吉林大学学报(医学版)  2020, Vol. 46 Issue (03): 630-633     DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587x.20200332



王荣荣, 王琦, 李伟, 张捷
WANG Rongrong, WANG Qi, LI Wei, ZHANG Jie
Primary pulmonary diffused large B-cell lymphoma with multiple ground glass nodule shadows in lungs as main manifestation: A case report and literature review
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2020, 46(03): 630-633
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2020, 46(03): 630-633


收稿日期: 2019-05-24
王荣荣 , 王琦 , 李伟 , 张捷     
吉林大学第二医院呼吸内科, 吉林 长春 130041
[摘要]: 目的 分析以肺部多发磨玻璃样结节影为主要表现的肺原发弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)患者的临床特点、影像学表现、诊断方法、病理形态表现和预后,提高临床医生对肺原发DLBCL的认识。方法 收集1例肺原发DLBCL患者的临床资料,患者CT检查主要表现为肺部多发团块状磨玻璃样结节影,初始诊断为肺炎,经过病理和免疫组织化学检查最终确诊,并进行相关文献复习。结果 患者,女性,60岁,以咳嗽和咳痰为首发症状入院。查体无明显阳性体征。胸部CT检查显示双肺多发磨玻璃样结节影。行肿瘤标记物、淋巴结彩超、PET-CT、骨髓穿刺活检、病理活检和其他相关检查,并给予相关治疗。PET-CT检查提示双肺多发磨玻璃结节伴部分代谢增高,病理形态表现和免疫组织化学结果提示非霍奇金DLBCL,起源于生发中心外活化B细胞。最终诊断为肺原发DLBCL。患者给予R-CHOP方案规律化疗,3个月后复查胸部CT显示双肺团块状结节影消失。结论 肺原发DLBCL患者临床特点和影像学表现无明显特异性,其诊断最终依赖病理形态表现和免疫组织化学检查结果,肺原发DLBCL恶性程度较高,预后较差,当肺部出现多发磨玻璃样结节影时应考虑该病。
关键词: 肺原发淋巴瘤    弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤    肺结节    磨玻璃样结节    
Primary pulmonary diffused large B-cell lymphoma with multiple ground glass nodule shadows in lungs as main manifestation: A case report and literature review
WANG Rongrong , WANG Qi , LI Wei , ZHANG Jie     
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Second Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130041, China
[ABSTRACT]: Objective To analyze the clinical features, imaging findings, diagnostic methods, pathomorphology and prognosis of the patients with primary pulmonary diffused large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with the multiple ground glassy nodule shadows in the lungs as the main manifestation, and to improve the clinicians'understanding of the primary pulmonary DLBCL. Methods The clinical data of a patient with primary pulmonary DLBCL were collected. The main manifestation in CT examination of the patient was multiple massive ground glass nodule shadows in the lungs. The initial diagnosis was pneumonia. The final diagnosis of primary pulmonary DLBCL was confirmed by pathology and immunohistochemistry examination. The related literatures were reviewed. Results The female patient was admitted to hospital due to cough and expectoration as the first manifestations. There were no obvious positive signs in the physical examination. The CT examination results showed multiple ground glassy nodular shadows in both lungs.The tumor markers, lymph node color Doppler ultrasound, PET-CT, bone marrow biopsy, pathological biopsy and the other related examinations were performed, and the related treatment were given. The PET-CT results showed the multiple ground glass nodule in both lungs complicated with increasing of partial metabolism, and the pathological and immunohistochemical results suggested that the patient was non-Hodgkin DLBCL originated from the activated B cells outside the germinal center, and the final diagnosis was primary pulmonary DLBCL. The patient was given R-CHOP regimen regularly.The patient received chest CT examination 3 months later, and the results showed that the massive nodule shadows in both lungs were disappeared. Conclusion The clinical features and imaging findings of the patient with primary pulmonary DLBCL are not specific, its diagnosis ultimately relies on the pathomophological and immunohistochemical examination results; the degree of malignancy of primary pulmonary DLBCL is high, and the prognosis is poor; when there are multiple ground glass nodule shadows in the lungs, the disease should be taken into account.
KEYWORDS: primary pulmonary lymphoma    diffused large B-cell lymphoma    pulmonary nodule    grinding glass nodule    

肺原发淋巴瘤(primary pulmonary lymphoma,PPL)是原发于肺内淋巴组织的恶性淋巴瘤,是结外淋巴瘤的一种罕见类型,多数为非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin lymphoma,NHL),多起源于支气管黏膜相关淋巴结组织(mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue,MALT)。肺原发弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(diffused large B-cell lymphoma,DLBCL)是PPL的一种类型,该类型更为罕见,占PPL的10%~20%,占所有类型淋巴瘤的0.4%[1-2]。国内外研究[3-7]显示:肺原发DLBCL患者的胸部CT表现以单侧肺部团块影或实变影为主, 患者中有多发性肺结节伴有胸腔积液和早期表现为渗出性病变者,也有空洞形成者。目前关于肺原发DLBCL患者影像学表现(多发磨玻璃样结节影)的文献报道较少。肺原发DLBCL患者因缺乏特异性临床表现,临床上容易漏诊和误诊。本文作者总结并分析本科诊治的1例以肺部多发磨玻璃样结节影为主要表现的肺原发DLBCL患者的临床资料,以提高临床医生对肺原发DLBCL的认识。

