吉林大学学报(医学版)  2019, Vol. 45 Issue (05): 1119-1127     DOI: 10.13481/j.1671-587x.20190525



王艳军, 曲丹华, 郭昕, 姚燕, 程远娟
WANG Yanjun, QU Danhua, GUO Xin, YAO Yan, CHENG Yuanjuan
Analysis on present situation of quality of life and its influencing factors of 300 cases of patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
吉林大学学报(医学版), 2019, 45(05): 1119-1127
Journal of Jilin University (Medicine Edition), 2019, 45(05): 1119-1127


收稿日期: 2018-04-18
王艳军1,2 , 曲丹华1 , 郭昕3 , 姚燕3 , 程远娟2     
1. 吉林大学第二医院呼吸内科, 吉林 长春 130041;
2. 吉林大学第二医院护理部, 吉林 长春 130041;
3. 吉林大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教研室, 吉林 长春 130021
[摘要]: 目的: 探讨影响特发性间质性肺炎(ⅡP)患者生活质量的相关影响因素,为提高ⅡP患者生活质量、预防其他并发症和改善患者预后提供理论依据。方法: 采用圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)评估住院治疗且符合纳入及排除标准的300例ⅡP患者的生活质量;比较不同特征人群之间各维度生存质量评分的差异;采用一般线性回归模型筛选可能影响各维度生活质量评分的独立影响因素。结果: 饮酒、用力肺活量(FVC)和6 min步行试验(6MWT)是ⅡP患者症状评分的独立影响因素(P < 0.05);民族、家庭人均月收入、肺一氧化碳弥散量(DLCO)和6MWT是ⅡP患者活动受限评分的独立影响因素(P < 0.05);民族、家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT是ⅡP患者生活影响评分的独立影响因素(P < 0.05);民族、家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT是ⅡP患者生活质量总分的独立影响因素(P < 0.05)。结论: ⅡP患者活动受限较为明显,饮酒、民族、家庭人均月收入、FVC、6MWT和DLOC是影响ⅡP患者不同维度生活质量的影响因素。
关键词: 特发性间质性肺炎    圣乔治呼吸问卷    生活质量    肺功能    影响因素    
Analysis on present situation of quality of life and its influencing factors of 300 cases of patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
WANG Yanjun1,2 , QU Danhua1 , GUO Xin3 , YAO Yan3 , CHENG Yuanjuan2     
1. Department of RespiratoryMedicine, Second Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130041, China;
2. Department of Nursing, Second Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun 130041, China;
3. Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
[ABSTRACT]: Objective: To explore the influencing factors related to the quality of life of the patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (ⅡP), and to provide the theoretical basis for improving the quality of life, preventing other complications, and improving the prognosis of the patients with ⅡP. Methods: St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) was used to evaluate the quality of life of 300 hospitalization patients with ⅡP who met the inclusion criteria in the study. The differences of quality of life among different groups of people were compared. A general linear regression model was used to screen the independent influencing factors that may affect the scores of quality life of all dimensions. Results: Drinking, forced vital capacity (FVC) and 6 min walk test (6MWT) were the independent influencing factors of the symptom score of the ⅡP patients (P < 0.05); nation, family per capita monthly income, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DLCO), and 6MWT were the independent influencing factors of activity limit score of the ⅡP patients (P < 0.05); nation, family per capita monthly income, FVC, and 6MWT were the independent influencing factors of life impact score of the ⅡP patients (P < 0.05); nation, family per capita monthly income, FVC, and 6MWT were the independent influencing factors of the scores of quality of life of the ⅡP patients (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The activity limit of ⅡP patients is more obvious. Drinking, nation and family per capita monthly income, FVC, 6MWT and DLOC are the factors affecting the quality of life of the ⅡP patients in different dimensions.
KEYWORDS: idiopathic interstitial pneumonia     St George's respiratory questionnaire     quality of life     lung function     influencing factors    

