吉林大学学报(医学版)  2020, Vol. 46 Issue (04): 863-866     DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587x.20200432



裴颖, 邹莹, 巴秀敏, 李旭
PEI Ying, ZOU Ying, BA Xiumin, LI Xu
Modified anterior lacrimal recess approach under nasal endoscope in treatment of primary malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac: A case report and literature review
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2020, 46(04): 863-866
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2020, 46(04): 863-866


收稿日期: 2019-08-30
裴颖 , 邹莹 , 巴秀敏 , 李旭     
吉林大学第二医院眼科, 吉林 长春 130041
[摘要]: 目的 分析鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝入路术式治疗泪囊原发性恶性黑色素瘤患者的临床效果,以提高临床医生对该病及术式的认识。方法 收集1例原发性恶性黑色素瘤患者的临床资料、影像学表现和病理资料,分析改良泪前隐窝入路术式治疗该病的优点,结合相关文献总结其临床诊断标准和治疗方法。结果 患者,女性,53岁,右眼流泪2年,内眦处肿物6个月,门诊以"泪囊肿物"收入院。患者右眼内眦部触及肿物,大小约1.7 cm×1.2 cm×1.0 cm,质韧,边界不清,压痛,与周围皮肤紧密黏连,挤压泪囊区,少许血性分泌物自泪点溢出。冲洗泪道,原泪点返流。眼眶CT检查显示右侧泪囊内高密度影、右侧泪囊区及鼻泪管内高密度影且右侧泪囊明显增大。初诊为右侧泪囊及鼻泪管占位性病变。采用鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝入路术式完整切除肿瘤,术后病理显示为恶性黑色素瘤累及周围肌肉组织。结论 鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝入路术式治疗泪囊原发性恶性黑色素瘤具有术野暴露好、微创、易于操作和低风险等优势。
关键词: 鼻内镜    改良泪前隐窝入路术式    泪囊    原发性恶性黑色素瘤    
Modified anterior lacrimal recess approach under nasal endoscope in treatment of primary malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac: A case report and literature review
PEI Ying , ZOU Ying , BA Xiumin , LI Xu     
Department of Ophthalmology, Second Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130041, China
[ABSTRACT]: Objective To analyze the clinical effect of the modified anterior method in the treatment of the patient with primary malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac, and to improve the clinician's understanding of the disease and operation method. Methods The clinical materials, imaging founding and pathological data of one patient with primary malignant melanoma were collected, the advantages of the modified anterior lacrimal recess approach in the treatment of the disease were analyzed, and the clinical diagnosis criteria and treatment methods were summarized combined with the relevant literature review. Results The female patient, aged 53 years old, had tears in her right eye for 2 years and tumor in her inner canthus for 6 months and was admitted to the hospital because of tumor of dacrycyst. The tumor was found in inner canthus of the right eye of the patients, which was about 1.7 cm×1.2 cm×1.0 cm in size, with tough texture, unclear boundary, tenderness, and close adhesion with the surrounding skin; when the lacrimal sac area was squeezed, a little blood secretion overflowed from the lacrimal spot. The lacrimal passage was washed and the flushing fluid was flowed back in the original lacrimal point. The orbital CT results showed high density shadow in the right lacrimal sac, high density shadows in the right lacrimal sac area and nasolacrimal duct, and obvious enlargement of the right lacrimal sac. The primary diagnosis was right lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct space occupying lesions. Modified anterior lacrimal recess approach under nasal endoscope was used to remove the tumor completely. The postoperative pathology showed that the malignant melanoma involved in the surrounding muscle tissue. Conclusion The modified anterior lacrimal recess approach under nasal endoscope has the advantages of good field exposure, minimal invasive surgery, easy to operate and low risk.
KEYWORDS: nasal endoscope    modified anterior lacrimal recess approach    lacrimal sac    primary malignant melanoma    

原发性泪囊恶性黑色素瘤比较罕见,肿瘤细胞来自泪囊上皮的黑色素细胞,约占泪道肿瘤的5.0%,眼部黑色素瘤的0.7%,主要经血液转移,可以危及患者的生命。原发性泪囊恶性黑色素瘤发病隐匿,病程长,溢泪和流脓等症状及体征极易与眼科常见的慢性泪囊炎混淆[1-3]。错误地选择手术方式如术中应用泪道插管,易导致恶性黑色素瘤细胞向鼻腔扩散和种植,不仅不能彻底切除肿瘤,还会造成医源性局部及远处转移[2, 4-6]。本文作者采用鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝入路术式治疗1例泪囊区原发性恶性黑色素瘤患者,随访3年,患者生命体征良好,无局部及远处肿瘤转移,现报道如下。

1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料


1.2 临床表现和相关检查

全身检查未见异常。眼科检查:视力,右0.6矫正不应,左0.5矫正不应;右眼内眦部触及肿物,肿物大小约1.7 cm×1.2 cm×1.0 cm,质韧,边界不清,压痛,与周围皮肤紧密黏连,挤压泪囊区,少许血性分泌物自泪点溢出。冲洗泪道,原泪点返流。上睑轻度回缩,迟落征阳性。双眼结膜无明显充血,角膜透明,前房深度正常,房水清,瞳孔对光反射灵敏,晶状体轻度混浊。眼底检查,视盘界清,色淡红,C/D=0.3, 血管走行大致正常。

