疾病监测  2017, Vol. 32 Issue (10/11): 798-798



National Data of Class A, B and C communicable Diseases in October 2017
疾病监测, 2017, 32(10/11): 798-798
Disease Surveillance, 2017, 32(10/11): 798-798
National Data of Class A, B and C communicable Diseases in October 2017
Case number
Death number
Last Oct.
Cum 2017
Cum 2016
Last Oct.
Cum 2017
Cum 2016
鼠疫Plague - - - - - - - -
霍乱Cholera - - - - - - - -
传染性非典型肺炎SARS - - - - - - - -
艾滋病AIDS 4 485 4 154 45 010 42 340 1 350 1 160 11 903 10 987
病毒性肝炎Viral hepatitis 111 989 106 006 1 219 981 1 142 910 60 44 480 462
  甲型Type A 1 530 1 622 16 223 17 761 - - 1 5
  乙型Type B 89 105 83 907 965 932 894 450 41 37 356 345
  丙型Type C 17 749 16 912 195 539 186 973 16 5 107 94
  丁型Type D 30 31 370 372 - - - -
  戊型Type E 1 927 1 860 24 869 23 711 3 1 15 15
  未分型Unspecified 1 648 1 674 17 048 19 643 - 1 1 3
脊髓灰质炎Poliomyelitis - - - - - - - -
人感染高致病性禽流感HPAI - - - 1 - - - 1
麻疹Measles 245 217 5 746 24 276 - - 5 17
流行性出血热EHF 764 603 7 254 6 467 8 6 27 31
狂犬病Rabies 45 77 436 538 34 58 405 455
流行性乙型脑炎Epidemic encephalitis B 59 209 1 118 1 183 8 11 83 37
登革热Dengue fever 1 645 354 5 009 1 811 1 - 1 -
炭疽Anthrax 25 27 230 322 - - 1 2
  肺炭疽Pulmonary anthrax - - - - - - - -
  皮肤炭疽Cutaneous 25 27 228 321 - - 1 2
  未分型Unspecified - - 2 1 - - - -
痢疾Dysentery 8 537 10 939 99 291 110 527 - 1 2 3
  细菌性痢疾Bacillary 8 437 10 811 98 355 109 453 - 1 2 3
  阿米巴性痢疾Amebic 100 128 936 1 074 - - - -
肺结核Lung Tuberculosis 81 554 67 111 772 785 737 175 169 209 2 301 2 056
  利福平耐药Rifampicin-resistant 753 - 5 701 - 2 - 17 -
  菌(+)Bacteria(+) 18 525 19 916 210 739 213 476 77 124 1 115 1 113
  菌(-)Bacteria(-) 41 197 40 978 467 656 464 063 78 82 918 827
  未痰检Not tested 20 524 5 914 84 089 56 698 10 3 235 109
  仅培阳Only Culture(+) 555 303 4 600 2 938 2 - 16 7
伤寒、副伤寒Typhoid and paratyphoid 1 001 913 9 398 9 442 - - 3 2
  伤寒Typhoid 812 738 7 612 7 401 - - 3 2
  副伤寒Paratyphoid 189 175 1 786 2 041 - - - -
流行性脑脊髓膜炎ECM 7 4 93 91 - 1 10 10
百日咳Pertussis 869 369 8 967 4 694 - - - 3
白喉Diphtheria - - - - - - - -
新生儿破伤风Neonatal tetanus 12 15 87 154 - - 1 3
猩红热Scarlet fever 4 279 3 751 55 595 45 508 - - - -
布鲁氏菌病Brucellosis 1 953 2 324 35 315 43 991 - - 2 2
淋病Gonorrhea 11 950 10 718 114 817 92 901 - - - 1
梅毒Syphilis 40 231 36 978 409 210 373 985 3 5 43 43
  Ⅰ期梅毒First phase 4 728 4 667 49 731 50 897 - 1 3 3
  Ⅱ期梅毒Secondary phase 3 721 3 975 40 785 42 687 - - - 3
  Ⅲ期梅毒Third phase 297 287 3 046 3 029 - - 3 -
  胎传梅毒Congenital 334 409 3 503 3 800 - - 4 1
  隐性梅毒Covert 31 151 27 640 312 145 273 572 3 4 33 36
钩端螺旋体病Leptospirosis 32 68 168 241 - - - 1
血吸虫病Schistosomiasis 3 144 2 085 4 550 5 858 - - - -
疟疾Malaria 194 206 2 366 2 762 1 1 6 16
  间日疟Benign tertian 37 41 543 629 - - - -
  恶性疟Malignant 121 135 1 482 1 858 1 1 6 16
  未分型Unspecified 36 30 341 275 - - - -
人感染H7N9禽流感H7N9 Human infection
with avian influenza A H7N9 virus
- 2 644 104 - 1 269 43
流行性感冒Influenza 16 049 13 129 290 400 245 677 - - 28 52
流行性腮腺炎Epidemic parotitis 15 936 13 209 204 556 140 022 - - 1 -
风疹Rubella 100 102 1 450 4 245 - - - -
急性出血性结膜炎AHC 2 640 2 603 29 152 29 244 - - - -
麻风病Lepra 42 36 567 595 - - - 1
斑疹伤寒Typhus fever 141 135 763 913 - - - 1
黑热病Kala-azar 15 25 173 279 - - - 1
包虫病Echinococcosis 414 319 5 658 3 678 - - - 2
丝虫病Filariasis - - - - - - - -
其他感染性腹泻病Other infectious diarrhea 75 203 75 683 1 009 042 862 500 3 - 14 10
手足口病Hand, foot and mouth disease 263 311 176 082 1 731 793 2 080 031 1 10 97 178
合计Total 646 871 528 453 6 071 624 6 014 465 1 638 1 507 15 682 14 420


Division of Infectious Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention