状况及保健情况对其抑郁状况的影响因素分析采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

1.5 质量控制


2 结果 2.1 住院待产期孕妇的孕产史情况

孕次为第1次妊娠的调查者所占比重最大,占52.7%(107/203);第1次分娩者占76.4%(155/203),23.6%(48/203) 的孕妇为第2次分娩;受孕方式为自然受孕者占95.6%(194/203),而人工辅助生殖者占4.4%(9/203);75.4%(153/203) 的调查者无异常孕史,有异常孕史者占24.6%(50/203);既往无流产史者占61.1%(124/203),有流产史者占38.9%(79/203)。

2.2 住院待产期孕妇的孕前身体状况和保健情况

待产期孕妇孕前超重或肥胖的比重为19.7%(40/203),非超重或肥胖者所占80.3%(163/203);68.0%(138/203) 的孕妇孕前增补小剂量叶酸,未增补者为32.0%(65/203);孕前因生病服用过药物的孕妇占23.6%(48/203),未服过药物者占76.4%(155/203);丈夫孕前戒烟者占21.2%(43/203),丈夫未戒烟者占31.5%(64/203),47.3%(96/203) 的丈夫从未吸烟;丈夫孕前限酒者占46.3%(94/203),53.7%(109/203) 的孕妇其丈夫孕前未限酒。

2.3 住院待产期孕妇抑郁倾向的检出情况

本次调查的203名研究对象中,SDS总分标准分为23~70分,平均为(38.25±11.11) 分。共检出抑郁倾向者53例,阳性率为26.1%(53/203)。不同年龄、家庭人均月收入、婚姻状况、工作状况、目前主要居住地、是否为长春本市居民、医疗费用的支付方式之间的孕妇抑郁倾向阳性率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表 1

表 1 203名住院待产期孕妇抑郁倾向阳性率分布特征 Table 1 Distribution characteristics of positive rates of depression tendency of 203 hospitalized pregnant women in labor
Characteristic N n Positive rate (η/%) χ2 P
Age (year)
  18-29 113 35 31.0 3.127 0.209
  30-39 80 16 20.0
  ≥40 10 2 20.0
Educational level
  Junior middle school and below 26 8 30.8 2.312 0.510
  Senior middle school 53 16 30.2
  University 103 26 25.2
  Postgraduate and above 21 3 14.3
Average income per family (yuan)
  3 000 and below 56 18 32.1 3.124 0.210
  3000-4499 78 22 28.2
  4 500 and above 69 13 18.8
  Employment or farming 160 37 23.1 3.485 0.062
  Unemployment 43 16 37.2
Marital status
  Married 199 52 26.1 - 1.000
  Unmarried or others 4 1 25.0
  Urban 167 42 25.1 0.449 0.503
  Rural 36 11 30.6
Whether local residents in Changchun
  Yes 160 42 26.3 0.008 0.929
  No 43 11 25.6
Payment of medical expenses
  Medical insurance 124 28 22.6 3.944 0.139
  New rural cooperative medical system 52 19 36.5
  Self-pay 27 6 22.2
Total 203 53 26.1
  “-”:No data.
2.4 住院待产期孕妇的抑郁状态影响因素分析

单因素分析发现:所分析的因素包括一般人口学资料(年龄、文化程度、家庭人均月收入、婚姻状况、工作状况、是否为长春本市居民、目前主要居住地、医疗费用的支付方式等)、孕产史、孕前身体状况及保健情况、孕期身体状况及保健情况等多个可能影响待产期孕妇抑郁状态的因素中,仅有工作状况、超重或肥胖和孕前增补小剂量叶酸情况比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.10)。见表 1~4。以孕妇是否存在抑郁倾向为因变量,以超重或肥胖、工作状况和孕前增补小剂量叶酸作为自变量,并将年龄作为调整因素纳入模型,进行多因素逐步Logistic回归分析。结果发现孕妇为超重或肥胖者的危险性是非超重或非肥胖者的2.335倍,提示超重或肥胖为其抑郁倾向的危险因素(P < 0.05)。见表 5