1.3 影像学检查

眼眶CT检查结果显示:右侧泪囊内高密度影,右侧泪囊区、鼻泪管内高密度影,右侧泪囊明显增大;双侧眼球大小和形态未见异常,其内未见异常密度影,双眼晶状体存在,各眼肌及视神经无明显增粗,眶壁骨质结构完整(图 1)。诊断提示:右侧泪囊及鼻泪管占位性病变。

Note:The arrow indicated malignant melanoma. 图 1 泪囊原发性恶性黑色素瘤患者眼眶CT影像 Fig. 1 Orbital CT image of patient with primary malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac
1.4 诊断和治疗

初步诊断:泪囊肿物(右)(性质待查)。2016年1月11日全麻下行右眼鼻内镜下泪囊肿物摘除术。术中见泪囊肿物大小约为1.5cm ×1.8cm×1.2cm,呈咖啡色,与周围组织紧密黏连。手术通过改良泪前隐窝入路,完整摘除肿物及泪囊,剪断深部鼻泪管(图 2, 见插页十)。手术过程顺利,患者术后7d出院。

(seen on page 864 in paragraph) 图 2 鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝人路术式切除泪囊区原发性恶性黑色素瘤 Fig. 2 Completely removed primary malignant melanoma with modified anterior lacrimal recess approach approach nasal nasal
1.5 病理检查结果

右侧泪囊区恶性黑色素瘤(梭形细胞形),累及周围肌肉组织。免疫组织化学MelanA染色结果:HMB45(+),S-100(-),MelanA(+)、K167(阳性率20%)、CK(AE1/AE3)(-),Vimentin(+)。见图 3(插页十)。

(seen on page 864 in paragraph) 图 3 泪囊区原发性恶性黑色素瘤肿瘤组织MelanA染色结果(× 400) Fig. 3 MelanA staining results of tumor tissue of primary malignant melanoma in lacrimal sac area(× 400)
1.6 随访


2 讨论




原发性泪囊黑色素瘤的治疗取决于肿瘤大小、局部浸润范围和患者的健康状况。治疗的目的是彻底切除肿瘤,防止复发及远处转移[18]。传统泪囊区肿物切除采用局部浸润麻醉,在距内眦1cm处行弧形切口,切口深度达内眦韧带前,切开泪骨前嵴处骨膜后,将泪囊与骨膜一同自泪囊窝游离.暴露泪骨达后泪嵴,切除泪囊区肿物。该方法损伤大,愈合慢,术后颜面部瘢痕明显。随着手术方式和器械的发展与演变,传统的手术方式逐渐被鼻内镜手术替代。2007年周兵等[19]首次报道经鼻腔外侧壁切开入路上颌窦手术, 目前鼻内镜下经典泪前隐窝入路术式逐渐作为泪囊肿瘤首选术式[20-21],对泪囊区病灶处理越来越彻底,同时手术的副损伤也越来越小,患者术后生活质量不断提高。经典泪前隐窝入路术式是在骨性梨状孔缘内侧的下鼻甲前端做纵形切口,以下甲骨在上颌骨下甲嵴附着处为中心,向上和向下延长切口至鼻泪管上端水平和鼻底。去除下甲骨前端部分骨质和上颌骨下甲嵴及部分上颌窦内侧壁和骨性鼻泪管骨壁,形成鼻泪管-下鼻甲黏膜瓣并向内侧推移,形成进入上颌窦的通路并进行后续的手术操作。改良泪前隐窝入路的手术方法:①切口的设计。沿下鼻甲前缘下方鼻腔外侧壁,自上而下至鼻底做纵形切口; 若下鼻道空间较窄,可将切口向鼻底延长呈“L”型。该切口与经典泪前隐窝入路切口不同,未暴露下鼻甲骨质,而是以下鼻甲附着处为上界,向下纵形切开,延长至鼻底形成以下鼻甲附着缘为顶、鼻底为底边的三角形操作入口。②暴露下鼻道骨壁。沿切口用剥离子分离黏骨膜暴露下鼻道骨壁,根据上颌窦内病变位置,确定下鼻道黏膜分离的长度。③切除病灶。采用剥离子、骨凿或咬骨钳、骨钻等手术器械去除下鼻道骨质,形成下鼻道骨窗。开窗口位置依据上颌窦内病变位置而确定。若病变根蒂位于上颌窦前壁,则可将开窗口向前扩大,利用角度内镜对病变进行观察,利用角度器械清除上颌窦前壁病变。④复位下鼻道黏膜。清理术腔并复位下鼻道黏膜,黏膜切口对位缝合或填塞止血材料将黏膜切口对位固定。此术式具有术野暴露好、微创、易于操作和低风险等优势[22]

本例患者采用鼻内镜下改良泪前隐窝入路,完整地切除泪囊区肿瘤,颜面部无切口、损伤小、愈合快。术后需对肿物进行组织病理学检查,组织病理学检查是确诊肿瘤类型和进一步选择治疗方案的关键。成功治疗泪囊肿瘤需要以下几点:①减少误诊率,提高对黑色素瘤的诊断认知,如任其发展可导致致命性的肿瘤转移;②早期发现,早期治疗,彻底切除肿瘤,防止复发及远处转移;③长期随访,即使手术完整切除肿瘤,多年后,仍然有复发及转移的可能[3, 23]。本例患者术后随访3年,患者生命体征稳定,未发现肿瘤复发及远处转移。


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