特发性间质性肺炎(idiopathic interstitial pneumonia,ⅡP)是一组以肺实质慢性炎症及纤维化为主要病理改变的非特异性疾病,每年男性发病率为10.7/10万,女性发病率为7.4/10万[1]。ⅡP临床表现为肺部出现多个发生程度不同的炎症病灶,其所累及病灶可能包括肺泡和肺间质等,引起患者部分肺泡结构破坏,随着疾病进展,炎症病灶发展为不可逆性病理改变[2-4]。由于ⅡP患者长期反复咳嗽、进行性加重的低氧血症以及逐渐下降的活动耐量,患者容易产生吸氧依赖和活动受限等,严重影响了患者的生活质量。研究[5]显示:ⅡP患者的生活质量不仅低于一般人群,甚至低于其他慢性呼吸系统疾病患者。目前对于ⅡP患者生活质量研究较为少见,本研究拟采用圣乔治呼吸问卷(St George’ s respiratory questionnaire,SGRQ)对在吉林大学第二医院呼吸内科住院治疗且符合纳入及排除标准的300例ⅡP患者生活质量进行评估,旨在调查ⅡP患者生活质量现状,探讨影响ⅡP患者生活质量的相关影响因素,为提高ⅡP患者生活质量、预防并发症及改善预后提供相关理论依据。

1 资料与方法 1.1 调查对象


1.2 调查方法

采用横断面调查方法,由经过培训的专科医生对符合条件的ⅡP患者在其入院后72 h内对于疾病及生活质量相关情况进行调查。调查内容包括:一般人口学特征(年龄、性别、身高和体质量等),吸烟饮酒情况,临床检测指标[肺一氧化碳弥散量(carbon monoxide diffusion capacity,DLCO)、一秒用力呼气容积(forced expiratory volume in one second,FEV1)、用力肺活量(forced vital capacity,FVC)、6 min步行试验(6min walk test,6MWT)和血气分析],疾病相关信息(病程时间、相关并发症以及其他疾病患病情况),既往病史,过敏史及生活质量情况。本研究应用SGRQ对ⅡP患者进行生活质量调查。SGRQ主要是用来测量慢性肺部疾病患者的呼吸症状对生活质量的影响。要求ⅡP患者独立完成SGRQ,问卷内容共50个问题,可以分为3个维度:①症状评分(呼吸症状的频率和程度);②活动受限评分(呼吸症状导致的气促、乏力和活动受限);③日常生活的影响评分(呼吸症状对于生理和心理的影响)。生活质量评分是以上3项的总分的平均分。根据相应问题权重进行评分计算,分值为0~100分,分值越高表明患者生活质量越差[6-7]

1.3 质量控制

本研究均由呼吸内科医生进行问卷调查,为了确保问卷调查结果准确,由另一位专科医生对调查问卷进行复核,对于内容有歧义的问卷询问该调查对象,对于相关内容进行校正。采用EpiData 3.10软件录入调查问卷数据,采用双人平行录入,发现不一致数据比对原始问卷进行校正。

1.4 统计学分析

采用SPSS 22.0统计软件进行统计学分析,应用EpiData 3.10软件进行数据录入并建立数据库。SGRQ问卷症状评分、活动受限评分、生活影响评分和生活质量评分以x ±s表示。患者年龄分组、性别、体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)分组、民族、职业、文化程度、婚姻情况、地区分布、家庭人均月收入、吸烟、饮酒情况以及DLCO、FEV1/FVC、FVC、6MWT、血气分析情况等分类变量,以率和构成比(%)表示。采用Kolmogorov-Smirnov法检验症状评分和活动受限评分、生活影响评分和生活质量总分呈正态分布。不同特征ⅡP患者症状评分、活动受限评分、生活影响评分和生活质量总分等变量符合正态分布,二分类因素比较采用两独立样本t检验,三分类及以上因素比较采用单因素方差分析;对于变量不符合正态分布的数据,采用秩和检验。将单因素分析中P<0.05的变量纳入一般线性模型进行多因素分析。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 一般人口学特征

300例ⅡP患者中,男性154例(51.33%),女性146例(48.67%),年龄32~88岁,平均年龄为(63.87±10.96)岁。患者BMI、民族、职业、文化程度、婚姻状况、地区分布、家庭人均月收入、吸烟以及饮酒情况见表 12。患者DLCO、FEV1/FVC、FVC、6MWT和血气分析等指标,ⅡP患者病程时间、相关并发症以及其他疾病患病情况见表 34