表 2 住院待产期孕妇孕产史对抑郁状态影响的单因素分析 Table 2 Univariate analysis on influence of maternal history in depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
Characteristic β SE χ2 P OR 95% CI
Gravidity 0.607 0.738
  The first time 1.000 -
  The second time 0.133 0.362 0.135 0.714 1.142 0.562-2.321
  The third time and above -0.251 0.456 0.302 0.583 0.778 0.318-1.902
  The first time 1.000 -
  The second time -0.223 0.388 0.331 0.565 0.800 0.374-1.711
Way of conception
  Natural impregnation 1.000 -
  Assisted conception -0.222 0.818 0.073 0.786 0.801 0.161-3.982
History of abnormal pregnancy
  No 1.000 -
  Yes -0.148 0.378 0.153 0.696 0.863 0.411-1.810
History of abortion
  No 1.000 -
  Yes -0.040 0.327 0.015 0.902 0.961 0.506-1.824
  “-”:No data.
表 3 住院待产期孕妇孕前身体状况及保健情况对抑郁状态影响的单因素分析 Table 3 Univariate analysis on influence of physical condition and health care before pregnancy in depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
Characteristic β SE χ2 P OR 95% CI
Overweight or obesity
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.820 0.373 4.832 0.028 2.270 1.093-4.716
Supplemented small dose of folic acid before pregnancy
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.624 0.370 2.846 0.092 1.867 0.904-3.855
Taking medicine due to sickness before pregnancy
  No 1.000 -
  Yes -0.223 0.388 0.331 0.565 0.800 0.374-1.711
Smoking status of her husband before pregnancy 2.339 0.311
  Never 1.000 -
  Smoking before pregnancy 0.474 0.397 1.425 0.233 1.607 0.738-3.502
  Smoking -0.174 0.383 0.207 0.649 0.840 0.396-1.781
Whether or not limit wine for husband before her pregnancy
  No 0.149 0.320 0.218 0.640 1.000 -
  Yes 1.161 0.620-2.174
  “-”:No data.
表 4 住院待产期孕妇孕期身体状况及保健情况对抑郁状态影响的单因素分析 Table 4 Univariate analysis on influence of physical condition and health care during pregnancy in depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
Characteristic β SE χ2 P OR 95% CI
Taking medicine due to sickness or infection
  No 1.000 -
  Yes -0.165 0.440 0.141 0.708 0.848 0.358-2.009
Radiological examination
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.554 0.748 0.548 0.459 1.740 0.401-7.545
Down's screening
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.591 0.418 1.996 0.158 1.806 0.795-4.099
Whether or not the threatened abortion occurred during pregnancy
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.260 0.361 0.519 0.471 1.297 0.639-2.631
  “-”:No data.
表 5 住院待产期孕妇抑郁状态影响因素的多因素Logistics回归分析 Table 5 Multivariate Logistics regression analysis on influencing factors of depression status of hospitalized pregnant women in labor
Characteristic β SE χ2 P OR 95% CI
Age (year) 3.135 0.209
  -29 1.000 -
  30-39 -0.548 0.350 2.450 0.117 0.578 0.291-1.148
  ≥40 -0.871 0.841 1.075 0.300 0.418 0.081-2.173
Overweight or obesity
  No 1.000 -
  Yes 0.848 0.384 4.885 0.027 2.335 1.101-4.954
Constant 0.993 0.227 19.200 0.000 0.371 -
  “-”:No data.
3 讨论

本次调查结果显示:住院待产期孕妇抑郁倾向阳性率为26.1%,低于邬锡波等[9]调查的宁波地区住院待产期孕妇抑郁倾向阳性率(39.0%),并且低于陈久霞等[10]对西安市的调查结果(50.3%)。相关研究[4, 11-12]显示:国内孕妇抑郁的发生率为4.8%~51.1%,而国外的发生率最高可达60%。本次研究结果与国内外报道基本一致。妊娠期孕妇在生理因素与心理因素的双重影响下,易产生抑郁等不良情绪,而抑郁发生率在孕晚期较高,严重威胁孕妇及胎儿的身心健康,甚至影响分娩结局[12]。因此重视并缓解待产期孕妇的抑郁状况,维护其心理健康具有重要意义。



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