吉林大学学报(医学版)  2016, Vol. 42 Issue (06): 1157-1162



刘畅, 刘莹, 彭慧敏, 韩先卓, 赵忠琪, 王晓琨
LIU Chang, LIU Ying, PENG Huimin, HAN Xianzhuo, ZHAO Zhongqi, WANG Xiaokun
Measurement and analysis of soft tissue facial profile of northern Chinese young adults under natural head position
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2016, 42(06): 1157-1162
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2016, 42(06): 1157-1162


收稿日期: 2016-07-13
刘畅1,2, 刘莹2, 彭慧敏2, 韩先卓2, 赵忠琪2, 王晓琨2     
1. 广州医科大学附属口腔医院 广州口腔病研究所 口腔医学重点实验室, 广东 广州 510140;
2. 吉林大学口腔医院正畸科, 吉林 长春 130021
[摘要]: 目的: 拍摄中国北方正常年轻成人自然头位下软组织侧貌照片,测量面部各部位的角度值,建立关于中国北方正常年轻成人软组织侧貌角度值的基本数据库,为正畸和正颌外科医师临床诊治提供依据。 方法: 选取符合纳入标准的吉林大学在校生113人(女性67人,男性46人),拍摄其自然头位下的侧貌照片,采用Coreldraw测量软件对软组织侧貌进行定点测量,共测量面部角度项目12项。采用Dahlberg’s公式检测测量方法的可靠性。采用独立样本t检验比较男女性之间软组织侧貌各角度测量值平均值的差异。 结果: 除鼻唇角(Cm-Sn-Ls)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)和下面角(Sn-Trg-Me)外,其他角度测量方法的误差均较小。女性前鼻角(G-N-Prn)、鼻尖角(N-Prn/Sn-Cm)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)、面凸角(G-Sn-Pg)和全面凸角(G-Prn-Pg)的平均值大于男性(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),而男性垂直鼻角(N-Prn/TVL)和上三角(Pg-G-Prn)的平均值大于女性(P < 0.01)。鼻唇角(Cm-Sn-Ls)和颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)的标准差比较大。 结论: 成功建立了中国北方正常年轻成人自然头位下面部软组织侧貌角度测量的数据库,为正畸和正颌外科医师临床诊治提供了依据。
关键词软组织分析     面部侧貌     角度测量     标准化照片     自然头位    
Measurement and analysis of soft tissue facial profile of northern Chinese young adults under natural head position
LIU Chang1,2, LIU Ying2, PENG Huimin2, HAN Xianzhuo2, ZHAO Zhongqi2, WANG Xiaokun2     
1. Key Laboratory of Oral Medicine, Guangzhou Institute of Oral Disease, Stomatology Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510140, China;
2. Department of Orthodontics, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
[Abstract]: Objective: To construct a database based on the analysis of the soft tissue profile of Northern Chinese young adults by means of angular measurement made on the standardized photographic records taken under natural head position, and to provide basis for the orthodontists and oral surgeons to make diagnosis and treatment in clinic. Methods: A total of 113 students (67 female and 46 male) who met the inclusion criteria from Jilin University were selected.The right profile records under natural head position were taken.The facial profile of soft tissue was analyzed by coreldraw software.A total of 12 angular parameters were detected.The reproducibility of the measurement was analyzed by Dahlberg's formula.An independent sample t-test was used to analyze the differences in the measurement values of different soft tissue profile angles between different genders. Results: Except for nasolabial angle (Cm-Sn-Ls), mentolabial angle (Li-Sm-Pg), lower facial height angle (Sn-Trg-Me), the method errors of the other measurements were small.The mean values of nasofrontal angle (G-N-Prn), nasal angle (N-Prn/Sn-Cm), mentolabial angle (Li-Sm-Pg), angle of facial convexity (G-Sn-Pg), and angle of total facial convexity (G-Prn-Pg) of the female were greater than those of the male (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), while the mean values of vertical nasal angle (N-Prn/TVL) and superior triangle (Pg-G-Prn) of the male were greater than those of the female (P < 0.01).The standard deviation of nasolabial angle (Cm-Sn-Ls) and mentolabial angle (Li-Sm-Pg) were greater. Conclusion: A database based on the angular analysis of the soft tissue profile of Northern Chinese young adults under nature head position is obtained, which can provide basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the orthodontists and oral surgeons.
Key words: soft tissue analysis     facial profile     angular measurement     standardized photograph     natural head position    


