吉林大学学报(医学版)  2019, Vol. 45 Issue (05): 1173-1176     DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587x.20190534



胡雪, 李天博, 李雪洋, 王倩, 张颖丽
HU Xue, LI Tianbo, LI Xueyang, WANG Qian, ZHANG Yingli
Dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar: A case report and literature review
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2019, 45(05): 1173-1176
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(05): 1173-1176


收稿日期: 2019-03-22
胡雪1 , 李天博1 , 李雪洋1 , 王倩2 , 张颖丽1     
1. 吉林大学口腔医院牙体牙髓科, 吉林 长春 130021;
2. 吉林大学口腔医院修复科, 吉林 长春 130021
[摘要]: 目的: 探讨上颌第二磨牙牙内陷患者的诊疗过程,分析罕见牙内陷患者临床表现、影像学特征和病理特点,制定合理的治疗方案。方法: 收集1例牙内陷患者的临床资料、影像学表现和病理资料,分析磨牙区牙内陷患者的临床及影像学特征,结合相关文献,总结其临床诊断标准和治疗方法。结果: 患者,女性,28岁,因发现右上后牙有洞6个月来本院就诊。专科检查可见17 面平龈,牙冠巨大,面正中见凹陷及龋坏,未达髓腔,影像学检查可见17 面类牙釉质密度影像向根方凹陷,深度约7.7mm,确诊为牙内陷。初诊时去除腐质,采用安抚治疗,复诊时发现患牙仍有自发痛,且未能解决食物嵌塞痛,考虑到术后恢复效果不佳,故患者同意拔除患牙。离体牙做病理磨片,显微镜下观察可见内陷处牙釉质及牙本质结构异常。结论: 发生于磨牙区的牙内陷患者较为罕见,诊疗过程中应结合影像学检查明确疾病类型及治疗计划,建议治疗效果不佳的患牙应及时拔除。
关键词: 牙内陷    牙齿发育异常    右上颌    第二磨牙    
Dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar: A case report and literature review
HU Xue1 , LI Tianbo1 , LI Xueyang1 , WANG Qian2 , ZHANG Yingli1     
1. Department of Endodontics, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China;
2. Department of Prosthodontics, Stomatology Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
[ABSTRACT]: Objective: To explore the process of diagnosis and treatment of the patients with dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar, to analyze the clinical features, the radiographic features and the pathological features of the dens invaginatus, and to make a reasonable treatment plan. Methods: The clinical data, imaging findings and pathological data of a patient with dens invagination were collected. The clinical diagnostic criteria and treatment methods of these cases were summarized with relevant literature review. Results: The patient, female, 28 years old, was diagnosed with a hole in the upper right posterior teeth for 6 months. The special examination results showed that the 17-toothed face was flat, the crown was huge, and the occlusal surface was seen in the sag and sputum; the medullary cavity was not reached. The radiograghic examination results showed that the enamel density image of the 17-toothed surface was sunken to the root, with a depth of about 7.7 mm, diagnosed as dens invaginatus. At the time of initial treatment, the humus was removed and the sag received sedative treatment. The spontaneous pain still existed during the follow-up examination, and the problem of food embolism was not solved. Considering the poor recovery after treatment, the patient agreed to remove the tooth. The isolated tooth was observed by pathological grinding, and the enamel and dentin structures of the invaginatus were abnormal observed under microscope. Conclusion: The patients with dens invagination occurs in the molar area are rare; the type of disease and treatment plan should be determined by imaging examination during the process of diagnosis and treatment; it suggests that the patients with poor recovery after treatment should remove the teeth.
KEYWORDS: dens invaginatus     teeth dysplasia     right maxillary     second molar    

牙内陷(dens invaginatus,DI)是一种牙齿发育异常,通常表现为釉质覆盖的牙冠或牙根表面出现深凹陷,也可伴随其他发育异常,如过大牙、过小牙、牛牙症、融合牙及釉质发育不全等[1],常发生于上颌侧切牙、尖牙、前磨牙、多生的切牙、下颌前牙和前磨牙[2],其中上颌侧切牙发生率最高[3]。磨牙区的牙内陷病例十分罕见,ALANI等[4]报道:14090颗牙内陷牙齿中,只有6.5%为后牙。国外少数文献[5-6]报道了乳磨牙区牙内陷的病例,国内相关报道较少。本文作者报道1例恒磨牙区牙内陷病例,分析其影像学表现及病理学特征与临床症状之间的联系,为临床治疗方案的制定提供参考。