1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料

患者,女性,60岁,因“咳嗽和咳痰2个月”于2018年12月3日收入本科。该患者于入院前2个月无明显诱因出现咳嗽和咳痰。行胸部CT检查未见明显异常,自行口服莫西沙星后自觉症状好转,1个月前再次出现咳嗽和咳痰症状,于当地医院行肺部CT检查显示“多发结节影”,诊断为“肺炎”,行抗感染(莫西沙星联合哌拉西林舒巴坦)治疗2周后患者自觉症状好转,再次复查胸部CT(2018年12月3日):两肺纹理增多,两肺多发结节状磨玻璃密度影(图 1)。患者为求进一步诊治就诊于本科。既往:体健。否认吸烟和大量饮酒史。查体:全身浅表淋巴结未触及肿大,听诊双肺呼吸音清,未闻及干、湿啰音和胸膜摩擦音。入院后患者行血常规、血沉、结核抗体、风湿系列相关检查、肿瘤标记物和痰液检查均未见明显异常。腹部彩超、腋窝和乳房彩超未见淋巴结异常。PET-CT检查提示:双肺多发磨玻璃结节伴部分代谢增高。结合患者的临床表现和辅助检查,建议患者进一步行纤维支气管镜取活检行组织病理学检查。

A:Superior lobe; B: Inferior lobe. 图 1 肺原发DLBCL患者入院时肺组织CT影像 Fig. 1 CT images of lung tissue of one patient with primary DLBCL at admission
1.2 病理资料

病理结果为(右肺上叶)NHL,大B细胞(图 2,见封三)。免疫组织化学CD20(+),BCL-2(+), CD10(—), BCL-6(+/—), MUM-1(+), CD30(+), CyclinD1(—), C-myc约(30%+),Ki-67增殖指数大于50%,EBER(—)。最终诊断为肺原发DLBCL,病理诊断:非霍奇金DLBCL,起源于生发中心外活化B细胞。

A: Pathomorphology of lung tissue(HE); B, C: Immunohistochemistry; B:Expression of CD20; C:Expression of Ki67. 图 2 肺原发DLBCL患者肿瘤组织病理形态表现(×400) Fig. 2 Pathomorphology of tumor tissue of patient with primary DLBCL (×400)
1.3 治疗方法

因患者符合DLBCL诊断标准,最终诊断为肺原发DLBCL,故转入本院肿瘤科,给予R-CHOP方案进行化疗,按疗程规律治疗,随访3个月后再次复查胸部CT(2019年3月8日),检查结果显示:两肺纹理增强、紊乱和模糊,两肺多发类圆形结节状病变消失(图 3)。

A:Superior lobe; B: Inferior lobe. 图 3 肺原发DLBCL患者规律治疗3个月后肺组织CT影像 Fig. 3 CT images of lung tissue of one patient with primary DLBCL after regular treatment for 3 months
2 讨论


研究[9]显示:肺原发DLBCL是PPL的第二常见病理类型,单纯DLBCL的起源尚无法明确, 部分可由黏膜相关淋巴组织(MALT)淋巴瘤转化而来, 故其临床和影像学特征与MALT淋巴瘤较为相似。肺原发DLBCL多见于中老年人和免疫抑制者,男女比例无明显差异[10],患者呼吸系统症状多表现为咳嗽、呼吸困难和胸痛,偶有咯血, 全身症状包括发热、盗汗及体质量减轻等非特异性临床特征[11-12],少数患者无临床症状,仅体检时发现肺部结节或阴影[13],诊断主要依赖组织病理学和免疫组织化学检查。

有研究[14]显示:PPL患者CT检查表现为单发或多发结节、团块或实变影,有时可见空气支气管征、病变周围晕征和血管造影征。而肺原发性DLBCL病变多发于下叶外周,CT检查多表现为边缘清晰的孤立多发结节影和团块影,也可表现为斑片状或不规则实变,伴或不伴磨玻璃样影,另外间质受累,病变浸润胸膜出现胸腔积液者亦有报道[15-16]。纵隔淋巴结节增大及胸腔积液较低度恶性淋巴瘤更为常见[17], 多层螺旋CT检查可表现为区域坏死性空洞[18],该例患者以胸部多发磨玻璃结节影为主要表现。

镜下DLBCL由弥漫成片的、大的母细胞性淋巴样细胞组成, 可融合成群, 破坏正常的肺组织,50%患者可出现局部淋巴结受累[11],研究[11-12]显示:肺原发DLBCL患者的典型免疫组织化学表现为CD20和CD79a阳性及轻链限制, Ki67增殖指数呈典型性升高。DLBCL是PPL的第二常见病理类型(约占PPL的10%),较MALT淋巴瘤(占PPL的70%~90%)更具侵袭性且预后差。两者治疗方案相似,但由于DLBCL局部或远处转移复发率较高,即使病变局限者手术切除后仍需要联合放化疗,高度恶性的大B细胞淋巴瘤一般不推荐手术,以化疗为主[19]。Ki67对预测DLBCL具有十分重要的意义,增殖指数大于60%提示预后较差。有研究[20]表明:DLBCL患者中约有45%出现B淋巴细胞瘤2基因(B-cell lymphoma-2,Bcl-2)蛋白高表达,而高表达BCL-2或骨髓细胞瘤原癌基因(myelocytomatosis oncogene,MYC)均会导致患者预后不良。另有研究[21]显示:所有DLBCL患者中,并发c-MYC基因异常者约占10%,且该类患者肿瘤细胞较c-MYC基因突变阴性者具有更强的增殖活性,提示BCL-2或MYC和c-MYC基因突变是DLBCL患者预后评估的重要指标[22-23]。该患者经规律化疗,3个月后复查胸部CT检查可见双肺磨玻璃影消失,结合基因检测标记,提示患者预后较好。


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