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  大地测量与地球动力学  2020, Vol. 40 Issue (3): 327-330  DOI: 10.14075/j.jgg.2020.03.020


许璐, 邢喜民, 张治广. 温泉台体应变观测的影响因素及特征分析[J]. 大地测量与地球动力学, 2020, 40(3): 327-330.
XU Lu, XING Ximin, ZHANG Zhiguang. Analysis of Influencing Factors and Characteristics of Body Strain Observation in Wenquan Station[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2020, 40(3): 327-330.



Foundation support

Open Fund of the "13th Five-Year" Discipline(Mathematics) of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, No. XJZDXK-M2017003; The Spark Program of Earthquake Technology of CEA, No. XH19049; Combination Project with Monitoring, Prediction and Scientific Research of Earthquake Technology, CEA, No. CEA-JC/JH-173103.



Corresponding author

XING Ximin, senior engineer, majors in crustal deformation and earthquake, E-mail:442635690@qq.com.



About the first author

XU Lu, lecturer, majors in data analysis and scientific computing, E-mail:461392767@qq.com.


许璐1     邢喜民2     张治广2     
1. 伊犁师范大学数学与统计分院,新疆伊宁市解放路448号,835000;
2. 新疆工程学院数理学院,乌鲁木齐市艾丁湖路1350号,830023
摘要:为定量估计观测序列所包含的各种成分,评定台站的观测环境、观测质量及对地形变的监测能力,加深对观测数据的理解,准确识别震前异常,以温泉台体应变为例,选择体应变、辅助观测及气象三要素等观测数据,利用别尔采夫滤波、小波分析和相关性分析等方法,分析温泉台体应变观测各周期变化的影响因素及特征。结果表明:1)温泉台体应变年周期变化的影响因素可能为钻孔水位,体应变相位滞后水位约31 d;2)气压是温泉台体应变月波的主要影响因素;3)固体潮汐是温泉台体应变日波、半日波的主要影响因素;4)温泉台体应变与水位、气压、固体潮汐等具有较强的线性相关性。



1 观测台站及观测系统介绍


温泉台体应变观测仪架设于2008年,井终孔的孔径为130 mm,井深80 m。从井的剖面上看,上覆地层为约15 m厚的砾石沙土冲积层,15~80 m深度为花岗片麻岩。在钻井及洗井的过程中发现,钻孔74 m深度以上的岩层较破碎,74~80 m深处相对完整,底部2 m为钻井施工岩屑沉积物。在洗井过程中不断有岩芯取出,有些岩芯甚至长约60 cm,说明该区域地下岩层结构复杂,井孔条件相对较差。体应变探头安装在75 m深度处,探头头部以上回填约2 m厚的水泥,水位埋深约为29 m,水位探头置于井下37 m深度处[11]。2009年探头与岩石的耦合状态达到稳定,体应变观测数据的年变规律清晰,观测资料的精度及稳定性均较高。

2 数据分析

选取2009至2018年温泉台体应变观测资料的日均值数据,具体见图 1。由图可知,温泉台体应变既有年变特征,又有趋势变化,而水位、气压、气温等均无趋势变化。根据干扰成因的相关性[12]推断,体应变趋势性变化与气温、水位等无关。为剔除体应变的趋势性变化,按年去趋势进行计算后发现,温泉台体应变数据相位滞后气温变化125 d,两者的相关系数为0.888 8;滞后水位变化约31 d,两者的相关系数为0.861 5,分别绘制体应变与气温、水位及气压的散点图,结果见图 2

图 1 温泉台体应变、水位、气温、气压曲线 Fig. 1 Curves of body strain, water level, temperature and pressure in Wenquan station

图 2 温泉台体应变与气温、水位、气压等散点图 Fig. 2 Scatter plot of body strain with temperature, water level and pressure in Wenquan station

根据相关系数及图 2可知,气温和水位与温泉台体应变均具有较高的线性相关性,可利用公式y=35.977x-170.837拟合并剔除气温的影响,利用公式y=6.41x-369 3拟合并剔除水位的影响,得到等残差曲线(图 3)。

图 3 温泉台体应变与气温、水位回归残差曲线 Fig. 3 Regression residual curve between body strain and air temperature and water level in Wenquan station