1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料

患者,女性,28岁,因右上后牙发现有洞6个月于2018年11月26日就诊于吉林大学口腔医院。患者6个月前右上后牙牙龈红肿,炎症消除后发现右上后牙萌出,自觉有洞,影响咀嚼。否认既往病史、药物过敏史及常规血液检查在内的家族遗传病史,口外检查和全身性检查均未发现其他临床综合征。专科检查:颌面部基本对称,张口度及开口型正常,咬合关系正常,关节无弹响; 口内检查:牙合左右对称,17部分萌出,牙合面平龈,牙冠色正常,体积巨大,牙合面正中有明显凹陷,可探及龋坏,龋坏深达牙本质中层,探诊敏感,叩痛(-),冷水反应(-),牙齿无松动,牙龈轻度充血(图 1,见插页六)。根尖CR片(图 2):17牙合面向髓腔内陷入较深,位于牙齿中央,内陷处正中可见龋坏,未达髓腔;未见常规根管形态;根尖周未见明显异常。锥形束CT(CBCT)显示:17牙合面高密度影像向根方凹陷,深度约7.7mm,龋坏处下方可见髓角,髓腔形态呈“C”形,内陷形成的通道与牙髓腔不相通,牙周膜间隙增宽(图 3)。

View of buccal side; B, C:View of occlusal surface 图 1 右上颌第二磨牙牙内陷患者口腔内照片 Fig. 1 Intraoral biew of patient with dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar(seen on page 1174 in paragraph)
图 2 右上颌第二磨牙牙内陷患者患牙根尖CR影像 Fig. 2 Periapical CR radiograph of patient with dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar
A: Axial view; B: Sagital view; C: Coronal view. 图 3 上颌第二磨牙牙内陷患者患牙CBCT影像 Fig. 3 CBCT radiograph of patient with dens invaginatus of right maxillary second molar
1.2 治疗方法

17龋坏深达牙本质中层,初诊时建议患者采用17安抚术。17牙合面去净腐质,制备洞形,拭干,隔湿,氢氧化钙双糊剂护髓,氧化锌安抚治疗;术后1周复诊,患牙自发痛及牙龈红肿状况未缓解,建议拔除。后经患者知情同意,拔除17。患牙做病理磨片,观察内陷釉质形态。显微镜下观察:牙釉质内可见裂隙延伸至牙本质;牙本质内可见牙本质小管排列不良;牙髓未见明显病理改变(图 4,见插页六)。

A: Enamel; B: Dentine; C:Endodontic pulp. 图 4 牙内陷患者患牙病理表现 Fig. 4 Pathology of tooth of patient with dens invaginatus(seen on page 1174 in paragraph)
1.3 治疗结果

考虑到患牙近中食物嵌塞痛未能缓解且牙合面中央凹陷深,去净腐质难度较大,洞形制备不够理想,也可能出现填充不全,术后若出现继发龋时治疗难度较大,若出现牙髓症状时,由于髓腔形态特殊,根管治疗较难达到理想效果,远期预后不佳,最终拔除患牙(图 5,见插页六)。

A: Occlusive view; B: Side view; C: Root view 图 5 牙内陷患者离体患牙照片 Fig. 5 Picture of isolated tooth of patient with dens invaginatus(seen on page 1175 in paragraph)
2 讨论


目前国际广泛采用OEHLERS等[17]牙内陷分类法。该分类法根据内陷深度及内陷与根尖牙周相通情况将牙内陷分为3型:Ⅰ型内陷局限于牙冠内且不与髓腔相通;Ⅱ型内陷延伸至釉牙骨质界下方,下端终止于牙本质内形成一盲端,不与髓腔相通;Ⅲ(A)型内陷向下延伸在根尖或根侧形成通道,通道走行于牙根内,不与牙髓相通;Ⅲ(B)型内陷向下延伸在根尖或根侧形成“第二根尖孔”,并与牙髓牙周组织相通。有研究[12, 18-19]显示:Ⅰ型牙内陷在牙内陷中所占比例相对较高,为69.8%~93.8%,其次为Ⅱ型,占3.1%~26.6%;Ⅲ型占3.0%~12.5%。本研究中患者属于Ⅱ型牙内陷,该类型牙内陷的釉质外观上表现为釉质盲孔,此处结构薄弱,可能与牙髓存在交通支且细菌容易聚集,临床上应该对此结构进行预防性树脂充填以减少牙髓感染的可能[20]。该患者由于内陷部位积存食物已形成龋坏,而牙体形态因素又使得牙髓治疗预后较差,故而拔除。



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