表 1 ⅡP患者症状评分和活动受限评分相关人口学特征因素单因素分析 Tab. 1 Univariate analysis on demographic characteristic factors related to symptom scores and activity limit scores in patients with ⅡP
Factor N (η/%) Symptom score F/t P Activity limit score F/t P
Age (year) 2.29 0.103 8.10 <0.01
    30-49 29(9.67) 36.83±21.38 51.33±21.97
    50-69 177(59.00) 45.61±22.42 62.41±24.49
    70- 94(31.33) 47.08±24.16 70.46±22.33
Gender 0.73 0.467 0.67 0.507
    Male 154(51.33) 46.16±22.55 64.76±24.15
    Female 146(48.67) 44.23±23.47 62.91±24.20
BMI (kg·m-2) 0.58 0.629 0.43 0.734
    <18.5 22(7.33) 42.17±25.83 63.37±21.77
    18.5-23.9 138(46.00) 45.90±22.18 63.31±24.82
    24.0-27.9 110(36.67) 46.16±23.13 65.60±23.71
    ≥28 30(10.00) 40.91±24.45 60.35±24.96
Nation -1.44 0.152 -3.02 0.006
    Han 281(93.67) 44.72±23.15 63.08±24.41
    Other 19(6.33) 52.53±19.45 75.32±16.47
Occupation 1.65 0.195 0.66 0.520
    Mental labor 21(7.00) 49.80±25.89 58.65±27.45
    Manual labor 97(32.33) 47.78±23.00 63.23±24.35
    Unemployed/Others 182(60.67) 43.32±22.55 64.80±23.70
Level of education 0.26 0.854 2.36 0.071
    Primary school or below 45(15.00) 44.88±24.95 72.20±22.80
    Middle school 150(50.00) 45.90±22.69 62.94±24.74
    High school or secondary school 65(21.67) 45.65±20.66 62.89±21.21
    College or above. 40(13.33) 42.35±24.76 59.50±26.53
Marriage status -1.19 0.235 -1.59 0.114
    Married 274(91.33) 44.73±23.00 63.18±24.28
    Single 26(8.67) 50.35±22.59 71.02±21.89
Place of residence -0.24 0.885 0.34 0.736
    City 183(61.00) 43.75±22.08 63.47±22.60
    Country or countryside 117(39.00) 44.29±24.01 62.36±26.83
Family per capita monthlyincome (yuan) 1.17 0.312 5.29 0.006
    <1 000 35(11.66) 49.48±27.19 75.26±21.80
    1 000-3 000 188(62.67) 45.55±23.00 63.50±24.00
    >3 000 77(25.67) 42.48±20.85 59.56±24.22
Smoking 2.61 0.075 4.10 0.018
    No 185(61.67) 43.24±23.13 61.31±24.76
    Quit 59(19.67) 51.05±22.18 71.53±21.41
    Yes 56(18.66) 45.59±22.67 64.22±22.64
Drinking -2.61 0.010 -0.56 0.573
    No 233(77.67) 43.38±22.99 63.44±23.80
    Yes 67(22.33) 51.61±21.95 65.33±25.48
表 2 ⅡP患者生活影响评分和生活质量评分相关人口学特征因素单因素分析 Tab. 2 Univariate analysis on demographic characteristic factors related to life impact scores and life quality scores in patients with ⅡP
Factor Life impact score F/t P Life quality score F/t P
Age (year) 3.03 0.050 4.85 0.008
    30-49 40.46±21.19 43.15±19.21
    50-69 49.47±22.24 52.75±21.01
    70- 52.16±22.97 56.86±21.05
Gender -0.80 0.423 -0.09 0.927
    Male 48.42±22.58 53.00±21.45
    Female 50.51±22.49 53.23±20.86
BMI (kg·m-2) 0.10 0.962 0.07 0.978
    <18.5 48.23±19.94 51.81±19.21
    18.5-23.9 49.41±22.22 53.04±21.02
    24.0-27.9 49.19±22.35 53.66±21.00
    ≥28.0 51.35±26.97 52.35±24.25
Nation -2.29 0.023 -2.30 0.022
    Han 48.67±22.52 52.39±21.22
    Other 60.79±19.83 63.82±16.73
Occupation 1.79 0.168 0.78 0.459
    Mental labor 45.11±22.05 49.99±23.04
    Manual labor 52.82±22.41 55.14±21.04
    Unemployed/Others 48.14±22.54 52.39±20.97
Level of education 2.96 0.032 2.33 0.074
    Primary school or below 57.28±19.22 59.74±18.49
    Middle school 48.78±23.31 52.60±21.81
    High school or secondary school 49.42±21.78 52.88±19.56
    College or above. 43.13±22.49 47.96±22.62
Marriage status -1.73 0.085 -1.75 0.082
    Married 48.75±22.54 52.46±21.22
    Single 56.72±21.40 60.00±19.14
Place of residence -0.32 0.760 -0.13 0.929
    City 47.48±21.74 51.71±20.17
    Country or countryside 48.44±24.03 51.97±23.11
Family per capita monthlyincome (yuan) 7.63 0.001 6.50 0.002
    <1 000 61.83±20.38 63.85±19.35
    1 000-3 000 49.24±22.58 52.94±21.26
    >3 000 44.31±21.40 48.62±20.07
Smoking 3.19 0.042 3.98 0.020
    No 47.70±23.23 51.09±21.68
    Quit 56.02±19.02 59.90±17.83
    Yes 48.25±22.64 52.65±21.33
Drinking -1.55 0.123 -1.54 0.125
    No 48.36±22.79 52.11±21.16
    Yes 53.18±21.30 56.60±20.80
表 3 ⅡP患者症状评分和活动受限评分相关疾病因素单因素分析 Tab. 3 Univariate analysis on disease factors related to symptom scores and activity limit scores in patients with ⅡP
Factor N(η/%) Symptom score F/t P Activity limit score F/t P
Duration (year) 3.60 0.029 1.22 0.298
    <1 193(64.33) 42.68±22.09 62.31±24.36
    1-5 74(24.67) 48.72±24.02 64.93±24.21
    >5 33(11.00) 52.17±24.01 68.25±22.57
DLCO 7.63 <0.01 9.16 <0.01
    <40% 107(35.67) 50.89±22.26 71.34±21.91
    40%-60% 144(48.00) 44.75±21.46 62.42±24.05
    >60% 49(16.33) 34.22±25.08 51.76±23.90
FEV1/FVC -0.89 0.373 -0.32 0.750
    ≤70% 39(13.00) 42.15±21.67 62.71±22.37
    >70% 261(87.00) 45.68±23.18 64.03±24.44
FVC 12.00 <0.01 11.67 <0.01
    40%-60% 59(19.66) 53.79±22.77 71.61±23.13
    61%-80% 128(42.67) 48.37±21.87 68.07±21.65
    >80% 113(37.67) 37.18±22.00 55.04±24.87
6MWT (l/m) 34.91 <0.01 76.78 <0.01
    <150 125(41.67) 55.38±21.15 78.39±18.54
    150-425 152(50.67) 40.58±20.57 56.98±20.66
    >425 23(7.66) 20.64±19.64 30.33±18.99
Blood gas analysis 1.73 0.085 1.69 0.092
    <80% 13(4.33) 55.95±23.35 74.90±20.80
    ≥80% 287(95.67) 44.73±22.89 63.36±24.21
Respiratory syndrome -3.08 0.002 -3.18 0.002
    No 236(78.67) 43.12±22.39 61.59±24.29
    Yes 64(21.33) 52.96±23.67 72.24±21.83
Hypertension -1.38 0.167 -1.80 0.074
    No 220(73.33) 43.81±22.92 62.23±24.55
    Yes 80(26.67) 47.91±21.81 67.87±22.36
Diabetes 0.18 0.860 0.36 0.719
    No 244(81.33) 45.07±23.39 63.80±23.88
    Yes 56(18.67) 44.46±21.88 62.49±26.00