1 资料与方法 1.1 研究对象

由2名实验人员于2013年9-11月从吉林大学新民校区近5 000名在校生中进行初步筛选,初步筛选的纳入标准:祖籍为中国北方地区;除第三磨牙外,上下牙列28颗牙齿完整无缺失;双侧第一磨牙均为安氏Ⅰ类关系,前牙覆牙合覆盖基本正常,上下牙列中线与面部中线对正,左右偏差不超过2 mm,牙列拥挤度在4 mm以内;无正畸、正颌、塑形和美容史。排除标准:有颅面部疾病、畸形或不能配合者。依照以上标准初步筛选出研究对象155人,按照严格的拍摄条件拍摄,获得自然头位下的照片。


1.2 主要设备

数码相机(Canon Eos500D),微距镜头(Macro Canon Lens 100mm,日本佳能公司),主闪光灯,副闪光灯,三脚架。

1.3 照相方法和体位要求

相机调到手动拍摄功能,快门速度1/60 s,光圈f 4.0。研究对象站立于地面固定标志点处,相机与研究对象的距离固定为1.7 m,在研究对象的左前方放置铅垂线和量度标识,确保照片按1:1比例记录。在研究对象的正前方约120 cm处放置一面镜子,以辅助获得自然头位。嘱研究对象口内牙齿处于牙尖交错位,双唇自然放松。为方便定点测量,要求研究对象的额部、颈部和耳部在拍摄时完全暴露不被遮盖。

1.4 定点测量


测量点如下:眉间点(G)、鼻根点(N)、鼻尖点(Prn)、鼻小柱点(Cm)、鼻下点(Sn)、上唇缘点(Ls)、下唇缘点(Li)、颏沟点(Sm)、颏顶点(Pg)、颏下点(Me)和耳屏点(Trg)。见图 1

G: Most anterior point of middle line of the forehead; N: Most concave point in tissue overlying area of fronto-nasal suture; Prn: Most prominent point of tip of nose; Cm: Most inferior and anterior point of nose; Sn: Point at which nasal septum merges with upper cutaneous lip in mid-sagittal plane; Ls: Point that indicates mucocutaneous limit of upper lip; Li: Point that indicates mucocutaneous limit of lower lip; Sm: Deepest point of inferior sublabial concavity; Pg: Most anterior point of soft tissue chin; Me: Most inferior point of inferior edge of chin; Trg: Most posterior point of auricular tragus. 图 1 1名研究对象的侧貌软组织定点 Figure 1 Landmarks of soft tissue profile of one subject

测量项目如下:前鼻角(G-N-Prn)、鼻唇角(Cm-Sn-Ls)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)、中面角(N-Trg-Sn)、下面角(Sn-Trg-Me),见图 2A;垂直鼻角(N-Prn/TVL)、鼻尖角(N-Prn/Sn-Cm),见图 2B;头部姿势角(Sn-Sm/THP),见图 2C;面凸角(G-Sn-Pg),见图 2D;全面凸角(G-Prn-Pg)、上三角(Pg-G-Prn)和下三角(G-Pg-Prn), 见图 2E

A: G-N-Prn, Cm-Sn-Ls, Li-Sm-Pg, N-Trg-Sn, and Sn-Trg-Me; B: N-Prn/TVL; C: Sn-Sm/THP; D: G-Sn-Pg; E: G-Prn-Pg, Pg-G-Prn, and G-Pg-Prn. 图 2 1名研究对象的测量项目 Figure 2 Measurement items of one subject
1.5 统计学分析

采用SPSS17.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析。经检验实验所得数据符合正态分布。测量方法的可靠性采用Dahlberg’s公式$ {\rm{Me = }}\sqrt {{{\sum {\rm{d}} }^2}/2{\rm{n}}} $进行检验, 其中d为前后2次测量值的差,n为重复测量的例数。男女侧貌角度测量值的平均值以x±s表示,男女侧貌角度分析最大值、最小值和平均值比较采用独立样本t检验。以α=0.05为检验水准。

