疾病监测  2017, Vol. 32 Issue (7): 533-533



Division of Infectious Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
National Data of Class A, B and C Communicable Diseases in June 2017
疾病监测, 2017, 32(7): 533-533
Disease Surveillance, 2017, 32(7): 533-533
National Data of Class A, B and C Communicable Diseases in June 2017
Division of Infectious Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
表 1 Table 1
Case number
Death number
Last Jun.
Cum 2017
Cum 2016
Last Jun.
Cum 2017
Cum 2016
鼠疫Plague - - - - - - - -
霍乱Cholera - - - - - - - -
传染性非典型肺炎SARS - - - - - - - -
艾滋病AIDS 5 916 5 037 25 556 24 757 1 325 1 217 6 577 6 386
病毒性肝炎Viral hepatitis 127 147 111 907 743 964 694 253 49 35 261 265
  甲型Type A 1 609 1 601 9 802 10 978 - 1 1 5
  乙型Type B 100 155 87 846 587 254 540 377 41 28 190 189
  丙型Type C 20 873 18 349 120 325 115 270 6 5 60 60
  丁型Type D 35 34 226 230 - - - -
  戊型Type E 2 567 2 217 15 835 15 468 2 - 9 10
  未分型Unspecified 1 908 1 860 10 522 11 930 - 1 1 1
脊髓灰质炎Poliomyelitis - - - - - - - -
人感染高致病性禽流感HPAI - - - 1 - - - 1
麻疹Measles 603 2 693 4 523 21 137 1 1 4 16
流行性出血热EHF 1 105 822 5 015 4 502 2 3 15 20
狂犬病Rabies 57 54 260 270 56 41 248 236
流行性乙型脑炎Epidemic encephalitis B 19 19 34 32 - 2 9 5
登革热Dengue fever 88 24 224 168 - - - -
炭疽Anthrax 21 29 76 93 2 - 2 1
  肺炭疽Pulmonary anthrax - - - - - - - -
  皮肤炭疽Cutaneous 21 29 74 93 2 - 2 1
  未分型Unspecified - - 2 - - - - -
痢疾Dysentery 14 169 14 430 48 325 50 407 - - 1 -
  细菌性痢疾Bacillary 14 039 14 287 47 842 49 828 - - 1 -
  阿米巴性痢疾Amebic 130 143 483 579 - - - -
肺结核Lung Tuberculosis 99 001 74 475 481 631 448 211 175 237 1 325 1 238
  菌(+)Bacteria(+) 22 759 22 122 125 325 126 115 74 115 657 659
  菌(-)Bacteria(-) 51 538 46 429 290 774 287 089 66 107 510 496
  未痰检Not tested 24 011 5 649 62 772 33 317 34 12 150 76
  仅培阳Only Culture(+) 693 275 2 760 1 690 1 3 8 7
伤寒、副伤寒Typhoid and paratyphoid 1 242 1 020 4 768 4 921 3 - 4 1
  伤寒Typhoid 976 781 3 961 3 883 2 - 3 1
  副伤寒Paratyphoid 266 239 807 1 038 1 - 1 -
流行性脑脊髓膜炎ECM 13 7 72 72 - 2 5 9
百日咳Pertussis 1 051 471 4 105 2 534 - - - 2
白喉Diphtheria - - - - - - - -
新生儿破伤风Neonatal tetanus 9 11 52 89 - - 1 3
猩红热Scarlet fever 11 129 8 144 40 805 33 022 - - - -
布鲁氏菌病Brucellosis 5 203 6 460 21 942 27 622 - 1 1 1
淋病Gonorrhea 12 518 9 533 63 592 50 086 - - - 1
梅毒Syphilis 45 323 39 101 237 050 215 908 4 7 23 24
  Ⅰ期梅毒First phase 5 564 5 124 30 083 30 519 - - 1 1
  Ⅱ期梅毒Secondary phase 4 834 4 713 23 169 24 237 - 1 - 2
  Ⅲ期梅毒Third phase 337 312 1 916 1 828 2 - 2 -
  胎传梅毒Congenital 367 363 2 185 2 194 - - 2 1
  隐性梅毒Covert 34 221 28 589 179 697 157 130 2 6 18 20
钩端螺旋体病Leptospirosis 15 11 52 41 - 1 - 1
血吸虫病Schistosomiasis 39 504 180 2 002 - - - -
疟疾Malaria 312 348 1 464 1 863 - 3 3 11
  间日疟Benign tertian 96 98 340 437 - - - -
  恶性疟Malignant 169 217 901 1 266 - 3 3 11
  未分型Unspecified 47 33 223 160 - - - -
人感染H7N9禽流感H7N9 Human infection
with avian influenza A H7N9 virus
35 7 635 97 13 5 262 40
流行性感冒Influenza 22 313 9 972 147 976 206 150 2 - 25 51
流行性腮腺炎Epidemic parotitis 33 458 19 871 128 939 82 666 - - - -
风疹Rubella 195 670 1 157 3 695 - - - -
急性出血性结膜炎AHC 3 583 3 507 16 656 16 093 - - - -
麻风病Lepra 65 80 372 412 - - - 1
斑疹伤寒Typhus fever 102 89 348 411 - - - -
黑热病Kala-azar 20 22 109 208 - - - 1
包虫病Echinococcosis 492 298 3 788 2 227 - - - 2
丝虫病Filariasis - - - - - - - -
其他感染性腹泻病Other infectious diarrhea 108 047 81 209 611 328 478 327 2 1 8 6
手足口病Hand, foot and mouth disease 308 789 447 998 805 668 1 288 842 30 44 76 112
合计Total 802 079 838 823 3 400 666 3 661 119 1 664 1 600 8 850 8 434