Coronary heart disease 0.23 0.818 2.31 0.022
    No 228(76.00) 44.24±22.12 60.68±24.45
    Yes 72(24.00) 43.53±23.26 68.20±21.91
Dyslipidemia 0.14 0.891 -0.59 0.556
    No 271(90.33) 44.05±22.40 61.39±24.24
    Yes 29(9.67) 43.44±24.68 64.27±26.99
History of lung disease -2.35 0.019 -2.12 0.035
    No 160(53.33) 42.32±22.83 61.12±24.27
    Yes 140(46.67) 48.53±22.79 66.99±23.72
History of immunedisease 1.09 0.275 0.69 0.490
    No 255(85.00) 45.83±23.00 64.27±23.76
    Yes 45(15.00) 41.77±22.87 61.56±26.44
History of medication -0.23 0.815 -2.33 0.020
    No 95(31.67) 44.76±22.42 59.12±23.58
    Yes 205(68.33) 45.43±23.29 66.06±24.16
History of allergy -0.15 0.884 -0.47 0.642
    No 227(75.67) 45.11±23.56 63.49±24.54
    Yes 73(24.33) 45.56±21.25 65.00±23.03
表 4 ⅡP患者生活影响评分和生活质量评分相关疾病因素单因素分析 Tab. 4 Univariate analysis on disease factors related to life impact scores and life quality scores in patients with ⅡP
Factor Life impact score F/t P Life quality score F/t P
Duration (year) 3.55 0.030 3.21 0.042
    <1 47.02±22.66 50.94±21.17
    1-5 52.54±21.90 55.97±20.88
    >5 56.63±21.29 59.41±20.00
DLCO 6.05 <0.01 8.53 <0.01
    <40% 55.01±21.99 59.28±20.28
    40%-60% 48.61±21.22 52.16±19.86
    >60% 39.71±24.12 42.45±22.21
FEV1/FVC -0.24 0.810 -0.41 0.684
    ≤70% 48.63±25.59 51.82±21.91
    >70% 49.56±22.08 53.30±21.04
FVC 9.30 <0.01 12.52 <0.01
    40%-60% 57.31±22.97 61.06±21.31
    61%-80% 52.00±19.94 56.27±18.66
    >80% 42.43±23.25 45.38±21.37
6MWT (l/m) 69.98 <0.01 82.62 <0.01
    <150 63.81±18.72 66.83±16.98
    150-425 41.11±18.15 45.83±17.00
    >425 26.40±21.22 26.63±17.00
Blood gas analysis 2.79 0.006 2.48 0.014
    <80% 66.31±16.89 67.19±16.50
    ≥80% 48.68±22.47 52.47±21.11
Respiratory syndrome -3.75 <0.01 -3.79 <0.01
    No 46.96±22.28 50.75±20.89
    Yes 58.59±21.15 61.79±19.84
Hypertension -1.06 0.290 -1.48 0.141
    No 48.41±22.58 51.84±21.29
    Yes 51.50±21.44 55.87±19.63
Diabetes 0.49 0.623 0.44 0.663
    No 49.49±22.63 53.09±21.17
    Yes 47.84±22.26 51.72±21.28
Coronary heart disease 1.06 0.290 1.36 0.174
    No 47.55±22.12 50.98±20.91
    Yes 50.86±22.87 54.86±20.50
Dyslipidemia -0.10 0.925 -0.24 0.814
    No 47.52±22.60 51.15±21.23
    Yes 47.95±25.16 52.15±22.78
History of lung disease -1.27 0.206 -1.88 0.062
    No 47.90±22.69 50.98±21.10
    Yes 51.20±22.28 55.54±20.97
History of immunedisease 0.65 0.517 0.80 0.422
    No 49.80±22.35 53.52±20.86
    Yes 47.43±23.63 50.77±22.69
History of medication -1.75 0.082 -1.84 0.067
    No 46.12±21.24 49.83±19.89
    Yes 50.98±22.98 54.63±21.55
History of allergy 0.44 0.658 0.06 0.950
    No 49.77±22.70 53.15±21.33
    Yes 48.42±22.08 52.97±20.62
2.2 ⅡP患者生活质量情况