2 结果 2.1 各角度测量方法的测量误差

本研究得到了中国北方正常男女年轻成人自然头位下软组织侧貌角度的测量误差,除鼻唇角(Cm-Sn-Ls)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)和下面角(Sn-Trg-Me)外,其他角度测量的方法误差均较小。见表 1

表 1 各角度测量方法的测量误差 Table 1 Measurement errors of measurement methods of different angles
Measurement method Measurement error
G-N-Prn 1.11
N-Prn/Sn-Cm 1.67
N-Prn/TVL 0.84
Cm-Sn-Ls 1.73
Li-Sm-Pg 2.46
N-Trg-Sn 1.30
Sn-Trg-Me 1.80
Sn-Sm/THP 0.32
G-Sn-Pg 0.61
G-Prn-Pg 0.75
Pg-G-Prn 0.66
G-Pg-Prn 0.34
2.2 研究对象面部测量角度分析和性别比较

鼻唇角(Cm-Sn-Ls)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)的标准差比较大。女性前鼻角(G-N-Prn)、鼻尖角(N-Prn/Sn-Cm)、颏唇角(Li-Sm-Pg)、面凸角(G-Sn-Pg)和全面凸角(G-Prn-Pg)的平均值大于男性(P<0.05或P<0.01),而男性垂直鼻角(N-Prn/TVL)、上三角(Pg-G-Prn)的平均值大于女性(P<0.01)。男、女年轻成人自然头位下软组织侧貌角度测量最大值、最小值和平均值见表 2

表 2 男性和女性受试者面部软组织侧貌角度测量的最小值、最大值和平均值 Table 2 Minimum, maximum, and mean values of measurement of soft tissue facial profile in male and female subjects (θ/°)
Minimum value Maximum value Mean value
Female Male Female Male Female Male
G-N-Prn 128.72 115.12 154.81 152.74 145.32±5.10 135.37±8.10**
N-Prn/Sn-Cm 67.95 63.94 104.33 97.59 87.68±7.34 83.83±8.31*
N-Prn/TVL 19.05 20.84 35.23 39.82 26.51±3.52 31.12±3.48**
Cm-Sn-Ls 82.28 72.09 123.67 122.00 99.43±9.93 96.85±10.63
Li-Sm-Pg 114.18 105.46 155.68 154.11 136.67±9.59 131.44±11.04**
N-Trg-Sn 24.06 24.91 33.48 38.03 29.68±1.93 29.42±2.79
Sn-Trg-Me 25.86 19.16 35.19 33.94 30.33±2.12 30.16±2.48
Sn-Sm/THP 71.57 73.86 89.68 93.82 81.57±3.59 82.38±4.28
G-Sn-Pg 161.42 158.96 177.95 177.09 169.95±3.88 167.79±4.02**
G-Prn-Pg 136.05 133.21 153.14 149.72 144.88±4.18 141.81±4.13**
Pg-G-Prn 14.51 17.00 25.15 27.89 19.17±2.47 21.86±2.68**
G-Pg-Prn 11.99 12.75 22.04 20.30 15.98±2.10 16.37±1.93
*P<0.05,** P<0.01 vs female.
3 讨论 3.1 研究对象的选择


3.2 方法误差分析


3.3 鼻、唇部相关角度分析和性别比较


鼻唇角指鼻基底部和上唇形成的角,鼻唇角和颏唇角是面部侧貌参数中变异度和不确定性较大的参数之一。其可通过正畸或正颌的方法改变,上唇位置和上切牙的唇倾度对其影响比较大。有少数研究者[12-13, 15]发现:鼻唇角存在明显的性别差异;而本研究结果与多数研究一致,认为该角不存在性别差异。



3.4 面部轮廓相关角度分析和性别比较

面部轮廓相关角度有面中角(N-Trg-Sn)、面下角(Sn-Trg-Me)、头部姿势角(Sn-Sm/THP)、面凸角(G-Sn-Pg)、全面凸角(G-Prn-Pg)、上三角(PgG-Prn)和下三角(G-Pg-Prn)。本研究结果显示:面中角和面下角无明显性别差异,面中角和面下角的角度基本相等,因此认为本研究对象的面中部1/3和面下部1/3基本等高,与既往研究[11-12, 16]结果一致。但Epker[14]则认为下面部高度大于中面部高度。





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