图 3可知,温泉台体应变的年周期变化与气温及水位均有较大的相关性,但由于气温与水位之间也具有较高的线性相关性,相关系数为0.844,故无法确定温泉台体应变的年周期变化是受气温还是水位的影响。选取2012年以来温泉台体应变、水位、气压及气温的整点值数据,首先利用别尔采夫滤波滤除日波及半日波,再利用一般多项式分段曲线拟合法将周期在1~2个月内的月波滤除,并分别计算相关系数,结果见表 1

表 1 温泉台体应变与气温、水位、气压各周期的相关系数 Tab. 1 Correlation coefficient of body strain with air temperature, water level and air pressure in Wenquan station

表 1可知,温泉台体应变的日波、半日波及月波与气温、水位基本无相关性,在去除日波、半日波及月波后温泉台体应变与气温、水位均具有较高的线性相关性。进一步对2012年以来温泉台体应变、气温、水位的整点值数据进行小波分析,并划分为12个频段(2~4 h、4~8 h、8~16 h、…,以此类推),将同一频段的体应变分别与气温、水位作相关性分析,得到各频段的相关系数r,结果见图 4

图 4 温泉台体应变与气温、水位各频段相关系数 Fig. 4 Correlation coefficient of body strain with temperature and water level in each frequency band in Wenquan station

图 4可知,温泉台体应变与气温在第12频段的相关系数为0.956,与水位在第11频段的相关系数为0.738,在第12频段的相关系数为0.994。结合图 1可知,2014年温泉台体应变及水位等年变幅度均出现增大的现象,但气温却无类似的变化,根据干扰异常成因的相关性[12]认为,水位可能是影响温泉台体应变年周期变化的主要因素。

选取2016-01-01~2016-03-31温泉台体应变及气压的整点值数据,并绘制月波曲线,结果见图 5

图 5 温泉台体应变、气压月波曲线 Fig. 5 Monthly wave curve of body strain and pressure in Wenquan station

结合表 1图 5可知,温泉台体应变与气压月波的相关系数为0.773,具有较高的线性相关性,气压对温泉台体应变的影响主要为月波。计算得到2012-01-01~2018-10-18理论固体潮与利用别尔采夫滤波得到的日波、半日波的相关系数为-0.849,并绘制散点图,结果见图 6。由图可知,温泉台体应变的日波、半日波的主要影响因素为固体潮汐,且日波及半日波均与固体潮汐有较强的线性相关性。

图 6 温泉台体应变日波、半日波与理论固体潮散点图 Fig. 6 Scatter plot of body strain daily wave, semi-daily wave and theoretical solid tide in Wenquan station
3 结语


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Analysis of Influencing Factors and Characteristics of Body Strain Observation in Wenquan Station
XU Lu1     XING Ximin2     ZHANG Zhiguang2     
1. College of Mathematics and Statistics, Yili Normal University, 448 Jiefang Road, Yining 835000, China;
2. College of Mathematics and Physics, Xinjiang Institute of Engineering, 1350 Aidinghu Road, Urumqi 830023, China
Abstract: To quantitatively estimate the various components contained in the observation sequence, deepen understanding of the physical meaning of observation, evaluate the observation environment, observation quality and monitoring capability of topographic change and seismic topographic change of the station, deepen the understanding of the observation data, and accurately identify the pre-earthquake anomalies, this paper takes the thermal body strain in Wenquan station as an example, selects the observation data of the three elements of thermal body strain in Wenquan station, auxiliary observations and meteorology, and uses the methods of Pertesv's filtering, wavelet analysis and correlation analysis, etc. The influencing factors and characteristics of the periodic changes of the thermal body strain observation in Wenquan station are analyzed. The results show that: 1) The influencing factors of the annual periodic changes of the thermal body strain in Wenquan station may be at the borehole water level, and the thermal spring body strain phase lags the water level by about 31 days. 2) Air pressure is the main influence factor of thermal body strain monthly wave in Wenquan station. 3) Solid tide is the main influence factor of daily wave and semi-daily wave on thermal body strain in Wenquan station. 4) Body strain in Wenquan station has strong linear correlation with water level, air pressure and solid tide.
Key words: body strain; correlation coefficient; monthly wave; scatter diagram; Pertesv's filtering