2.3 生活质量相关影响因素单因素分析

经Kolmogorov-Smirnov法检验,症状评分、活动受限评分、生活影响评分和生活质量总分均符合正态分布(P>0.05)。单因素分析结果显示:不同吸烟、饮酒、ⅡP病程、DLOC、FVC、6MWT、呼吸并发症和肺部疾病既往史情况的ⅡP患者症状评比比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄、民族、家庭人均月收入、吸烟、DLOC、FVC、6MWT、呼吸并发症、肺部疾病既往史、冠心病情况和用药情况的ⅡP患者活动受限评分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄、民族、文化程度、家庭人均月收入、吸烟、ⅡP病程、DLOC、FVC、6MWT、血气分析和呼吸并发症情况的ⅡP患者生活影响评分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄、民族、家庭人均月收入、吸烟、ⅡP病程、DLOC、FVC、6MWT、血气分析和呼吸并发症情况的ⅡP患者生活质量总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。见表 1~4

2.4 生活质量相关影响因素多因素分析

将上述P<0.05的相关因素纳入多因素分析,结果显示:饮酒、FVC和6MWT是研究对象症状评分的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。与不饮酒ⅡP患者比较,饮酒ⅡP患者症状评分较高(P=0.027);症状评分随FVC和6MWT升高而降低。民族、家庭人均月收入、DLOC和6MWT是ⅡP患者活动受限评分的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。与汉族ⅡP患者比较,少数民族ⅡP患者活动受限评分较高(P=0.005);活动受限评分随家庭人均月收入、DLCO和6MWT升高而降低。民族、家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT是ⅡP患者生活影响评分的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。与汉族ⅡP患者比较,少数民族ⅡP患者生活影响评分较高(P=0.005);生活影响评分随家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT升高而降低。民族、家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT是ⅡP患者生活质量总分的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。与汉族ⅡP患者比较,少数民族ⅡP患者生活质量总分较高(P=0.004);ⅡP患者生活质量总分随家庭人均月收入、FVC和6MWT升高而降低。多因素分析赋值情况见表 5,一般线性回归模型多因素分析结果见表 6

表 5 ⅡP患者生活质量相关影响因素多因素分析变量赋值情况 Tab. 5 Assignment of influencing factors related to quality of life in patients with ⅡPfor multivariate analysis
Variable Assignment
Age (year)
    30-49 0
    50-69 1
    70- 2
    Han 0
    Other 1
Level of education
    Primary school or below 0
Middle school 1
    High school or secondary school 2
    College or above. 3
Family per capita monthly income (yuan)
    <1 000 0
    1 000-3 000 1
    >3 000 2
    No 0
    Quit 1
    Yes 2
    No 0
    Yes 1
Duration (year)
    <1 0
    1-5 1
    >5 2
    <40% 0
    40%-60% 1
    >60% 2
    40%-60% 0
    61%-80% 1
    >80% 2
6MWT (l/m)
    <150 0
    150-425 1
    >425 2
表 6 ⅡP患者生活质量相关影响因素多因素分析 Tab. 6 Multivariate analysis on influencing factors of qualitylife in patients with ⅡP
Factor β S.E. t P
    Drinking 6.25 2.81 2.22 0.027
    FVC -5.59 1.64 -3.41 0.001
    6MWT -14.26 1.96 -7.26 <0.01
Activity limit
    Nation 12.78 4.45 2.81 0.005
    Family per capita monthly income -3.74 1.88 -1.99 0.048
    DLCO -5.32 1.65 -3.23 0.001
    6MWT -20.72 1.88 -11.03 <0.01
Life impact
    Nation 12.01 4.29 2.80 0.005
    Family per capita monthly income -5.03 1.78 -2.83 0.005
    FVC -4.06 1.47 -2.77 0.006
    6MWT -18.56 1.78 -10.45 <0.01
Quality of life
    Nation 11.36 3.88 2.93 0.004
    Family per capita monthly income -4.02 1.61 -2.50 0.013
    FVC -4.59 1.33 -3.46 0.001
    6MWT -18.53 1.61 -11.54 <0.01
3 讨论

本研究中ⅡP患者SGRQ生活质量评分、症状评分、活动受限评分和生活影响评分与既往研究一致[8],其中ⅡP患者活动受限评分更高,提示ⅡP患者日常活动限制较大,ⅡP患者肺间质出现慢性纤维化的病理改变,影响肺部弥散功能,造成氧合功能障碍,患者会出现活动性的呼吸困难、低血氧症以及限制性的通气障碍等症状,限制了ⅡP患者活动[9-11]。与多项对于慢性阻塞性肺病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)患者研究中生活质量评分比较,COPD患者SGRQ生活质量评分高于本研究ⅡP患者[12],其中COPD患者症状评分和生活影响评分高于ⅡP患者,其原因可能与疾病特征有关,COPD是以气道阻塞为特征,而ⅡP是以肺部弥散功能障碍为特征,COPD患者较ⅡP患者的呼吸症状更加明显,COPD患者感官对于日常生活影响更大[13]




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